> Dear Listers,  I thought you might like to read the following:
> >Dear friends,
>           >
>           >Monsanto's field trials in Karnataka will be reduced to
> ashes, starting on
>           >Saturday. Two days ago the Minister of Agriculture of
> Karnataka gave a press
>           >conference where he was forced by the journalists to
> disclose the three sites
>           >where field trials with Bt cotton are being conducted (for
> background
>           >information about the trials, see appendix 2 at the
> bottom). KRRS activists
>           >have already contacted the owners of these fields, to
> explain them which
>           >action
>           >will be taken, and for what reasons, and to let them know
> that the KRRS will
>           >cover any loses they will suffer. On Saturday the 28th of
> November, at midday,
>           >thousands of farmers will occupy and burn down the three
> fields in front of
>           >the
>           >cameras, in an open, announced action of civil
> disobedience.
>           >
>           >These actions will start a campaign of direct action by
> farmers against
>           >biotechnology, called Operation 'Cremation Monsanto', which
> will not stop
>           >until
>           >all the corporate killers like Monsanto, Novartis, Pioneer
> etc leave the
>           >country. Farmers' leaders from the states of Maharastra,
> Gujarat and Madhya
>           >Pradesh (states where Monsanto is also conducting field
> trials) were yesterday
>           >in Bangalore to prepare the campaign.
>           >
>           >The campaign will run under the following slogans:
>           >
>           >NO PATENTS ON LIFE
>           >BURY THE WTO
>           >
>           >along with a more specific message for all those who have
> invested on
>           >Monsanto:
>           >You should rather take your money out before we reduce it
> to ashes.
>           >
>           >We know that stopping biotechnology in India will not be of
> much help to us if
>           >it continues in other countries, since the threats that it
> poses do not
>           >stop at
>           >the borders. We also think that the kind of actions that
> will be going on in
>           >India have the potential not only to kick those corporate
> killers out of our
>           >country: if we play our cards right at global level and
> coordinate our work,
>           >these actions can also pose a major challenge to the
> survival of these
>           >corporations in the stock markets. Who wants to invest in a
> mountain of ashes,
>           >in offices that are constantly being squatted (and if
> necessary even
>           >destroyed)
>           >by activists?
>           >
>           >For these reasons, we are making an international call for
> direct action
>           >against Monsanto and the rest of the biotech gang. This
> call for action will
>           >hopefully inspire all the people who are already doing a
> brilliant work
>           >against
>           >biotech, and many others who so far have not been very
> active on the issue, to
>           >join hands in a quick, effective worldwide effort.
>           >
>           >This is a very good moment to target Monsanto, since it has
> run out of cash in
>           >its megalomaniac attempt to monopolise the life industry in
> record time. It is
>           >going now through a hard time of layoffs and
> restructuration in a desperate
>           >effort to survive, since it cannot pay its bills. It is
> also a good time
>           >because several recent scandals (like the pulping of the
> Monsanto edition of
>           >The Ecologist, the whole ‘Terminator Technology’ affaire,
> the illegal
>           >introduction of Bt Cotton in Zimbabwe, etc) have
> contributed to its profile as
>           >corporate killer, which, being the creators of Vietnam
> War’s Agent Organe and
>           >rBHG, was already good enough, anyhow.
>           >
>           >We are hence making a call to:
>           >
>           >* Take direct actions against biotech TNCs, particularly
> Monsanto (be it
>           >squatting or burning their fields, squatting or destroying
> their offices, etc)
>           >* Maintain the local or/and national press informed about
> all the actions
>           >going
>           >on around the world
>           >* Take direct actions at stock exchanges targeting
> Monsanto, to draw attention
>           >on its state of bankruptcy
>           >
>           >We are making this call for action on the line of Peoples'
> Global Action
>           >(PGA),
>           >a worldwide network of peoples' movements, in order to
> emphasize the political
>           >analysis beyond our opposition to biotechnology. This
> analysis does not only
>           >take environmental concerns into account, and is not
> limited to the defense of
>           >food security - it attacks neoliberal globalisation as a
> whole, the WTO regime
>           >as its most important tool, and the global power structures
> (G8, NATO, etc) as
>           >the root of all these problems. You will find the complete
> political analysis
>           >on the manifesto of the PGA, which you will find in the web
> page
>           ><http://www.agp.org/>www.agp.org
>           >
>           >The fact that this call for action takes place on line with
> PGA also has other
>           >implications:
>           >
>           >* We are calling ONLY for non-violent direct actions.
> Non-violence in this
>           >context means that we should respect all (non-genetically
> modified) living
>           >beings, including policemen and the people who work for
> these TNCs
>           >* The campaign will take place in a decentralised manner,
> and nobody should
>           >speak on behalf of other people involved in the campaign
> without their consent
>           >(also not on behalf of PGA, of course); however, people are
> welcome to report
>           >about the actions of others without pretending to represent
> them.
>           >
>           >If you want to be informed of what is going on around the
> world on this
>           >matter,
>           >please send a message to listp...@gn.apc.org with the
> message “subscribe
>           >pga-ge” on the text body. This way you will be informed
> about what is going on
>           >in India and in other countries. (The list will be active a
> few hours after we
>           >send this message).
>           >
>           >Please, try not write back to this address, since we will
> be madly busy in the
>           >next days with the mobilisations. However, if you have good
> contacts with
>           >international media (CNN, BBC, TV5, etc) and want to help
> us to get them here
>           >to cover the bonfire at Monsanto’s field please let us know
> as soon as
>           >possible.
>           >
>           >Friendly greetings,
>           >
>           >Prof. Nanjundaswamy
>           >President, Karnataka State Farmers Association
>           >
>           >********************
>           >
>           >Appendix 1: "Police Protection to all American Companies in
> Bangalore City",
>           >article appeared in “Samykta Karnataka”, November 25th
>           >
>           >Police Protection to all American Companies in Bangalore
> City
>           >
>           >Bangalore Nov. 25th
>           >
>           >It has come to light that the American Ambassador in Dehli
> has written to the
>           >Government of the State of Karnataka asking to provide a
> strong police
>           >protection to all American companies in the city.
>           >
>           >Pointing out the previuos repeated attacks on American
> companies by
>           >“miscreants”, the Ambassador has requested the State
> Government to create an
>           >atmosphere without fear and anxiety for them to work.
>           >
>           >He has stressed the need for a special security for
> companies related to
>           >science and technology and also the their hundreds of
> foreign companies in the
>           >city.
>           >
>           >Tight Security for Monsanto
>           >
>           >Anticipating attack on the offices of Monsanto in
> Bangalore, tight security
>           >has
>           >been provided from today, top police sources confirmed.
>           >
>           >Police have said in their note that they are providing
> security for the
>           >company
>           >owning the Terminator Technology and having the right to
> sell seeds which do
>           >not germinate for the second time. In a city where most of
> the TNCs are based,
>           >the present developments have made them to work with fear
> and anxiety.
>           >
>           >(Translated from Kannada)
>           >
>           >*********************
>           >
>           >Appendix 2: Monsanto under siege in India, message sent on
> 23rd November 1998
>           >
>           >   **please distribute as widely as possible**
>           >
>           >Dear friends,
>           >
>           >On Monday the 16th the public was informed by Indian
> newspapers that
>           >Monsanto (well known in India for the Terminator
> Technology) has been
>           >conducting 40 field trials with genetically manipulated
> cotton across five
>           >Indian states for the last three months. Monsanto is
> testing a hybrid
>           >cotton seed that has been genetically engineered to produce
> the Bacillus
>           >thuringiensis (Bt) enzyme. The permission granted by the
> federal government
>           >in Delhi pertains the states of Karnataka, Tamil Nadu,
> Andrah Pradesh,
>           >Gujarat, Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh. Now that peoples'
> movements are
>           >starting to mobilise on this matter, the same central
> government that
>           >granted the permission is inviting Monsanto to leave the
> country.
>           >
>           >Monsanto has formed a joint venture with Mahyco (a 30 years
> old seed
>           >company) to carry out these field trails. According to the
> media, Monsanto
>           >now owns 26 percent of Mahyco.
>           >
>           >In the rest of the message I include some excerpts of the
> newspaper
>           >coverage of this affaire. We will keep you informed of the
> developments in
>           >this part of the world, which will most probably include a
> number of
>           >nonviolent direct actions to burn down the genetically
> modified crops and
>           >kick Monsanto physically out of the country. We encourage
> you to do similar
>           >actions all over the world  maybe we can make Monsanto's
> shareholders feel
>           >our pressure reflected on the value of their stocks.
>           >
>           >Friendly greetings,
>           >
>           >Prof. Nanjundaswamy
>           >President, Karnataka State Farmers Association
>           >swamy.k...@aworld.net
>           >
>           >'Curiously though agriculture is a state subject, Karnataka
> Government
>           >seems unaware of the trials going on in the State.
> Agriculture Minister C.
>           >Byre Gowda admitted that he had been informend of the
> ongoing trials but
>           >was unaware of where they were being undertaken  in
> Karnataka or in
>           >Maharashtra.' (The Indian Express, Bangalore edition, cover
> page, 16th
>           >November)
>           >
>           >The trials started three months ago although the 'Ministry
> of Science and
>           >Technology has admitted that it does not have the requisite
> regulatoy
>           >regimen to assess the risk of dealing with such transgenic
> material for
>           >which biosafty guidelines have only now been issued.' (The
> Indian Express,
>           >Bangalore edition, cover page, 18th November). In that
> sense, the
>           >University of Agriculture Science (UAS) Bangalore warned
> that 'The genetic
>           >modification involved in geneticlly engineered hybrid seeds
> is a concealed
>           >one that cannot be ascertaiened with existing regulations
> of the seed act
>           >and quarantine.' (ibid.) B.R. Hedge, Director of Research
> at UAS, affirmed
>           >that 'The Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR)
> was only now
>           >starting to look at ways which regulatory mechnisms should
> be put in place
>           >to check the clandestine import of such genetic material.
> Nevertheless, for
>           >the moment we have nothing ready' (The Indian Express,
> Bangalore edition,
>           >page 9, 18th November)
>           >
>           >The KRRS has issued a deadline to the State Government and
> Monsanto to
>           >disclose the places where the trials are being conducted
> and the exact
>           >description of the seeds that are being tested. '"Monsanto
> should reveal
>           >immediately where the trials are being conducted" failing
> which "direct
>           >action would follow on the company's office in Malleswaram"
> he [Prof.
>           >Nanjundaswamy] threatened. "The government can foist 100
> cases of attempt
>           >to murder [against us], but we will throw it [Monsanto]
> out... first from
>           >Karnataka, next from Maharashtra" ... The former professor
> of law wondered
>           >how the State's Agriculture Minister could be unaware of
> the trials. "The
>           >Government cannot continue for three minutes" considering
> its irresponsible
>           >behaviour, he said'. (The Indian Express, Bangalore
> edition, page 4, 20th
>           >November)
>           >'Monsanto will have to leave the country within a week.
> Otherwise we will
>           >be forced to throw them out. We have given a day's
> ultimatum to the company
>           >to furnish details about the seed trials undertaken in the
> state and the
>           >country.' (Prof. Nanjundasway in The Times of India,
> Bangalore edition,
>           >page 5 20th November).
>           >
>           >Although the field trials are testing BT cotton, the Indian
> press and
>           >politiciancs seem to be rather confused and are mixing up
> this issue with
>           >the terminator technology, which has been used by opponents
> of Monsanto as
>           >an example of the destructive potential of this
> corporation. However, this
>           >confusion is making it easier for Monsanto to reject any
> accusation by
>           >denying the use of this technology. Here are some
> statements about this
>           >issue taken from the last days press.
>           >
>           >'Second and Third World markets are the main targets for
> the terminator
>           >seed.'
>           >William Phelps, Spokesman, Department of Agriculture, USA
> (quoted in The
>           >Indian Express, Bangalore edition, cover page, 18 November)
>           >
>           >'It is not merly the economic factors that threaten the
> poor farmers of the
>           >world, but it is nature of the Terminator gene itself,
> since the pollen
>           >from the crops carrying the Terminator will infect the
> fields of farmers
>           >who either reject, or cannot afford the technology.'
>           >(UAS, quoted in The Indian Express, Bangalore edition,
> cover page, 18
>           >November)
>           >
>           >'This is a terminator of biodiversity, terminator of food
> security. It is
>           >a damaging technology because pollination pollution can
> render all
>           >indigenous varieties sterile. This gene will slowly remove
> all
>           >characteristics of germination from seeds. This means the
> harvest seeds
>           >cannot be used for sowing during the next seseason. It will
> also force seed
>           >dependency on farmers who cannot afford to buy seeds.
>           >Monoculture was introduced in the country in 1965 with an
> aim to provide
>           >food security. When Green Revolution Technology introduced
> monoculture it
>           >was thought the method would be very effective.
> Terminatorgene is being
>           >dubbed as a second Green Revolution Technology. This, too,
> will prove
>           >ineffective.
>           >Genetically modified seeds are polluting the local species.
> It will not
>           >solve the food problem, in fact it will terminate food
> security along with
>           >biodiversity.'
>           >(Prof. Nanjundaswamy, quoted in The Times of India,
> Bangalore edition, page
>           >5, 20th November)
>           >
>           >The sincerity of Monsanto can be easily assessed by the
> usual roguish reply
>           >it gave to the critics: 'Monsanto will only bring to India,
> products and
>           >technologies which are consistent with what India wants and
> its laws
>           >aprove.... Monsanto has not, and will not, bring to India
> any technology
>           >that will adversely affect the environment, current
> agricuture practices
>           >and force farmers to use any technology it provides.'
> (Monsanto statement
>           >quoted in Deccan Herald, Bangalore edition, page 9, 21th
> November)
>           >
>           >Yesterday the Union Minister for Rural Development,
> Babagouda Patil,
>           >declared that 'Monsanto wil be asked to leave India'
> (headline, The Times
>           >of India, Bangalore edition, page 5, 23 November).
>           >
>           >'He said that he recieved Information that Monsanto is
> developing and
>           >conducting field trials on the "terminator gene" seeds at a
> private farm in
>           >Ranebennur taluk of Haveri district. "I have informed the
> Prime Minister
>           >and Union Agriculture Minister", he said. He said he knew
> the complications
>           >arising out of the issue due to WTO stipulations. "But the
> government will
>           >not compromise on this issue as crores of farmers' lives
> will be in danger.
>           >The terminator gene seed will pose a serious threat to
> Indian agriculture."
>           >The Union cabinet is expected to deliberate on the issue
> besides initiating
>           >measures to close Monsanto's buisness operations in the
> country... He said
>           >that the Center would not hesitate to withdraw from WTO if
> its provisions
>           >threaten our very existence.' (The Times of India,
> Bangalore edition, page
>           >5 23rd November)


       Debbie McDonald


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