mamapug, Anything anyone may post someone will say you are wrong. Now someone
come and say I am wrong.
Yours Hank wrote:
On Sun, 13 Oct 2002 10:09:02 -0600, mamapug <> wrote:

>   For what its worth, I recently saw a segment on a news program where they
>showed that vegetables and fruits from 50 years ago, the year I was born,
>BTW, were much higher in vitamins and minerals than things grown today.
>I personally suspect the difference is in the way the fields are fertilized.

I think this is a case of the macronutrients being replaced, but not the
elements. Thus the the soil becomes depleted in elements that we may not even
know about. Fertilizers such as fishmeal and seaweed contain ALL the elements
from an undepleted source.
>Back then much more animal manure was used, whereas today farmers use mostly
's funny. I've recently come across info that goes 180 degrees opposite,
that manured crops and animals raised on them are NOT good for our health.
Bothered me 'cause I always thought manure was great fertilizer.

>Basically farmers are feeding the plants` growth, but not ours!
>I also recall another program where they showed a field that was fertilized
>on one side with chemicals, the other side with manure. When a flock of
>sheep were turned in to graze, they all stayed on the manured side!! Dumb
Again, it's strange. I saw a similar example in Dr Jarvis' book claiming the
opposite as proof that animals know that the manured feed was unhealthy.
Maybe Wayne has some experience.

>Where can we buy manure-fertilized produce?

Lots of organic produce showing up in regular groceries now.


If you jog in a jogging suit, lounge in lounging pajamas, and smoke
in a smoking jacket, WHY would anyone want to wear a

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