Re: CSMSM - 11 Feb

2007-02-10 Thread dgulenchin

Hi Sandee,
I have purchased a container of MSM meant for horses (99% pure) and tried 
taking 1/4 tsp.a couple of times but every time I take it I get awful stomach 
cramps. Does this happen for you too? I wonder what I'm doing wrong - do you 
take it with food? I'm hesitant to try taking it again because I don't want to 
go through the pain of cramps again. Does anyone else expierience these cramps 
right after taking MSM?

Sandee George wrote:

Hi There to you Richard where have you been hiding all these weeks we
have not had a post from you for quite a while  - good to know you are
still alive and kicking - well seeing as how my mother is 93 going on 94
and my father's sister is 94 going on 95 I will take you up on your
challenge especially as I am now taking one teaspoon of MSM three times
per day
and feel like a spring chicken 
Regards to you both

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Re: CSArgVictim

2007-02-06 Thread dgulenchin

My brother inlaw has similar powers(for lack of a better word) as you 
and I find this very interesting. Do you know of any sites with more 
info about this? He does not have a computer right now so I would like 
to find some info for him - I tried google(reverse polarity) with no 
results.Is this why some people are good at water dowsing? I know of a 
few other people who can dowse as also my brother inlaw can, but they 
also don't stop watches. I cannot get it to work no matter what I use to 
try dowsing with.


JES AM  PM wrote:

Terry: (and list)
I only subscribe to this list and read up on the technical issues 
about once every 2 -3 years.  I'm just too busy, but I do enjoy coming 
back (thanks Mike for being around this long).

As a true blue blood I am more suspectible than most to becoming a  
gray anatomy victim and it has never stopped me.  When I first 
started with you guys back in 1998, I drank a whole quart of CS in one 
day not knowing any better - while at work (I had to hold onto the 
walls all day - had a huge HERX reaction  !!) and to think I was only 
drunk on CS.  Boy did I learn to only suck down 2 oz or so a day.
In other words, I make my CS with very archaic means (just 3 
batteries in a series) - and unlike the techies on here; I have never 
tested mine - never will, I just take it and believe.  The only two 
ailments I don't rely on CS for are staph and strep - you just don't 
mess with those.  But when I've had severe bladder infections and 
drunk it all day long or weeks - when my kitty cats almost died and 
the only thing I had was CS and the vet said they would die... I used 
CS .
IMHO - the gray victims are govt plants to discourage us from using 
these natural methods to save our lives and not make money off of our 
hides !!  (Of course with our dollars - they can buy their wives nicer 
hides (fur coats)... sorry had to go there !!
I finally had to quit telling doctors in Atlanta that I was a 
wholistic person - they wouldn't see me - they literally refused me 
medical treatment - years ago. some still do. Now their nurses ask me 
questions !!  My my - when they have contraindications from all those 
drugs - it's amazing how their perspective changes.
P.S.  And they are worried about how they look with all those freaks 
walking around with pink, purple hair and dog collars around their 
neck for jewelry (and enough tattoos to redo the Louvre) - please just 
bite me (or don't unless you have had your CS shot today)
Now - however, there are people like me that have reactions to other 
herbs - i.e. valerian root - in my case, I am highly allergic to it 
and a few others.  I have reverse polarity and a lot of us do.  My 
husband has reverse polarity so bad that he makes watches run 
backwards.  Mine only last about 6 months tops,  AND cell phone 
batteries will only make it 2 hours with either one of us... then we 
have to re-charge them.

Jeannine the Baroness
p.s.s.   wish me well as I approach the parliament to be officially 
recognized now that my mother has passed on last year.

On 2/5/07, Terry Chamberlin wrote:

The problem I have with ArgyriaVictim's complaint is
the complete absence of supporting evidence. She has
been asked to provide details of her condition, what
was the product that she says produced this condition
or did she make it herself and how.

I can truly understand her anger if she looks like a
walking corpse from using a substance she was given to
understand was safe. And, unfortunately, it is human
nature to throw the baby out with the bathwater and
denounce all silver-containing products. Were I to
experience the same thing from using my CS, I would be
very dismayed, since I absolutely trust its safety and
have freely recommended it to everyone around me (and
sell it in 80+ Health Food stores across the country).

Attempting to put myself in Victim's shoes, I would
want to determine why it happened (did I drink too
much? Did I make it wrong? Is my metabolism eccentric
in some way?) and is it truly possible to reverse the

Not everyone is like me, but I would want to see if it
had happened to others, and what were the details
concerning their condition? Should I now warn everyone
away from CS? Warn them to ingest it in moderation?
Recommend they take certain supplements along with
their CS? (Which I already do.)

In reality, I have already tried to research the
existence of such victims, but have been unable to
find any who mirror my own parameters, folks who drink
only crystal clear ionic CS.

For that matter, neither has the FDA.

Were 1/10th of the numerous cases claimed by Victim
true, the FDA would have launched a major campaign to
erase it from existence.

ArgyriaVictim claims to know of numerous cases, but,