G'mornin' gang o' Silverites!

Dick and Paula each have given us their take on trying to pry silver-
related information from the group. Thanks to you both.

Dick, I'm sorry things are noisier and apparently less responsive than 
is desirable for you. I, too, remembered your post getting at least one 
answer, I thought two, so in the auto-pilot driven process I use to 
scan list traffic most days, I did not register your post as unanswered 
or set out to do anything about it. 

Not always but usually, I try to notice whether people, particularly  
newbies, get any answers, and prod things along after a day or two if 
they don't. As rarely as I actually end up doing that, either folks are 
being very efficient at answering them or I'm missing a lot more than 
I'm aware of.

The answer is pretty much as Paula has done -- ask again! Thanks, 
ma'am, for the kind words. Yes, Ken is very helpful. We appreciate 
having him around. <grin> You seem to be doing very well. Your 
questions indicate that you're learning fast. Keep asking. We don't 
mind repetition, especially for the benefit of newer members.

As for topics, when nobody has questions about CS, and the regulars are 
doing okay for themselves and nothing particularly unusual is happening 
in their lives, it isn't unusual for the main topic to get drowned out 
by the noise.

I deliberately allow non-CS-related questions to be asked and answered  
for the simple reason that they will be anyway, and any attempt to stop 
them would be futile as well as oppressive. In addition, so much 
valuable information gets passed around that the help-value of the 
group is multiplied -- so long as those OT discussions are kept more 
brief than the on-topic ones, as I ask that they be.

The analogy of the shop being open and the staff in back at tea is 
pretty apt. Please ring the bell! We might even invite you back for a 
cuppa and biscuit, and show you how everything works, if you're 

One of Dick's comments makes a great point. While for most of us making 
and using CS has become routine, occasionally reporting a current or 
recent use story would be a worthy contribution to the group. Just 
because success has become the norm for you, it doesn't mean others 
won't benefit from hearing about it. Just a suggestion...

I understand that the balance we strike will always be imperfect, at 
best, and sometimes strays mightily in the direction of noise and 
clutter. I'll always consider your input if you think things are going 
too far astray or needs are not being met. Let me know, please.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@eskimo.com                        ]
[Speaking only for myself...               ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org


Off-Topic discussions: <mailto:silver-off-topic-l...@eskimo.com>
List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>