I've been diligently moving any posts bearing her email in the "From" line to 
Spam - today I'm contacting my host to see if there's something I can do with 
my email to permanently make her invisible. 


That said, I occasionally see what she writes when others comment on her post, 
and keep her text.  To my knowledge and recollection, the only approach she is 
taking is that we all need to get the shots; we are selfish if we don't; we 
will all die because we don't, and similar.  The links she has provided only 
support her "get the shot" mantra. 


Meanwhile, I've been busy learning about numerous ways to address the Wuhan 
Virus without getting those shots.  I'm listening to the doctors in the field, 
who are working with patients on a daily basis.  They were unsatisfied with the 
directives that were given early on - when patients present with mild symptoms, 
send them home with instructions to take Tylenol and drink a lot of water, and 
come back to the hospital when things got REALLY bad.  These doctors are 
Board-Certified in things like Pulmonology; Critical Care; and other relevant 
disciplines.  They are engaging in the practice of DOCTORING.   


Those are the voices we have been listening to, and working with a protocol to 
beef up our immune system.  If you're interested, a good place to start is the 
protocols offered by the Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance.  This is a 
bunch of doctors working with real patients, who have been wading through all 
the information available to come up with protocols that are working at all 
levels of the virus.  We're doing the prophylactic protocol because we were 
exposed casually, but making sure we have the necessary supplies to step that 
up should we experience more severe symptoms. 


As time permits, I'm also bringing myself up to speed with other possible 
options - herbs; essential oils; electronic tools; etc.  And, yes, CS.  I 
believe I have all the materials with me to produce CS - we just haven't 
experienced health events that would give me an opportunity to experiment.  For 
our ages, we're really pretty healthy.... 






 From: "Gmail - peaceluv" <peace...@gmail.com> 

Date: Fri, Aug 6, 2021 8:50 am 

To: "Linda Ellis on CS" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 

Subject: Re:CS>one.red...@hotmail.com 

 Did Cyndiann finally propose any alternative cure to the Covid-19 besides the 
shots? I tried to search all my mails from the list, but can't seem to find any 
alternative cure proposed by Cyndiann.  




On Tuesday, August 3, 2021, Linda Ellis wrote and made these points 

on the subject of "CS>one.red...@hotmail.com": 


> Neville, just so I'm sure my motive for leaving this list is clear...... 


> I'm fine with people expressing differing opinions, and truly wish there was 
> more respectful, open debate from different viewpoints on any number of 
> topics.  If The Troll were offering RESPECTFUL thoughts on her differing 
> viewpoints, in a manner which stimulated dialogue, I'd be all-in on that. 


> That isn't what's happening with her.  She has been asked several times (by 
> Max and me, in particular) to present her thoughts on alternatives that could 
> be helpful in fending off the Wuhan Virus.  After all, this is a group that 
> is interested in solutions that are less reliant on the pharmaceutical model 
> that dominates modern medicine these days. 


> She hasn't stepped up with any of that.  This is a CS group - has she been 
> experimenting with CS to protect herself or help others?  How about herbs?  
> Essential Oils?  Vitamins?  Other supplements?  Any of the numerous 
> electricity-based tools?  As I recall, her response to Max when he asked this 
> was that she refused to engage with people like him. 


> Her only response is that we should all bite the bullet and get the shots, 
> and to denigrate and demean those who express skepticism and distrust of the 
> vaccines, despite mounting evidence that we have good reason for concern.  
> That's not even considering that a lot of people in groups such as these are 
> experiencing some medical issues, about which we know nothing, and who may 
> have very legitimate "contraindications" for those shots.  Or, they've 
> already suffered at the hands of the Pharmaceutical Model, and are 
> desperately looking for other solutions. 


> The Troll has, to my recollection, chosen to call well-intended people in 
> this group morons, idiots, stupid, and a host of other invectives I don't 
> recall.  Nobody in this group deserves these kinds of attacks.  Everybody is 
> here for their own reasons; nobody can know what those reasons are; and all 
> deserve to be treated with respect, with disagreements voiced respectfully.  
> You and Max demonstrate how to handle disputes respectfully very well.  The 
> Troll has repeatedly been admonished to moderate her tone, but continues to 
> attack and demean. 


> I "tip my hat" in respect for your ability to tolerate this type of behavior. 
>  I, for one, have reached my limit.  I do hope you'll reconsider and 
> resubscribe to the other list - your views are valuable to all of us.  I'm 
> not a moderator over there, so I can't make assurances, but I get the sense 
> that wide-ranging viewpoints will be fine - the line will be drawn at the ad 
> hominem attack lines we've been experiencing here. 


> Linda 


> From: "Neville Munn" <one.red...@hotmail.com> 

> Date: Sun, Aug 1, 2021 8:28 pm 

> To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 

Subject: Re: CS>>Unsubscribe -- why? 


> No worries Linda. 


> In the big wide world of communications, people are going to be pestering 
> other people one way or another at some stage. 


> The reason I won't leave here is for one, I will not be dragged down to 
> someone elses level, and two, because sites end up being like FB, all buddy 
> buddy, friends, a club, everything is controlled, any agenda, and three, I 
> have been here too long, "I live in my own world, they all know me here", so 
> to that end, I just prefer to ignore or delete, everyone has an opinion, or 
> has a voice, right or wrong, that's life, besides, it doesn't hurt to have a 
> disenting voice occasionally, keeps the world going round <g>, and I can use 
> the 'delete' button anytime I choose, I have the control. 


> I joined that other site, but then I unsubscribed the next day, there was no 
> point for me, I would eventually be booted out for one reason or another 
> eventually.  At least here people can just delete me or ignore me anyway <g>. 

> From: li...@mayaluga.com <li...@mayaluga.com> on behalf of Linda Ellis 
> <li...@mayaluga.com> 

> Sent: Monday, 2 August 2021 12:04 AM 

> To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com> 

Subject: Re: CS>>Unsubscribe -- why? 


> Speaking only for myself, the problem that I see as unsolvable is, there is 
> no way to correct the situation with the Troll.  








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