
  I have just returned from a trip and happily stumbled across your post.
It looks like there were more...I will look. Here (below) you write about
carbon dioxide. Are you familiar with Buteyko breathing? It is a technique
of holding the breath to treat asthma. Excellent results. 

In addition, it seems that carbon dioxide is what actually releases oxygen
into the tissues. The Buteyko websites have very good scientific data on this.


  I practise Pranayama by closing my nostrile  with index finger and thumb
>> > alternately
>> > first my right ,breathing out slowly through the left and then the
left and
>> > breathing slowly through the right nostrile, 10 times daily.  One
>> > physio-biochemical rationale of this
>> > practice is to acclimatise the brain to an optimum level of Carbon
>> > saturation
>> > to maintain patency of the respiratoy tract.  The principle of making
>> > patients with
>> > wheezing cough breathe through a punctured paper bag and coughing through
>> > the
>> > nose,was not known to me till lately. This is done mainly to conserve
and to
>> > rebreathe
>> > the carbon dixide which restores the normal functions of the respiratory
>> > tract in obstructive airway disorders as in Asthma ,bronchitis and the

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