
1998-05-24 Thread Jade
At 07:39 PM 5/22/98 -0500, you wrote:
Brooks Bradley wrote:
  Our limited, anectdotal experimentation (on older members of our
staff's  extended families60 and over)  have yielded very
satisfactory results,  with no detectable side effects...whatever.
Debbie wrote:
 but my experience with melatonin is not that
positive. If taken for more than a day or two , I wake up in the middle
of the night somewhat wired. On many nights I will also have
weird/bizarre dreams and this I have heard and read from others.

Hello list,

A big consideration is the brand of the melatonin. Brooks Bradley writes
about lab quality melatonin in the studies.

There are a LOT of chemicals involved in processing  some manufacturers
are not as quality conscious as others.

If Debbie tried only one brand, she may have reacted to some chemical
unique to that brand, besides the melatonin. If she reacted to several
different brands of melatonin, it may be a common chemical used in
processing. And then, it's always possible that some individuals have a
unique sensitivity. 

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1998-05-22 Thread Debbie McDonald
Brooks Bradley wrote:
  Our limited, anectdotal
 experimentation (on older members of our staff's extended families60
 and over)  have yielded very satisfactory results, with no detectable side
Sorry off topic Mike but my experience with melatonin is not that
positive. If taken for more than a day or two , I wake up in the middle
of the night somewhat wired. On many nights I will also have
weird/bizarre dreams and this I have heard and read from others. Deb   

 Debbie McDonald

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To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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List maintainer: Mike Devour