On 30 Apr 98 at 17:17, Deb wrote:
> Speaking of ppms, I have had to buy all mine (CS) from the
> health food store up till now. It says on the bottle it is 250 ppm.
> I wonder if someone here could test it?
We've heard of a number of CS preparations labeled in the hundreds of
ppm range. Obviously, you shouldn't have to take very much to be
knocked flat by a herx *IF* they really were as strong as they claim.
I've read that they usually test out in the few-tens-of-ppm range. I
don't remember what rationalization the manufacturers use to make the
high ppm claim. Some sort of "equivalent ppm" mumbo-jumbo?
Sorry I can't be more precise, but this stuff was out there on
somebody's web site and I can't remember just whose it was.
We just need a little more time and we'll be able to test and
document some protocols here, so it becomes as easy as possible to
get started making your own. It's so inexpensive to make there's no
reason to buy it as long as the recipe is well proven.
Of course, for your horses you'll want to be able to make larger
batches without it taking all day, so the production systems make
sense for you.
Be well,
Mike D.
[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[mdev...@mail.id.net ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]
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