Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-22 Thread Dee
I just don't think he bothered!  He actually said as much.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: John Plumridge 

Date: 21/11/2007 23:18:01 

To:; Simon Jester 

Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone... 


Yet, it's true to appear polite takes a lot of effort in this medium, in 

Order to guess what won't upset people. Perhaps it took Simon too long to 

Learn how. 

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Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-22 Thread Dee
I'm not getting into this again, as it has already been banned as a subject
a while back.  Suffice it to say, that if you want to go round upsetting
people unecessarily, then that's your prerogative.  I prefer not too that's
all.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: John Plumridge 

Date: 22/11/2007 00:07:22 


Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone... 





It is not one's job to satisfy or respect the feelings of others. Quite 

Often their feelings are selfish. 


I might rather equally risk delighting them or piss them off. A true 

Meeting of a true person, and how non-sycophantic people like to meet. 


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-21 Thread M. G. Devour
Dear John,

It was a decision I did not make lightly. Under most circumstances I 
could like and certainly tolerate Simon/Charles. I agree with most of 
his philosophy and recognize his clever, knowledgeable, and helpful 
nature, beneath a certain amount of irritability.

The key problem is the mission of this list is not compatible with:

Simon naturally sent invitations to those who needed to
dislike someone (thin-skinned), and took them on...

... at least, not without considerably more discernment than Charles 
was in the habit of exercising when choosing the targets of those 
invitations you speak of.

Part of our stated mission is to foster a welcoming and supportive 

This group often acts as a gateway for newcomers to enter the 
alternative health community. They will not be well served by being 
challenged to be thick-skinned... In fact they are often quite fragile, 
new to the online environment, new to alternative thinking, and can 
easily be driven away for good by a thoughtless response.

Now, it would be easy to say, Tough! That's their problem! if it 
wasn't that such an attitude might be a death sentence for someone who 
is in critical need of the information they are looking for from us.

Anyway, I will continue to observe his performance on other groups I'm 
on. It appears he's making some effort to be more gentle, of which I 
wholeheartedly approve. A time may come when I invite him back, if 
he'll still have us.

Be well,

Mike D.

 Apologies for joining this discussion late.
 I was sorry to see Simon go.
 Mike said this was a common feature of replies with Simon, and sohe
 had to go (something like that).
 I trust it wasn't an off-day for Mike, when he made the decision, and
 Mike made a timely decision in respect of this list. Of course, I hadn't
 seen all Simon's posts.
 I think Simon truly attempted to be straightforward and candid, and we
 would not recognise him in real life, as he asked us to consider.
 Yet, it's true to appear polite takes a lot of effort in this medium, in
 order to guess what won't upset people. Perhaps it took Simon too long
 to learn how. But, we all carry our own cross to bear, and that cross
 may be our virtue too. Simon's is understandable, and should be
 tolerated, because I think society needs that character amongst us, as
 if a calling. Simon remained tough , because he wouldn't be worn down,
 and chose to engage people. That is also a virtue, if you have the time
 and energy, or are in such a phase.
 The reason I say this, is because I spotted a comment below, which I
 frequently see levelled at people, and which I really take exception to.
 Mainly because it is a common excuse which always goes unchallenged, and
 rather like kicking a corpse - and give the appearance of an in-group
 and an out group - the sad people and the happy people.
 No need to accuse me of being thin-skinned here:
 --On 9 November 2007 14:09:30 -0500 Dianne France wrote:
  Good parents never enjoy disciplining a child but it is necessary for
  growth and setting boundaries. ... Personally I believe he is a
  very sad person inside.
 I read such statements about sadness as either provocative (if not an
 epitaph) or self-serving and censoring sadness as 'an unwanted kind of
 mental illness' in our midst. Usually inaccurate toolike how on
 earth did you measure their sadness, or its quality, and if you did, why
 doesn't that make a difference?
 The sad person inside to be condemned for being sad inside, as if it was
 his own doing, or morally corrupt.
 I'd like to remind folk that sadness is not a mental illness, but 
 extraordinary happiness is seen as rather like one (mal adaptive,
 unreal, delusional). In fact, sadness is viewed in the professional's
 reasoned world as an appropriate response to the world, and adaptive,
 not mal-adaptive behaviour.
 IN any case, I don't see Simon as angry or sad in any heavy way, but as
 I said above...on a mission, and one which might be understood and
 tolerated by *Good parents.
 Common is deviation, and a need to categorise people into likes and
 dislikes. Simon naturally sent invitations to those who needed to
 dislike someone (thin-skinned), and took them on, often holding out
 olive branches which were almost as often ignored. In many ways he was
 the selfless parent, and risked being misunderstood. Bless him.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-21 Thread John Plumridge

Apologies for joining this discussion late.
I was sorry to see Simon go.
Mike said this was a common feature of replies with Simon, and sohe had 
to go (something like that).

I trust it wasn't an off-day for Mike, when he made the decision, and Mike 
made a timely decision in respect of this list. Of course, I hadn't seen 
all Simon's posts.

I think Simon truly attempted to be straightforward and candid, and we 
would not recognise him in real life, as he asked us to consider.

Yet, it's true to appear polite takes a lot of effort in this medium, in 
order to guess what won't upset people. Perhaps it took Simon too long to 
learn how. But, we all carry our own cross to bear, and that cross may be 
our virtue too. Simon's is understandable, and should be tolerated, because 
I think society needs that character amongst us, as if a calling.
Simon remained tough , because he wouldn't be worn down, and chose to 
engage people. That is also a virtue, if you have the time and energy, or 
are in such a phase.

The reason I say this, is because I spotted a comment below, which I 
frequently see levelled at people, and which I really take exception to. 
Mainly because it is a common excuse which always goes unchallenged, and 
rather like kicking a corpse - and give the appearance of an in-group and 
an out group - the sad people and the happy people.

No need to accuse me of being thin-skinned here:

--On 9 November 2007 14:09:30 -0500 Dianne France wrote:

Good parents never enjoy disciplining a child but it is necessary for
growth and setting boundaries. ... Personally
I believe he is a very sad person inside.

I read such statements about sadness as either provocative (if not an 
epitaph) or self-serving and censoring sadness as 'an unwanted kind of 
mental illness' in our midst. Usually inaccurate toolike how on earth 
did you measure their sadness, or its quality, and if you did, why doesn't 
that make a difference?

The sad person inside to be condemned for being sad inside, as if it was 
his own doing, or morally corrupt.

I'd like to remind folk that sadness is not a mental illness, but 
extraordinary happiness is seen as rather like one (mal adaptive, unreal, 
delusional). In fact, sadness is viewed in the professional's reasoned 
world as an appropriate response to the world, and adaptive, not 
mal-adaptive behaviour.

IN any case, I don't see Simon as angry or sad in any heavy way, but as I 
said above...on a mission, and one which might be understood and tolerated 
by *Good parents.

Common is deviation, and a need to categorise people into likes and 
dislikes. Simon naturally sent invitations to those who needed to dislike 
someone (thin-skinned), and took them on, often holding out olive branches 
which were almost as often ignored. In many ways he was the selfless 
parent, and risked being misunderstood. Bless him.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-21 Thread John Plumridge

--On 9 November 2007 09:35:22 + Dee wrote:

Its not a question of demanding anything at all, it is just a question of
common courtesy, and having a bit of respect for the feelings of others,
that's all.

It is not one's job to satisfy or respect the feelings of others. Quite 
often their feelings are selfish.

I might rather equally risk delighting them or piss them off. a true 
meeting of a true person, and how non-sycophantic people like to meet.

Isn't that is being a libertarian or lover of freedom. I am not obliged to 
satisfy any tom dick or harry's feelings. And, as a person trusting in 
spontaneity which comes of learning, lightness and civililty -  on a 
mission -  a teacher, a clown or a parent, I confound them and surprise 

If everyone remembered this, the world would be a much nicer
place to live in, as there are enough horrible things going on to upset
people as it is.  Dee

If we were to satisfy people's ordinary feelings in discourse, either their 
demands would be endless, or we would be in a dirge.
MOst discourse is unsatisfactory. With friends, and people who you go click 
with it enters another dimension of delight in truth of uncensored speech 
and creative spontaneity.

And so, those horrible things, all corruption, is by trying to satisfy 
people's feelings. Sycophantic and exploitation. By feelings, we  do not 
mean good heart, or the feelings associated with a person's condition 
(maternity or whatever) - but surface feelings, any kind of whim, 
sensitivities, selfish desires, crackpot sensitivities, 
childhood-disturbances, psychological conditioning,  feelers, testing, sly 
postures, sly indignation, egoistic indignation.

An example, I am a boss with many employees. They want to go home early - 
that's what they feel like most of the time. Because they are doing it for 
the money, only. They don't feel they are really living at work. SHould I 
satisfy that ubiquitous unstated feeling? No they are my slaves. Then most 
of them also want to get laid all the time. A way to end boredom and bring 
in excitement, Should I set up a dating agency within the workplace and 
wife-swapping rooms, and bedrooms?

The some feel aggrieved because I didn't appoint them.

I didn't tell you, my job is King - and many of my ministers want my job. 
SHould I give it to them? Because that feeling pervades the chambers. NO, I 
chop off some of their heads every  few years instead. Because I have 
responsibilities to ALl the people: and I feel for their hearts desires, 
their simple needs, their pure children, their desire to work a little less 
and play more. Make play work. Make work play. I want to reduce the wars 
and taxes. Their surface feelings are despair. How can you respect despair?


My Conclusion: a difficult thing to do , mange this list. I don't think 
prefect decisions can be made. But no decision should rest upon a platitude 
like 'respect others feelings'. What you are actually doing is what is at 


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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-09 Thread Dee
Its not a question of demanding anything at all, it is just a question of
common courtesy, and having a bit of respect for the feelings of others,
that's all.  If everyone remembered this, the world would be a much nicer
place to live in, as there are enough horrible things going on to upset
people as it is.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: faith gagne
Date: 11/08/07 14:05:08
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
I do not agree at all. I do not demand that others treat me exactly the
way I need to be treated in order for me to feel good about myself.  This
places quite a burden on friends, neighbors and  the entire world, and it
does not require me to make any effort at all to understand where other
people are coming from.  

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-09 Thread Dee
My feelings exactly Mike.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: M. G. Devour
Date: 08/11/2007 17:54:19
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
So I agree with everyone who says you shouldn't let yourself be
bothered by idiots on the 'net. But that doesn't mean I'm obliged to
let anyone come in here and stealthily corrupt the atmosphere I'm
trying to create with hostile and aggressive behavior.
Be well,
Mike D.

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-09 Thread Ruth Bertella
yep, it's a sad day  his insightful and valuable knowledge will be 
sorely missed

Ruth B.

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

Smitty wrote:

 he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

Kathryn wrote:

second that...

No doubt.

I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever
demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.

As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each
other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required
of us as well.

In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his
seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant
individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't
ignore it or condone it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-09 Thread Marshall Dudley
If you miss him, join the MDI_News list. he is still going strong over 


Ruth Bertella wrote:
yep, it's a sad day  his insightful and valuable knowledge will be 
sorely missed

Ruth B.

- Original Message - From: M. G. Devour
Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 12:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

Smitty wrote:

 he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

Kathryn wrote:

second that...

No doubt.

I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever
demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.

As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each
other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required
of us as well.

In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his
seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant
individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't
ignore it or condone it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-09 Thread Dianne France
Good parents never enjoy disciplining a child but it is necessary for growth 
and setting boundaries.  It didn't make me happy that Simon was expelled from 
the list because he does have knowledge to share but like an unruly child, he 
wanted to go past limits set by this list. Personally I believe he is a very 
sad person inside.   

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall 
  Sent: Friday, November 09, 2007 11:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

  If you miss him, join the MDI_News list. he is still going strong over 


  Ruth Bertella wrote:
   yep, it's a sad day  his insightful and valuable knowledge will be 
   sorely missed
   Ruth B.
   - Original Message - From: M. G. Devour
   Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 12:38 AM
   Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
   Smitty wrote:
he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .
   Kathryn wrote:
   second that...
   No doubt.
   I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever
   demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.
   As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each
   other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required
   of us as well.
   In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his
   seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant
   individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't
   ignore it or condone it.
   Be well,
   Mike D.
   [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
   [Speaking only for myself...   ]
   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
   To post, address your message to:
   Address Off-Topic messages to:
   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down..
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread M. G. Devour
Faith concludes:
 We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we
 give it. 

Very interesting summation of the idea, Faith.

Dee writes:
 I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it
 is surely a positive thing to make people feel good rather than
 the opposite...

Civility costs effort, more or less depending on your personality. 

Mary Ann says:
 The measure of any group of people in society --
 cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least
 of that society.  If it is required of polite people to become
 thick-skinned and tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses

Yes, and somewhere between these two legitimate ideals -- perfect 
civility and perfect immunity -- is the reality we live in.

Anybody who wants to launch into great dramas every time somebody else 
says something that can be stretched enough to be interpreted as 
offensive will be just as disruptive as Simon/Charles, as well as fail 
to achieve any of their own goals for their participation. We've all 
seen these personalities. They usually don't hang around very long.

On the other hand, if you stubbornly persist in injecting unnecessary  
little personal jabs at people while ostensibly helping them, you're 
going to create a problem, too.

Still, the reason I'm most disappointed in Charles, is that this list 
is, in essence, my property, the product of my labor. The atmosphere I 
foster, the effort I put into making it a welcoming place and keeping 
the discussion on an even keel, is what will make the group attractive 
to people and allow them to use it to meet their own needs and 
encourage them to help each other. 

You don't come in here and expect to be able to dictate standards of 
behavior! I'm astonished that an ostensible libertarian would be so 
disrespectful of another person's property rights! And be persistently 
aggressive, too. Both are antithetical to libertarian philosophy. 

So I agree with everyone who says you shouldn't let yourself be 
bothered by idiots on the 'net. But that doesn't mean I'm obliged to 
let anyone come in here and stealthily corrupt the atmosphere I'm 
trying to create with hostile and aggressive behavior.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread Dee
I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it is surely a
positive thing to make people feel good rather than the opposite, no matter
how clever one may think one is, or how dumb one may think the other person
is!   Dee 
---Original Message---
Date: 07/11/2007 17:43:08
Subject: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
 Boy -- I've got to respectfully disagree with this Mike.  And pardon me 
for speaking out --I've been sitting on my hands thinking that I should be the 
one to be silent now.  But that's what's wrong with our world -- the ones who 
object remain silent.  The measure of any group of people in society -- 
cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least of that 
society.  If it is required of polite people to become thick-skinned and 
tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses because as we become that way we 
also become insensitive to our own behavior towards others.  Isn't that a 
slippery slope? 

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread faith gagne
I do not agree at all. I do not demand that others treat me exactly the way 
I need to be treated in order for me to feel good about myself.  This places 
quite a burden on friends, neighbors and  the entire world, and it does not 
require me to make any effort at all to understand where other people are 
coming from.  

To insist that all others dance in attendance to my emotional wants and needs 
places a HUGE demand on the rest of the world.To automatically assume that 
the other person sees me as dumb is a  construct of my own thinking  designed 
to keep my demands in place and up front.Nobody lives between my ears but 
me.  I'm in there all by myself so I cannot blame other people for what emerges 
from my own thinking..  

I may not always agree with what the other person has to say and I may not even 
like  what the other person has to say,  but I'd damned well better love their 
RIGHT to say it because I cannot muzzle the next guy without muzzling myself at 
the same time.

We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we give it.

Faith G

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee 
  Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 8:22 AM
  Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it is 
surely a positive thing to make people feel good rather than the opposite, no 
matter how clever one may think one is, or how dumb one may think the other 
person is!   Dee 

---Original Message---

Date: 07/11/2007 17:43:08
Subject: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

 Boy -- I've got to respectfully disagree with this Mike.  And 
pardon me for speaking out --I've been sitting on my hands thinking that I 
should be the one to be silent now.  But that's what's wrong with our world -- 
the ones who object remain silent.  The measure of any group of people in 
society -- cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least of 
that society.  If it is required of polite people to become thick-skinned and 
tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses because as we become that way we 
also become insensitive to our own behavior towards others.  Isn't that a 
slippery slope?  

frustrations and insults was RE: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread Faith Saint Francis

True thing ..the Soul -the Atma- 
is never offended, is untouchable indeed
the body, with the mind as its loyal servant (that's what mind shouls be 
really) has to learn that
until it has learned it suffers from pain, frustrations 
and insults

Date: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 17:39:47 -0600From: li...@choctaw-oklahoma.usto: 
silver-l...@eskimo.comsubject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

A newbie here.
I would just like to point out that a person is offended by his/her own choice, 
no matter how many times it happens or how many people it happens to.
I personally chose not to be offended by anyone or anything. Makes life a lot 
more pleasurable.
---Original Message---

From: M. G. Devour
Date: 11/6/2007 10:42:58 AM
To: Simon Jester;
Subject: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
 faith gagne wrote:
  Simon I think you meant well.
Of course he means well. He tries to help. He can't resist abrasive
personal jabs while doing so. People get mad at him. He denies being
responsible for the results.
Yes, in any specific case it is the choice of his victim to be offended
or not. The fact that this happens again and again proves the problem
is his, not theirs.
The world is as it is. It will not change for Charles.
A is A, dude.
 Thank you Faith... the fact is, I do mean well - and everyone here
 would most likely not recognize me if they spoke to me in person.
Sure, and your readers don't see the expression on your face or hear
the tone of your voice, or have your posture and gestures to read. If
you behaved in person the way you come across in text, you'd have been
poked in the nose often enough to cause you to make the effort to be
pleasant to people.
 Too many people take candor and/or succinctness for rudeness.
You excuse rudeness as candor and carelessness for succinctness. It
takes effort to communicate in this medium, which you choose not to
 No worries... my skin is quite thick enough that Mike's public
 chastisements don't bother me... and I do understand where he's coming
 from, and don't necessarily disagree...
Thank you, I'm glad you understand.
One of the requirements of participation in this forum is compliance
with my direction. If you won't cooperate with me and your behavior
remains disruptive I will exclude you from the group.
 ... its just not me.
You've made your choice.
Be well,
Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
To post, address your message to:
Address Off-Topic messages to:
The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour

Explore the seven wonders of the world

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread Smitty
 I do not agree at all. I do not demand that others treat me exactly the
 way I need to be treated in order for me to feel good about myself.  This
 places quite a burden on friends, neighbors and  the entire world, and it
 does not require me to make any effort at all to understand where other
 people are coming from.

 To insist that all others dance in attendance to my emotional wants and
 needs places a HUGE demand on the rest of the world.To automatically
 assume that the other person sees me as dumb is a  construct of my own
 thinking  designed to keep my demands in place and up front.Nobody lives
 between my ears but me.  I'm in there all by myself so I cannot blame other
 people for what emerges from my own thinking..

 I may not always agree with what the other person has to say and I may not
 even like  what the other person has to say,  but I'd damned well better
 love their RIGHT to say it because I cannot muzzle the next guy without
 muzzling myself at the same time.

 We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we give it.

 Faith G

Well put. . . .Faith. . . .
As Archie Bunker would say. . . . Case Closed !


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread faith gagne

Thank you.

Faith G

- Original Message - 
From: Smitty

Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

I do not agree at all. I do not demand that others treat me exactly 

way I need to be treated in order for me to feel good about myself.  This
places quite a burden on friends, neighbors and  the entire world, and it
does not require me to make any effort at all to understand where other
people are coming from.

To insist that all others dance in attendance to my emotional wants and
needs places a HUGE demand on the rest of the world.To automatically
assume that the other person sees me as dumb is a  construct of my own
thinking  designed to keep my demands in place and up front.Nobody 
between my ears but me.  I'm in there all by myself so I cannot blame 

people for what emerges from my own thinking..

I may not always agree with what the other person has to say and I may 

even like  what the other person has to say,  but I'd damned well better
love their RIGHT to say it because I cannot muzzle the next guy without
muzzling myself at the same time.

We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we give 

Faith G

Well put. . . .Faith. . . .
As Archie Bunker would say. . . . Case Closed !


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CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread marmar845
Hi Faith.  I think you are confusing the right to free speech with the right to 
be rude.  Twisted thinking like that is what encourages people to behave badly 
in public.  This is especially true in this day and age of cyber-societies, 
where people can hide behind their computer and say what they want with 
relative impunity.  I don't think that's what the founding fathers had in mind 
when they created the doctrine of free speech -- that it be a vehicle for 
people to attack other people without provocation.  You are, of course, 
entitled to your opinion -- as am I.  MA

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread faith gagne

Thank you Mike.

I really do not want to get into these back and forth one-upmanship things 
that we can all get into from time to time..  I think I just responded to 
something, but I will now try to refrain from responding to any more of 
them.   I don't have to respond.  In just moving on I will be helping  to 
create the atmosphere you are working toward and which I appreciate.

Faith G

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Thursday, November 08, 2007 12:54 PM
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

Faith concludes:

We cause as much pain in the world when we take offense as when we
give it.

Very interesting summation of the idea, Faith.

Dee writes:

I agree totally with you Mary Ann, civility costs nothing and it
is surely a positive thing to make people feel good rather than
the opposite...

Civility costs effort, more or less depending on your personality.

Mary Ann says:

The measure of any group of people in society --
cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least
of that society.  If it is required of polite people to become
thick-skinned and tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses

Yes, and somewhere between these two legitimate ideals -- perfect
civility and perfect immunity -- is the reality we live in.

Anybody who wants to launch into great dramas every time somebody else
says something that can be stretched enough to be interpreted as
offensive will be just as disruptive as Simon/Charles, as well as fail
to achieve any of their own goals for their participation. We've all
seen these personalities. They usually don't hang around very long.

On the other hand, if you stubbornly persist in injecting unnecessary
little personal jabs at people while ostensibly helping them, you're
going to create a problem, too.

Still, the reason I'm most disappointed in Charles, is that this list
is, in essence, my property, the product of my labor. The atmosphere I
foster, the effort I put into making it a welcoming place and keeping
the discussion on an even keel, is what will make the group attractive
to people and allow them to use it to meet their own needs and
encourage them to help each other.

You don't come in here and expect to be able to dictate standards of
behavior! I'm astonished that an ostensible libertarian would be so
disrespectful of another person's property rights! And be persistently
aggressive, too. Both are antithetical to libertarian philosophy.

So I agree with everyone who says you shouldn't let yourself be
bothered by idiots on the 'net. But that doesn't mean I'm obliged to
let anyone come in here and stealthily corrupt the atmosphere I'm
trying to create with hostile and aggressive behavior.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-07 Thread faith gagne
Mike,   I understand your responsibility here and I you have soemthing of a 
tough job.

Faith G

- Original Message - 
From: M. G. Devour

Sent: Wednesday, November 07, 2007 1:38 AM
Subject: Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

Smitty wrote:

 he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

Kathryn wrote:

second that...

No doubt.

I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever
demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.

As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each
other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required
of us as well.

In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his
seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant
individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't
ignore it or condone it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-07 Thread Clayton Family
I understand. It is a part of your job as list owner, and you do the 
job very well. I have gotten much help here, have learned a great deal, 
and if I had been dumped on when I first joined, I might not have done 
that.   I think I have a reasonable amount of thick skinnedness, maybe 
due to the over abundance of men in my life (grin, wink wink),  but it 
can still bring me to tears if I am very ill.  No one here has done 
that, though, so not to worry.  I think you are more understanding of 
the position ill people are in than many others on the web, and it 
brings compassion and civility to this group.   Thanks for that.


On Nov 6, 2007, at 7:43 PM, M. G. Devour wrote:

Smitty wrote:

he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

Kathryn wrote:

second that...

No doubt.

I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever
demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.

As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each
other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required
of us as well.

In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his
seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant
individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't
ignore it or condone it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-07 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from M. G. Devour 
 As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each 
 other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required 
 of us as well. 
 In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his 
 seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant 
 individuals by being rude to them.

 Boy -- I've got to respectfully disagree with this Mike.  And pardon me 
for speaking out --I've been sitting on my hands thinking that I should be the 
one to be silent now.  But that's what's wrong with our world -- the ones who 
object remain silent.  The measure of any group of people in society -- 
cyber-society included -- is the level of behavior of the least of that 
society.  If it is required of polite people to become thick-skinned and 
tolerate bad behavior, then everyone loses because as we become that way we 
also become insensitive to our own behavior towards others.  Isn't that a 
slippery slope?  Isn't that in large part what's wrong with our Country and our 
world today?  How much differently this would have all turned out if instead of 
saying you must not have tried too hard -- Simon had simply said try this 
or here ya go.  He could have been thinking ya big dummy or any other 
negative thing that he wanted -- it wouldn't have hurt a thing.  It costs 
nothing t
o be polite.  Someone on the list, by way of excusing Simon's behavior, said 
that if I thought his behavior was bad, I should be on another list where the 
behavior is brutal. Why would you justify bad behavior by worse behavior?  I 
wouldn't be a part of that list where brutal behavior is acceptable.  I don't 
think I'm the only one who feels that way -- we lost two members this week who 
unsubscribed publicly, and I wonder how many others just quietly went away?  We 
need to be especially aware of how we appear to newcomers.  This is supposed to 
be a place where people can ask questions and request help.  How will that 
happen if requests for help are treated the way Simon treated mine?  We are all 
guests in Mike's online *house*, and we have an obligation to be civil to each 
other.  If there's a mean dog on the porch, no one's gonna come in. Even Simon 
said that he doesn't behave this way in public.  I regret that I was the 
catalyst for Simon leaving the list.  I will make an effort t
o try not to become embroiled again. But I was not the first object of Simon's 
disdain -- as Ode and Dan can attest -- and I doubt I would have been the last. 
 I think your decision to end Simon's membership was the right one, and I hope 
I have not offended anyone by speaking my mind.
Mary Ann  

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-07 Thread Linda
A newbie here.

I would just like to point out that a person is offended by his/her own
choice, no matter how many times it happens or how many people it happens to

I personally chose not to be offended by anyone or anything. Makes life a
lot more pleasurable.


---Original Message---
From: M. G. Devour
Date: 11/6/2007 10:42:58 AM
To: Simon Jester;
Subject: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...
 faith gagne wrote:
  Simon I think you meant well.
Of course he means well. He tries to help. He can't resist abrasive
personal jabs while doing so. People get mad at him. He denies being
responsible for the results.
Yes, in any specific case it is the choice of his victim to be offended
or not. The fact that this happens again and again proves the problem
is his, not theirs.
The world is as it is. It will not change for Charles.
A is A, dude.
 Thank you Faith... the fact is, I do mean well - and everyone here
 would most likely not recognize me if they spoke to me in person.
Sure, and your readers don't see the expression on your face or hear
the tone of your voice, or have your posture and gestures to read. If
you behaved in person the way you come across in text, you'd have been
poked in the nose often enough to cause you to make the effort to be
pleasant to people.
 Too many people take candor and/or succinctness for rudeness.
You excuse rudeness as candor and carelessness for succinctness. It
takes effort to communicate in this medium, which you choose not to
 No worries... my skin is quite thick enough that Mike's public
 chastisements don't bother me... and I do understand where he's coming
 from, and don't necessarily disagree...
Thank you, I'm glad you understand.
One of the requirements of participation in this forum is compliance
with my direction. If you won't cooperate with me and your behavior
remains disruptive I will exclude you from the group.
 ... its just not me.
You've made your choice.
Be well,
Mike Devour
silver-list owner
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]
The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-06 Thread M. G. Devour

 faith gagne wrote:
  Simon I think you meant well.

Of course he means well. He tries to help. He can't resist abrasive 
personal jabs while doing so. People get mad at him. He denies being 
responsible for the results.

Yes, in any specific case it is the choice of his victim to be offended 
or not. The fact that this happens again and again proves the problem 
is his, not theirs. 

The world is as it is. It will not change for Charles.

A is A, dude.

 Thank you Faith... the fact is, I do mean well - and everyone here
 would most likely not recognize me if they spoke to me in person. 

Sure, and your readers don't see the expression on your face or hear 
the tone of your voice, or have your posture and gestures to read. If 
you behaved in person the way you come across in text, you'd have been 
poked in the nose often enough to cause you to make the effort to be 
pleasant to people.

 Too many people take candor and/or succinctness for rudeness.

You excuse rudeness as candor and carelessness for succinctness. It 
takes effort to communicate in this medium, which you choose not to 

 No worries... my skin is quite thick enough that Mike's public 
 chastisements don't bother me... and I do understand where he's coming
 from, and don't necessarily disagree...

Thank you, I'm glad you understand.

One of the requirements of participation in this forum is compliance 
with my direction. If you won't cooperate with me and your behavior 
remains disruptive I will exclude you from the group.

 ... its just not me.

You've made your choice.

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-06 Thread S-Max
And may I be the first to CONGRATULATE you MiKe for your clarity of thought,
wisdom, knowledge, experience, down to earth practicality, and plain 'ole
good common sense. 
Lest I forget, 
Thank you so much for just plain BEING You! I like it! 
---Original Message--- 
From: M. G. Devour 
Date: 11/6/2007 8:43:22 AM 
To: Simon Jester; 
Subject: CSSimon aka Charles is gone... 
 faith gagne wrote: 
  Simon I think you meant well. 
Of course he means well. He tries to help. He can't resist abrasive 
personal jabs while doing so. People get mad at him. He denies being 
responsible for the results. 
Yes, in any specific case it is the choice of his victim to be offended 
or not. The fact that this happens again and again proves the problem 
is his, not theirs. 
The world is as it is. It will not change for Charles. 
A is A, dude. 
 Thank you Faith... the fact is, I do mean well - and everyone here 
 would most likely not recognize me if they spoke to me in person. 
Sure, and your readers don't see the expression on your face or hear 
the tone of your voice, or have your posture and gestures to read. If 
you behaved in person the way you come across in text, you'd have been 
poked in the nose often enough to cause you to make the effort to be 
pleasant to people. 
 Too many people take candor and/or succinctness for rudeness. 
You excuse rudeness as candor and carelessness for succinctness. It 
takes effort to communicate in this medium, which you choose not to 
 No worries... my skin is quite thick enough that Mike's public 
 chastisements don't bother me... and I do understand where he's coming 
 from, and don't necessarily disagree... 
Thank you, I'm glad you understand. 
One of the requirements of participation in this forum is compliance 
with my direction. If you won't cooperate with me and your behavior 
remains disruptive I will exclude you from the group. 
 ... its just not me. 
You've made your choice. 
Be well, 
Mike Devour 
silver-list owner 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-06 Thread Smitty
he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-06 Thread Clayton Family

second that...

On Nov 6, 2007, at 4:15 PM, Smitty wrote:

he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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Re: CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-06 Thread M. G. Devour
Smitty wrote:
  he's gone. . . .but not forgotten. . . . . . . .

Kathryn wrote:
 second that...

No doubt. 

I do not enjoy booting people. I would ask all of you not to ever 
demand it of me for insiginificant or selfish reasons.

As much as we ought to expect courtesy and consideration from each 
other, a measure of tolerance and thick-skinned resiliency is required 
of us as well.

In slightly different circumstances I'd not mind nor care about his 
seeming one-man crusade to convert people to responsible, self-reliant 
individuals by being rude to them. blink, blink Here, now, I can't 
ignore it or condone it.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour