
2011-09-24 Thread David AuBuchon
Is it possible to get your hands on a protein that could be used in vitro to
sequester silver ions.  Then ingest it, thereby having a helluva lot more
ions available to the body in an ionic state?  If Mike's high ion count pans
out, doing something like this with those ions would be the bomb as we
said in elementary school.

For example, you can buy iron supplements already bound to ferritin.  If you
buy lactoferrin supplements, they have trace amounts of iron already bound
to it.  I think these are all isolated from living animals though.  Who
knows what conditions are required to incite such proteins to bind to silver

You can actually but metalloproteins if you google enough.  Super
expensive.  If would be great if some super cheap something like lactoferrin
could be used...and conditions in which it would bind to silver ions could
be created.


Re: CSmetalloproteins

2011-09-24 Thread David AuBuchon
FYI metallothienin gets a lot more hits when you search about silver.

Re: CSmetalloproteins

2011-09-24 Thread David AuBuchon
Things that come to mind as maybe having some relation to this/possible
being easily obtainable:

zeolites: http://www.gpwindowfilms.com/support-files/viral-testing.pdf
humic/fulvic acids
metalloprotein increasing herbs (MetalloClear supplement)

Re: CSmetalloproteins

2011-09-24 Thread David AuBuchon
whadya know, someone has made a silver product with fulvic acid:

Also, there is a bulk silver zeolite powder on the market I came across