CSbrand new to list

2014-10-28 Thread Claire Closmann
Dear CS list,

I am brand new to this list. I found out about it through the Lyme Buhner
list. I have been diagnosed with Lyme disease and likely have several of
the coinfections. Numerous people who have recovered successfully from
Lyme, along with my practitioner, recommend using colloidal silver in
support of my treatment. I am taking it along with antibiotics. If Lyme is
truly what I have, I have had it for about 18 years.

I am currently taking 3 tsp of 150 mcg purified silver (ea. tsp) daily. Can
anyone recommend if it is best taken as 3 separate teaspoons throughout the
day, or all at once. Also, should it be taken on an empty stomach, even
with no water?

Thank you so much for your ideas and suggestions,

CSRe: gastric problems/ulcers

2009-10-20 Thread claire

 Not sure what type of gastric problem but aloe vera juice
 can sure
 soothe an irritated or inflamed tummy. DMSO orally has been used
 to treat stomach ulcers.


FWIW: My husband had stomach problems (constant gas/bloating) all his
adult life as well as a duodenal sp? ulcer. Both were cured years ago by
drinking CS alone (before we knew about the benefits of DMSO).


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CSxylitol - Garnet

2009-10-13 Thread claire

I use one-eighth teaspoon of xylitol in my nebulizing mixture. I found it
to be very effective against mold - as someone posted, it actually kills
mold/yeast. I really like it  still use it all the time for baking/making
jam etc. even though I finally got rid of the mold/fungus/yeast problem.


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CSRe: Peter/Nebulization Formula

2009-10-13 Thread claire
 Hi Folks,

 May I ask what ratios/methodology you guys and gals use for your
 nebulization if CS, DMSO and MSM are combined?

 Also, in what ways do you find they perform differently?

 many thanks,


Hi Peter,

I use a 9 volt generator  steam distilled water to produce 10-15 ppm
silver. I modified my 'recipe' from information I got some years ago from
list members here. Here it is:

1 oz. CS
1 tsp. MSM
1/8 tsp. xylitol
1/8 tsp. DMSO

I used an inexpensive Mabis Mini-Comp nebulizer for 20 minutes three or
four times a day to treat a particularly virulent case of bronchial
pneumonia  it worked really well. I'm still nebulizing twice a day but am
happy to say I'm nearly fully recovered.

As far as the difference with/without MSM + DMSO: when I was nebulizing
for mold in my lungs I noticed when I used both, the treatments just felt
more effective - as in faster response when I used both.  Sorry I can't be
more specific!



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CSshingles - thanks!

2009-10-13 Thread claire
A BIG Thank You to all who responded to my request about treating
shingles. Great information for my friend, and for my files.  I don't post
often, but this list has been a real life-line for me over the years in
helping to identify and successfully treat my various 'mystery' illnesses.
I've also been able to help a number of other people using information
I've gotten here.

Thanks for being here and sharing your wealth of knowledge!


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CStreating shingles

2009-10-11 Thread claire
Hello All,

A friend has been quite ill with some kind of chest infection for the past
five weeks and with it has had shingles. The rash is somewhat better but
the sensitivity is still very present. If anyone here has experience using
CS or anything else to treat shingles please share your treatment
protocol(s). TIA!

CS success story: I've been very ill myself with bronchial pneumonia
which I've been successfully treating with CS. I've been taking it
internally  nebulizing with a mixture of CS/DMSO/MSM/Xylitol. I added
xylitol because I've had mold problems in the past and feel this episode
could also be a mold co-infection. (I *should* have begun treatment
immediately when the symptoms presented but I didn't realize initially how
serious the infection was...)

I realize many people feel it's unnecessary to add both MSM and DMSO to
the nebulizing mixture, but in the past I felt I had better success using
both than just DMSO alone. FWIW.


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CSRe: Teeth whitening/root canal infection

2009-04-22 Thread claire
FWIW, I've been dealing with this very thing for the past week. I used Oil
of Oregano and Thieves Young Living Essential Oil (which is mostly clove
oil) with CS + DMSO, and rinsing with Brooks' tooth-whitening 'recipe'
twice daily. It worked very well. This was a very bad infection and is
still present but I'm hoping continued use of this protocol will take care
of it. I really don't want to lose this tooth. I look forward to Brooks'
comments on this.

PS And the whitening effect on my teeth is remarkable - many thanks to
Brooks for this.

 - Original Message - From: Jonathan B. Britten
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, April 21, 2009 7:22 PM
 Subject: Re: [RE]CSTeeth whitening

 Dear Brooks,

 I wonder whether your research gave any clues as to whether the
 mixture described below might penetrate deeply enough into a tooth to
 have any ameliorating influence on root-canal work.

 You're familiar, I'm sure, with the late Dr. Weston Price's research,
 indicating that the tubules in root-canal teeth can become badly
 infected. Price was evidently unable to disinfect such teeth, but
 that, of course, does not indicate that it can't be done!   I wonder,
 for example, whether DMSO was known to Price, or even existed when he
 did his research.

 Thanks in advance for your thoughts.

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CSRe: root canal infection

2009-04-22 Thread claire
In my previous post I forgot to mention that I also used/am using EFT. I'm
certain it is a major component of my success in alleviating this


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CSRe:OT CMO Marshall

2008-10-07 Thread claire

 For CMO, I recommend http://cmo-usa.com/

 I just had my wife go through a treatment with theirs last month.  I
 cured my arthritis with theirs about 8 years ago.


Thanks Marshall - can you tell me how much she took  what the results
have been at this point?

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CSOT CMO lithium orotate

2008-10-05 Thread claire
CMO and Lithium Orotate have been discussed on the list in the past - I'm
looking for the best place to get both. Suggestions?


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CSOT Osteoporosis - Thanks!

2008-09-20 Thread claire
Thank you to all who replied to my post looking for input re osteoporosis
- great info, really interesting reading. This list is the best!


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2008-09-18 Thread claire
A friend has been diagnosed with advanced osteoporosis  dr. has
prescribed Fosamax, which my friend does NOT want to take. She has ordered
the book The Bone Health Revolution by Vivian Goldschmidt.

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions?


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Re: CSphlebitis Day.Sutton

2008-08-04 Thread claire
Chuck wrote:
The first thing I'd try is DMSO. (topically)
MSM would be next or in addition to' (internally)

Day.Sutton wrote:
 I had a clot in my leg on the right thigh just above and to the right of
 knee.  Blood vessel was raised about 1/4 inch and very hard.   I took DMSO
 by mouth.  A solution of DW and DMSO 60/40 every 30 min.  It went away in
 about 3 hours...  Not suggesting you do that, just that is what I did..

Thanks for your response. My friend is using the DMSO externally  taking
MSM. It seems likely she has a clot similar to yours so I'm eager to have
her take the DMSO but unsure how much she should take at one
timeDay.Sutton, how much DMSO did you take - 1 tsp? or more? Did the
problem ever recur? Does CS help with circulation issues?

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2008-08-02 Thread claire
A friend has developed painful swelling in and around a vein on her calf.
Would CS help? What about MSM - I would think it might be useful as one of
its effects is improved circulation. I was also wondering about putting
DMSO on it. Any other suggestions?

Thank you,

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CSOT Doris thyroid/iodine info

2007-04-23 Thread claire shaw
Doris ( anyone interested in this thread)
I saved posts on this thread to do research but they are now lost sigh. 
Did you or anyone else save these posts? 

After solving many of my health issues with the help of this list it seems
likely my remaining problems are related to hyperthryroidism. What other
sites besides the Karmacleanse site (which has a lot of good info) do you

Many thanks,

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Re: CSOT Doris thyroid/iodine info

2007-04-23 Thread claire shaw
Hi Kathryn,
Yes these are the posts I wanted. Pls. forward them to me privately - Thank

I have googled it but am looking for as much info as I can get in case I
missed something. Will check out the Mayo Clinic as soon as I can.
snippedThere were some posts in the beginning of April, if that is what
are talking about I can forward them to you.
 The Mayo Clinic has a great website that has good info on 
Hyperthyroidism. A family member of mine has this problem, so we have 
been through it from the medical point of view. Maybe you can google 

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CSre nicotine detox

2007-03-30 Thread claire shaw
Thanks Teri  Debb,
for the recipe  info.  Very encouraging! I stopped smoking quite a while
ago but my long-time smoker friend has had no success stopping. I'm hoping
this + info I got from Duncan Crow's site will do the trick.

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CSOT nicotine craving

2007-03-29 Thread claire shaw
I have somehow lost the recipe for the cream of tartar  orange juice
combo which reduces nicotine cravings for people who want to quit smoking.
Would someone please repost this? 

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CSDr. Mann prozac poison

2007-03-03 Thread claire shaw
Henry Mann MD wrote:
As far as diabetes there appears to be some connection between use of Prozac
and SRI's with the delopment of insulin resistance which certainly could
impact diabetes. Your friend should speak to the endocrinologist about this.
And by the way PRozac is not a poison, I have seen it save many lives and
keep many children out of either killing themselves or long term
hospitalizations. I have also seen qutie a few kids have bad reactions. It
is not for everybody, but for some it is terrific becuse of the boost in
serotonin. Anything can be poison with the 'wrong' person.
Dr. Mann,
Thank you for the information re prozac/insulin resistance. This is exactly
what I was looking for.

I would like to respectfully clarify some points: 

In my post I wrote:
IMHO prozac is akin to poison

IMHO=In My Humble Opinion: I am not a health
professional/scientist/researcher, so my humble opinion is just that: the
opinion of a non-professional.  That opinion is soley based on personal
experience/observation  personal research. 

I did NOT say prozac is poison, I said that IMHO is is AKIN to poison
(note quotation marks), meaning that I have seen it act adversely on people
in a similar way as if they'd taken a substance that acted as a poison, in
both the literal and metaphorical sense of the term.  My experience is
nowhere near comprehensive; I'm sure there must be people who've been helped
by prozac but I have not known any. What I have known is people who have had
alarming side-effects from taking it (including weight gain of 60 lbs. in 3
months), and it did NOT help their depression. In two cases it worsened
their depression considerably  they became suicidal. Again, just my own

I met a dr. who told me he'd been among the team of researchers who
discovered (or invented or whatever the term is) prozac.  He said three
things which had a big impact for me: that he was appallled at the way some
of his colleagues handed out prozac like it was candy; that it was intended
to be used in conjunction another drug (the name of which escapes me at
present); and that contrary to what I and many others had been told by GPs
it DOES cause weight gain in many individuals.  

I did not intend to start a debate about SSRIs. I apologize if in my concern
for my friend I neglected to take the time to be more clear in explaining my

Again, thank you for the information.

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CSRE prozac diabetes??

2007-03-03 Thread claire shaw
Thank you to all who responded to my question re prozac  diabetes.   I've
saved this valuable information for my files.  Treating depression with
supplements is an area of special interest and I've gotten some new
information here - thanks!

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CSOT prozac diabetes??

2007-03-01 Thread claire shaw
I am concerned about a friend who has diabetes among many other health
issues.  Dr. has friend on 80mg/day of prozac for depression  friend's
blood sugar levels are fluctuating wildly (and I do mean wildly) and my
instinct says it could be related to the prozac. 

IMHO prozac is akin to poison ( doesn't seem to be helping my friend's
depression), but anyway what I need to know is does anyone have any
information regarding its efffect on blood sugar levels or diabetes


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2007-02-26 Thread claire shaw
That formula sounds similar to what I use for pet rabbits.
For a human, I put in more DMSO (10% DMSO).
For my bunny, I do use 5 to 10 minute sessions but he won't tolerate any 
more. A human could do longer sessions if tolerated. But I think your 
way of doing the short sessions every couple hours is good.
Perhaps someone else will comment on the effect of freezing DMSO.
just my two cents,

Thank you sol!

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CSOT video

2007-02-22 Thread claire shaw
This has nothing whatsoever to do with CS; it's completely off-topic - and
off-the-wall - but I thought some of you might enjoy seeing this short video
by my eccentric genius (is that an oxymoron?) inventor friend, Clark Biesele



RE: CSOT video

2007-02-22 Thread claire shaw
That's a nice thang!
Are we allowed to spread it?
LOL! Oh yes, please do.

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CSAlpha-1 Lung Disease

2007-02-15 Thread claire shaw
Does anyone here have experience using CS for Alpha-1 Lung Disease? 


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Re: CSnebulizing CS/dmso question

2007-02-14 Thread claire shaw
Instead of using a nebulizer, can you put it in a facial steamer where it
heats up and steam that way to breathe in the mist?  Or does it have to be

My understanding is that you can only use a cool-mist humidifier, not the
steam (hot) type, and any filters must be removed in order for it to be

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CSnebulizing CS/dmso question

2007-02-13 Thread claire shaw
I have a very sick friend who wants to try nebulizing CS with MSM + DMSO for
a lung problem - don't know if it's viral or bacterial. The recipe I have
used is 1 oz. CS, 3/4 teaspoon MSM, 4 drops DMSO.  She heard that if DMSO is
stored at temps. below 65 degrees F that can affect its efficacy - is there
any truth to this? She thinks her DMSO may have been frozen or at least
exposed to very low temps.  (She will of course bring it to room temperature
before using.)

Also,  what is your advice as to how long should she nebulize, and how
often? I told her 5-10 minutes per session...this is what I've done with
good results, waiting for a couple of hours between sessions.


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CSMr. Bradley - COMMENT DMSO/nebuluzing

2007-02-13 Thread claire shaw
Dear Mr. Bradley,
First, if you are nebulizing with DMSO, using MSM is somewhat redundant

Ah - I wondered about that.

I hope these comments have been of value to you. 

Yes indeed - thank you so much for your response. I find all your posts of
great value whatever the topic.  Have you any experience with
patients/volunteers with Alpha-1 lung disease who have used CS + DMSO?

Thanks again for taking the time to answer my question.

Kind regards,

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CSnon-lymphatic Hodgkin's

2006-07-25 Thread claire shaw
A friend has been diagnosed with non-lymphatic Hodgkin's disease. Has anyone
here had any experience with this, or know  where I can find out more? I did
a search but didn't come up with much of anything.  Would CS help? The main
symptom seems to be mild neuropathy affecting mostly hands/arms.  



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RE: CSVitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)

2006-07-14 Thread claire shaw

Yes, I did mucho research on this  
Great thingsodium ascorbate!!! LOL
Wendy, where do you get your sodium ascorbate? Is this the same as Ester C?

also in canada

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Re: CSnebulizing for mold

2006-06-26 Thread claire shaw

Nancy (or anyone),
Can you pls. elaborate on why oil products are a potential problem?
I would not nebulize any oil product that could go to the lung. I can forsee
a raging pneumonia that would be difficult to treat.
claire shaw cla...@jazznsamba.com wrote: 
Is there any problem with nebulizing Oil of Oregano, Tea tree oil or Xylitol
with CS? What else can/should be added?

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CSRe: Paul mold/fungus GSE

2006-06-26 Thread claire shaw
Paul wrote:
 Nothing works better than Grapefruit Seed Extract for mold and yeast in
the body. Buy the liquid from the health food store along with some 500 mg
empty capsules. Fill the capsules up with 15 to 20 drops each. Take 2 with
each meal.
 You will be amazed at how fast your lungs will respond and heal.

Paul, thanks for the info. Is it more effective to take the GSE in capsules
as opposed to drinking it mixed with CS /or juice?


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CSsinus mold flush

2006-06-24 Thread claire shaw
Thanks to all who replied to my question re ridding lungs  sinuses of
mold/fungus.  I'll try the Xylitol/CS flush. Do I add MSM to the mix? Any
suggestions as to how best to flush sinuses? Is a dropper more effective
than spray/mist or should I use both? 


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CSnebulizing for mold

2006-06-24 Thread claire shaw
Is there any problem with nebulizing Oil of Oregano, Tea tree oil or Xylitol
with CS? What else can/should be added?


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CSmold/fungus questions

2006-06-19 Thread claire shaw
I need help to get rid of mold/fungus in my sinuses, ears and lungs. 

For lungs: I just got a nebulizer  am planning to nebulize CS w/MSM (1/4
tsp. MSM dissolved in 2 oz. CS). I'm wondering about also using Oil of
Oregano, Grapefruit Seed Extract  Tea Tree Oil either separately or in some
combination(s),  how much to use (what measurements). 

For sinuses: I know some of you have used Xylitol dissolved in CS - is it
1/4 tsp. dissolved in 2 oz CS? Any other suggestions? (Hydrogen peroxide?) 

for ears: Xylitol/CS? 

I know this has been discussed here  I did save a few posts (which is where
I got the above ideas), but that was before I knew I had this particular
problem so I hope you don't mind revisiting this topic. I am getting to the
desperation point with all this. 

I was extremely ill with a serious yeast overgrowth/infestation since last
October. After visits to various naturopaths, following a strict diet 
much experimentation with treatment I finally have that under control but
the other problems remain. I have done a 3 week cleanse to get rid of the

Drs. thought at the time the lung problem was due to the
yeast overgrowth. I now feel it was related/exacerbated by it but that it is
separate mold issue. (I was unknowingly exposed to mold, probably
aspergillus sp? a couple of years ago.) I am quite certain the lung
problem is not bacterial or viral in nature. I ingested large amounts of CS
w/H2O2  used a cool mist humidifier to nebulize CS. While the CS mist
helped a bit it did not get rid of it. 

I am extremely grateful for any suggestions! Feel free to email me privately


RE: CSmeniere's disease/vertigo

2006-03-20 Thread claire shaw
Jim wrote:
Thank you for the detailed and comprehensive info.
 Does the person experiencing this smoke tobacco? 
No, he doesn't smoke.  Alcohol consumption is moderate, and he doesn't eat
processed foods or refined sugar products.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSvertigo

2006-03-20 Thread claire shaw
I was told I had some form of Ménière’s disease. It cleared up after a week
of taking CS+DMSO as nose drops several times a day. What a relief!
 Leo, can you pls. tell us what ratio you used?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSmeniere's disease/vertigo

2006-03-17 Thread claire shaw
 Will you please give a brief description of, benign meniere's disease?
Hi Jim,
In this case, mild vertigo.  My friend's symptoms are mild vertigo/nausea
(no tinnitus). When he had this years ago the vertigo was quite severe.
The following info is taken from this website: http://www.entnet

 Ménière’s disease, also called idiopathicendolymphatic hydrops, is a
disorder of the inner ear. Although the cause is unknown, it probably
results from an abnormality in the fluids of the inner ear. Ménière’s
disease is one of the most common causes of dizziness originating in the
inner ear. In most cases only one ear is involved, but both ears may be
affected in about 15 percent of patients. Ménière’s disease typically starts
between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Men and women are affected in equal
What Are The Symptoms? The symptoms of Ménière’s disease are episodic
rotational vertigo (attacks of a spinning sensation), hearing loss, tinnitus
(a roaring, buzzing, or ringing sound in the ear), and a sensation of
fullness in the affected ear. Tinnitus and fullness of the ear in Ménière’s
disease may come and go with changes in hearing, occur during or just before
attacks, or be constant. There may also be an intermittent hearing loss
early in the disease, especially in the low pitches, but a fixed hearing
loss involving tones of all pitches commonly develops in time. Loud sounds
may be uncomfortable and seem distorted in the affected ear. From all the
Ménière’s disease’s symptoms, vertigo is usually the most troublesome. It is
commonly produced by disorders of the inner ear, but may also occur in
central nervous system disorders. Vertigo may last for 20 minutes to two
hours or longer. During attacks, patients are usually unable to perform
activities normal to their work or home life. Sleepiness may follow for
several hours, and the off-balance sensation may last for days. The symptoms
of Ménière’s disease may be only a minor nuisance, or can become disabling,
especially if the attacks of vertigo are severe, frequent, and occur without
How Is A Diagnosis Made? 
The physician will take a history of the frequency, duration, severity, and
character of your attacks, the duration of hearing loss or whether it has
been changing, and whether you have had tinnitus or fullness in either or
both ears. You may be asked whether there is history of syphilis, mumps, or
other serious infections in the past, inflammations of the eye, an
autoimmune disorder or allergy, or ear surgery in the past. You may be asked
questions about your general health, such as whether you have diabetes, high
blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, thyroid, neurologic or emotional
disorders. Tests may be ordered to look for these problems in certain cases.
When the history has been completed, diagnostic tests will check your
hearing and balance functions. They may include: 

For Balance
An ENG (electronystagmograph) may be performed to evaluate balance function.
In a darkened room, recording electrodes are placed near the eyes. Warm and
cool water or air are gently introduced into each ear canal. Since the eyes
and ears work in a coordination through the nervous system, measurement of
eye movements can be used to test the balance system. In about 50 percent of
patients, the balance function is reduced in the affected ear. 
Rotational testing or balance platform, may also be performed to evaluate
the balance system.
Other Tests
Electrocochleography (ECoG) may indicate increased inner ear fluid pressure
in some cases of Ménière’s disease. 
The auditory brain stem response (ABR), a computerized test of the hearing
nerves and brain pathways, computed tomography (CT) or, magnetic resonance
imaging (MRI) may be needed to rule out a tumor occurring on the hearing and
balance nerve. Such tumors are rare, but they can cause symptoms similar to
Ménière’s disease.
Recommended Adult Lifestyle Changes To Reduce The Frequency Of Ménière’s
Disease Episodes
Avoid alcohol, caffeine, excessive fatigue, smoking, and streess 
Eat properly 
Get plenty of sleep 
Remain physically active
 Diagnosing And Treating Ménière’s Disease
A low salt diet and a diuretic (water pill) may reduce the frequency of
attacks of Ménière’s disease in some patients. In order to receive the full
benefit of the diuretic, it is important that you restrict your intake of
salt and take the medication regularly as directed. Anti-vertigo medications
 e.g., Antivert® (meclizine generic), or Valium® (diazepam generic), may
provide temporary relief. Anti-nausea medication is sometimes prescribed.
Anti-vertigo and anti-nausea medications may cause drowsiness. Avoid
caffeine, smoking, and alcohol. Get regular sleep and eat properly. Remain
physically active, but avoid excessive fatigue. Stress may aggravate the
vertigo and tinnitus of Ménière’s disease. Stress avoidance or counseling
may be advised. If you have vertigo without warning, you should 

CSmeniere's disease

2006-03-16 Thread claire shaw
Has anyone had success in treating this with CS (or any other natural
treatments)? A friend has been diagnosed with benign meniere's disease. The
symptoms are not too severe - occasional slight dizziness/nausea - and
usually pass as soon as he lies down. He had this problem some years ago but
it was much more severe at that time. He now follows a much better diet 
vitamin/supplement regimen, and has no known food allergies.  Suggestions?


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSmore info on staph infection

2005-09-23 Thread Claire Shaw

Sending again as my subject line didn't appear with the last post.

Thanks Rowena, Terry  Dan for your replies.

The staph infection is present in the spine and in the groin muscle. The 
man had back surgery in March and the infection started then, he was in 
hospital for 3 weeks. They operated three times and thought they'd gotten 
it but it was found to be present again in mid-August so he had surgery 
again. They took out all of the hardware (screws and rod) from the first 
surgery. The infection was present around one of the screws and all in his 
groin muscles. He was very weak from having been in unrelenting pain for 
six weeks previous to this surgery  was in critical condition for over a 
week.  The infection must have been present for weeks again before he had 
the 2nd surgery in August. He has recovered enough to be sent to an 
extended-care facility but bloodwork shows the staph infection is still 

I am very grateful for any help anyone can offer with this.


CShelp for staph infection

2005-09-21 Thread Claire Shaw

My friend's husband has been seriously ill with a persistent staph 
infection. He has been on IV antibiotics for weeks now  has improved some 
but the infection is still present.  What is the best way to fight this 
using CS? Would the protocol of adding H202 help?  Any and all 
suggestions/recommendations are most welcome.  Please feel free to email me 



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