Re: CS>better generator?

2006-09-21 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo


Your bullying techniques won't work on me.

You are not being truthful or honorable and you know it.

You are threatening me and you are insinuating a load of dishonorable things 
about me dishonorably.

I have nothing more to say to you or your "possy" who's got their panties in 
a wad that a girl actually dares to speak a truth that happens to annoy 

I didn't ask for this DRAMA and all these accusations from you or your 

I didn't complain about you or your product.  I just asked for a 
recommendation.  My post last week just stated that I needed a simple 
reommendation on other products people are using.  Nothing more !  You act 
like I attacked your manhood !

If this is what happens to anyone who DARES to say that your generator isn't 
working well, no wonder you have to ask ME for the names of the people 
unhappy with what you're selling !  If you really want to hear from people 
directly, consider following your own advice and open your mind to the 
possibility that your product is FAULTY instead of taking the easy way out 
and blaming the user.

"If I insist that the root of a problem lies where it doesn't, I'll NEVER 
solve the problem."

I asked you for an address to return your unit, days ago.  Never got it. 
Don't care to deal with all your hassle about it anymore for a measly 
hundred bucks.

I'm getting my new generator and have enough people on this list who've 
contacted me off-line and offered to help right now as well as once I get 
going again with the new generator.

So, I'm all set and grateful for all the help and humor shared with me by so 
many wonderful people on this list!

Signing off.


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Thursday, September 21, 2006 5:54 AM
Subject: Re: CS>better generator?

 If the silver is coming off the electrodes, there's no way in the world
it's not going into the water.
 If there is current flowing between the electrodes, it has to make silver
ions to do it.
 Since the LED is hooked up in series with the electrodes in a silverpuppy
and SHOWS that ions are entering the water which it must do for current to
flow, if that LED is lit, it MUST be making ions in that water.
If the LED isn't lit up, there's no way the electrodes will erode.
 There's just no way around that.

If the LED lights up and the electrodes DON'T go away, that could be due
to water inside the generator. [Which will eventually kill the generator]
 That current is going somewhere.
 If the LED lights up when the electrodes AREN'T in the water, the
generator is full of water and we'll go from there.

 Either your "problem" is in the way you measure the PPM.
Or where the silver  *wound up* after it entered the water.
 It's there somewhere !
 If the bottom of the generator is all silvery, that's where it went and
where it will continue to go because the container was repeatedly filled
too full and the *operator* shorted the process out.
In all such cases, it's operator error of the machine, or the instruments.

 Have these "other people" contact me.
 Those who have, received satisfaction.
 I'll fix any machine that's really broken, regardless of reason, or lack
there-of...but sending in a machine that's not really broken is absolutely

98 times out of a hundred, it's the operator that needs the trouble
  Another 1.98% is a broken machine because the operator didn't get the
troubleshooting soon enough.
 .02% is plain old *out of the blue*  failure of some part.
It doesn't matter which...I'll fix whatever CAN be fixed.
 I can't fix a persons head without their co-operation.

Believe this:  There is no limit to perceptual error and resulting logical
 I've had more than one person call and ask why a spot of paint no longer
lights up. [If you ever really DID see that spot of paint light up, tell
me how you got it to. I'll share the riches! ]
One even saw the red LED light up several times when the first thing they
did was to put the power supply in their junk drawer.
 There was no red LED on that machine. [It was yellow and can't light up
unless you plug something in]

 Even the smartest people can do incredibly idiotic things and never even
consider that they are being the idiots.
 Everyone does it now and then, myself not excepted.
 That's human nature.

 I don't know who said this but it's true enough.
"Nothing is foolproof to the sufficiently talented fool."

 I know this from experience:
If I insist that the root of a problem lies where it doesn't, I'll NEVER
solve the problem.
 The very first place to look is how the problem is being perceived
because perception is the least reliable element in any problem.

"It can't be this because I can't be that stupid" ?
Forget that.  It never works.
 ANYBODY can be that stupid.  Denying it never helps.
 Saying that "other people" have made the same errors doesn't make them
not be errors.
What is far more likely is that those people discovered that they w

CS>Re: better generator?

2006-09-20 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

I'm not sure I understand.  What do you mean with that statement?


- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Nave" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 8:33 PM
Subject: CS>Re: FW: CS>better generator?

Save your money Angle, if you can't get the SilverPuppy to work, you won't
have any better time with any other unit...


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Re: CS>better generator?

2006-09-19 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
Yes, other people are having the same problem as I am.  Well, I can't say 
it's the same "problem" but I can say they are having the same issues with 
the results, as I am.

I had about 26-28 responses to my first posting a few weeks ago and this 
last one a few days ago, all from very helpful people.  About 10-12 of them 
said they couldn't tell me why it wasn't working, because it wasn't working 
for them either.  Some of them said that it HAD worked for a few months, but 
after that, no matter how long they let the generator run, it never produced 
ppm higher than mine does.  Most of them seemed smarter than I am however, 
since they stopped trying.  They realized all they were doing was wearing 
down their silver rods.  I guess I'm too optimistic, every dang batch I made 
I kept hoping that THIS time it will work !  And sure enough, my silver rods 
are way skinnier than they should be based on how very few batches I've done 
since I got this thing.

Some of them said that they didn't bother posting any questions about it 
because it seems the responses to problems are always stating and advising 
the obvious.

My personal experience hasn't been that this list's posts and responses as 
"restating the obvious," on the contrary, I've found them very helpful and 
I'm grateful for them.  But perhaps that is because I'm still a relative 
beginner at this stuff.

Thanks for your offer of free repair, but we already did that once without 
any improvement.

What other generators are all the list members using?


- Original Message - 
From: "Ode Coyote" 

Sent: Tuesday, September 19, 2006 7:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>better generator?

  What other people are having problems?
So far as I know, you are the only one.
If you think it's not working right, send it to me for free repairs.


At 03:11 PM 9/18/2006 -0700, you wrote:

Hi all,

A few weeks ago I posted asking for advice on how to get my Silver Puppy 
to work properly. Although I had dozens of responses (thank you to all 
!!! ), we were not able to get it working properly.  It seems about half 
of the people had the same problem with theirs (not being able to make 
anything higher than 3-4ppm) but didn't care too much since 3-4 ppms is 
enough for their needs.

I want higher ppms and this was one of the reasons I chos the Silver 
Puppy, but since the Silver Puppy isn't able to produce that, I'm asking 
for recommendations on other brands/units that are more reliable in 
producing specific ppms.

Would you more experienced and more knowledgable silverists please advise 
on what I should consider getting?


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CS>better generator?

2006-09-18 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

Hi all,

A few weeks ago I posted asking for advice on how to get my Silver Puppy to 
work properly. Although I had dozens of responses (thank you to all !!! ), 
we were not able to get it working properly.  It seems about half of the 
people had the same problem with theirs (not being able to make anything 
higher than 3-4ppm) but didn't care too much since 3-4 ppms is enough for 
their needs.

I want higher ppms and this was one of the reasons I chos the Silver Puppy, 
but since the Silver Puppy isn't able to produce that, I'm asking for 
recommendations on other brands/units that are more reliable in producing 
specific ppms.

Would you more experienced and more knowledgable silverists please advise on 
what I should consider getting?


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Re: CS>AG Deodorant-Lavilin

2006-09-02 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
There is a german baby buns lotion called "bebe" that my mom has been using as 
deodorant/antiperspirant for decades.  I never knew why it worked so well until 
I read these few posts from y'all and ran to my toiletries cabinet to check and 
sure enough !  First ingredient listed is Zink !

What about the safety of using this considering the safe upper limits being 
stated to be only 15mg/per day.

What do you all think?  How great is the risk of Copper depletion/blocking due 
to high/higher Zink intake?   I'm sure y'all have considered this carefully.  
Just wondering how you determined it was safe?


  - Original Message - 
  From: Dennis Gulenchin 
  Sent: Friday, September 01, 2006 8:59 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>AG Deodorant-Lavilin

  I have been using a product called lavilin for years, and it works just as 
you describe how your Z.O. ointment works, Julie. During the winter months it 
could last for between 2-3 weeks but during heavy prespiration in the summer I 
have to apply it every 2-3 days.Lavilin Arm Deodorant, 12.5 grams
  What brand of ointment do you buy and where can one get it? I never thought 
of trying a plain zinc oxide ointment but it should be cheaper than the 
"lavilin" thats sold specificly for underarm use.

  julie martin wrote:

our family uses zinc oxide ointment in place of
commercial deodorants. after a shower we dry, spritz
with cs and then apply a thin layer of the zinc.

CS>Re: SilverPuppy ineffective ?

2006-08-28 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
I would like strong brews for cleaning purposes and also I learned that 
stronger brews are effective in treating worms & parasites (mainly in pets) 
and perhaps even heartworm.  I know I can buy the higher ppm liquids but 
it's just frustrating that the product I bought to produce it myself 
actually doesn't work like it's supposed to !

I tested the ppms with a tds meter I got from where ever it was I ordered 
the Silver Puppy.

Has anyone on this list produced CS of higher ppms than 10-20?  What's the 
highest ppm you've succeeded in making with it?


ODE will stand behind it 100%.  Why do you need something stronger than 
14ppm?  How have you tested your PPM?  TJ

Hello all,
I've had the Silver Puppy for about a year and a half and have never been 
able to make CS stronger than 14ppms.
It turns off after about 4 hours and instructions said that it turns off 
at 20ppms, but that is totally untrue.  When it turns off, my TDS meter 
shows "4."   If I switch over to manual mode and turn it back on for 
2-4-6-10 hours it NEVER goes above 7ppms however many hours i run it.
I'm really unhappy with this thing, I've already replaced it once because 
it just stopped working all together but it still just doesn't work as it 
was represented.
Has anyone any thoughts on this?  Is there something I'm doing wrong or 
If this is how it is, I'm getting another type of unit.  What would be 
your recommendations?

Thank you,

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Re: CS>SilverPuppy and Colloidal Copper

2006-08-28 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
Hello all,

I've had the Silver Puppy for about a year and a half and have never been able 
to make CS stronger than 14ppms.

It turns off after about 4 hours and instructions said that it turns off at 
20ppms, but that is totally untrue.  When it turns off, my TDS meter shows "4." 
  If I switch over to manual mode and turn it back on for 2-4-6-10 hours it 
NEVER goes above 7ppms however many hours i run it.

I'm really unhappy with this thing, I've already replaced it once because it 
just stopped working all together but it still just doesn't work as it was 

Has anyone any thoughts on this?  Is there something I'm doing wrong or missing?

If this is how it is, I'm getting another type of unit.  What would be your 

Thank you,

CS>Re: fluoride filter

2006-08-08 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

  Would anyone by chance know of a water filter that removes fluoride?

  many thanks, 

  > Mary, Brooks -- 
  > One thing to look for in a cartridge water filter is its ability
  > to remove 100% of the arsenic. One patented cartridge filter can
  > do that.
  > I've got a whole page on this topic on my site, with links.
  > Arsenic is a recognized cause of cancer and diabetes. Disease...

Re: CS>Re: Re: CS>Planter Fasciitis (heel pain)

2006-07-26 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

please share which "cleanse" you did for 10 days !

my mom is suffering terribly with zero help/advice from the doctors.


- Original Message - 
From: "G & K Murray" 

I was at the point I could not walk and when I did it was on the sides of
my feet to get off the heel area.  It only took a ten day cleanse to have
the pain go away completely.

 Definition of Heel Spurs

The heel spur (or calcaneal spur) is a nail-like growth of calcium around
the ligaments and tendons of the foot where they attach to the heel bone.
The spur grows from the bone and into the flesh of the foot.

G Murray 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Tick and Disease

2006-07-07 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo


how about the "zappers" that are supposed to kill all kinds of bad stuff in 
our blood, such as parasites, cancer cells, and lots of other things i can't 
think of at the moment.

i read a story about some farming community where all the farmers cured 
themselves of lyme disease after one of them accidentally touched his 
electric fence and found out he had no more of the lyme-thing in his blood.

i've just joined the "zapper" list to learn more myself because all i've 
ever heard about it for years now was positive stuff.

this is one of the groups i joined for this :

best of luck,

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Re: CS>This man's best freind - why low red blood cells?

2006-07-04 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

oh dave, i'm so sorry to read about your little dog...

don't give up on him, please !

not before you've found out what the real problem is.

i'm a member of a lot of animal health groups and will be happy to help you 
get advice from all of them, once you find out what the underlying problem 

how old is your pooch?  when did he first exhibit uncommon symptoms?
what were the symptoms?
what kind of diet is/was he on?
did he get any vaccinations around the time he exhibited first symptoms ?
did anything else uncommon occur around that time?
what kind of dog is he?
how is he now?
is he on any meds now?  how are you treating him right now?
is he getting better/worse/same?

i would so love to help you not give up on him.  but need more info from you 
first.  the above is a good start and anything else you can think of.

feel free to email me off list, if you wish.


They told me my dog's red blood count is
so poor he should be comatose.( he nearly is)and they want to
give him a blood transfusion, then fluid therapy with ringers lactate
and prednisone for a number of months to the tune of $1,136.95
 I love him very much but can't justify the expense on a $550.00 Pr.
month income especially when they  say that the likeliness
of his survival is in question.
Do dogs have blood typing like humans? The reason I asked is they had a
dog there that they would use as a donor without any thought of blood

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Re: CS>Re: Dirty Dryers

2006-07-04 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo

thanks mike !

man!  what an ordeal you've been dealing with!  good thing that at least you 
seem to somewhat enjoy this mechanical process and are resourceful and 
inventive enough to move through obstacles you run into.  i'm thoroughly 
impressed and send you way-way-way-well deserved blessings for reaching your 
objective.  soon !

thanks for the detail.  it was fascinating.  but a bit intimidating, i must 
admit.  i think i'll continue to hang out my laundry on my clothing line, to 
the continued huge chagrin of my shi-shi-la-la neighbors.


Hi angel,

This is a very long subject, very difficult to describe without pictures 

the inside of a dryer. Basically, I had access to the junkyard of a local
appliance store. I brought derelict washers and dryers over on my dolly 

upstairs to my apartment. My landlord didn't like this and threatenened to
evict me on several occasions, but he needed me to fix the machines in his
store, laundry, and around the building, so he eventually relented. 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs and boron (to zeb)

2006-07-03 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
Mike, so, how DID you redesign your dryer to fix this problem?  i'd love to 
do it too!  please tell...


Thanks. I've already tried various concoctions, including proprionic acid.
They have no effect. Even if they did, part of the problem is fresh spores
brought in while drying the clothes. As Trem points out discussion 

cs, there is a high concentration of spores even in so-called clean air.
They are everywhere and unavoidable. BTW, it has taken me two years to
learn how to redesign my dryer so it doesn't spew clothes lint everywhere
inside and out. These things are terrible sources of the invisible dust 

lint that invades your home

Mike Monett

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cs and boron (to zeb)

2006-07-03 Thread toreadpeoplehealthinfo
i mean dutch (from netherlands/holland) or flemmish (from belgium)


  - Original Message - 
  To: Marshall Dudley ; 
  Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 3:00 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>cs and boron (to zeb)

  the language is either dutch or belgian.


- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley 
Sent: Monday, July 03, 2006 8:46 AM
Subject: Re: CS>cs and boron (to zeb)

You can go to and enter the web 
site address for the url, and they will translate it  for you. However you need 
to know what the original language is, and I tried several and was unable to 
find out what it is.