CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer Part 1

2008-09-03 Thread Rowena

I came across this old silverlist post which I thought current members
would be interested in. It also mentions scleroderma and SLE (lupus). Rowena

Posted by Douglas Haack.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:43 AM
Subject: CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer

Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer

Is it not amazing that cancers are rampant in the population and nobody
in the higher echelons of the medical profession are calling for
research into "why and how" these cancers are rampant!!

Where have all those billions gone and continue to go -- those billions
gone into medical & cancer research? They all have wonderful careers
and earn great salaries!!

Forgive my rant! and now for my contribution --

Bacteria & Mental Illness -- The renowned Mayo Clinic medical
researcher Dr Carl Rosenow wrote a paper on this very subject 50 years ago.

My recollection is the following: He was working in a NY
mental hospital with serverely disturbed patients.

He took nasal mucus from patients and transferred this to rats
noses (I presume). He observed the rats began behaving in
a similiar manner as patients. How one deduces that, I'm not sure

One can't expect the (Witch) doctors of the mental health profession to
accept such a simple medical concept!!

NOTE: The most important personal good health pratice one can develop
is "wash your hands" often!!

As soon as you enter your home environment from outside -- wash
your hands!! Avoid introducing the dirt and bacteria etc from outside.
Forgive me for reminding us all about this very simple but important

CS is probably your most reliable personal "anti-bacterial". Have your
squirt bottle/s of CS handy. Get into the habit of squirting a shot of
CS down your throat during the day -- especially at least once during
the night. One squirt does it -- just let it trickle down the throat!

In SILvation, Douglas Haack

PS -- See the Jeff Rense (rense.com) posted article about the Bacterial
cause of Cancer

The Russell Body
The Forgotten Clue To
The Bacterial Cause Of Cancer
© 2003, by Alan Cantwell, Jr. M.D. 11-17-3

The twentieth century was indeed the century of Modern Medicine with
tremendous strides made in the understanding and control of infectious
diseases, as well as the introduction of life-saving antibiotics and
vaccines. Unfortunately, along with these advances came the perils of
genetic engineering, the increasing threat of newly emerging viruses,
biowarfare, and bioterrorism

Despite these scientific achievements, the cause of cancer remains a
mystery. Scientists suspect genetic susceptibility, possible
cancer-causing viruses, and environmental factors might play a role in
some cancers, but none of these factors explain why millions of people
die yearly from a variety of malignancies.

William Russell 1852-1940, as pictured in
The British Medical Journal, August 24, 1940.

How could scientists put men on the moon, but remain so ignorant about
cancer and its origin? How can the infectious causes of tuberculosis,
leprosy, syphilis, smallpox, polio, malaria, and other viral and
bacterial and parasitic diseases be understood, but the cause of cancer
be unknown? Could the cause of cancer conceivably be an infectious
agent that has been overlooked, ignored, or unrecognized by medical doctors
in the twentieth century? Could the germ of cancer be hidden in the
Russell body? - a large microscopic form known to every pathologist for over 

William Russell (1852-1940) and "the parasite of cancer"

On December 3, 1890 William Russell, a pathologist in the School of
Medicine at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh, gave an address to the
Pathological Society of London in which he outlined his histopathologic
findings of "a characteristic organism of cancer" that he observed
microscopically in fuchsine-stained tissue sections from all forms of
cancer that he examined, as well as in certain cases of tuberculosis,
syphilis and skin infection.

The parasite was seen within the tissue cells (intracellular) and
outside the cells (extracellular). The size of Russell's parasite
ranged from barely visible, up to "half again as large as a red blood
corpuscle." The largest round forms were easily seen microscopically.
The large size of some of these bodies suggested a fungal or yeast-like
parasite. Russell provisionally classified the parasite as a possible
"blastomycete" (a type of fungus); and called the forms "fuchsine
bodies" because of their bluish-red staining qualities.

Microbiology was still in its infancy in Russell's era, and it was
generally thought that each microbe could only give rise to a single
disease. Thus, the idea of a cancer germ (especially one that could
also be identified in TB and syphilis) was received cautiously. Nine years
later in 1899, in yet another report on "The parasite of cancer"
appearing in The Lancet (April 29), Russell admitted that finding
cancer parasites in diseases other than cancer was indeed

Re: CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer Part 1

2008-09-03 Thread Dee

Really good post Rowena.  dee

Rowena wrote:

I came across this old silverlist post which I thought current members
would be interested in. It also mentions scleroderma and SLE (lupus). Rowena

Posted by Douglas Haack.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2003 1:43 AM

Subject: CS>Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer

Bacteria & Mental Illness & Cancer


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