Re: CSA Question....OT answer to a reply. Sorry Mike

2004-03-29 Thread William Meyer
no paranoid delusion there. there are a number of theories on why our 
president invaded iraq. none of them have anything to do with fighting 
as far as WMD's, i suggest you look up Scott Ritter. he was a US 
marine and
UNSCOM weapons inspector who resigned in 1998, saying the inspection 
process was
being misused to check on Saddam's defences and that Iraq's WMD's were 

completely destroyed.
if you attack a country based on wilful disinformation and lies, 
killing an estimated
10,000 civilians, that makes you a criminal. each act of agression and 
violence that
individuals or countries get away with in the public sphere opens the 

to further agression and violence by opportunists in the public stage.

On Mar 29, 2004, at 12:07 AM, Hank wrote:

Not a damn thing if you are dead. If you are alive and can think then 
it has a lot to do with CS. It can save us lucky enough to not be in 
the shrubs war. Maybe you could help stop the war for oil. If not then 
CS won't help you and you will die, See you in the camp.

Yours Hank
- Original Message -
 From: David Bearrow
Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSA Question

What does this paranoid delusion have to do with silver?

At 08:53 PM 3/28/04, you wrote:

Stop reading for a minute.
Take your hands away from your mouse and keyboard, and think.
See if you can answer yes to this question:

Have you seen a single flag draped coffin in the mainstream media in 

entire war?

I didn't think so.

This proves the media is in collusion with this administration in the
whitewashing of the horror of what they have done, and are still 

The dead and wounded are being completely
hidden from us so that there is no public outcry for it to end.
The profit taking isn't near over.

Re: CSA Question....OT answer to a reply. Sorry Mike

2004-03-28 Thread Hank
Not a damn thing if you are dead. If you are alive and can think then it has a 
lot to do with CS. It can save us lucky enough to not be in the shrubs war. 
Maybe you could help stop the war for oil. If not then CS won't help you and 
you will die, See you in the camp.
Yours Hank
  - Original Message - 
  From: David Bearrow 
  Sent: Sunday, March 28, 2004 9:40 PM
  Subject: Re: CSA Question

  What does this paranoid delusion have to do with silver?

  At 08:53 PM 3/28/04, you wrote:
  Stop reading for a minute.
  Take your hands away from your mouse and keyboard, and think.
  See if you can answer yes to this question:
  Have you seen a single flag draped coffin in the mainstream media in this 
  entire war?
  I didn't think so.
  This proves the media is in collusion with this administration in the 
  whitewashing of the horror of what they have done, and are still doing. 
  The dead and wounded are being completely
  hidden from us so that there is no public outcry for it to end.
  The profit taking isn't near over.