Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-10-30 Thread Dan Nave

Good analysis.

I strongly suggest (request) that you repost this email under the
subject heading Argyria so that it appears under your name and can
be searched for logically in the archives.  (Edit it a bit so that
irrelevant info is removed.)  It would be very helpful since we don't
have any informational database on the silver-list.




On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 11:00 AM, Marshall wrote:
 On 10/28/2012 6:15 PM, Dave Darrin wrote:

 Something I forgot to mention.
 I've had two very prominent dark red scars across my cheek from when I was
 12 years old, I ran into a barbed wire that had been left up after  a fence
 was removed. The wire was just the right hight. It almost cut all the way
 through into my mouth.
  Now 65 years later I have no more scars as a result of my CDS/enzyme
 treatment . I've taken a few courses in the past of serrapeptase enzyme but
 didn't notice any difference then, but the amount of wobenzyme I used in
 this therapy is probably what did the trick.
   I hope more people check out this Lyme protocol because it actually
 works and not to expensive either.

   As far as the Argeria question is concerned, we had a thread some time
 back and a number of list members joined in and were quite concerned that
 their condition was being swept under the rug , so to speak, by those that
 make money from CS/EIS or whatever else you might want to call it
 ( It's all the same thing)( about 80% Ionic).
 A very short time after we had all told our stories and it was
 considered that we made it correctly but some like myself had used to much
 for to long a time, our own Marshal Dudly came on here and said you couldn't
 possibly get Argeria from properly made CS--He sells lots of it.

 I do not sell CS to the public and have not for over 5 years.  What I have
 found is that ionic silver (silver compounds) can cause argyria, and
 colloidal silver acts as a prophylactic against it.  The reason is that
 argyria in the skin is nothing more than the standard photographic seed
 forming and development process in the skin, where silver compounds are
 reduced to atomic silver in the area of photo exposure, then excess silver
 compounds plate out on those forming particles which grow sufficiently to
 get stuck in the skin.  Since there is a particle in CS for the ionic
 portion to plate out on, most of it will plate out on it, instead of
 circulating until it finds a particle in the skin to plate out on.

 Typical home made colloidal silver will get trapped by the cells at the root
 of a fingernail, most likely through the process of attempting to eliminate
 metals in the fingernails and hair.  This can become tapped in the moons of
 fingernails, and several here, including myself and wife have had this
 happen to us.  This is a different process than argyria in the skin.

 As far as getting argyria though, it appears that taking normal amounts of
 CS rarely if ever result in any argyria.  Under these conditions, and seed
 particles that form are flushed out of the skin long before they can grow to
 a size to cause them to get stuck in the tissues.  If however one takes mega
 dosages, then even if 99% of the silver compounds plate out on the CS
 particles in the blood, the 1% can still plate out on the particles in the
 skin, and if the dosage is big enough, cause them to grow fast enough they
 could get stuck.  I believe it is possible to get argyria if you take big
 enough dosages of high ppm CS over a long enough time, but since home made
 CS is typically rather low ppm, it takes a lot of it to cause a problem,
 thus it is rarely if ever reported.  I took an ounce of 10 ppm CS a day for
 about 6 or 7 years daily with no consequences, then after being bit by a
 tick that I though might have lyme, I took a quart of 20 ppm every day for 3
 or 4 days.  Only after this megadosage did I get the blue moons, although
 total silver intake over the previous 6 or so years was much much more

 However once seed particles get caught in the skin, any CS can over time
 cause them to grow until they become visible, causing argyria.  It is
 important to not let any seed particles ever get caught in the skin as they
 can continue to grow over time, even with low dosages of CS.  That is one
 thing that can be confounding to people who took improperly made silver,
 using salt, and got a light case of argyria, then find it worsens even when
 they are now using properly made CS.  The reason is the seed particles are
 already in the skin and are already stuck, so ANY silver compound can plate
 out on them making it worse.  If one does need to take megadosages of CS, I
 would highly recommend staying out of the sun until the serum level can drop
 to a reasonably low level.


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-10-29 Thread Marshall

On 10/28/2012 6:15 PM, Dave Darrin wrote:

Something I forgot to mention.
I've had two very prominent dark red scars across my cheek from when I 
was 12 years old, I ran into a barbed wire that had been left up 
after  a fence was removed. The wire was just the right hight. It 
almost cut all the way through into my mouth.
 Now 65 years later I have no more scars as a result of my CDS/enzyme 
treatment . I've taken a few courses in the past of serrapeptase 
enzyme but didn't notice any difference then, but the amount of 
wobenzyme I used in this therapy is probably what did the trick.
  I hope more people check out this Lyme protocol because it actually 
works and not to expensive either.

  As far as the Argeria question is concerned, we had a thread some 
time back and a number of list members joined in and were quite 
concerned that their condition was being swept under the rug , so to 
speak, by those that make money from CS/EIS or whatever else you might 
want to call it

( It's all the same thing)( about 80% Ionic).
A very short time after we had all told our stories and it was 
considered that we made it correctly but some like myself had used to 
much for to long a time, our own Marshal Dudly came on here and said 
you couldn't possibly get Argeria from properly made CS--He sells 
lots of it.

I do not sell CS to the public and have not for over 5 years.  What I 
have found is that ionic silver (silver compounds) can cause argyria, 
and colloidal silver acts as a prophylactic against it.  The reason is 
that argyria in the skin is nothing more than the standard photographic 
seed forming and development process in the skin, where silver compounds 
are reduced to atomic silver in the area of photo exposure, then excess 
silver compounds plate out on those forming particles which grow 
sufficiently to get stuck in the skin.  Since there is a particle in CS 
for the ionic portion to plate out on, most of it will plate out on it, 
instead of circulating until it finds a particle in the skin to plate 
out on.

Typical home made colloidal silver will get trapped by the cells at the 
root of a fingernail, most likely through the process of attempting to 
eliminate metals in the fingernails and hair.  This can become tapped in 
the moons of fingernails, and several here, including myself and wife 
have had this happen to us.  This is a different process than argyria in 
the skin.

As far as getting argyria though, it appears that taking normal 
amounts of CS rarely if ever result in any argyria.  Under these 
conditions, and seed particles that form are flushed out of the skin 
long before they can grow to a size to cause them to get stuck in the 
tissues.  If however one takes mega dosages, then even if 99% of the 
silver compounds plate out on the CS particles in the blood, the 1% can 
still plate out on the particles in the skin, and if the dosage is big 
enough, cause them to grow fast enough they could get stuck.  I believe 
it is possible to get argyria if you take big enough dosages of high ppm 
CS over a long enough time, but since home made CS is typically rather 
low ppm, it takes a lot of it to cause a problem, thus it is rarely if 
ever reported.  I took an ounce of 10 ppm CS a day for about 6 or 7 
years daily with no consequences, then after being bit by a tick that I 
though might have lyme, I took a quart of 20 ppm every day for 3 or 4 
days.  Only after this megadosage did I get the blue moons, although 
total silver intake over the previous 6 or so years was much much more 

However once seed particles get caught in the skin, any CS can over time 
cause them to grow until they become visible, causing argyria.  It is 
important to not let any seed particles ever get caught in the skin as 
they can continue to grow over time, even with low dosages of CS.  That 
is one thing that can be confounding to people who took improperly made 
silver, using salt, and got a light case of argyria, then find it 
worsens even when they are now using properly made CS.  The reason is 
the seed particles are already in the skin and are already stuck, so ANY 
silver compound can plate out on them making it worse.  If one does need 
to take megadosages of CS, I would highly recommend staying out of the 
sun until the serum level can drop to a reasonably low level.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-10-28 Thread Dave Darrin
Something I forgot to mention.
I've had two very prominent dark red scars across my cheek from when I was
12 years old, I ran into a barbed wire that had been left up after  a fence
was removed. The wire was just the right hight. It almost cut all the way
through into my mouth.
 Now 65 years later I have no more scars as a result of my CDS/enzyme
treatment . I've taken a few courses in the past of serrapeptase enzyme but
didn't notice any difference then, but the amount of wobenzyme I used in
this therapy is probably what did the trick.
  I hope more people check out this Lyme protocol because it actually works
and not to expensive either.

  As far as the Argeria question is concerned, we had a thread some time
back and a number of list members joined in and were quite concerned that
their condition was being swept under the rug , so to speak, by those that
make money from CS/EIS or whatever else you might want to call it
( It's all the same thing)( about 80% Ionic).
A very short time after we had all told our stories and it was
considered that we made it correctly but some like myself had used to much
for to long a time, our own Marshal Dudly came on here and said you
couldn't possibly get Argeria from properly made CS--He sells lots of

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 11:52 AM, Dave Darrin wrote:


 Just to let you that are interested know, At this time I have no symptoms
 of lyme left and feel that the enzyme protocol worked

 Only time will tell but I don't really want to stop taking the CDS to find
 out if it returns.


  Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

 Tony Moody
 Thu, 07 Jun 2012 00:05:30 -0700

 Hi Dave,

 Thanks for the report/update.

 Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else?

 In retrospect what would you recommend?


 On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
 Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

  To all with Lyme questions
After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
  every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
  or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
   Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
  stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
  thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
  the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
  it without turning into more of a Smurf .
I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
  Humble tells you how to make it)
   I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
  stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
  back nearly as good as before the attack.
   The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
  to take long term.
  The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
  spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
  imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
  kill it with to be effective .
  Take a look at the link


Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-08 Thread asif nathekar

I found this on :
The original post on the formula for Argyria Cured: 

About two months ago, I was contacted by an individual with an amazing story: 

This individual utilized 32 ounces of silver chloride daily for 2.5 years and 
cured a very late stage case of Nuerosyphilis. 

The silver chloride was produced in ten minute batches using the 3 nine's 
method of production with no controls. 

I have since spent quite some time on the phone with this individual. 

The second part of this story: 

By ingesting large amounts of a high concentration silver salt, the individual 
acquired argyria. It was likely a bit more severe than Stan Jones, but 
certainly not an aggravated condition like Rosemary Jacobs' agryria. It was bad 
enough to turn heads in a grocery store. 

However, this individual didn't stop with eliminating his lethal condition. He 
also reversed the argyria. 

Many have long discussed the possibility of using Vitamin E, Selenium, and 
other supplements with a cleansing program to reverse the condition, however, 
we've never seen someone actually accomplish it. It took six months of 
dedicated effort, but the individual's skin complexion returned to absolute 

Furthermore, the individual stopped taking the supplement program, resumed 
silver use, and his skin began to change once again. Whereby he resumed the 
supplementation, and the skin returned to normal. 

Apparently, the silver build-up in the body when it reaches high enough levels 
to deposit visible silver in the skin is quite extensive. The process of 
removal is slow, but effective. 

Furthermore, the individual actually had spirochetes in the eyes; the only 
thing that remains is slight scar tissue, and the individual, who was losing 
the use of the eyes, can see perfectly fine. 

The list of symptoms with such an event is extensive. The individual was near 
liver failure, and within three months of initial silver use, was all but 
completely restored to full health. Fevers spiking 3-5 times daily, a chronic 
and severe lung infection, inflammation of the liver, shut down of the body's 
elimination systems, loss of reduction of cognitive ability, extreme and 
disabling fatigue are among the symptoms that fell to the power of this... 
Silver Chloride. 

Obviously silver choride as a product is not equal to the superior isolated 
silver products. However, the question remains: Would consuming isolated silver 
have delivered enough actual silver content to the body to be effective in this 

A Cure for Argyria: The Formula 

3 Vitamin E 1000 mg 100% Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl ( note that this can be a 
dangerous amount of Vitamin E ) 

1 Selenium 100mcg yeast free 

2 vegetarian Vitamin C 1000 mg 

1 teaspoon MSM organic 

1 super potency Vitamin B 100, 

1 teaspoon of Kelp powder: 

Taken every morning with 2 16oz glasses of water, with close to a total of 3/4 
of a gallon drinking water a day. 
all credits to the original poster
peace to all,

From: Harold 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 6:39 PM
To: PTFerrance ; 
Subject: Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

Go to Silver Archives and search ;

: Selenium for Argyria

Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: CSpromising late lyme cure

I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I have 
not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.




Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-08 Thread Dave Darrin
That's amazing---I take all but the Vit-E every day and have for ten years.
I took the Vit-E  for two of those years and didn't have any improvement at
all. So much for that!

On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:52 AM, asif nathekar asifnathe...@hotmail.comwrote:

  I found this on :
 The original post on the formula for Argyria Cured:

 About two months ago, I was contacted by an individual with an amazing

 This individual utilized 32 ounces of silver chloride daily for 2.5 years
 and cured a very late stage case of Nuerosyphilis.

 The silver chloride was produced in ten minute batches using the 3 nine's
 method of production with no controls.

 I have since spent quite some time on the phone with this individual.

 The second part of this story:

 By ingesting large amounts of a high concentration silver salt, the
 individual acquired argyria. It was likely a bit more severe than Stan
 Jones, but certainly not an aggravated condition like Rosemary Jacobs'
 agryria. It was bad enough to turn heads in a grocery store.

 However, this individual didn't stop with eliminating his lethal
 condition. He also reversed the argyria.

 Many have long discussed the possibility of using Vitamin E, Selenium, and
 other supplements with a cleansing program to reverse the condition,
 however, we've never seen someone actually accomplish it. It took six
 months of dedicated effort, but the individual's skin complexion returned
 to absolute normal.

 Furthermore, the individual stopped taking the supplement program, resumed
 silver use, and his skin began to change once again. Whereby he resumed the
 supplementation, and the skin returned to normal.

 Apparently, the silver build-up in the body when it reaches high enough
 levels to deposit visible silver in the skin is quite extensive. The
 process of removal is slow, but effective.

 Furthermore, the individual actually had spirochetes in the eyes; the only
 thing that remains is slight scar tissue, and the individual, who was
 losing the use of the eyes, can see perfectly fine.

 The list of symptoms with such an event is extensive. The individual was
 near liver failure, and within three months of initial silver use, was all
 but completely restored to full health. Fevers spiking 3-5 times daily, a
 chronic and severe lung infection, inflammation of the liver, shut down of
 the body's elimination systems, loss of reduction of cognitive ability,
 extreme and disabling fatigue are among the symptoms that fell to the power
 of this... Silver Chloride.

 Obviously silver choride as a product is not equal to the superior
 isolated silver products. However, the question remains: Would consuming
 isolated silver have delivered enough actual silver content to the body to
 be effective in this case?

 A Cure for Argyria: The Formula

 3 Vitamin E 1000 mg 100% Natural d-alpha Tocopheryl ( note that this can
 be a dangerous amount of Vitamin E )

 1 Selenium 100mcg yeast free

 2 vegetarian Vitamin C 1000 mg

 1 teaspoon MSM organic

 1 super potency Vitamin B 100,

 1 teaspoon of Kelp powder:

 Taken every morning with 2 16oz glasses of water, with close to a total of
 3/4 of a gallon drinking water a day.
  all credits to the original poster
  peace to all,

  *From:* Harold
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2012 6:39 PM
 *To:* PTFerrance ;
 *Subject:* Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

 Go to Silver Archives and search ;

  *: Selenium for Argyria*

  *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:12 AM
 *Subject:* RE: CSpromising late lyme cure

 I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I
 have not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.




Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Dave,

Thanks for the report/update. 

Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else? 

In retrospect what would you recommend?


On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

 To all with Lyme questions
   After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
 every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
 or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
  Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
   When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
 stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
 thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
 the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
 it without turning into more of a Smurf .
   I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
 Humble tells you how to make it)
  I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
 stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
 back nearly as good as before the attack.
  The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
 to take long term.
 The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
 spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
 imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
 kill it with to be effective .
 Take a look at the link

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread Dave Darrin
Hello Tony
  They not only don't go away they get worse with very little added use.
I guess learning to live with it is what has to happen. I've tried the
various remedies and had no luck so I'm using CDS
and it seems to have the same benefits without the Smurf problem.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

 Hi Dave,

 Thanks for the report/update.

 Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else?

 In retrospect what would you recommend?


 On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
 Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

  To all with Lyme questions
After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
  every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
  or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
   Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker
  stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so
  thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
  the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
  it without turning into more of a Smurf .
I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. (
  Humble tells you how to make it)
   I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
  stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
  back nearly as good as before the attack.
   The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's
  to take long term.
  The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
  spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows
  imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
  kill it with to be effective .
  Take a look at the link


 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread PTFerrance
I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I have
not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.



From: Dave Darrin [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSpromising late lyme cure


Hello Tony
  They not only don't go away they get worse with very little added use.
I guess learning to live with it is what has to happen. I've tried the
various remedies and had no luck so I'm using CDS 
and it seems to have the same benefits without the Smurf problem.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the report/update.

Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else?

In retrospect what would you recommend?


On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

 To all with Lyme questions

   After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
 every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
 or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
  Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
   When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
 stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
 thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
 the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
 it without turning into more of a Smurf .

   I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
 Humble tells you how to make it)
  I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
 stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
 back nearly as good as before the attack.
  The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
 to take long term.

 The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
 spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
 imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
 kill it with to be effective .

 Take a look at the link


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:
List Owner: Mike Devour

No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2433/5054 - Release Date: 06/07/12


No virus found in this message.
Checked by AVG -
Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2433/5054 - Release Date: 06/07/12

Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread Dave Darrin
  Jason has a protocol for Argeria but I haven't heard of anyone actually
having success with it. I sure didn't.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 8:12 AM, PTFerrance wrote:

  I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I
 have not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.


 ** **

 *From:* Dave Darrin []
 *Sent:* Thursday, June 07, 2012 11:04 AM
 *Subject:* Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

 ** **

 Hello Tony
   They not only don't go away they get worse with very little added use.
 I guess learning to live with it is what has to happen. I've tried the
 various remedies and had no luck so I'm using CDS
 and it seems to have the same benefits without the Smurf problem.


 On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

 Hi Dave,

 Thanks for the report/update.

 Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else?

 In retrospect what would you recommend?


 On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
 Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

  To all with Lyme questions
After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
  every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
  or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
   Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker
  stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so
  thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
  the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
  it without turning into more of a Smurf .
I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. (
  Humble tells you how to make it)
   I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
  stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
  back nearly as good as before the attack.
   The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's
  to take long term.
  The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
  spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows
  imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
  kill it with to be effective .
  Take a look at the link



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


 Off-Topic discussions:
 List Owner: Mike Devour



 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2433/5054 - Release Date: 06/07/12*

 No virus found in this message.
 Checked by AVG -
 Version: 2012.0.2178 / Virus Database: 2433/5054 - Release Date: 06/07/12*

RE: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread PTFerrance
Well this person did because they had the before and after pictures.

Good luck in your search.



From: Dave Darrin [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 12:40 PM
Subject: Re: CSpromising late lyme cure


  Jason has a protocol for Argeria but I haven't heard of anyone actually
having success with it. I sure didn't.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 8:12 AM, PTFerrance wrote:

I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I have
not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.



From: Dave Darrin [] 
Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 11:04 AM
Subject: Re: CSpromising late lyme cure


Hello Tony
  They not only don't go away they get worse with very little added use.
I guess learning to live with it is what has to happen. I've tried the
various remedies and had no luck so I'm using CDS 
and it seems to have the same benefits without the Smurf problem.

On Thu, Jun 7, 2012 at 12:07 AM, Tony Moody wrote:

Hi Dave,

Thanks for the report/update.

Have the smurf features gone away; with time or anything else?

In retrospect what would you recommend?


On 6 Jun 2012 at 13:06, Dave Darrin wrote about :
Subject : CSpromising late lyme cure

 To all with Lyme questions

   After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4
 every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
 or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
  Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
   When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
 stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
 thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to
 the point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of
 it without turning into more of a Smurf .

   I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
 Humble tells you how to make it)
  I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
 stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
 back nearly as good as before the attack.
  The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
 to take long term.

 The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
 spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
 imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
 kill it with to be effective .

 Take a look at the link


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Re: CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-07 Thread Harold

Go to Silver Archives and search ;

: Selenium for Argyria

Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 8:12 AM
Subject: RE: CSpromising late lyme cure

I remember reading an article of a man who got rid of the argeria but I have 
not been able to find the link again.  You might want to try.




CSpromising late lyme cure

2012-06-06 Thread Dave Darrin
To all with Lyme questions

  After killing Active Lyme for 10 years with a vigorous CS protocol ( 4 oz
every 20 minutes for three days) and a maintenance dose of  a glass a day
or more like drinking water,  I started turning quite gray from Argeria .
 Look in the archives for the whole story if you need it.
  When the Argeria got to a point where I didn't wish to turn any darker I
stopped taking the CS.  For two years I didn't have any Lyme symptoms so I
thought all was OK then It hit me with all it's fury. So after I got to the
point that I couldn't walk I started looking for a way to get rid of it
without turning into more of a Smurf .

  I used the Wobenzym M and CDS which is the gas from activated MMS. ( Jim
Humble tells you how to make it)
 I've been taking this Wobenzym M ( 6 tablets twice a day on an empty
stomach) with CDS one hour later. I've been doing this for a month and am
back nearly as good as before the attack.
 The CDS unlike MMS is flavorless and has a very faint smell so it's easer
to take long term.

The Enzyme eats holes in the protective coating that forms on the hidden
spirochete and the nodules they form that contain their DNA and allows the
imune system to find them and the CS, CDS, MMS or whatever you choose to
kill it with to be effective .

Take a look at the link
