In a message dated 07/09/2000 7:33:48 Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< I would guess from your message that you have been 
 thoroughly brainwashed and emotionally addicted to the point that 
 your belief in chiropractic is similar to religious belief. >>

You guess wrong.  I can go months without even thinking of chiropractic.  
(When I'm well I tend to forget having been sick.)  When I need an adjustment 
I know where to go for relief.  
    If by "religious belief," you mean faith, it is not an addiction but a 
way to spiritual and emotional wellness.  If I'm "brain-washed," as you say, 
that's good.  My brain needed washing.  I am 70 years old and the only 
medication I take is  Prempro.  Normally, I see my GP  once a year and my 
chiropracter when I need to.  I must be doing something right.  :o)   

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