Your wonderful, and worth the time spent on this subject Margaret, glad
to see your willing to try.  Now we can move on to CS again.
If your like most Aspartame Addicts  once you stay off it for a while ,
it will make you somewhat sick when you get a whiff of it,,,like an ex
smoker , me,  for one I almost break a sweat when I smell tobacco smoke.
yuck !  Congratulations ! you took the first step.
Dewey, AZ

Margaret Johns wrote:

> When people ridicule me for feeding my animals raw meat diet I get
> really angry.  I do everything in my power to educate them.  I know
> how frustrating it is to be ignored or laughed at.  So for all of you
> non aspartamers out there here goes.  Thank you so much for
> re-educating me on the lethality of this wonderful sweetener.  It
> really angers me that I am going to have to give it up.  When I read
> that part about PMS I decided to give it a try!  The funny thing about
> all of this is that my sister and one of my kids NEVER eat the stuff,
> unless it is hidden, and they have almost all of the symptoms.  I have
> eaten it since it has been around and the only thing I am worried
> about is a humming in my head and PMS.  I do not remember having PMS
> this bad years ago but that may be premenaposal.  Who knows?  And I
> worked in a factory for 3 years so maybe the ear thing is from that.
> Who knows?  But is is worth a shot.  How long do you abstain to see a
> difference?Margaret