Max, it appears we have another Troll.  I have to hand it to you - you are a 
much more patient person than I am. 




 From: "hanan bissar" <> 

Date: Thu, Oct 7, 2021 8:16 am 


Subject: Re: CS>no pandemic 

 Perpetuating lies is not going to end this bs either.    Max, until you can 
provide actual evidence by way of a photo...because if they can supposedly see 
these nano particle virus with their super duper microscopes then they should 
also be able to provide a clear photo of it in all it's spikey splendor... I 
ain't buying it.   Finding a bit of genetic material is not the same as finding 
and isolating a complete pathogen. I mean, don't they say that we are 98% 
genetically the same as a chimpanzee or whatever? So according to your logic, 
we are chimpanzees?   If you're truly searching for truth, which I'm doubtful 
of, you will need to understand that you cannot take at face value anything 
that any "authority" is putting out there. You must think for yourself.   And 
don't bugger your head too much as to why they sometimes show us information 
which would appear to against their best's like a child molester 
who abuses the child and then cuddles and consoles them afterward. That's 
exactly how you manifest a mind controlled slave.   Zinc everyday...silver when 
you forget. Works for me.     

 On Thu, Oct 7, 2021, 1:44 AM Max <> wrote: Hanan 


 Sorry about missing your correct gender.   I agree with most of what you 

 say here until you get to the personal anecdote.  After all my friend of 

 many years died from covid, several others have been incapacitated, and 

 my wife has patients that were fit and now can only walk 30 yards before 

 they run out of breath. Anecdote is, however, the thing that people 

 respond to.  "I literally cried when Derick, once the lead quarterback 

 in his college football team, cant even walk down the street with me and 

 our dogs   dreaming of great things to come. His doctor said, he will 

 never be the same, will never play football again, now that his lungs 

 are permanently scarred and his heart is operating at 45% capacity.  His 

 fiance....blah blah" 


 Why would you say "if covid is so deadly" when I have said its not 

 deadly, but is a trigger for immune dysregulation that kills primarily 

 the old and sick?  Compared to the flu, experts say covid is probably 

 less dangerous, while it is 1000 times more dangerous for people over 

 70.  This is not the same as the flu. It has a unique clinical course. 


 You and others keep saying you can kill it, whatever it is. But Im glad 

 you arent taking care of my friends because the infectious stage is not 

 really the problem.  You would need immune modulators and anti 

 coagulants to save lives.  If you were to actually try and treat 

 somebody for covid, you could easily fail, coming in with a bunch of 

 silver and stuff when they get really ill and have already defeated the 

 virus and are into the inflammatory stage. 


 There is minimal excess death, as I pointed out with actual numbers, but 

 this is not really true for older age people. The numbers add up. Those 

 are three or four million lives that left someone heartbroken.    The 

 pandemic has a clear epidemic curve.  If this curve was invented 

 anew...a fake pandemic... by every country and province taking data, 

 then it would not have the classic Gompertz shape, it would be an 

 invention.  Likewise if it was only a result of testing.  It would not 

 show seasonality...they would invent something to show an effect of 

 masks and lockdowns and injections.  But this is not the case. Do you 

 grasp that? 


 Why is the PCR test not good?  There is more than one reason. The cycle 

 threshold is too high, false positive rate is dependent on how, who and 

 when you test, the primers are apparently too  limited, with a lack of 

 checks and so on.  Not long ago I posted the link to the retraction 

 report detailing the failings.  That doesnt mean it doesnt find bits of 

 the virus in question.  That doesnt mean the PCR test measures NOTHING. 

 It could, for example, test a part of a lab engineered coronavirus.  The 

 test could be based on genetic sequences that were known  months before 

 that guy died in Wuhan.  Or years before.   Understanding the full 

 implications of the PCR test scandal is a lot more complicated than 

 saying its entirely useless and therefor there was no virus and therefor 

 the vaccine is a clot inducing bacteria. 


 When you dismiss the doctors fighting for ivermectin, when you dismiss 

 Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA tech, Michael Yeadon, Peter McCullough, 

 Dr Cahill,  you are dissing the very people who expose the debacle. The 

 people who have worked out protocols to save lives.  This is working 

 against your future.  Without those people, weve got nothing.  There 

 would be no uprising without them.    Claiming there are no viruses, no 

 specific antibodies, no mRNA vaccine, just shots of bacteria...this is 

 not going to end the lockdown in Australia or end vaccine passports, or 

 save lives from covid or bring big pharma to justice 






 On 10/6/2021 8:52 PM, hanan bissar wrote: 

 >  Nobody's denying there were deaths. But the numbers show that there 

 > was a minimal increase, if any from previous years. 


 > People died from BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA, like people do every year. 






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