Re: CS Post Polio Syndrome: Enar, Scenar, MME

2005-06-21 Thread Tad Winiecki
This is purely anecdotal, YMMV, but I have had neck problems for many years
thanks to a couple of incidents of whiplash, and have had some healing from
time to time through prayer.  The latest problem was in my highest vertebra
and its attachment to my skull.  I was experiencing some strange shooting
pains frequently when I turned my head combined with a numbing sensation.
I would even have the pain when I wasn't moving sometimes.  There was also
a clicking or popping sensation on the other side of the vertebra.  I
bought a ceramic infrared heat bulb intended to warm reptiles in an
enclosure, from the internet, and put it in a metal hood with ceramic base
I bought at the feed store.  I lay on the couch with the heat lamp shining
on my neck at about 9-12 away, for about an hour or so.  After doing this
it has been several months and I have had no more shooting pains at all.  I
was totally amazed.  I also have used the heat lamp on my heel, where I was
having pain after doing a lot of jumping and bouncing when dancing, and the
pain left.  I also had my husband use it on his back when he was having
muscle spasms and his back went out (painful spasms that would prevent
straightening the back), and it fixed him up in a couple of days.  PTL!


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Re: CS Post Polio Syndrome: Enar, Scenar, MME - Reposted plain text

2005-06-18 Thread Rowena

Chiropractic.  It really will help may sure the nerve impulses are making it
to the muscles.
Has anyone in the group had or know of someone who has had this condition
and what if anything can be done about it?...thanks ...Debbie
Am reposting in Plain Text, trying to behave myself better.
Also with PPS, I would like to have the patient do the electrodermal 
diagnosis to be sure what the problem is, as my MIL was diagnosed this but 
it turned out to be something else, and try the personalised homeopathic 
remedies.  I notice the Panama Institute below has some pages on that kind 
of thing.


If we are talking nerve impulses, you could look at the Enar or Scenar 
(I seem to recall that the CS will also encourage nerve impulses via the 
silver itself)
I have lots of documents from around the world on Enar if you would like me 
to send them off list.
I can't spot the UK links, but a google would soon find some, I'm sure. 
Zulia Frost is a UK name in Scenar.

Here are some links: think these are the people who make the 
Enar I have bought, under license

 from the Russians.
Jerry's basic level training info
this site will also have training info for advanced trainings

Here are some Scenar / Enar sites I have visited: (but their Scenar acupuncture page 
disappeared; originally I read the most glowing enthusiasm there
 about using this - actually, from the picture it was an Enar device - with 

 attachment for acupuncture.  Along the lines of this is the way of the
 future, much safer, etc.)  (an adobe 
doc on the results of University tests)

Also I came across something a while ago that might be of interest, though I 
know nothing about it, which has been used successfully, it would appear, on 
people with nerve damage.  MME.

During the
periods of treatment, or magnet time as it is called, one simply lies
in bed, talking, watching television, reading, or sleeping. Generally,
the patient feels nothing, but often they experience an immediate relief
from any pain, and occasionally, some patients feel a tingling or
glowing sensation, which may be related to healing activity
Spinal cord injury: When he was 20, a man's spinal column was severed
between levels T-2 and T-3 (just below the point where the neck attaches
to the shoulders), and became a paraplegic from the nipple area down.
Thirty-two years after the accident; he was treated with MME. After only
one month, he has motor and sensory neuron activity in the groin area,
and his legs are start-ing to become alive.
Dr. Bonlie worked on one infant whose heart had stopped for 30 minutes
and was considered brain dead. Before MME therapy, he was blind, deaf,
couldn't nurse or swallow, and his muscles were in a state of constant
spasm. He completed his first month of treatment and is now into his
fourth round. He can see and hear, eats normally, has lost his
spasticity, has regained some muscle control, and is trying to talk.
Cerebral palsy: This disability has been partic-ularly responsive to MME
therapy. In a group of 40 treated patients, 37 have shown improvement.

Parkinson's disease: The symptoms of an ini-tial group of 17 Parkinson's
patients improved sig-nificantly in 91 to 308 hours of treatment.
Other conditions that have been resolved or improved with MME therapy
include Bell's palsy, Becker muscular dystrophy, fibromyalgia/chronic
fatigue syndrome, headaches, head injuries, and all types of joint
problems.  The list is growing daily.
When cells are exposed to the magnetic
fields of MME, the speed of electron movement is increased by as much as
20,000 times.  This, in turn, increases electron transfer, which we
talked about earlier; the number and efficiency of chemical reactions in
the body; and the available energy at the cellular level.  The magnetic
fields of MME act as a catalyst and trigger several events that are
crucial for the repair and regeneration of damaged nerves, blood
vessels, bones, and other body tissues. These events include an increase
in oxygen-carrying capacity of the bloodstream, improved assimilation of
nutrients, and enhanced production of enzymes.
MME therapy changes this
charge in a way that causes heavy metals such as mercury, arsenic, lead,
and other toxins to move out of the cell. MME therapy has been shown to
be a strong detoxifier - so strong that Dr. Bonlie routinely gives his
patients the oral chelating compound DMSA to help remove these toxins
during the first phase of the therapy.
Currently, four locations in the U.S. are treating patients with
Dr. Bonlie's MME.

AMRI-Laguna Niguel, Calif. (949) 367-0877

AMRI-Mocksville, NC

(336) 492-2800

AMRI-Hanover, Penn.