CS>Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter

2010-01-02 Thread Jan Bolen
I have a new article on www.bolenreport.com. It is called:


Opinion by Consumer Advocate Tim Bolen 

Saturday, January 2nd, 2010

Wikipedia's General Counsel, Mike Godwin, is sending me nasty emails.
Apparently he doesn't like me telling people how bad Wikipedia
actually is, and he definitely doesn't want me telling you what to do
about it - when it effects you personally. He actually, the other day,
said I "was trying to destroy Wikipedia..."

Stand back while I turn down my testosterone levels.

Even though, in some ways, it feels good to have some people think
I'm that kind of powerful, I can't really claim credit for what's
happening to Wikipedia. The whole world is beginning to realize that
Wikipedia is being run by the social equivalent of a pimply twelve
year old. 

Wikipedia is coming apart. What I'm offering is a remedy for its
victims. How? I'm telling people how to sue Wikipedians in the Courts
to stop them from victimizing others. I've got the formula to beat
them (and I'll tell what that is further into the article) - and Mike
Godwin doesn't want me to talk about it. He says:

"Thank you providing evidence of intent to engage in strategic
litigation aimed at shutting down Wikipedia."

Yup, he really said that. Let me adjust that testosterone knob one
more time.

Mike, I don't need to destroy Wikipedia. It is doing that to itself.
I'm actually trying to help you guys, but you're not listening. The
WHOLE WORLD is trying to help you, and you are not listening. You
need to make some changes - and here's why...

Click on www.bolenreport.com to read the entire article...


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CS>Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - Newsletter

2009-09-25 Thread Jan Bolen
Tim Bolen's brutal, but humorous "Millions of Health Freedom Fighters - 
Newsletter is back in operation.  If you are not signed up for it, you can do 
so right on the newsletter.
There are three new articles you can find on the front page of 
The first:  “Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age in California” 
will make you laugh.  Quackpot Stephen Barrett, after all of his braggadio, 
just couldn’t face me in Court.  After 8 ½ years of no action the judge just 
finally dismissed the case.
The second:  “Congratulations to the AAHF/ANH on their Strategies...”  The 
newly merged AAHF/ANH has come up with an excellent strategy to deal with a 
major issue, and activated it.  You need to know about this.
The third:  “A4M Sues Wikipedia - Quackbuster(?) PropagandistsTargeted...” is a 
VERY important article.  Wikipedia has been taken over by the bad guys.  You 
need to know about this.  A4M isn’t putting up with it.
Tim Bolen
I have three new articles you can find on the front page of www.bolenreport.net.
The first:  “Barrett Lawsuit Against Tim Bolen Dies of Old Age in California” 
will make you laugh.  Quackpot Stephen Barrett, after all of his braggadio, 
just couldn’t face me in Court.  After 8 ½ years of no action the judge just 
finally dismissed the case.
The second:  “Congratulations to the AAHF/ANH on their Strategies...”  The 
newly merged AAHF/ANH has come up with an excellent strategy to deal with a 
major issue, and activated it.  You need to know about this.
The third:  “A4M Sues Wikipedia - Quackbuster(?) PropagandistsTargeted...” is a 
VERY important article.  Wikipedia has been taken over by the bad guys.  You 
need to know about this.  A4M isn’t putting up with it.

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