I send this to bjs.  He asked that I share it with the list.
We use lots of alternatives, and I'm not completely comfortable
putting it out there for other eyes, but when bjs asks me
for something, he can be very convincing.  I don't recommend
anything to anyone most of the time.  But if you want anecdotes,
we have a satchel full.

We have no problem at all with shingles.  Chuck, his father, and
> his grandmother all have had shingles.  His grandmother
> developed them about 3 or 4 years ago and still has them.
> Chuck used Zovirax for his (they were in his eye,) and it
> did NOTHING.  The danger that he'd soon be blind was large.
> He started rectally insufflating ozone, and they healed within
> 2 or 3 days.  When his father came down with them 3 or so
> weeks ago, he asked to come over and use the ozone machine.
> His had not even broken through the skin when he began the
> ozone.  They broke through immediately after his first
> treatment, and dried up within a week.
> Chuck's face has continued to itch for the 2 years since the
> shingles until he started splashing his face and the area over
> the ganglia where the shingles reside with CS.  Maybe it's
> psychosomatic, but he doesn't itch.  We'll take it!!
> Whatever the cause!!
> Wil C.

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