Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2013-01-03 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
But because the vaccine is injected straight into the blood stream, it
avoids all the body's natural defense systems and therefore *doesn't* arm
the immune system in the way that you describe.  This is where the bad
effects are felt also.  dee

 From: Dan Nave
 Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 12:53:56 -0600
 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 Resent-Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 10:53:55 -0800
 I think you have some of that wrong.  Vaccinations are given precisely
 for the purpose of having the body mount an immune response.  You can
 make a case for problems caused by additives like thimerosol, and
 unintended hitchhiking viruses etc, but these are separate issues from
 the inherent value of vaccines.  One criticism might be that the
 immune system becomes too reactive because of these vaccinations.
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Neville Munn wrote:
 Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.
 I tackled a woman a couple of years ago who had a kid less than one year old
 and it already had 4 vaccines, and she was lining that kid up for a 5th.  I
 asked her if she knew that a toddler must develop it's own natural
 immunities to things as a kid and all those jabs would be doing is impairing
 or retarding the bodies natural immune development as the kid gets older.
 Of course I was ignored and considered an idiot - the classic brainwashed
 dux of the class {opinion}.  She obviously had never considered the fact
 that the establishment has got it wrong on the odd occasion?
 Facts don't lie, if we were helped so much by cholesterol pills,
 vaccinations, pharma medications blah blah we should be bouncing with
 health, in fact it's the reverse, cholesterol is causing concern, more
 people are losing their minds, more people are coming down with diseases
 that are starting to make a comeback etc etc, we as a civilization are
 becoming more and more unhealthy and dependant on medications in most cases
 to keep people alive and functional.
 I'm the cook here and if I drop anything on the floor in food preparation it
 still goes into the pot, my wife goes ape but I ask her how the hell did we
 ever get past the Neanderthal age if they worried about dropping a leg of
 mammoth that had been char burnt on an open fire on a *dirt* floor in their
 caves?  It's become a joke on me here cos I tell the family to get a grip on
 reality, and besides, I'm helping them develop a great natural immunity,
 they should be thanking me - LOL.  Bring 'em up tough I say, no room for
 wooses in this world.
 Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the childhood
 vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things about them
 (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with immature immune
 systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say that developing
 cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to play outside in
 the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the doctor's office
 for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of sniffles.  Years
 ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to lower children's
 temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful purpose.  I did say
 minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more disruptive and
 aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.   'They' say we, of
 all preceding generations, live in almost pristine, sterile living
 conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us a healthier
 There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
 researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
 develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
 antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the horse.
 The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is a given
 if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or immature
 immune system or response, these people would become sick more often than
 others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall prey to
 cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my opinion,
 if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would have become
 extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system and a toxic
 environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma

2013-01-02 Thread Neville Munn

No worries Dan, just expressing an opinion.
Literature states the body can absorb a particular level of mercury and 
whatever else is some vaccines contain without causing health issues, but if 
giving vaccines in the number that's around today, and at such a vulnerable 
age, combined with the many vaccines that are available for this and that - how 
much is too much over time?  I haven't read anything about issues which may 
become prevalent 40 years after such volumes of vaccinations?  Combine that 
with an annual flu jab over many years, I just have to wonder.
Cancers, Altzheimers etc etc seem to be more prevalent nowadays, and I don't 
believe it's just because it's publicised more today that we hear about it.  
There's probly not too many families out there that doesn't have an older 
rellie who has lost their mind, and cancers in a wider range of age groups and 
from all walks of life seem to be on the increase.  The poor quality of 
foodstuffs we consume today can account for some {opinion} but again, combine 
that with innumerable vaccines which many people, especially young mums with 
toddlers and school age kids are being coerced into getting by the 
establishment and my money is on - something stinks or is not quite right here?
If I may digress here for a second as others are discussing Polio, I will 
relate a story told to me by my mother many many moons ago...A kid lived across 
the road from us when I was just starting school {I remember the kid vaguely} 
and his mother was terrified of Polio, so every toy that kid got, his mother 
used to boil in water, every time he went inside from being outside that kid 
had to wash his hands etc etc, and HE contracted Polio?  I was the typical 
mucky kid getting into all manner of dirt and crap in the neighbourhood and I 
am fine.  I just have to wonder about vaccines, moreso the quantity of them 
being pushed on people today.  My wife has a considerable 'dent?' in her arm 
due to a vaccine she got when she was a kid, was that a dirty needle?  Was 
something wrong with that particular vaccine back then?  Who knows?  It was 
over 50 years ago?
I'd like to read a suitable study spanning 40-50 years on people who have 
health issues today, or who suffer from some affliction in the older age group, 
and trace the history, but I doubt I'd come across anything remotely resembling 
such a study as long as my bum points to the ground.  If there was no risk then 
they would not have that little rider, which is actually a Caveat Emptor, of no 
comeback to the establishment should something go wrong?  Everyone else can get 
sued for whatever reason, but not the establishment or pharmaceutical 
companies?  That doesn't instil trust in the establishment from me that's for 
I've heard others say it helps the immune system too, but I can't subscribe to 
that theory, just my personal opinion that's all.  How many cases of Polio and 
other serious issues statistically are noted in countries of far inferior 
health and hygiene environments than ours, and who don't get vaccinated for 
almost any reason?  My philosophy is...Only dead fish go with the flow, and 
I'm far from dead at the moment, and I sure don't Thank todays technology or 
medicine men/women for that g.  I keep coming back to old Neanderthal man, he 
made it through without all todays laboratory produced concoctions, in fact I 
could probly say *I* was a bit Neanderthal as a kid, as most kids would have 
been around my age group, give or take 10 years or so g.  Of course he's 
extinct now, but so will we be sometime in the future I'm sure.
There may well be some inherent value in vaccines - but how many is too many?  
Seems like we could have quite a cocktail floating around in our systems, and 
we know what happens if we imbibe in too many cocktails, something gets a 
little out of kilter.
Just thought I'd throw that little rant in, probly senseless to some, but makes 
sense to me as a Neanderthal thinker g.

 Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2013 12:53:56 -0600
 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 I think you have some of that wrong.  Vaccinations are given precisely
 for the purpose of having the body mount an immune response.  You can
 make a case for problems caused by additives like thimerosol, and
 unintended hitchhiking viruses etc, but these are separate issues from
 the inherent value of vaccines.  One criticism might be that the
 immune system becomes too reactive because of these vaccinations.
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Neville Munn wrote:
  Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-31 Thread Marshall

On 12/29/2012 9:27 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:
One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the 
childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good 
things about them (small pox/polio)

There is pretty good evidence that polio was introduced by the smallpox 
vaccine.  Prior to the vaccine it was pretty well unheard of.  And of 
course it has been well documented that cancer viruses were introduced 
by the polio vaccine.  Now they want to vaccinate against cancer.


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Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-31 Thread Gene Wolfe
Thanks, Marshall. Would you please post some links to the documentation 
for this?


On 12/31/2012 10:54 AM, Marshall wrote:

On 12/29/2012 9:27 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:

One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good
things about them (small pox/polio)

There is pretty good evidence that polio was introduced by the
smallpox vaccine.  Prior to the vaccine it was pretty well unheard
of.  And of course it has been well documented that cancer viruses
were introduced by the polio vaccine.  Now they want to vaccinate
against cancer.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-31 Thread Marshall

Around the turn of the 20th century, people began reporting paralytic 
illness AFTER the smallpox vaccination. By the 1920s, infantile 
paralysis (later renamed polio) began to emerge as an important new 
disease that often afflicted the limb that had been vaccinated. And 
later when...vaccines gained widespread use, illness and paralytic 
episodes following vaccination became common knowledge...

Edda West, Polio Perspectives, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network

One soldier... told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases 
of infantile paralysis and he wondered why a grown man should have an 
infant disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of 
vaccine Poisoning. those at home didn't get the paralysis until after 
the world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.

Eleanor McBean PhD, author of 'The Poisoned Needle'

For this exact reason, the United States has recently switched from the 
oral Sabin vaccine, which has a 2-4 in a million chance of causing 
polio, to the less powerful, but safer, Salk vaccine because the risk of 
polio from the oral vaccine approached the risk of acquiring wild polio. 
This will be discussed in greater depth later.

The Sabin oral vaccine, developed a few years later, is a live 
attenuated (weakened) virus, that has a one in two to four million 
chance of causing polio.

American health authorities are considering a complete change of
policy in the face of strong evidence that all cases of polio are caused by
the polio vaccine.

So what we have is a disease originally caused by the smallpox vaccine, 
which is no longer being given, but polio is still around because it is 
now being caused by the polio vaccine.  At least that is my 
interpretation of the facts.


On 12/31/2012 12:04 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:
Thanks, Marshall. Would you please post some links to the 
documentation for this?


On 12/31/2012 10:54 AM, Marshall wrote:

On 12/29/2012 9:27 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:

One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good
things about them (small pox/polio)

There is pretty good evidence that polio was introduced by the
smallpox vaccine.  Prior to the vaccine it was pretty well unheard
of.  And of course it has been well documented that cancer viruses
were introduced by the polio vaccine.  Now they want to vaccinate
against cancer.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

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Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-31 Thread PT Ferrance
My Father had polio and I don't know if he was vaccinated before or not.  My 
concern is if there was any post polio effect that could have been passed down 
to his offspring?  

Does anyone have any information on this?

From: Marshall
Sent: Mon, December 31, 2012 1:38:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

Around the turn of the 20th century, people began reporting paralytic illness 
AFTER the smallpox vaccination. By the 1920s, infantile paralysis (later 
polio) began to emerge as an important new disease that often afflicted the 
that had been vaccinated. And later when...vaccines gained widespread use, 
illness and paralytic episodes following vaccination became common knowledge...

Edda West, Polio Perspectives, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network

One soldier... told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of 
infantile paralysis and he wondered why a grown man should have an infant 
disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine 
Poisoning. those at home didn't get the paralysis until after the world-wide 
vaccination campaign in 1918.

Eleanor McBean PhD, author of 'The Poisoned Needle'

For this exact reason, the United States has recently switched from the oral 
Sabin vaccine, which has a 2-4 in a million chance of causing polio, to the 
powerful, but safer, Salk vaccine because the risk of polio from the oral 
vaccine approached the risk of acquiring wild polio. This will be discussed in 
greater depth later.

The Sabin oral vaccine, developed a few years later, is a live attenuated 
(weakened) virus, that has a one in two to four million chance of causing polio.

American health authorities are considering a complete change of
policy in the face of strong evidence that all cases of polio are caused by
the polio vaccine.

So what we have is a disease originally caused by the smallpox vaccine, which 
no longer being given, but polio is still around because it is now being caused 
by the polio vaccine.  At least that is my interpretation of the facts.


On 12/31/2012 12:04 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:
 Thanks, Marshall. Would you please post some links to the documentation for 
 On 12/31/2012 10:54 AM, Marshall wrote:
 On 12/29/2012 9:27 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:
 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good
 things about them (small pox/polio)
 There is pretty good evidence that polio was introduced by the
 smallpox vaccine.  Prior to the vaccine it was pretty well unheard
 of.  And of course it has been well documented that cancer viruses
 were introduced by the polio vaccine.  Now they want to vaccinate
 against cancer.
 -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:
 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour
 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 10.0.1430 / Virus Database: 2637/5499 - Release Date: 12/31/12

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma// Polio

2012-12-31 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/31/2012 4:56:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

My Father had polio and I don't know if he was vaccinated before or  not.  
My concern is if there was any post polio effect that could have  been 
passed down to his offspring?  
Does anyone have any information  on this?

Hi Pt, I don't know in all cases but I had a friend  who had polio  she 
had the effects--limping--turned in foot, facial  differences etc.  None of 
her 4 kids showed any effects  still don't.  Lois

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-31 Thread phoenix23002
I never heard about the small pox vaccine causing polio.  Fascinating (ala  I did read somewhere just recently about the use of aspirin
(new on the scene back then)  causing the Spanish Flu years ago  to be more
virulent than it would have been otherwise.  Can't find the link just this
sec.   Lola H.
On Mon, Dec 31, 2012 at 4:56 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

  My Father had polio and I don't know if he was vaccinated before or
 not.  My concern is if there was any post polio effect that could have been
 passed down to his offspring?
 Does anyone have any information on this?

 *From:* Marshall
 *Sent:* Mon, December 31, 2012 1:38:30 PM

 *Subject:* Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

 Around the turn of the 20th century, people began reporting paralytic
 illness AFTER the smallpox vaccination. By the 1920s, infantile paralysis
 (later renamed polio) began to emerge as an important new disease that
 often afflicted the limb that had been vaccinated. And later
 when...vaccines gained widespread use, illness and paralytic episodes
 following vaccination became common knowledge...

 Edda West, Polio Perspectives, Vaccine Risk Awareness Network

 One soldier... told me that the army hospitals were filled with cases of
 infantile paralysis and he wondered why a grown man should have an infant
 disease. Now, we know that paralysis is a common after-effect of vaccine
 Poisoning. those at home didn't get the paralysis until after the
 world-wide vaccination campaign in 1918.

 Eleanor McBean PhD, author of 'The Poisoned Needle'

 For this exact reason, the United States has recently switched from the
 oral Sabin vaccine, which has a 2-4 in a million chance of causing polio,
 to the less powerful, but safer, Salk vaccine because the risk of polio
 from the oral vaccine approached the risk of acquiring wild polio. This
 will be discussed in greater depth later.

 The Sabin oral vaccine, developed a few years later, is a live attenuated
 (weakened) virus, that has a one in two to four million chance of causing

 American health authorities are considering a complete change of
 policy in the face of strong evidence that all cases of polio are caused by
 the polio vaccine.

 So what we have is a disease originally caused by the smallpox vaccine,
 which is no longer being given, but polio is still around because it is now
 being caused by the polio vaccine.  At least that is my interpretation of
 the facts.


 On 12/31/2012 12:04 PM, Gene Wolfe wrote:
  Thanks, Marshall. Would you please post some links to the documentation
 for this?
  On 12/31/2012 10:54 AM, Marshall wrote:
  On 12/29/2012 9:27 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:
  One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
  childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good
  things about them (small pox/polio)
  There is pretty good evidence that polio was introduced by the
  smallpox vaccine.  Prior to the vaccine it was pretty well unheard
  of.  And of course it has been well documented that cancer viruses
  were introduced by the polio vaccine.  Now they want to vaccinate
  against cancer.
  -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:
  Off-Topic discussions:
  List Owner: Mike Devour
  No virus found in this message.
  Checked by AVG -
  Version: 10.0.1430 / Virus Database: 2637/5499 - Release Date: 12/31/12

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma// Polio

2012-12-31 Thread PT Ferrance
Thanks, Lois.  
Happy New Year.

Sent: Mon, December 31, 2012 5:10:09 PM
Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma// Polio

In a message dated 12/31/2012 4:56:49 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
My Father had polio and I don't know if he was vaccinated before ornot.  My 
concern is if there was any post polio effect that could havebeen passed 
down to his offspring?  

Does anyone have any informationon this?

Hi Pt, I don't know in all cases but I had a friend  who had polio  she had 
effects--limping--turned in foot, facial  differences etc.  None of her 4 kids 
showed any effects  still don't.  Lois

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread olushola camara
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Kathy Tankersley

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its
 very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.

If a person won't listen, then move on. But never let people frustrate you
to the point where you cease being an agent of good.

It takes a long time to change a person belief system, as change requires
one to take a leap of faith into uncharted waters. The only way to grow is
to challenge one's paradigms. It ain't easy.


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread V
 In North America we do not pay enough attention to the whole being, body,
mind, and
spirit.  Nothing will work if you are determined to be sick. Much will work
if you believe in the treatment.
Positive mind set and spiritual health are not guarantees for good results,
but help.  There are many who
survive and many who will fail to survive with either conventional or
alternative methods.
I suppose as with most things illness and wellness are not simple

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 12:25 PM, ASL wrote:

 I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years
 ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease.
 Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally
 admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic
 doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had
 angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven
 by famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to
 educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm
 a firm believer of alternative healing.


 *Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
 music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
 beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.*

 *--henry miller--*

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can
 feel she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got
 sick every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My
 mom is coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is
 genuinely interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have
 learned to sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information
 if inclined to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail
 ourselves of all the information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this
 for us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer
  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know
 a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread V
lol, so true. We used to pull carrots and wipe the dirt off with bottom of
our t-shirts.
Played with all the animals before hand too. Kids that are allowed to play
with animals
and dirt are far better off.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 8:51 PM, Neville Munn

  Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.

 I tackled a woman a couple of years ago who had a kid less than one year
 old and it already had 4 vaccines, and she was lining that kid up for a
 5th.  I asked her if she knew that a toddler must develop it's own natural
 immunities to things as a kid and all those jabs would be doing is
 impairing or retarding the bodies natural immune development as the kid
 gets older.  Of course I was ignored and considered an idiot - the classic
 brainwashed dux of the class {opinion}.  She obviously had never considered
 the fact that the establishment has got it wrong on the odd occasion?

 Facts don't lie, if we were helped so much by cholesterol pills,
 vaccinations, pharma medications blah blah we should be bouncing with
 health, in fact it's the reverse, cholesterol is causing concern, more
 people are losing their minds, more people are coming down with diseases
 that are starting to make a comeback etc etc, we as a civilization are
 becoming more and more unhealthy and dependant on medications in most cases
 to keep people alive and functional.

 I'm the cook here and if I drop anything on the floor in food preparation
 it still goes into the pot, my wife goes ape but I ask her how the hell did
 we ever get past the Neanderthal age if they worried about dropping a leg
 of mammoth that had been char burnt on an open fire on a *dirt* floor in
 their caves?  It's become a joke on me here cos I tell the family to get a
 grip on reality, and besides, I'm helping them develop a great natural
 immunity, they should be thanking me - LOL.  Bring 'em up tough I say, no
 room for wooses in this world.


 Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500

 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
 about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
 immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
 that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
 play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
 doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
 sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
 lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
 purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
 disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
 'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
 sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
 a healthier population?

 There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
 researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
 develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
 antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
 horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
 a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
 immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
 often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
 prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
 opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
 have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
 and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread V
Seeds. Planting seeds and leading by example are important but never
forcing opinions.
I react negatively to know-it-all, do-it-this-way advisors, who step in
Point to information and allow people to chose to learn or not in their own
And sometimes after all is said and done, I am wrong!  (although this is
rare! lol)
I am just amazed sometimes at the lack of interest and the lack of doing
the simplest of research
for their own health, or on their children's behalf.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 4:02 AM, olushola camara camaramah...@gmail.comwrote:

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 1:45 PM, Kathy Tankersley

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its
 very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.

 If a person won't listen, then move on. But never let people frustrate you
 to the point where you cease being an agent of good.

 It takes a long time to change a person belief system, as change requires
 one to take a leap of faith into uncharted waters. The only way to grow is
 to challenge one's paradigms. It ain't easy.


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I read somewhere that polio is a man-made disease that was introduced
accidentally in another vaccine‹as was AIDS.  dee

From: phoenix23002
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
Resent-Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:27:42 -0800

One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the childhood
vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things about them
(small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with immature immune
systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say that developing
cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to play outside in
the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the doctor's office
for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of sniffles.  Years
ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to lower children's
temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful purpose.  I did say
minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more disruptive and
aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.   'They' say we, of
all preceding generations, live in almost pristine, sterile living
conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us a healthier
There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is a
given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would have
become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system and a
toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Well said Neville‹as always. A Happy New Year to all on the list.  dee

From: Neville Munn
Date: Sun, 30 Dec 2012 13:51:28 +1100
Subject: RE: CS OT health / Big pharma
Resent-Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:51:27 -0800

Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.

I tackled a woman a couple of years ago who had a kid less than one year old
and it already had 4 vaccines, and she was lining that kid up for a 5th.  I
asked her if she knew that a toddler must develop it's own natural
immunities to things as a kid and all those jabs would be doing is impairing
or retarding the bodies natural immune development as the kid gets older.
Of course I was ignored and considered an idiot - the classic brainwashed
dux of the class {opinion}.  She obviously had never considered the fact
that the establishment has got it wrong on the odd occasion?

Facts don't lie, if we were helped so much by cholesterol pills,
vaccinations, pharma medications blah blah we should be bouncing with
health, in fact it's the reverse, cholesterol is causing concern, more
people are losing their minds, more people are coming down with diseases
that are starting to make a comeback etc etc, we as a civilization are
becoming more and more unhealthy and dependant on medications in most cases
to keep people alive and functional.

I'm the cook here and if I drop anything on the floor in food preparation it
still goes into the pot, my wife goes ape but I ask her how the hell did we
ever get past the Neanderthal age if they worried about dropping a leg of
mammoth that had been char burnt on an open fire on a *dirt* floor in their
caves?  It's become a joke on me here cos I tell the family to get a grip on
reality, and besides, I'm helping them develop a great natural immunity,
they should be thanking me - LOL.  Bring 'em up tough I say, no room for
wooses in this world.


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread V
I remeber reading on Polio. Today found this and found it interesting.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

  I read somewhere that polio is a man-made disease that was introduced
 accidentally in another vaccine—as was AIDS.  dee

 *From: *phoenix23002
 *Reply-To: *
 *Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
 *To: *

 *Subject: *Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:27:42 -0800

 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
 about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
 immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
 that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
 play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
 doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
 sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
 lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
 purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
 disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
 'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
 sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
 a healthier population?

 There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
 researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
 develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
 antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
 horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
 a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
 immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
 often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
 prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
 opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
 have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
 and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma - 29 Dec

2012-12-30 Thread Sandee George
Thanks again Neville and once again in total agreement
Warmest regards
Attitude is everything !
AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread phoenix23002
V.. thanks for the link on polio vaccine.  Interesting information.  Just
confirms what a lot of us suspect.  That the gov is only interested in
killing us, not curing us.  There is a book, Cancer - Step Outside The
Box by Ty Bollinger, that has some fascinating stats in the back of the
book about the fact that in many areas where almost the whole susceptible
population had been vaccinated, disease rates were rising in spite of the
vaccine(s).  He covered several of the common childhood diseases.   Those
stats condemn the whole medical profession and their 'vaccine mission' in
my humble opinion.Lola H.

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, V wrote:

 I remeber reading on Polio. Today found this and found it interesting.

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 I read somewhere that polio is a man-made disease that was introduced
 accidentally in another vaccine—as was AIDS.  dee

 *From: *phoenix23002
 *Reply-To: *
 *Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
 *To: *

 *Subject: *Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:27:42 -0800

 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
 about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
 immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
 that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
 play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
 doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
 sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
 lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
 purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
 disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
 'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
 sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
 a healthier population?

 There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
 researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
 develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
 antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
 horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
 a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
 immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
 often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
 prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
 opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
 have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
 and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread V
Sadly, I would have to agree. But why are there not more conscientious
people in offices that count?
I will have to take a look for that book. I would like to read more. I am
fifty this year and with two sisters
affected, guess I should be somewhat prepared for what I would do if I get
it too. Although, unless I sprout
something obvious don't plan on going on any missions to find out. Gotta
clean up my diet and get back
to exercising, but that would be in the new year, not yet! Back to the
chocolate for a day or two yet : )

On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 2:08 PM, phoenix23002

 V.. thanks for the link on polio vaccine.  Interesting information.  Just
 confirms what a lot of us suspect.  That the gov is only interested in
 killing us, not curing us.  There is a book, Cancer - Step Outside The
 Box by Ty Bollinger, that has some fascinating stats in the back of the
 book about the fact that in many areas where almost the whole susceptible
 population had been vaccinated, disease rates were rising in spite of the
 vaccine(s).  He covered several of the common childhood diseases.   Those
 stats condemn the whole medical profession and their 'vaccine mission' in
 my humble opinion.Lola H.

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, V wrote:

 I remeber reading on Polio. Today found this and found it interesting.

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 I read somewhere that polio is a man-made disease that was introduced
 accidentally in another vaccine—as was AIDS.  dee

 *From: *phoenix23002
 *Reply-To: *
 *Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
 *To: *

 *Subject: *Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:27:42 -0800

 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
 about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
 immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
 that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
 play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
 doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
 sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
 lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
 purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
 disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
 'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
 sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
 a healthier population?

 There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that
 cancer researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more
 likely to develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot
 of antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
 horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
 a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
 immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
 often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
 prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
 opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
 have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
 and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-30 Thread phoenix23002
Hi, V...  Yes, you can probably get that book on ebay or Amazon.

Here is an excerpt from the book (pg. 356) on Polio..  Didn't the polio
vaccine save millions?  The population of NY in 1950 was 15 million, and at
that time, there were 13 polio cases and one polio death per 100,000 pop.
Hardly an epidemic!  But based solely on the scant evidence of a polio
epidemic, Dr. Jonas Salk convinced the federal government to innoculate
97% of the American pop. with a culture grown in dead green monkeys.  As
the Salk vaccine program expanded, cases of paralytic polio began to
increase.  In 1959, more that 5000 paralytic polio cases occurred - 50%
more than in 1958, and 100% more than in 1957.  This trend developed in
spite of 300,000,000 doses of Salk vaccine administered in the USA by the
end of 1959.  (*my comment*..  300,000,000 doses?  I find that number a
little suspect but)
 Six New England states reported increases in polio one year after the
Salk vaccine was introduced, ranging from Vermont's 100% increase to
Massachusetts' astounding increase of 642%.  During the Congressional
hearings of 1962, Dr. Greenberg, (head of the Dept.  of Biostatistics for
the Univ. of No. Carolina School of Public Health) testified that not only
did the cases of polio increase substantially after mandatory vaccinations,
but that the stats were manipulated by the Public Health Service and CDC to
give the opposite impression. (*Hearings before the Committee on Interstate
and Foreign Commerce*, House of Representatives, 87th Congress, Second
Session on H. R. 10541, May, 1962, p.94)

The writer goes on to discuss something called SV-40, a contaminate and how
that can be passed on both horizontally and vertically.   He has chapters
on  everything from GMOs to Aspertame.  I thought I was getting a book
about cancer therapies and it was nice to get the bonus information.

By the way   around my house, chocolate is considered to be one of the
main food enjoy!   Lola H.
On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 4:15 PM, V wrote:

 Sadly, I would have to agree. But why are there not more conscientious
 people in offices that count?
 I will have to take a look for that book. I would like to read more. I am
 fifty this year and with two sisters
 affected, guess I should be somewhat prepared for what I would do if I get
 it too. Although, unless I sprout
 something obvious don't plan on going on any missions to find out. Gotta
 clean up my diet and get back
 to exercising, but that would be in the new year, not yet! Back to the
 chocolate for a day or two yet : )

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 2:08 PM, phoenix23002 wrote:

 V.. thanks for the link on polio vaccine.  Interesting information.  Just
 confirms what a lot of us suspect.  That the gov is only interested in
 killing us, not curing us.  There is a book, Cancer - Step Outside The
 Box by Ty Bollinger, that has some fascinating stats in the back of the
 book about the fact that in many areas where almost the whole susceptible
 population had been vaccinated, disease rates were rising in spite of the
 vaccine(s).  He covered several of the common childhood diseases.   Those
 stats condemn the whole medical profession and their 'vaccine mission' in
 my humble opinion.Lola H.

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 8:34 AM, V wrote:

 I remeber reading on Polio. Today found this and found it interesting.

 On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 7:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick 

 I read somewhere that polio is a man-made disease that was introduced
 accidentally in another vaccine—as was AIDS.  dee

 *From: *phoenix23002
 *Reply-To: *
 *Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
 *To: *

 *Subject: *Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 *Resent-From: *
 *Resent-Date: *Sat, 29 Dec 2012 18:27:42 -0800

 One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
 childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
 about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
 immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
 that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
 play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
 doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
 sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
 lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
 purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
 disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
 'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Hi  Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for 
us when  we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, 
which have  been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  

Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart  Your Cancer  
by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I  didn't know a 
lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5  yearsIf 
you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured   lots 

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread V
The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer 
 by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a
 lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread dennisth19
help needed!
where can i unsubscribe?

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:33 PM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer
  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know
 a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread ASL
I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years
ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease.
Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally
admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic
doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had
angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven
by famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to
educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm
a firm believer of alternative healing.


*Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.*

*--henry miller--*

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for
 us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days,
 which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer
  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know
 a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf
 you die a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Kathy Tankersley
AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its very 
fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.  ...
  - Original Message - 
  From: ASL 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

  I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years ahead 
with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease. Just last 
year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally admitted how 
just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic doctors are ignorant or 
resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had angry friends scolding me for 
suggesting such silly information not proven by famous scientists.  Now I am 
slowly learning to release the need to educate those who won't listen. I don't 
pretend to know everything, but I'm a firm believer of alternative healing.  


  Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music 
- the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls 
and interesting people. Forget yourself.

  --henry miller--

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the 
fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that 
doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel 
she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick every 
single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is coughing 
her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse. 
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely 
interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to sit 
back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined to dig 
in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the 
information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this 
for us when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, 
which have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer  
by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a lot 
of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf you die a 
day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots 

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Lena Guyot
Hi Kathy,
The thing that discourages me is that not only do conventional, allopathic 
cancer treatments often fail and put their victims through hell, but they also 
do enough irreversible damage to make the promise of proven, alternative 
treatments less likely afterward. A dear friend of mine finally got a Rife 
machine, after the whole gamut of oncological disasters (her fourth cancer, 
obviously generated by earlier cancer treatments) She said to me, 'I waited too 
long, didn't I?' She died a month later. Too many people come to some of the 
proven alternatives as a last resort, after their systems have been totally 
broken down. I know that there ARE people who have come through standard cancer 
treatments and are 'survivors' but I also know a lot of oncologists wouldn't go 
that route it if happened to them, personally.

The same goes for long-term abx treatment of chronic Lyme. I've seen so many 
people straggle in to Lyme groups with awful relapses as the infections, driven 
into cyst form by abx are now coming back five-fold, making them sicker than 
the rest of us, with very compromised gut-function (which, after all is the 
main immune system)

It's hard to bite my tongue and not offer help, but even harder to witness 
actual harm being done.

Be well,
On Dec 29, 2012, at 1:45 PM, Kathy Tankersley wrote:

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its very 
 fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.  ...
 - Original Message -
 From: ASL
 Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years ahead 
 with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease. Just last 
 year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally admitted how 
 just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic doctors are ignorant 
 or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had angry friends scolding 
 me for suggesting such silly information not proven by famous scientists.  
 Now I am slowly learning to release the need to educate those who won't 
 listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm a firm believer of 
 alternative healing.  
 Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music 
 - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls 
 and interesting people. Forget yourself.
 --henry miller--
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:
 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the fraud 
 and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that doctors 
 are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel 
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick every 
 single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is 
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse. 
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely 
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to sit 
 back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined to 
 dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the 
 information is what I focus on now.
 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:
 In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
 Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually remember my mum doing this for us 
 when we were little.  I think people ‘knew’ things in the old days, which 
 have been forgotten now owing to the big pharma influence.  
 Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called Outsmart Your Cancer  by 
 Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD with it.. I didn't know a lot 
 of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records are kept for 5 yearsIf you die 
 a day after the five years you are listed as  cancer cured  lots 

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

The masses have been bombarded with such a multitude of mainstream propaganda 
pushing an ulterior motive via tv, radio, magazines, newspapers etc etc 
resulting in the removal of the capacity for an individual to think for 
him/herself.  *WE* are in the minority and increasingly are shunned as people 
with lower intelligence because we are still capable of thinking for ourselves 
and don't get sucked in by all those, so called, 'studies?'.  The masses have 
been institutionalised to worship the true God - the doctor - and only support 
one 'church' - the hospital and its preachings of pharmaceutical concoctions.
I too have given up on others, just look after number one and the family.  Poor 
old Bob Beck was absolutely correct when he said...People have a death wish.


Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:45:54 -0600

AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my 
mouth shut also, its very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my 
grown children.  ...

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 
  Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big 
I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 
  10 years ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's 
  disease. Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she 
  finally admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic 
  doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had 
  angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven by 
  famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to 
  educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm a 
  firm believer of alternative healing.  



  Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, 
  literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich 
  treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.
  --henry miller--

  On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

  The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully 
aware of the fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still 
believing that doctors are gods.
My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can 
feel she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got 
every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is 
coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't 
I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is 
genuinely interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have 
learned to sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information 
if inclined to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail 
of all the information is what I focus on now.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 7:09 AM, wrote:

  In a message dated 12/29/2012 6:23:23 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
  Hi Lois, thanks for your remedy—I actually 
remember my mum doing this for us when we were little.  I think 
people ‘knew’ things in the old days, which have been forgotten now 
owing to the big pharma influence. 

  Boy is this ever true. I'm reading a book called 
  Outsmart Your Cancer  by Tanya Harter Pierce, M.A,- M.F,C.C.- Has a CD 
  with it.. I didn't know a lot of the tricks plaid on us.--Cancer Records 
  are kept for 5 yearsIf you die a day after the five years you are 
  listed as  cancer cured  lots moreYikes-Lois  


Re: CS OT health / Big pharma - 29 Dec

2012-12-29 Thread Sandee George
Never a truer word said Neville - have a wonderful 2013 which I think is going 
to be a very interesting year - I will be watching all the games from a far 
Attitude is everything !
AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread phoenix23002
One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the
childhood vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things
about them (small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with
immature immune systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say
that developing cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to
play outside in the dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the
doctor's office for a magic pill every time they developed a little case of
sniffles.  Years ago, most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to
lower children's temps.  Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful
purpose.  I did say minor childhood diseases.. diseases  that are more
disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox or mumps) than dangerous.
'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live in almost pristine,
sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has that made us
a healthier population?

There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer
researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to
develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of
antibiotics could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the
horse.  The fact that more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is
a given  if you reverse the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or
immature immune system or response, these people would become sick more
often than others (requiring more antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall
prey to cancer also because of a weakened or immature immune system.  In my
opinion, if not for the immune response in human beings, the race would
have become extinct a long time ago.  So, between an immature immune system
and a toxic environment, we seem to be sicker than ever.   Lola H.

On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 6:28 PM, Neville Munn

  The masses have been bombarded with such a multitude of mainstream
 propaganda pushing an ulterior motive via tv, radio, magazines, newspapers
 etc etc resulting in the removal of the capacity for an individual to think
 for him/herself.  *WE* are in the minority and increasingly are shunned as
 people with lower intelligence because we are still capable of thinking for
 ourselves and don't get sucked in by all those, so called, 'studies?'.  The
 masses have been institutionalised to worship the true God - the doctor -
 and only support one 'church' - the hospital and its preachings of
 pharmaceutical concoctions.

 I too have given up on others, just look after number one and the family.
  Poor old Bob Beck was absolutely correct when he said...People have a
 death wish.



 Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma
 Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 12:45:54 -0600

 AMEN to both letters, I'm beginning to just keep my mouth shut also, its
 very fustrating, especially with my grandchildren and my grown children.

 - Original Message -
 *From:* ASL
 *Sent:* Saturday, December 29, 2012 12:25 PM
 *Subject:* Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

 I totally agree higherground13 - for years I was practically 10 years
 ahead with ADHD, then Fibromyalgia, then CFS and now Hashimoto's disease.
 Just last year, my mother was diagnosed with Lyme Disease and she finally
 admitted how just now after getting truly ill of how most allopathic
 doctors are ignorant or resistance to true healing methods.  I've had had
 angry friends scolding me for suggesting such silly information not proven
 by famous scientists.  Now I am slowly learning to release the need to
 educate those who won't listen. I don't pretend to know everything, but I'm
 a firm believer of alternative healing.


 *Develop interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature,
 music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures,
 beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself.*

 *--henry miller--*

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 10:33 AM, V wrote:

 The sad thing is when you have read so much and are fully aware of the
 fraud and lies, and have a much loved family member still believing that
 doctors are gods.
 My beloved sister is doing everything they tell her to do, so she can feel
 she has done everything she could to kill the cancer. My dad got sick
 every single year after the flu shots and continued to take them. My mom is
 coughing her lungs out but will not do anything her doctor doesn't endorse.
 I no longer feel it is my duty to save everyone. If someone is genuinely
 interested in what I am doing I will tell them. Otherwise have learned to
 sit back and accept whatever happens. There is much information if inclined
 to dig in. The freedom to choose, the freedom to avail ourselves of all the
 information is what I focus on now.

 On Sat, Dec 29, 2012

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma - 29 Dec

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

Cheers Sandee, and I hope you have a bright and healthy 2013.
Hoo Rah and Oi Oi Oi for the Mighty Individualists and Free Thinkers of the 
world for *WE* are the one's who will eventually inherit the earth BG.  I'm 
by no means religious by the way, but it isn't a bad saying is it?
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to one and all, including those I may 
have upset in 2012, would be boring if we were all the same g.  Keep it safe 
out there, I wanna see everyone still around in 2013.

Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma  -  29 Dec
Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 20:39:19 -0400

Never a truer word said Neville - have a wonderful 2013 which I think is going 
to be a very interesting year - I will be watching all the games from a far 

Attitude is everything !AliveAgainSilver - Drops  Gel

Woman is 53 But Looks 25
Mom reveals 1 simple wrinkle trick that has angered doctors...

RE: CS OT health / Big pharma

2012-12-29 Thread Neville Munn

Absolutely 100% spot on, you've got my vote g.
I tackled a woman a couple of years ago who had a kid less than one year old 
and it already had 4 vaccines, and she was lining that kid up for a 5th.  I 
asked her if she knew that a toddler must develop it's own natural immunities 
to things as a kid and all those jabs would be doing is impairing or retarding 
the bodies natural immune development as the kid gets older.  Of course I was 
ignored and considered an idiot - the classic brainwashed dux of the class 
{opinion}.  She obviously had never considered the fact that the establishment 
has got it wrong on the odd occasion?
Facts don't lie, if we were helped so much by cholesterol pills, vaccinations, 
pharma medications blah blah we should be bouncing with health, in fact it's 
the reverse, cholesterol is causing concern, more people are losing their 
minds, more people are coming down with diseases that are starting to make a 
comeback etc etc, we as a civilization are becoming more and more unhealthy and 
dependant on medications in most cases to keep people alive and functional.
I'm the cook here and if I drop anything on the floor in food preparation it 
still goes into the pot, my wife goes ape but I ask her how the hell did we 
ever get past the Neanderthal age if they worried about dropping a leg of 
mammoth that had been char burnt on an open fire on a *dirt* floor in their 
caves?  It's become a joke on me here cos I tell the family to get a grip on 
reality, and besides, I'm helping them develop a great natural immunity, they 
should be thanking me - LOL.  Bring 'em up tough I say, no room for wooses in 
this world.

Date: Sat, 29 Dec 2012 21:27:43 -0500
Subject: Re: CS OT health / Big pharma

One of the worst disservices that we have done to ourselves is the childhood 
vaccine programs, not that there haven't been some good things about them 
(small pox/polio)  but...   Most of us enter adulthood with immature immune 
systems.  An oversimplification for sure, but one could say that developing 
cancer is a failure of the immune system.  Children used to play outside in the 
dirt, etc..  their mothers didn't haul them off to the doctor's office for a 
magic pill every time they developed a little case of sniffles.  Years ago, 
most people didn't  have access to tylenol etc. to lower children's temps.  
Minor childhood diseases can serve a useful purpose.  I did say minor childhood 
diseases.. diseases  that are more disruptive and aggravating (like chicken pox 
or mumps) than dangerous.   'They' say we, of all preceding generations, live 
in almost pristine, sterile living conditions compared to our forefathers.  Has 
that made us a healthier population?

There was an article in the news a few years back that stated that cancer 
researchers discovered that people who took antibiotics were more likely to 
develop cancer, the implication being that somehow, taking a lot of antibiotics 
could cause cancer.  I think they got the cart before the horse.  The fact that 
more people who took antibiotics developed cancer is a given  if you reverse 
the theory.  That is...   because of a weakened or immature immune system or 
response, these people would become sick more often than others (requiring more 
antibiotic therapy)  and they would fall prey to cancer also because of a 
weakened or immature immune system.  In my opinion, if not for the immune 
response in human beings, the race would have become extinct a long time ago.  
So, between an immature immune system and a toxic environment, we seem to be 
sicker than ever.   Lola H.