Re: CS>Making my first batch - using the excel ppm calculator

2001-11-20 Thread boberger
Hi Leacy,

Please, you do not need to use KCl, it covers up the readings that will tell
you what you are making. The milky color is silver chloride and it is useless
as far as the body is concerned.  You do not need any starters to make CS.

Your initial reading without KCl should be 0.2 to 0.5 ma. (not amps.) and
when the reading goes to 3.0 to 3.5 then stop the brew.

Been there and done that 4 yesrs ago.

"Ole Bob"

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CS>Making my first batch - using the excel ppm calculator

2001-11-19 Thread natural_essentials
Ok, I just started making my first batch of CS.  I'm using Marshalee's
system of 3 9V batteries, using 16 oz of water, put about 10 grains of
KCl in it, and I'm stirring about every minute.  I've got the wires
between chopsticks (saw a pic like that somewhere) and I'm actually
moving the wires around and around to stir by manipulating the
chopsticks.  My first amp measurement was 10.5 amp measured by a "Fluke"
- some brand of multimeter.  My second was 10.4 at 10 minutes.  The
solution is quite milky almost pearly with a pink hue already.  I can see
bubbles on one wire, and the other is already coated in black.

So, on the calculator I put in 474.12 ml, and 0.0105, 0.0104, and 0.01024
and I'm ending up with a ppm of 0.03 at the 3rd reading.  Something seems
wrong, I do need to move the decimal point on the amps don't I?

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