On the Centreforce link, if you click on "My Photos" you get photos of his skin after surgery, and then after Cansema treatment. This page has been there for years. You'll see that he is a computer technician (or something like that) by trade.

He says:
*This story has two episodes, one with doctors and the other with Cansema
**In August 2001 I was admitted to hospital for the removal of multiple cancerous lesions and extensive facial reconstruction. The lesions were basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinomas. The surgery was performed and an appointment was made for a checkup a month later. The result of the checkup was that the operation went OK but I would have to be admitted again at a latter date for a more extensive operation.

I was very unhappy about this so I decided to search for alternatives. About this time a friend sent me an email pointing me in the direction of Alpha Omega Labs and I purchased a jar of Cansema , with stunning results, it literally ate the lesions right out. That little jar of black gold has saved me from ongoing torture and thousands of dollars expenses.

I was so impressed with Cansema and so angry with doctors that I decided to build a web site to tell others about Cansema and all the other amazing products from Alpha Omega Labs. Since then I have successfully helped many others in the same situation as myself.
These photos can tell the story from here.

Omitting the photos, he then says:

Episode One
This is how I looked after the operation for the removal of cancer to the right side of my face. Several stitches to my cheek, nose, ear and forehead. Two weeks after the operation I was pretty happy but I had a feeling there must be a better way. Two months after the operation I wasn't happy about doctors, I had purchased Cansema on the internet and it immediately found cancer exactly where the surgeon had operated. Cansema at work showing scab formation the day after application, fixing what the surgeon left behind. Seven days later the scabs came off leaving cavities. I was wondering why doctors don't give a warranty like I have to do when I repair a computer.
   30 days later the wounds have healed over with very little scarring .
Cansema did a perfect job but the repercussions of the surgeons knife means my nose and ear still don't work properly Episode Two This is the area of my forehead where the surgeon was going to operate, the greater part was to be removed and a skin graft executed Two weeks before the operation I applied Cansema to the worst parts, this photo shows the scabs which had formed the next day. Seven days later the scabs came off leaving cavities, but much better than the surgeons knife Fourteen days later everything is healing fast with the help of my home grown Aloe Vera. 30 days later the wounds have almost healed over with very little scarring. Cansema has saved me from the embarrassing situation of having an undesirable part of my body stuck on my forehead.
I'm also a few thousand dollars in front from the exercise.
    Today I'm letting nature give shade to some of my face.
I'm much happier and wiser about my control over cancer and I want to share my newly gained knowledge that there are alternatives to surgery.


On 15/09/2010 7:30 AM, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
A quick follow-up: looking more closely at Bevan Potter's page, he claims, in an undated letter, to have decided to do the right thing:

Good for him, if he follows up.

His letter sounds sincere, and IF his products really work, more power to him, and indeed to all who sell effective skin-cancer remedies.

He's quite right that the basic formula is essentially in the public domain, though clearly he and Caton alike have set out to earn a living from combining and retailing these ingredients.

It would be wonderful if Potter's company is able and willing to gather the extensive testimonials and photographic evidence provided by The resources on that site are really remarkable.

Whatever actions are taken against any retailers, people will be able to make their own salves, fortunately. There are several recipes online, and the retail products list their ingredients on the labels.


Here is the entire letter from B. Potter:

 Cansema Name Change

After more then five years of producing Centreforce Cansema Black Salve, we have decided to abandon the name of “Cansema” in our products.

There are several problems for us with the Cansema name embedded in our products, the banning of Cansema by the FDA and Customs in the US, the banning of Cansema by the TGA for Human use In Australia and the freezing of our PayPal account until all buttons with the Cansema name were deleted from our web sites.

Other problems came as a surprise when the owners of Alpha Omega Labs, Greg and Cathryn Caton, (after they commenced reproduction of their Cansema products from Ecuador), decided to indulge in slanderous accusations about me and the owner of another web site, (Elaine Hollingsworth), who, like many others, are referring people to us. These insults came because we used the name “Cansema” on our products and information from Alpha Omega Labs on our web site, which was the aftermath of when we were selling their products in Australia. A letter of request would have been enough for us to complete the change which was already under way.

The false accusations come as a surprise because many customers were referred to us from the office of Alpha Omega Labs over the period of time that Greg was in Jail, as many of our customers would testify. Because there was nothing being produced by Alpha Omega Labs for about five years and nobody knew if there was going to ever be, many people around the world now use our products and remain loyal to us because of their effectiveness with health problems regardless of the name on the label.

However, we all make mistakes, in Greg’s own oracles he has made many grave errors of judgement in his lifetime and this is just another. Regardless of the trivial disagreement of the name on a label, containing a jar of salve, of which the basic formula has been known for centuries, we are pushing the same barrow.

The barrow we push in the alternative health world is to expose big pharma, enlighten the public about natural methods of healing and/or provide products which are proven to work. In western countries, this activity comes at the risk of being victimised, jailed and losing everything you own. Being harrased by authoritise is the risk we take but we don't need to give them a hand by publishing trivial labeling disagreements in public.

Nevertheless, Greg Caton’s contribution to the health of many people, including my own health and more importantly the contribution to humanity from information on his web site has been enormous and should be visited by everybody who wants to regain their health.

Bevan Potter


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