Re: CS>CS and Cancer

2008-10-14 Thread ismail ziya
Hi Debbie
I had an experience with CS and cancer but not only with CS. I had a friend who 
is diagnosed by prostate cancer and the doctors suggested immediate chemoterahy 
to him. I suggested him to use CS and blood electrifying for a period before 
making decission. He drinh one glass of home made CS in the morning and one 
glass in the night.. He applied blood electrifying 2 - 4 hours daily .  He did 
this for one month and then went to doctor for control . The doctors could not 
find any sign of cancer in his body after several tests and they told him he 
is free of cancer and perhaps they made a false diagnose in the begining. 
This is an experience I know but i am sure his belief that he is going to be 
cured with this teraphy also helped a lot. So what ever you decide to use tell 
your patient to create cure by his belief also.

--- On Sun, 10/12/08,  wrote:

Subject: CS>CS and Cancer
Date: Sunday, October 12, 2008, 8:18 AM

Hi everyone.  I usually just lurk, so not many will recognize me.  I have
learned a lot from this group, and now I have a problem(s) that I hope some of
you can help with.

My future daughter-in-law, Natalie, is a chiropractor and nutrition specialist
who just found out her mother has a cancerous growth about the size of a
grapefruit in her stomach.  It has metastasized, too.  The Dr. told her she has
6-9 months to live.  We were stunned and shocked. I have read that the CS can
help with cancer, but has anyone had any experience with this, or know of
someone who has?

Of course, Natalie will be looking at all natural cures that she can, and they
probably will not use chemo or radiation.

On top of this, her father has prostrate cancer that they're treating with
hormone therapy, her brother has Crohn's disease, and one sister has joint
pains that the doctors don't know what it is.  So, Natalie has numerous
things she will be working on --- on top of wedding plans.

If any of you have information on any of these things, I would greatly
appreciate it, and I will pass it on to her.

Thanks in advance.


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Re: CS>Lupus

2007-05-02 Thread ismail ziya
Check glyconutrients they are very effective. Get information about Ambrotose 
from Manatech. They say they can cure a lot of autoimmundisease

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 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.