Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-23 Thread FHLew
Greetings to my old and new friends in the Silver List.

C Creel wrote :

They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  

   I fought the Nipah Virus using Colloidal Silver as a component a few
years ago.. Now I am fighting the Sars virus. Malaysia reported the second
tragedy today.

Some may find it interesting to explore a River of Health
in China. Please point to:

  I do not import or sell the health stones.

With regards

- Original Message -
From: C Creel
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Wallach

 It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 year old people and
 that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a mine in Utah. It
 contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The mine that
 minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
 provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine
 the U.S. certified for this purpose.  Thre companies now have rights to
 mine.  They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  One of them has been in
 business since the 1940s.


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-23 Thread C Creel wrote:

Certified by who?  And what is supplement form?

  At the time, in order for something to be sold for health purposes, it
needed to be approved by the government.  I believe this fell under an old
heading that was something like Department of  __(?), Health, and

  The supplement form is liquid colloidal trace minerals.

  I was incorrect in my dating of Clark Mines.  It dates back to the 1920s.

   Three companies have rights to these mines.  Two of them provide
colloidal trace minerals in their original 100% organic, bio-electrical
colloidal minerals.

   All the people I work with follow nutritional protocols with colloidal
trace minerals as one of the foundation products ( I have no financial
interest in colloidal trace minerals).


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-23 Thread AScottSilver
Hi Catherine,

The article is posted below. The link is at the bottom of the email. Notice 
that the list of minerals contain lead and such. They don't tell you how 
much. Anyhow, I remember listening to this guy on the radio and hearing about 
the people who lived to be 140 years old because they drank from the sacred 
spring and how he was selling the spring water. He was busted for selling 
shale water and had to stop advertising. I think people like him don't help 
to promote the cause. What do you think?


From: C Creel 
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 22:07:04 It turned out that there was no 
civilization of 140 year old people and
that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a mine in Utah. It
contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

   Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The mine that the
minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine in
the U.S. certified for this purpose.  Thre companies now have rights to this
mine.  They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  One of them has been in
business since the 1940s.


The most notorious colloidal mineral promoter is Joel D. Wallach, DVM, ND, 
who says that Americans desperately need his minerals. Wallach has a A 
history of involvement in dubious healthcare schemes/A, such laetrile 
for cancer, as well as chelation and hydrogen peroxide therapies for coronary 
artery disease. He has also hosted an AM radio talk show in San Diego titled 
Let's Play Doctor and briefly plied naturopathy at A 
HREF=;Kurt Donsbach/A's Hospital 
Santa Monica. His widely distributed Dead Doctors Don't Lie! audiotape [4] 
quotes from U.S. Senate Document 264:

 [Erosion and unwise farming methods] have led to mineral-depleted soils 
 resulting in mineral-deficient plants, livestock, and people . . . . .the 
 alarming fact is that food now being raised on millions of acres of land 
 that no longer contain enough of certain minerals are starving us -- no 
 matter how much of them we eat. No man of today can eat enough fruits and 
 vegetables to supply his system with the minerals he requires for perfect 
 health because his stomach isn't big enough to hold them. . . . Laboratory 
 tests prove that the fruit, vegetables, grains, eggs, and even the milk and 
 meats of today are not what they were a few generations ago. . . . It is 
 bad news to learn from our leading authorities that 99% of the American 
 people are deficient in these minerals [74th Congress, 2nd Session, 1936].

The cited quotation is genuine, but it did not, as colloidal mineral 
promoters usually imply, arise from a government research study. In fact, it 
is merely a reprint of a baseless opinion piece that originally appeared in 
the June 1936 issue of Cosmopolitan magazine and was placed into the 
Congressional record by a Florida senator [5]. Most Americans are not slowly 
starving to death or dying from mineral deficiency.

Some promoters use fraudulent A 
questionnaires/A for assessing 
purported mineral deficiency-related health problems. The test asks more than 
1,000 questions about physical and psychological symptoms. As far as I can 
tell, everyone who takes it will be advised that supplements are needed. The 
test costs $125 but is free if colloidal minerals are purchased.

At present, five mines [6] in Emery County, Utah supply three main 
manufacturers [7] with bulk quantities of shale leachate that are repackaged 
and sold as distinct products by a burgeoning network of multilevel 
distributors. A HREF=;T.J. Clark  Co.'s/A Daddy 
Dearest 1-9/Blackhawk Mine, which 
started it all in the late 1920s, is the source of BHI Lifeminerals, 
Toddy, Golden Minerals, and other product lines. The Clark company 
controls leases totaling approximately 20 acres and has established major 
overseas distributorships. In an effort to distinguish itself from a host of 
recent competitors, it downplays its product's shale origins and has coined th
e term PolyfloraminTM (literally many plant minerals) to describe it. Its 
main rival, A HREF=;Rockland Corporation's/A Body 
Toddy Mine, opened in 1985 and 
produces products for A HREF=;American 
Longevity/A, A HREF=;Body Systems 
Technology/A, A HREF=;Source of 
Health/A and A HREF=;LifePlus/A. Rockland 
currently owns 1,000 acres of shale leases in 
Emery County and a new production/bottling facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Its 
reserves are estimated to be 320 million metric tons of shale, enough for 950 
billion gallons of product. Rockland has no 

Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-23 Thread Alfred Davis
Certified by who?  And what is supplement form?

- Original Message -
From: C Creel
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 12:05 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe: Wallach

 It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 year old people and
 that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a mine in Utah. It
 contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The mine that
 minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
 provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine
 the U.S. certified for this purpose.  

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-22 Thread AScottSilver
That guy was a shyster. I remember when he had a radio program and he sold 
colloidal minerals. He claimed that there was a community of Indians that 
drank from a sacred spring and they lived to be 140 years old. He was selling 
the sacred spring water. It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 
year old people and that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a 
mine in Utah. It contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

I had his Dead Doctors Don't Lie tape and he made a lot of unfounded claims 
about being nominated for a Nobel prize and that doctors don't live as long 
as everyone else. I'm sure he made a lot of money off of it. He probably 
moved because he had to. I'm sure there were a lot of law suites. He was 
quite the salesman.

People like him and his greed screw things up and get the FDA and FTC 
involved in things that they shouldn't be involved in. Good riddance as far 
as I'm concerned.

Re: CSRe acne treatments/Wallach

From: E82278 
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 17:54:11 Dr. Joel Wallach is a friend of mine.  Before 
went into the vitamins and minerals thing he was a veteranian and zoo direct
or.  He is a brilliant man who knows a lot about nutrition.  He is
 presently on Baffin Island (it is near Greenland if you look on a globe) wo
rking at a private animal preserve where he is in charge of a variety of ani
mals, from eagles, wolves, buffalo, elk, deer, polar bears, black bears, gri
zzly bears, to the world's largest horse called Onyx.  Unfortunately he
 is too busy to consult with anymore regarding humans and their nutrition as
 he is devoting himself exclusively to these animals and the private preserv
e.  He almost has a cure for the buffalo disease brucaliousis (I know t
hat is not spelled right).

When I was able to speak to him regarding CS he said that was an old time 
remedy that not too many people knew of and he wholeheartedly endorsed for 
whatever ails you.  He uses it now on Baffin Island for all sorts of a
nimal problems (and a few human problems when they come up as well).  

There is a picture on the internet I found not too long ago that showed Dr. 
Joel (what I call him) in his Humvee with buff colored sheepskin seatcovers.
  He looks like he is having the time of his life doing what he wants t
o and doing it best.

Just thought you might want to know what Dr. Joel is up to now as he is not 
on radio or tv just now.

Re: CSRe: Wallach

2003-04-22 Thread C Creel
It turned out that there was no civilization of 140 year old people and
that he was really selling crunched up shale water from a mine in Utah. It
contained heavy metals as well as traces of everything else.

   Where did you hear the latter part of this sentence?  The mine that the
minerals came from he was touting at the time was certified long ago to
provide trace minerals in supplemrnt form.  In fact, it is the only mine in
the U.S. certified for this purpose.  Thre companies now have rights to this
mine.  They all produce colloidal trace minerals.  One of them has been in
business since the 1940s.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour