Re: [Simh] Size of disks created by Simulator

2013-11-11 Thread Bucher, Andreas (Andreas)** CTR **

that's quite easy: 

Either in the SIMH console or in the VAX.INI file used to configure your 
simulation, use the following commands:

{from VAX.INI}

; This virtual machine has 256M memory (cpu extend to enable mem 64M)
; note: set cpu extend is not needed, as it is implicitely included in the 256m 
;set cpu extend
set cpu 256m

; Define disk drive types. (RAUSER=sizeMB is variable size)
set rq0 ra92
set rq1 rauser=2000
set rq2 cdrom
;set rq3 cdrom
set rq3 rauser=2
; the latter will define DUA3: in VMS as ~20GB = ~40Mio blocks

; Attach defined drives to local files
attach rq0 d0.dsk
attach rq1 d1.dsk
attach rq3 d3.dsk
; d3.dsk will be the ~20GB image file of DUA3:

; Attach the CD-ROM to its image file (read-only) 
attach -r rq2 ..\images\vms072.iso

then boot up the system:
simh boot cpu
(or put this command in the VAX.INI, and launch the VAX emulator)

Once VMS has loaded, you need to initialize the newly created disk:
$ init dua3: test

This may take a while, as now, the d3.dsk container file on the host is 
written, as VMS initializes the file system inside it.

Next, mount it:
$ mount dua3: test

If you list your devices now, you should see about 40M Blocks = 20GB

$ show dev d

Device  Device   ErrorVolume Free  Trans Mnt
 Name   Status   Count LabelBlocks Count Cnt
VXAB03$DUA0:Mounted  0  SYS1762768   283   1
VXAB03$DUA1:Mounted  0  DAT1   3797752 1   1
VXAB03$DUA2:Online   0
VXAB03$DUA3:Mounted alloc0  TEST  39079352 1   1

6) Your 20GB disk is now usable:
$ dir dua3:[00]

Directory DUA3:[00]


Total of 10 files.

7) The next time you boot um VMS and need this disk, you only have to mount it.

Hope this helps !

Kind Regards,

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:simh-bounces@trailing-] On Behalf Of priya chincholikar
 Sent: Montag, 11. November 2013 12:39
 To: Bruce Claremont
 Subject: Re: [Simh] Size of disks created by Simulator
 I understand that sim SET RQ1 RAUSER=4096 will give me 4096 MB space.
 I want to create atleast 20GB disk size.
 I read that
 RAUSER is a user specified disk; the user can specify the size of
 the disk in either MB (100 bytes) or logical block numbers (LBN's,
 512 bytes each). The minimum size is 5MB; the maximum size is 2GB
 without extended file support, 1TB with extended file support 
 So that means its possible to create a 20 GB disk.. How do I proceed ?
 - Priya
 On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 9:36 PM, Bruce Claremont wrote:
   The easiest way to increase the disk size under VMS is to create
 new disks, then use BACKUP /IMAGE to move transfer the data from old to
   At 05:52 AM 11/8/2013, priya chincholikar wrote:
   I have a question about the disks created during
   I noticed that 3 disks get attached when we run the
 simulator for the first time.
   [root@localhost data]# ls
   cd.iso  d0.dsk  d1.dsk  d2.dsk ka655x.bin  nvram.bin
   ford/system$ sho dev d
   Device  Device   ErrorVolume
Name   Status   Count Label
   DNFS0:  Online 0
   FORD$DUA0:  Mounted 0  FORD
   FORD$DUA1:  Mounted alloc 0  DATA1
   FORD$DUA2:  Mounted alloc 0  DATA2
   FORD$DUA3:   Online0
   Is there a way to increase the size of any these disks ?
   - Priya
   Simh mailing list
   Mr. Bruce Claremont, Software Preservationist
   Migration Specialties International, Inc.
   217 West 2nd Street, Florence, CO   81226-1403 +1 719-784-9196, Fax: +1
   Get your free Virtual Alpha at .
   Continuity in Computing:  Founded in 1992, Migration Specialties
 offers modern solutions for legacy hardware  software.   Look to us
 for virtual VAX and Alpha solutions 

Re: [Simh] Extended SimH on BeagleBone controls real blinkenlight panels

2012-04-19 Thread Bucher, Andreas (Andreas)** CTR **

 I just finished another Blinkenlight project:
 An extended SimH runs on a BeagleBone (credit card sized 
 Linux platform) 
 and controls real console panels of historical computers, or 
 of those panels.
 So the project is named BlinkenBone.
 First implementation is re-animation of a PDP-11/40 console (KY11-D), 
 others will follow.
 See documentation here:
 I think there are a few? a lot? other SimH-blinkenlight 
 projects out 
 Perhaps it is time to define the definitive SimH - Blinkenlight 
 interface, so there's a standard for future work. My proposal is
 If you like to build this too, we will support you ... but it 
 won't be 
 And code deployment isn't organized yet, contact me on demand.


that's waaay cool ! Not really useful for practical computing, but absolutely 
mandatory for the genuine look-and-feel of some ancient big iron :-)

I like your modular approach - it allows people NOT owning true hardware 
blinkenlights to replace them with some software simulated frontend instead ! 
Would be cool to have SIMH equipped with all kind of genuine virtual (or real, 
for the purists) designs of the systems it emulates ! Have a look for PINMAME, 
the pinball emulator software, and you know what I mean :-)
(wll, yes, a pinball machine's main item IS the hardware you see, and the 
CPU is only some aid in behind, while our emulated data processing systems are 
vice-versa - but anyway ...)

And - finally ... that's what I already suggested years ago (and only got 
startled looks): Equip SIMH with some standard interface to optionally drive 
real hardware components of the systems it emulates, like console panels and 
stuff. I even went as far as to suggest incorporating all other kind of events 
from inside the system beeing signalled out - this could be used to generate 
sound events as well !

Think about your DECbox emitting true 11/750 noises, perhaps with some TE16 
tape in the background, hehe :-)

So, you better go ahead and digitize not only the Front Panels, but also the 
sound of the remaining hardware that is alive, or sythesize the sound of dead 
hardware and have it proof-listened by the few people knowing the hardware 
that still are alive as well ...

And ... yes: This IS over-engineering ;-)


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS Cluster boot on an unique container

2011-09-29 Thread Bucher, Andreas (Andreas)** CTR **

this means: You want to use the same phyiscal disk image file on the host 
system, and tell two (or more ?) SIMH instances to connect to an run on this 
same image ?

This reminds me - it should be identical to booting two 11/750s (or whatever 
...), both connected to a dual-interface RA81 SDI disk :-)
I remember we did this years ago when working with those VAXes, and it was 
working fine - the VMS took care of the file locking and sharing, you only had 
to take care to duplicate the config files and directories correctly. It is 
generalls supported by VMS, with the intention to save disks and disk space, 
and running clusters from shared disks.

I think VMS requires some special setup (shared disk was the keyword, I 
think. VMS shares the read-only OS files, and duplicates the config).

I have to admit that I never tried this with SIMH, but I gave it a quick try: 
One set of disk image files, copy the vax.ini to vax1.ini, modify the vax1.ini 
to point the console terminal to a different port, and launch vax.exe 
vax.ini, and in a second task vax.exe vax1.ini.

Boths systems boot up fine, are up and running, and I can log on via the 

I did not create any duplicate config so far, means: Both VAXes use the same 
name and network config, but since I connecte the console locally, that's no 
issue so far. I did not notice any file locking or other disk access issues.


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of patrick renouvel
 Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:00 AM
 Subject: [Simh] VMS Cluster boot on an unique container
 Good morning, 
 I used often SimH for VAX emulation Standalone as well as LAVC. 
 I'd like to boot two SimH instance on the same disk (sys0 and 
 sys1 ) to have a copy of our Charon Cluster. 
 Did somebody try this once ? 
 Any lock troubles ? 
 Thanks a lot for your precious help. 
 Kind regards. 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX DZ terminal controller unit?

2011-05-23 Thread Bucher, Andreas (Andreas)** CTR **

thanks for your new ideas as well :-)

The behaviour you described reminded me to the time when working with real 
hardware, especially the one when connecting two VAX's lines together ... and 
about the VT teminal connections, I remember that we used to hard-wire DTR 
jumpers for some machines, or doing other tricks (like unplugging the terminals 
to disconnect), because the smart operators did not set up the lines 
correctly, as we used to say (750 and 6xxx and 8xxx models).

Like Gary did and mentioned, I remember having later (when I became operator, 
hehe) figured out a SET TERM config that solved those issues, and having put it 
into the system startup procedure of each VAX I maintained. Pity I didn't 
archive this file off the last real VAX before I did shut it down. It should 
be pretty similar to what was listed by him.

Nowadays, I use and fire up SIMH only occasionally, to test or verify some 
older software, so I didn't care too much about the DZ telnet issue - 
usually, I use the console only, and shut down when the job is done.

Actually, im my VAX.INI, I did set VH disable, to save some ressources :-)

Now, I changed that, disabling DZ and using the VH device(s) instead - works 
like a charm ! That's what I was used to: Log off, hit ENTER and get the login 
prompt again immediately. 

Btw, what I was wondering - it gives me 4 units with 8 ports each =32 TX 
devices, I thought I could disable 3 of them: 
simh set vh1 disable
Command not allowed
I thought the VH is 4 separate devices, which can be disabled independently ?

 It seems there are a lot of undocumented hints, kinks, and pitfalls.

Perhaps not, it just works as designed - only, nobody knows how it was 
designed :-)


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Gary Lee Phillips
 Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 10:46 PM
 To: Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm
 Subject: Re: [Simh] VAX DZ terminal controller unit?
 Amusingly enough, when I disable the DZ, then the VAX has 32 TXnn
 terminals. But after setting the four VH units to MODEM and HANGUP in
 SIMH, performance is much better.
 It seems there are a lot of undocumented hints, kinks, and pitfalls.
 But at least it's now functional for my current purposes, so thanks to
 everyone who helped.
 On Sat, May 21, 2011 at 12:38 PM, Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm wrote:
  On Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Gary Lee Phillips  wrote:
  OK, interesting. Here's what I learned by trying the VH device
  (that's a
  DHV11, right?)
  Though it is supposed to represent 8 lines, it created 16 terminal
  devices in
  VMS. There are 8 TTnn devices and 8 TXnn devices. I 
 believe these are
  programmed I/O, so the load on the processor increases as it has to
  poll all
  those ports. There does seem to be a noticeable slowdown 
 in response.
  The TTnn devices are the DZ devices which are enabled by default.
     Sim set dz disabled
  To turn them off...
  While you are disabling the DZ devices, you can also 
 disable any other
  devices you aren't using...
  - Mark
 Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Oh, my

2010-10-12 Thread Bucher, Andreas (Andreas)** CTR **

is a required volume is missing during the initial startup - why not simply 
create one ? Can be any size, with the same name and controller as it was 
before. Then, your system should boot up as usual (as long as no real required 
files were on that missing disk).

With SIMH, it's just another container file to be added, and you're done. If 
your system is up, you can modify and set it up as you like, removing the 
additional volume mount. So - no fiddling around with controllers and disks and 
cable and stuff, as in earlier times :-)


 -Original Message-
 [] On Behalf Of Markus Ruggiero
 Sent: Tuesday, October 12, 2010 8:03 AM
 Subject: Re: [Simh] Oh, my
 On 10.10.2010, at 16:23, Nathan Cutler wrote:
   I seem to have gotten myself into a bind. (SimH/VAX OpenVMS 7.3)
   I used the Standalone backup functionality to make a 
 backup of my system disk (to a larger container - thanks to 
 Tim for help on this). The BACKUP/IMAGE/VERIFY appeared to go well.
   Then, instead of just booting the new system disk, I 
 stupidly decided go to one data disk (I had been using two). 
 Stupidly, I deleted the second data disk (labeled DATA2) but 
 forgot to edit the system startup procedures to reflect this.
   The SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM script contains MOUNT/SYSTEM 
 DUA2: DATA2 and when the startup process hits this command, 
 the system chokes on it, demanding (repeatedly) that I mount 
 DATA2. However, I can't mount it because it has been 
 destroyed. This forces me to power off the machine 
 (CTRL-E to the sim prompt and then exit).
   To fix this, I did a conversational boot. This does get 
 me to a $ prompt but a whole bunch of files seem to be 
 missing. Critically, SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM is not where it's 
 supposed to be:
   $ dir sys$manager
   dir sys$manager
   %DIRECT-E-OPENIN, error opening 
   -RMS-E-DNF, directory not found
   -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHFILE, no such file
   $ type sys$
   type sys$
   %TYPE-W-SEARCHFAIL, error searching for 
   -RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate 
 device type for operation
   Suggestions, anyone?
 My VMS know-how is a bit rusty but I think in a 
 conversational boot you do not have logicals available at 
 that point. So navigate to your files using the real disk and 
 dir names. You should be able to edit SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM and 
 remove the offending mount or at least rename it or move it away.
Simh mailing list