RE: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-06 Thread Thora Rasmussen
There was an article recently on Rense (I think) where someone had done some
research on a ton of products that used the term natural, and they found
that 98% were either flat out fraud or deceptive, so relying on that term is
not going to do much good.  I knew the term didn't mean much, and I never
put any faith in it, but I was surprised at how bad it is.  That shows me
that 98% of the companies out there using that term are not ethical, and do
not care about their customes.  Scary.


From: Dee Fitzpatrick [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 11:27 AM
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't a
clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed 'natural' or
organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.  Probably why so
many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Indi 
Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.

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Version: 8.5.386 / Virus Database: 270.13.5/2220 - Release Date: 07/05/09


RE: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Dianne France

please explain further and give the full web address, this one wouldn't work.

Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 12:52:51 +

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information  at the
-- Original message from Shirley Reed 

   About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something about 
how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been learned indicated that 
this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways.  However, its 
un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very slow.  Since 
then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D.  Only since computers 
became easily accessible have I been able to get much more information.  Now 
there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need for more 
of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it may actually be some sort of 
master nutrient.  There is much to be learned, but the site will be very enlightening.  What is going on is that 
information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of the few, 
can now be publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is being publicized.  
Similar to the information about the connection between iodine deficiency and 
cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor health conditions.  
My opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice.pj

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
Well according to Mercola, it *does* wash off, which would explain why we
are depleted nowadays (also people using sunscreens of course).  In the old
days, people didn't shower every day, it used to be bath days once a week if
you were lucky enough to have a bath, and people washed in just soap.  Not
these SLS laden products most use now.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Malcolm
Date: 04/07/2009 21:27:09
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
(always wonder about that):
1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and B's
are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
(my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit D
hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks
2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a few
layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal bathing
any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or for

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
I agree Annie, I tend to avoid going in the sun because I hate heat which
makes me feel ill.  I supplement with the cholecalciferol spray version. 

---Original Message---
From: Annie B Smythe
Date: 04/07/2009 20:27:14
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
The problem nowadays is, though, that most jobs are indoors, not like in
the past when we had a more agrarian ruralized population where a lot of
people worked outside all day. And another factor in the equation is
that a lot of people are staying out of the sun deliberately; they
slather themselves with UV blocking sunscreens, or wear covering
clothing, when they are outdoors in the sun, because of the skin cancer
scare. Or maybe because of ticks that carry Lyme Disease...

RE: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread mborgert

Web address is
 to: essential information about mp
 to:vit d basic information
This is about the largest base of information on vit. d I have found.

Also look up d3 rat poison
 they sell on the box label is
 Vitamin d3 rat poison
-- Original message from Dianne France -- 

please explain further and give the full web address, this one wouldn't work.

From: mborg...@att.netTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 12:52:51 +

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information at the
-- Original message from Shirley Reed --  About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something about how research on Vit. D was sparse. Yet, what had been learned indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways. However, its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very slow. Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D. Only since computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much more information. Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone. It seems it may actually be some sort of master nutrient. There is much to be learned, but the site will be very enlightening. What is going on is that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of the few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers. And it is being publicized. Similar to the information about the connection between iodine deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor health conditions. My opinion--considered and informed. Not medical advice. pj

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Annie B Smythe
You need to do a little research instead of trying to scare people. That 
makes me really cranky! The Vit D3 added to the rat poison reduces the 
blood clotting ability in rodents. But that's not the way Vit D3 works 
in humans. Scaring people with half understood info, and promoting 
misinformation, is absolutely offensive, especially when a simple google 
search will give you as much information as you could ever desire about 
why they use Vit D3 in the rat poison. Vit D3 is not a poison to humans!

I also don't get what you have out of not taking Vit D, Vit D3 IS made 
by the body, and that article says the body can make its own Vit D. Yeah 
it can make its own Vit D, if you get enough sun. And even that 
information isn't always true. There are people who are born without the 
ability to produce Vit D so they have to take supplements. I know that 
for a fact because there's a lady who is on my friend's list on my blog 
who has that condition. And that crapola about night animals, is just 
that, crapola. A lot of animals do NOT handle vitamins and minerals the 
way the human body does, they require different amounts and may not 
require the same vitamins and minerals we do, their bodies also have a 
much different way of handling them, from digestion to excretion..Why do 
you think only certain animals are used for lab trials? And did you know 
that Vitamin D is also made by the fur of fuzzbutts that require it, and 
by the feathers of birds that require it? The way bodies work is a 
wondrous and awesome thing.

Annie wrote:

Web address is
  to: essential information about mp
  to:vit d basic information
This is about the largest base of information on vit. d I have found.
Also look up d3 rat poison
  they sell on the box label is
   Vitamin d3 rat poison

-- Original message from Dianne France --

please explain further and give the full web address, this one
wouldn't work.

Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Date: Sat, 4 Jul 2009 12:52:51 +

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information  at the

-- Original message from Shirley Reed --

   About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader
or something about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet,
what had been learned indicated that this nutrient just might
be extremely important in many ways.  However, its
un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least
very slow.  Since then I have been on the lookout for more
info on Vit. D.  Only since computers became easily accessible
have I been able to get much more information.  Now there is
tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need
for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it
may actually be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much
to be learned, but the site will be very enlightening. 
What is going on is that information that could once be

suppressed for the money interests of the few, can now be
publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is being
publicized.  Similar to the information about the connection
between iodine deficiency and cancer, along with loads of
other easily preventable poor health conditions.  My
opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice.pj

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Indi
Thanks, Dee, some interesting reading there for sure.
Not quite ready to believe that vitamin D can be washed off the skin, 
but they do seem to make a pretty good case for supplementing it anyway.


On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 07:18:13PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
Hi Indi I just looked up that link [1] and found
info there, but I have looked up various site (can't remember which of
course) and they keep saying  the same thing as Mercola.  He does seem to
research his subjects quite thoroughly though and its not all sales hype
because initially a lot of stuff he recommended, he didn't actually sell.
I have had a lot of stuff from him and its all been good too.  Dee
---Original Message---
From: [2]Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 17:24:02
To: [3]
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Hi Dee,
I searched for that info but didn't find it, seems all
searches including the term mercola want to scream so many
ads at me I just got overwhelmed by it all. And
raises too many red flags; they seem to be into harvesting
email addresses and won't give much info without one.
I did find a video by some health renegade guy who promised
an answer to the question, but I didn't have the stomach to
survive the first minute of his self-promotion. He did look
like he needed a bath though...
Is Mercola one of those people like Rife and Hulda Clark,
surrounded by vendors hoping to profit from someone else's
brilliance? If so, what are the good sites to reference his
Visible links

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Malcolm
Dee, I already know what 'Mercola' says.  IMNSHO, Mercola's site thrives
on a contrarian POV.  Perhaps those of us who are depleted in the vit
D department have other causes to look for, such as insufficient
exposure to sunlight, too much clothing when outdoors, wrong time of
day, Vits A, D, calcium and magnesium-poor diet, etc.  (Vegetarians are
particularly susceptible to the deficiency because plant derived D is
not the kind we use; even animal fats are likely to be deficient if the
animals were raised in confinement with inadequate exposure to sun.)
Whatever sodium laurel sulfate may do, I doubt it extracts cholesterol
from the inner layers of the skin, but who knows?  This may become the
new thinning and cardio protocol for the 21st century; just wash your
HDL's away.  g

The amount of time necessary for the body to absorb the vit D precursors
generated by exposure to sun is 30 to 60 minutes, so unless you run
inside to shower right away, you're probably ok even for the cholesterol
containing skin oils from the sebaceous glands (and there are more
cholesterols present than those found in the sebum.  BTW, the time
required for the markers to show up in the blood is about 12 to 24 hours
but the D is already bound to its delivery protein in about half an

The times of day in which the UV-B from the sun is significantly present
are 10 to 2.  It's the UV-B that does the conversion of cholesterol.


On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 14:33 +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
 Well according to Mercola, it *does* wash off, which would explain why
 we are depleted nowadays (also people using sunscreens of course).  In
 the old days, people didn't shower every day, it used to be bath days
 once a week if you were lucky enough to have a bath, and people washed
 in just soap.  Not these SLS laden products most use now.  Dee 
 ---Original Message---
 From: Malcolm
 Date: 04/07/2009 21:27:09
 Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
 This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
 (always wonder about that):
 1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and
 are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
 experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
 (my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit
 hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks
 2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
 certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a
 layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal
 any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Annie B Smythe

Sodium Laurel Sulfate, hmmm, I know it can penetrate the scalp if it's in a 
shampoo, and it can effect vision. But of all the things I've read about it, I've 
never read about it effecting Vit D manufactured in the skin. Not that that is 
impossible, if it penetrates the skin and combines with other things somehow..But 
I haven't done enough reading on it to say one way or the other. But Malcom's 
explanation sounds reasonable. ; If I do some digging and find out something 
different I'll eat some crow I reckon, LOL.


Malcolm wrote:

Dee, I already know what 'Mercola' says.  IMNSHO, Mercola's site thrives
on a contrarian POV.  Perhaps those of us who are depleted in the vit
D department have other causes to look for, such as insufficient
exposure to sunlight, too much clothing when outdoors, wrong time of
day, Vits A, D, calcium and magnesium-poor diet, etc.  (Vegetarians are
particularly susceptible to the deficiency because plant derived D is
not the kind we use; even animal fats are likely to be deficient if the
animals were raised in confinement with inadequate exposure to sun.)
Whatever sodium laurel sulfate may do, I doubt it extracts cholesterol
from the inner layers of the skin, but who knows?  This may become the
new thinning and cardio protocol for the 21st century; just wash your
HDL's away.  g

The amount of time necessary for the body to absorb the vit D precursors
generated by exposure to sun is 30 to 60 minutes, so unless you run
inside to shower right away, you're probably ok even for the cholesterol
containing skin oils from the sebaceous glands (and there are more
cholesterols present than those found in the sebum.  BTW, the time
required for the markers to show up in the blood is about 12 to 24 hours
but the D is already bound to its delivery protein in about half an

The times of day in which the UV-B from the sun is significantly present
are 10 to 2.  It's the UV-B that does the conversion of cholesterol.


On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 14:33 +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:

Well according to Mercola, it *does* wash off, which would explain why
we are depleted nowadays (also people using sunscreens of course).  In
the old days, people didn't shower every day, it used to be bath days
once a week if you were lucky enough to have a bath, and people washed
in just soap.  Not these SLS laden products most use now.  Dee 
---Original Message---
From: Malcolm

Date: 04/07/2009 21:27:09
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me

(always wonder about that):
1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and

are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
(my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit
hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks
2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or

certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a
layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal
any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Indi
Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.


On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 10:05:26AM -0700, Malcolm wrote:
 Dee, I already know what 'Mercola' says.  IMNSHO, Mercola's site thrives
 on a contrarian POV.  Perhaps those of us who are depleted in the vit
 D department have other causes to look for, such as insufficient
 exposure to sunlight, too much clothing when outdoors, wrong time of
 day, Vits A, D, calcium and magnesium-poor diet, etc.  (Vegetarians are
 particularly susceptible to the deficiency because plant derived D is
 not the kind we use; even animal fats are likely to be deficient if the
 animals were raised in confinement with inadequate exposure to sun.)
 Whatever sodium laurel sulfate may do, I doubt it extracts cholesterol
 from the inner layers of the skin, but who knows?  This may become the
 new thinning and cardio protocol for the 21st century; just wash your
 HDL's away.  g
 The amount of time necessary for the body to absorb the vit D precursors
 generated by exposure to sun is 30 to 60 minutes, so unless you run
 inside to shower right away, you're probably ok even for the cholesterol
 containing skin oils from the sebaceous glands (and there are more
 cholesterols present than those found in the sebum.  BTW, the time
 required for the markers to show up in the blood is about 12 to 24 hours
 but the D is already bound to its delivery protein in about half an
 The times of day in which the UV-B from the sun is significantly present
 are 10 to 2.  It's the UV-B that does the conversion of cholesterol.
 On Sun, 2009-07-05 at 14:33 +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
  Well according to Mercola, it *does* wash off, which would explain why
  we are depleted nowadays (also people using sunscreens of course).  In
  the old days, people didn't shower every day, it used to be bath days
  once a week if you were lucky enough to have a bath, and people washed
  in just soap.  Not these SLS laden products most use now.  Dee 
  ---Original Message---
  From: Malcolm
  Date: 04/07/2009 21:27:09
  Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
  This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
  (always wonder about that):
  1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and
  are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
  experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
  (my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit
  hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks
  2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
  certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a
  layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal
  any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't a
clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in 'products
 as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed 'natural' or organic. 
Even products designed for babies have it in.  Probably why so many children
suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Indi
Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Indi
It's the gubmint mind-control, I tell you.
Doesn't work on the very bright or the brain-damaged. 


Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are over, just as I predicted. 

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:27:04PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't a
clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed 'natural'
or organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.  Probably why
so many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee
---Original Message---
From: [1]Indi
Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
To: [2]
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.
Visible links

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Terry
Which group do you think you're in?

-Original Message-
From: Indi [] 
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

It's the gubmint mind-control, I tell you.
Doesn't work on the very bright or the brain-damaged. 


Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are over, just as I predicted. 

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:27:04PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't
clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed
or organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.  Probably
so many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee
---Original Message---
From: [1]Indi
Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
To: [2]
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.
Visible links

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Indi
Why both, of course. That's why I'm doubly immune.


On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 01:46:57PM -0700, Terry wrote:
 Which group do you think you're in?
 -Original Message-
 From: Indi [] 
 Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 1:04 PM
 Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
 It's the gubmint mind-control, I tell you.
 Doesn't work on the very bright or the brain-damaged. 
 Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are over, just as I predicted. 
 On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:27:04PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
 You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't
 clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
 'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed
 or organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.  Probably
 so many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee
 ---Original Message---
 From: [1]Indi
 Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
 To: [2]
 Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
 Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
 Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.
 Visible links
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Clayton Family

I'm in the brain damaged group, for sure.


On Jul 5, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Terry wrote:

Which group do you think you're in?

-Original Message-
From: Indi []
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

It's the gubmint mind-control, I tell you.
Doesn't work on the very bright or the brain-damaged.


Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are over, just as I predicted.

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:27:04PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
   You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there 


   clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
   'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed

   or organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.  


   so many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee

   ---Original Message---

   From: [1]Indi
   Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
   To: [2]
   Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

   Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
   Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.



   Visible links

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-05 Thread Dave

Drain bamaged?  Not me.


At 05:31 PM 7/5/2009, you wrote:

I'm in the brain damaged group, for sure.


On Jul 5, 2009, at 3:46 PM, Terry wrote:

Which group do you think you're in?

-Original Message-
From: Indi []
Sent: Sunday, July 05, 2009 1:04 PM
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

It's the gubmint mind-control, I tell you.
Doesn't work on the very bright or the brain-damaged.


Sarah Palin's 15 minutes are over, just as I predicted.

On Sun, Jul 05, 2009 at 07:27:04PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:

   You know that, and I know that, Indi, but many people out there haven't


   clue!  The amount of people I have met who have no idea what is in
   'products' as they are now called.  Especially the ones termed


   or organic.  Even products designed for babies have it in.


   so many children suffer from eczema and asthma I suppose.  Dee

   ---Original Message---

   From: [1]Indi
   Date: 07/05/09 18:54:23
   To: [2]
   Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

   Anyway, it's not that hard to use soaps without SLS.
   Bronner's soap is the best, IMO.



   Visible links

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Karen and Jerry Conrad
And not only what Shirley has said but also, it is very easy now for someone to 
have their own Vit D levels tested and people are finding they are very low. 
All you have to do is join Life Extenision Foundation and you can order your 
own blood work from lab core to test you or your familys vit D levels or many 
other labs if desired. Blessings, Karen Conrad
  - Original Message - 
  From: Shirley Reed 
  Sent: Friday, July 03, 2009 9:19 PM
  Subject: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

 About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something 
about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been learned indicated 
that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways.  However, 
its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very slow.  
Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D.  Only since 
computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much more 
information.  Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really 
great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it may 
actually be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much to be learned, but the 
site will be very enlightening.  What is going on is 
that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of the 
few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is being 
publicized.  Similar to the information about the connection between iodine 
deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor health 
conditions.  My opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice.pj

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread mborgert

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information at the
-- Original message from Shirley Reed --  About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something about how research on Vit. D was sparse. Yet, what had been learned indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways. However, its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very slow. Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D. Only since computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much more information. Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone. It seems it may actually be some sort of master nutrient. There is much to be learned, but the site will be very enlightening. What is going on is that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of the few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers. And it is being publicized. Similar to the information about the connection between iodine deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor health conditions. My opinion--considered and informed. Not medical advice. pj

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Indi

I always remember reading that Vit D, being oil-based and thus not easily
eliminated, was one of the few vitamins that can actually cause harm if 
over done. Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
through exposure to sunlight. Of course, lots of things one reads turn out 
to be utter bull, especially medical and nutrition advice, so who knows...
Also, the various forms of what is commonly called Vitamin D apparently 
have radical differences in their effect on the body. 
Personally, I think we don't really know squat about nutrition yet and
should take it all with a grain of NaCl. Of course, for someone who has a 
serious illness, some experimentation may be worthwhile. Probably beats
whatever patent meds the docs have been bribed to prescribe this week... 


On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 12:52:51PM +, wrote:
 Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
 Good information  at the
 -- Original message from Shirley Reed 
About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something 
 about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been learned 
 indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways.  
 However, its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least very 
 slow.  Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D.  Only 
 since computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much more 
 information.  Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really 
 great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it may 
 actually be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much to be learned, but 
 the site will be very enlightening.  What is going on 
 is that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests of 
 the few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is being 
 publicized.  Similar to the information about the connection between iodine 
 deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable poor 
 health conditions.  My opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
eh?  This is the first I've heard of this!  According to Mercola (and many
others) vitamin D3 in the form of cholecalciferol  is a master vitamin which
controls so many cells in the body.  It is actually a hormone and those with
cancers of all types are always low in this.  Other forms of Vitamin D can
adversely affect the health, especially those synthetic forms.  Dee 

---Original Message---
Date: 07/04/09 13:53:09
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information  at the
-- Original message from Shirley Reed


Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
According to mercola, the trouble with getting Vit D3 from the sun is that
people tend to shower using products after sun exposure and this robs the
skin of the vit D which has been made along with cholesterol in the skin. 
48 hours should be allowed for the vitamin to synthesize properly, or you
should just allow water to run over the skin, not soap stuff.  This is one
of the reasons that people's systems are depleted.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 15:39:14
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
I always remember reading that Vit D, being oil-based and thus not easily
eliminated, was one of the few vitamins that can actually cause harm if
over done. Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
through exposure to sunlight. Of course, lots of things one reads turn out
to be utter bull, especially medical and nutrition advice, so who knows...
Also, the various forms of what is commonly called Vitamin D apparently
have radical differences in their effect on the body.
Personally, I think we don't really know squat about nutrition yet and
should take it all with a grain of NaCl. Of course, for someone who has a
serious illness, some experimentation may be worthwhile. Probably beats
whatever patent meds the docs have been bribed to prescribe this week...

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Indi
Hi Dee,

I searched for that info but didn't find it, seems all 
searches including the term mercola want to scream so many 
ads at me I just got overwhelmed by it all. And 
raises too many red flags; they seem to be into harvesting 
email addresses and won't give much info without one. 

I did find a video by some health renegade guy who promised 
an answer to the question, but I didn't have the stomach to 
survive the first minute of his self-promotion. He did look 
like he needed a bath though...

Is Mercola one of those people like Rife and Hulda Clark, 
surrounded by vendors hoping to profit from someone else's 
brilliance? If so, what are the good sites to reference his 


On Sat, Jul 04, 2009 at 04:35:10PM +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
According to mercola, the trouble with getting Vit D3 from the sun is that
people tend to shower using products after sun exposure and this robs the
skin of the vit D which has been made along with cholesterol in the skin.
48 hours should be allowed for the vitamin to synthesize properly, or you
should just allow water to run over the skin, not soap stuff.  This is one
of the reasons that people's systems are depleted.  Dee
---Original Message---
From: [1]Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 15:39:14
To: [2]
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
I always remember reading that Vit D, being oil-based and thus not easily
eliminated, was one of the few vitamins that can actually cause harm if
over done. Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
through exposure to sunlight. Of course, lots of things one reads turn out
to be utter bull, especially medical and nutrition advice, so who knows...
Also, the various forms of what is commonly called Vitamin D apparently
have radical differences in their effect on the body.
Personally, I think we don't really know squat about nutrition yet and
should take it all with a grain of NaCl. Of course, for someone who has a
serious illness, some experimentation may be worthwhile. Probably beats
whatever patent meds the docs have been bribed to prescribe this week...

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Terry
If that's the case I should have been dead 5 years ago unless I'm immune to
rat poison.

-Original Message-
From: [] 
Sent: Saturday, July 04, 2009 5:53 AM
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

Be careful of vitamin d3 it is a rat poison.
Good information  at the

-- Original message from Shirley Reed

   About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or something
about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been learned
indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important in many ways.
However, its un-patentability made greater research unlikely or at least
very slow.  Since then I have been on the lookout for more info on Vit. D.
Only since computers became easily accessible have I been able to get much
more information.  Now there is tons of info and it nearly all points to a
really great need for more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems
it may actually be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much to be
learned, but the site  will be very enlightening.  What is going
on is that information that could once be suppressed for the money interests
of the few, can now be publicized far and wide by computers.  And it is
being publicized.  Similar to the information about the connection between
iodine deficiency and cancer, along with loads of other easily preventable
poor health conditions.  My opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
Hi Indi I just looked up that link and found info
there, but I have looked up various site (can't remember which of course)
and they keep saying  the same thing as Mercola.  He does seem to research
his subjects quite thoroughly though and its not all sales hype because
initially a lot of stuff he recommended, he didn't actually sell.  I have
had a lot of stuff from him and its all been good too.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 17:24:02
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Hi Dee,
I searched for that info but didn't find it, seems all
searches including the term mercola want to scream so many
ads at me I just got overwhelmed by it all. And
raises too many red flags; they seem to be into harvesting
email addresses and won't give much info without one.
I did find a video by some health renegade guy who promised
an answer to the question, but I didn't have the stomach to
survive the first minute of his self-promotion. He did look
like he needed a bath though...
Is Mercola one of those people like Rife and Hulda Clark,
surrounded by vendors hoping to profit from someone else's
brilliance? If so, what are the good sites to reference his

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Dee Fitzpatrick
I have the Mercola newsletter Indi, and he does a video where he explains
all this quite intensively.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Indi
Date: 04/07/2009 17:24:02
Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
Hi Dee,
I searched for that info but didn't find it, seems all
searches including the term mercola want to scream so many
ads at me I just got overwhelmed by it all. And
raises too many red flags; they seem to be into harvesting
email addresses and won't give much info without one.
I did find a video by some health renegade guy who promised
an answer to the question, but I didn't have the stomach to
survive the first minute of his self-promotion. He did look
like he needed a bath though...
Is Mercola one of those people like Rife and Hulda Clark,
surrounded by vendors hoping to profit from someone else's
brilliance? If so, what are the good sites to reference his

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Kirsteen Wright
On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Indi wrote:

 Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
 through exposure to sunlight.

Whoever wrote that didn't live in Scotland :-)  You know the old joke -
Noah made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights -  and that was the best sumer
we ever had!


Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Annie B Smythe
The problem nowadays is, though, that most jobs are indoors, not like in 
the past when we had a more agrarian ruralized population where a lot of 
people worked outside all day. And another factor in the equation is 
that a lot of people are staying out of the sun deliberately; they 
slather themselves with UV blocking sunscreens, or wear covering 
clothing, when they are outdoors in the sun, because of the skin cancer 
scare. Or maybe because of ticks that carry Lyme Disease...

And kids stay indoors more now in front of TVs and video games, which I 
can so totally understand if both the parents are working, in that case 
it's kind of damned if you do and damned if you don't, their safety vs 
time outdoors.. People who live in apartment complexes don't have 
back yards to do a little sun catching. Elderly folks who don't have 
much mobility and fragile skin, or who live in more dangerous 
neighborhoods, or folks who take prescription meds may be hyper 
sensitive to sunlight. I'd say it's probably a huge problem in jails and 
prisons too.

So yeah getting enough naturally made Vit D, produced by the body being 
exposed to sunlight, may be a big problem for a lot of people.

And sunlight coming through windows doesn't count because the UVB rays 
that make vitamin D in the skin are blocked by window glass.

I bought some D3 from Swanson, the most reasonably priced I could find, 
and I've been taking 2000 IU a day for nearly a month. No side effects 
so far as I can tell. I know for a fact that I don't get enough sun, I 
have dark hair but very fair skin, think black Irish, but Scots ancestry 
instead, LOL. Twenty minutes of sun, unless it's very early in the morn 
or very late in the afternoon, would parboil me, even with sunblock 
applied. I know because it has happened before. I definitely don't put 
any faith in sunscreens after I got fried once. I don't go to the beach 
at all, what would be the point? And I make darned sure I can find shade 
if I'm at any kind of outdoor event. And I don't drink milk.

So I take Vit D, and it just makes sense to me, to take a form that the 
body can use better. It's kind of like the differences in the types of 
Vit E on the market and the way the body uses them.


Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Sat, Jul 4, 2009 at 3:38 PM, Indi wrote:

Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it needs
through exposure to sunlight. 

Whoever wrote that didn't live in Scotland :-)  You know the old joke 
- Noah made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights -  and that was the 
best sumer we ever had!


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Malcolm
This has been discussed in the recent past, and if my memory serves me
(always wonder about that):

1) The oil soluble vitamins are not 'washed out' by water like C and B's
are; so they remain stored and can achieve toxic levels.  My personal
experience has been that A and E (D-alpha tocopherol) taken to excess
(my excess) make me feel like I did the wrong thing, ucky.  So far vit D
hasn't given me this reaction @ 2,000 IU per day for a coupla weeks

2)Vit D is made by exposure of cholesterols, in our skin, to sun, or
certain energy levels of light but the formation takes place under a few
layers of the epidermis, and thus doesn't wash off under normal bathing
any more than the cholesterols do.  I dunno what sunscreens do to or for

3)It usedta be that vit D2 was The stuff and added to milk; the
'sunshine vitamin' according to the advertising hypsters.  Now it's vit
D3.  Anyone know what happened to vit D1?  Will we have the new and
improved D4 soon?

4) It's a hormone.

The whole idea that we should take some thing -or not - for whatever
is suspect.

Take care, (oops?)
OK; Give care,

On Sat, 2009-07-04 at 16:35 +0100, Dee Fitzpatrick wrote:
 According to mercola, the trouble with getting Vit D3 from the sun is
 that people tend to shower using products after sun exposure and this
 robs the skin of the vit D which has been made along with cholesterol
 in the skin.  48 hours should be allowed for the vitamin to synthesize
 properly, or you should just allow water to run over the skin, not
 soap stuff.  This is one of the reasons that people's systems are
 depleted.  Dee 
 ---Original Message---
 From: Indi
 Date: 04/07/2009 15:39:14
 Subject: Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'
 I always remember reading that Vit D, being oil-based and thus not
 eliminated, was one of the few vitamins that can actually cause harm
 over done. Supposedly, the human body will automatically make all it
 through exposure to sunlight. Of course, lots of things one reads turn
 to be utter bull, especially medical and nutrition advice, so who
 Also, the various forms of what is commonly called Vitamin D
 have radical differences in their effect on the body.
 Personally, I think we don't really know squat about nutrition yet and
 should take it all with a grain of NaCl. Of course, for someone who
 has a
 serious illness, some experimentation may be worthwhile. Probably
 whatever patent meds the docs have been bribed to prescribe this

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-04 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
I've read that some babies in Australia have shown symptoms or rickets 
due to this concern about the sun.

On Sunday, Jul 5, 2009, at 04:26 Asia/Tokyo, Annie B Smythe wrote:

 And another factor in the equation is that a lot of people are 
staying out of the sun deliberately; they slather themselves with UV 
blocking sunscreens, or wear covering clothing, when they are outdoors 
in the sun, because of the skin cancer scare.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSVit. D 3 'hype'

2009-07-03 Thread Clayton Family
I appreciate your well-said opinion. It sounds reasonable to me,  and I 
agree it was much harder to get information before the computer age. I 
had to do research at a library, read medical journals and science 
news, and study textbooks to get reliable info; that is also 
considering the considerable medico-politico bias that is still a big 
presence today, and most know it has been for the last 100 years. 
Pauling was a giant, but not everyone liked his work.


On Jul 3, 2009, at 8:19 PM, Shirley Reed wrote:

   About 50 years ago mention was made in some weekly reader or 
something about how research on Vit. D was sparse.  Yet, what had been 
learned indicated that this nutrient just might be extremely important 
in many ways.  However, its un-patentability made greater research 
unlikely or at least very slow.  Since then I have been on the lookout 
for more info on Vit. D.  Only since computers became easily 
accessible have I been able to get much more information.  Now there 
is tons of info and it nearly all points to a really great need for 
more of this nutrient for nearly everyone.  It seems it may actually 
be some sort of master nutrient.  There is much to be learned, but the 
site will be very enlightening.  What is going 
on is that information that could once be suppressed for the money 
interests of the few, can now be publicized far and wide by 
computers.  And it is being publicized.  Similar to the information 
about the connection between iodine deficiency and cancer, along with 
loads of other easily preventable poor health conditions.  My 
opinion--considered and informed.  Not medical advice.    pj

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour