Steve there is a combination of two classic Chinese herbal formulas, Xiao
Chai Hu Tang Plus Wu Ling San. Can't promise a cure but seems to treat the
symptoms. TCM does not specifically treat western diseases but relies upon a
differential TCM diagnosis. This differential may indicate  a different
herbal formula for the same "disease" in another person.

free online TCM Diagnosis and Herbal Recommendation

Enjoy Your Health,

Ed Kasper L.Ac.
California Licensed Acupuncturist & Herbalist

-----Original Message-----
From: S&JY []
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2005 6:46 PM
To: Silver List
Subject: CS>PMR

Anyone have any reliable information regarding treatments for polymyalgia
rheumatica (PMR) besides the use of steroids (e.g. prednizone) and
inflammation/pain reducers like ibuprofin?  These control the pain but are
not very effective in curing the problem.  Most literature regarding PMR
says the cause is unknown, and the cure seems to be the passage of time -
perhaps 6 months to two years augmented by 5 to 10 mg daily doses of
prednizone.  Are there known useful alternative treatments, e.g. colloidal
silver, that can speed recovery?

--Steve Y.

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    • RE: CS>PMR Ed Kasper