You wrote:

    <..the inefficient activity of cs when there is a mucous barrier!?>

                In  March ,1873, Dr. Schussler of Oldenburg, Germany,
  his " new system" of using The Twelve Tissue Salts,bringing
physio-chemical  and physio-pathological facts to bear on
his therapuetic procedure. According to Dr. Schussler, disease is a
result of a
disturbance of the molecular motion of one of the 12 inorganic tissue
salts. Rest-
oration of health by supplying a minimal dose of the same inorganic salt
to rectify the molecular configuration of the affected cell or tissue
salt,constitutes a cure. Virchow
defines disease as an altered state of the cell. Potassium Chloride
[Kali Muriaticum],
is one of the 12 tissue salts of Schussler.The pure chloride is prepared
by trituration
according to homeopathic pharmaceutical rules. A proving of the 6x
is reported in the Homeopathic Recorder,1900. The 6x trituration caused
a bad sore throat,pain on swallowing even water,tonsils inflammed,throat
filled with tough ,stringy mucus,ankle joints puffy. The prover was
perfectly well until he commenced to take the Kali Muriaticum [
Potassium Chloride ].

                           According to Dr. Schussler, the cell
salt,potassium chloride has
 a significant biochemical role in the formation and production of
fibrin. Fibrin is produced by the interaction of the chloride of
potassium,with oxygen,on certain albuminoids. Biochemically, it has been
demonstrated that fibrin cannot be synthesized in the absence of
potassium chloride and that the fibrin cannot be held in
proper solution in the blood without the correct balance of the cell

                           The white or grey coating on the
tongue,mucous lining or tonsils,
is the fibrin that has become non-functional because of a deficiency of
potassium chloride and oxygen. Similar fibrinous exudations  are also
found in discharges or
expectorations of a thick,white slime or phlegm,from any of the mucous
membranes,or in flour-like scaling of the skin. When the epidermal cells
are irritated,
molecules of Kali mur are lost and fibrin in the form of a white or
greyish exudation,
is thrown off. This,in drying,becomes a mealy eruption. If the
irritation extends to the
tissues beneath the epidermis,both fibrin and serum will exude,and the
involved part of the skin will be pushed up in the form of blisters.
This is exactly what takes place
in small-pox,cow-pox and vaccine disease. Similar processes can take
place within and among epithelial cells in mucosal lining. When the
integrity of the affected
cells are restored by administration of Kali muriaticum molecules, a
reabsorption or throwing off of the exudation  [mucus] occurs.  This is
attained by the production of hydrochloric acid formed by one part of
from K Cl with hydrogen. The hydrochloric acid formed ,dissolves the
in its incipient stage of formation. This patho-physiological phenomenon

corresponds to the second stage of inflammation of serous membranes.


                The " mucous barrier "  is due to  an exudation of a
blood product called fibrin precipitated by  a physio-chemical
deficiency.The cause is an irritation with loss
the molecular configuration of Kali mur in the cell or the cell salt.Its
resolution can be activated by supplying the body a minimal dose of the
appropriate cell salt of Schussler- Kali mur [potassium chloride].

                 The gastric juice in man is a strong acid with a pH
[hydrogen ion concentration] of 1.6 - 2.0. The gastric walls  are
postulated to be covered and protected by the gastric mucosa which is
derived from protein. Normally, proteins
are dissolved in such strong acid. The moot point is: Why the gastric
wall is not corroded?

                  It is generally accepted that where microbes thrive
and breed, decay sets in.  This is not totally correct. The microbes
have been found to reside only in the body system  but not breed  when
the following principles are observed:

                   We are what we eat
                   We are what we breathe
                    We are what we drink

The immune surveillance system of the body merely tolerates their
existence which
can be beneficial to the body's economy. This is the rationale of

     The protective mechanism of the living body particularly for its
protein component is the maintenance of the stereo orientation of the
tissue, its 3 dimensional structure.When this 3 dimensional property is
sustained  in the tissue structure, the microbes will not attack and the
gastric secretion [ HCL ] will not corrode. But, the moment, the tissue
dies, that is when it loses its bioenergy or aura, its 3 dimensional
structure collapses. As a result, the microbes will invade,causing
putrefaction and the
the hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice will corrode,giving rise to
ulceration and ultimately perforation.

                 Health is maintained by an optimum supply of oxygen
with nutrients and removal of wastes.This is made possible by the "
River of Life": the blood stream and tissue fluids which form  Claude
Bernard's " milieu interieur " The human body
through homeostatric mechanisms,is self-cleansing,self-protecting and
During the last few years,scientific research has started on the
interaction between water and living organisms and more specifically the
electromagnetic oscillations.
It has been found that even though heavy toxic metals, parasites and
microbes have
been removed from the polluted water, the treated water still gives off
electromagnetic frequencies,vibrations of certain wavelegths which,on
closer examination,correspond with those of the removed harmful
substances. In plain
words, does this mean that water even after full cleansing
treatment,still can transfer
polluting information to the human body? If this overall theory should
be right,then
the so-called therapeutic waters should give indications of strong
positive electro-
magnetic oscillations generating high bioenergy. It is this bioenergy
that makes it possible for all living organisms on earth to survive in
this 3 dimensional world and
that  makes it  worthy of our quest for structured waters. It is
reasonable to believe that it is the bioenergy of the structured water
in the human body that promotes symbiosis and holds back the corrosive
wear and tear of an acidic body.

      To plagiarize Louis Pasteur:

                                " The bacteria are nothing, the terrain
is everything. "

With regards

> Rob Lowe wrote:
>> I've gone back through the list & archives trying to find a recent
>> post, on I think?, the inefficient activity of CSwhen there is a
>> mucous barrier!?The lister recommended a product which did something
>> to the mucous which allowed the CS todo its job. I know that this
>> sounds a bit vague, but I'm sure that someone has picked up on it.
>> Thanks, Rob