What is VCO? GMetropulo

Virgin Coconut Oil. ; (ie not hydrogenated like the product made from copra, 
which is dried coconut flesh carried to processing plant, refined, bleached, 
and deodorised.  And may have soy lecithin added to keep it tasting 

http://www.coconutresearchcenter.org/  Once mistakenly believed to be 
unhealthy because of its high saturated fat content, it is now known that 
the fat in coconut oil is a unique and different from most all other fats 
and possesses many health giving properties. It is now gaining long overdue 
recognition as a nutritious health food.
http://www.coconutoil-online.com/Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, a 
component of mother's milk, which according to Dr. Mary Enig, is converted 
by the body into compounds with antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal 
properties. These properties have lead to research on the potential benefits 
of coconut oil in the treatment of HIV, SARS, and other viral ailments. 
Because coconut oil is, in large part, made up of medium chain triglycerides 
(MCT) it doesn't have to be broken down in the digestive tract like other 
fats and can immediately be used by the body as fuel. This makes it ideal 
for people with slow metabolism or low thyroid (hypothyroidism) and for 
people with Crohn's Disease, colitis and other digestive disorders who 
normally have problems digesting fats. Since coconut oil is burned by the 
body as fuel rather than being stored as fat it ideal for those interested 
in weight loss 

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