Black wrote:
> My husband has candida and has been advised by doctor to avoid all wheat
> containing foods.  When he does this he is greatly relieved of extremely
> painful GERDS, which has cost him 3-4 years of not being able to sleep in
> prone position..
> I cannot get him to even try CS for the candida problem, tho I feel sure I
> have read that it  has cured candida.  He maintains that since CS kills
> bacteria how will it know not to kill friendly bacteria, which is the origin
> of candida in the first place.  He has said that if he could see a book or
> some documentation  explaining that CS works for candida and why, he would
> gladly consider taking it.
> If any of you folks have any info on this matter I would be grateful to hear
> it, even testimonials that pinpoint candida  to CS use.  I hate to see him
> go the rest of his life having to eliminate wheat from diet, and it sure
> makes it a problem working around this in his meal preparations.
> Thanks for anything help ,
> Nancy

I am precisely in the position that your husband fears. Greater
Smokies tests showed ZERO beneficial bacteria and pathogenic
amounts of two very bad guys. I did not however have this test
PRIOR to use of CS so I am not drawing any conclusions, other than
caution. I used CS extensively and in largeish amounts for some
long time. I am definately not cured of Candida. I do think it
cleans it out of your blood nicely and probably the muscles?? Have
you studied the mercury/heavy metal connection in some? I have not
followed this list heavily lately.

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