2020-05-17 Thread Jeremy Begg

Hi James

Hello All ,  I am wonder if there is a tool to help with reassembling
the line ends & page breaks that were in this txt document ?  Failing reassembly
maybe the original document mught be unearthed ?



where  is the file in quesiton.

RFM sets the record format; STM means "stream" i.e. lines ending in .
Youl could also try RFM:STMCR or RFM:STMLF.


    Jeremy Begg

HPE SSL1 Version 1.0-2C for OpenVMS Installation Guide and Release Notes
document contains- Hardware and software prerequisites- Co-existence and major
changes between HP SSL V1.4 and HPE SSL V1.0

Tia ,  JimL
| James   W.   Laferriere| SystemTechniques | Give me VMS |
| Network & System Engineer  | 3237 Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
| | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |
Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unattended background SIMH process

2019-11-29 Thread Jeremy Begg

Hello Jim,

Hello Jeremy ,  You call a /home/eric/ in your systemd
procedure ,  But forgot to insert the contents of the file in your missive .

That's because I never wrote the '' script.  Apologies for not
saying so in my posting!  The other postings in this discussion have given
me some ideas I might persue but for the time being it's not a critical item
for me.


Jeremy Begg

On Fri, 29 Nov 2019, Jeremy Begg wrote:

Hi Seth,

Has anyone got a clean solution for running a background SIMH process
that doesn't involve `screen` or `tmux`?

My solution is pretty clean and doesn't require any kind of virtual TTY.

I have SIMH running under Ubuntu Linux 18.04 on an Intel i3 NUC box.
It took a little trial and error to get it all working (mostly due to
Ubuntu's use of 'netplan' and 'systemd') but it works well enough for me.

It's configured so that my SIMH VAX starts up when Linux starts up.
I don't have it configured to shutdown VAX/VMS or SIMH when Linux is
shutting down, but for my purposes it doesn't need to.  (Or I just haven't
gotten around to it yet; the machine is only rebooted when I want it to.)

# /etc/systemd/system/simh-eric.service
# Starts SIMH at system boot to run ERIC the Half-a-VAX
# Created 21-Jul-2019 by Jeremy Begg

Description=ERIC the half-a-VAX



| James   W.   Laferriere| SystemTechniques | Give me VMS |
| Network & System Engineer  | 3237 Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
| | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unattended background SIMH process

2019-11-28 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Seth,

>Has anyone got a clean solution for running a background SIMH process
>that doesn't involve `screen` or `tmux`?

My solution is pretty clean and doesn't require any kind of virtual TTY.

I have SIMH running under Ubuntu Linux 18.04 on an Intel i3 NUC box.
It took a little trial and error to get it all working (mostly due to
Ubuntu's use of 'netplan' and 'systemd') but it works well enough for me.

It's configured so that my SIMH VAX starts up when Linux starts up.
I don't have it configured to shutdown VAX/VMS or SIMH when Linux is
shutting down, but for my purposes it doesn't need to.  (Or I just haven't
gotten around to it yet; the machine is only rebooted when I want it to.)

Here is my SIMH VAX initialisation script ('eric.ini') between the dashes ...

; Set memory to 128M
set cpu 128m
: Set CPU emulation characteristics
set cpu idle=vms
set cpu autoboot
set cpu model=MicroVAX
set cpu conhalt
; change the 'escape' character from ^E to ^P
set console wru=10
; create/load a Non-Volatile RAM file
attach NVR ka655.NVR
; disable devices we don't want/need
set LPT disable
set TQ disable
; Create and attach two RA80 variant disks
set -l rq0 rauser=4213968
attach rq0 eric_SYSTEM.dsk
set -l rq1 rauser=8427936
attach rq1 eric_USER.dsk
; Disable remaining disk devices
set rq2 disable
set rq3 disable
set RL disable
; Attach a network interface
attach xq eth0
show xq
; Start the VAX console subsystem, show the attached devices and boot VMS
sleep 1s

expect ">>>" send "init\r"; continue
expect ">>>" send "show devices\r"; continue
expect ">>>" send "boot\r"; continue

b cpu

SIMH is started at Linux boot by this script ('') ...

# -- invoked by systemd to start ERIC the half-a-VAX at boot

cd /home/eric/

LOGFILE=`date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S`

simh/vax eric.ini > ${LOGFILE}.log

It should be pretty easy to turn into an INIT script for BSD.

For those who are using a recent Linux like me, here is my systemd script
('/etc/systemd/system/simh-eric.service') ...

# /etc/systemd/system/simh-eric.service
# Starts SIMH at system boot to run ERIC the Half-a-VAX
# Created 21-Jul-2019 by Jeremy Begg

Description=ERIC the half-a-VAX




Once the simulator is running, I can 'tail -f' the log file to watch the VMS
console messages.  However there's no way to enter commands to the VMS console.

I tried using SIMH's "remote console" feature (SIMH listens for incoming
TELNET session on a user-configured TCP port) but found that SIMH stopped
listening if no connection was received within a timeout (not sure how long,
it was only a few minutes at most).


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] going back to the VAX console with CTRL P

2019-08-06 Thread Jeremy Begg

>The simulator's console port can be separated from the control activites of
>the simulator when it is connected to a TELNET session with the command:
>  sim> SET CONSOLE TELNET=listenportnumber
>A telnet session to localhost:listenportnumber will have all characters passed
>without any unexpected interactions affecting operating the simulator.

When I tried this I found that SIMH stopped listening after a few minutes
if no incoming connection was seen.  This seemed to me to make it not very
useful, especially for the situation where SIMH is started automatically
when the host system is rebooted.  Did I miss something in the way this
command is supposed to be configured or used?

In the wider discussion of this topic, I do like Clem's suggestion of
completely separating the emulated console from the SIMH command line.  But
not *too* separate; we would still need to retain the ability for SIMH
scripts/initialisation files to inspect the output of, and inject input to,
the emulated console.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] EXT : VAXstation 4000 Model 60

2019-08-06 Thread Jeremy Begg

A few weeks ago I commented that I was setting up a SIMH VAXstation 4000 and
had noticed some failures in the console self-test.  Since then I've had it
running more or less continously and in general it works nicely, but I have
noticed something odd: VMS logs a MEMORY ERROR every minute.

The VMS ERRLOG.SYS entry looks like this:

 *** ENTRY   94828. ***
 DATE/TIME  6-AUG-2019 15:52:49.10SYS_TYPE 04140002


   _On Board MEMORY (8MB) - CPU MODULE
   Memory Parity Error
   Byte Mask = F(X)
   Memory Error Address = 07FC(X)
   Write Wrong Parity Set
   Memory Parity Checking Enabled

The error details are always the same.

I have not been able to identify the cause of these errors so I'm wondering
how to start looking using SIMH's diagnostic/debugging facilities.  Any tips
would be welcome.


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAXstation 4000 Model 60

2019-07-22 Thread Jeremy Begg

I am in the final stages of setting up SIMH to emulate a VAXstation 4000
Model 60.  When it's complete I'll do a write-up for others who may be

I have a startup script configured in Ubuntu to start the simulator, a
SIMH .ini file to set up the simulated system, and have a populated NVR
file which contains the boot-time console options (boot device, flags and
'FBOOT' to bypass most of the self tests).

The simulator boots and runs my VMS 7.3 environment and so far is running
well, with one oddity that I've noticed (in the 24 hours I've had it
running) ... it's logging a MEMORY ERROR every minute.  ANAL/ERROR in VMS
shows this:


   _On Board MEMORY (8MB) - CPU MODULE
   Memory Parity Error
   Byte Mask = F(X)
   Memory Error Address = 07FC(X)
   Write Wrong Parity Set
   Memory Parity Checking Enabled

The details -- other than the timestamp -- are identical in every errorlog
entry.  Is this a known problem in the VAXstation 4000 simulator?

Startup log follows.


Jeremy Begg

VAXstation 4000-60 (KA46) simulator V4.0-0 Currentgit commit id: 
CPU idle=VMS, idle enabled, model=VAXstation 4000-60 (KA46)VAXstation 
4000-60 (KA46), Implementing: Base Instruction Group
Emulating: Packed-Decimal-String-Group Extended-Accuracy-Group 
104MB, HALT to console
/home/eric/eric.ini-16> attach NVR ERIC_KA46.NVR
NVR: buffering file in memory
/home/eric/eric.ini-19> attach rz2 eric_SYSTEM.dsk
RZ2: 'eric_SYSTEM.dsk' Contains ODS2 File system
RZ2: Volume Name: SYSTEM   Format: DECFILE11B   Sectors In Volume: 4213968
/home/eric/eric.ini-21> attach rz3 eric_USER.dsk
RZ3: 'eric_USER.dsk' Contains ODS2 File system
RZ3: Volume Name: USER1Format: DECFILE11B   Sectors In Volume: 8427936
/home/eric/eric.ini-33> attach xs eth0
libpcap version 1.8.1
Eth: opened OS device eno1
/home/eric/eric.ini-46> boot cpu
Loading boot code from internal ka46a.bin

KA46-A V1.4-38E-V4.2
|  |

?? 001   3DZ  0032
?? 001   4 CACHE  0768
?? 001   7IT  5122
?? 001   8   SYS  0128
?? 001   9NI  0024

>>> boot

%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping the SYSDUMP.DMP on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SYSDUMP.DMP on System Disk successfully mapped 
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT Mapping PAGEFILE.SYS on the System Disk
%SYSBOOT-I-SYSBOOT SAVEDUMP parameter not set to protect the PAGEFILE.SYS
   OpenVMS (TM) VAX Version V7.3 Major version id = 1 Minor version id = 0
%DECnet-I-LOADED, network base image loaded, version = 05.0E.07
%WBM-I-WBMINFO Write Bitmap has successfully completed initialization.
$!  Copyright 2001 Compaq Computer Corporation.
Simh mailing list

[Simh] VAXstation 4000 Model 60

2019-07-12 Thread Jeremy Begg

I am trying to set up SIMH on a new Linux server, an Intel NUC8i3BEH  with
16GB RAM and 250GB SSD running Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS.

I've built the VAXstation 4000 Model 60 simulator on this system and I
didn't notice any errors while building.  (The build itself was very quick.)

VAXstation 4000-60 (KA46) simulator V4.0-0 Currentgit commit id: 

I've prepared two ODS-2 VMS disk images and attached them to RZ2 and RZ3,

When I run BOOT CPU it loads the VAXstation boot ROM from the internal copy
and starts the system self-tests, which take quite a few minutes to run --
just like the real hardware :-(

The self test results in several errors.  Here's the transcript:

  Loading boot code from internal ka46a.bin

  KA46-A V1.4-38E-V4.2
  ?? 001   3DZ  0032
  ?? 001   4 CACHE  0768
  ?? 001   7IT  1152
  ?? 001   8   SYS  0128
  ?? 001   9NI  0024

  >>> show dev

---    --- ----- ---
ESA0 08-00-2B-02-10-2C
DKA200   A/2/0 DISK 2.15GB  FXRZ23   
DKA300   A/3/0 DISK20.13MB  FXRZ23   
   ..HostID..A/6   INITR


Why so many self-test errors?

I assume the "NUMBYTES" value for DKA300 is an artifact of the SHOW DEV
command not coping with such a large disk.

Is there anything I can do to speed up the self-test (i.e. a way to curtail
it)?  VMS itself seems to boot OK.

Here's my SIMH initialisation script:

   ; set memory size to 104MB 
   set cpu 104m   
   set cpu idle=vms   
   set cpu instructions=packed,extended,noemulated
   ; set cpu autoboot 
   set cpu conhalt
   ; change the 'escape' character from ^E to ^P  
   set console wru=10 
   ; Create and attach two SCSI disks 
   attach rz2 eric_SYSTEM.dsk 
   ; set rz3 rzuser=8427936   
   attach rz3 eric_USER.dsk   
   ; Disable remaining disk devices   
   set rz0 disable
   set rz1 disable
   set rz4 disable
   set rz5 disable
   set rz7 disable
   boot cpu

I'm yet to attach the ethernet interface, which won't use tun/tap.


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Imaging SCSI HD's

2019-04-21 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Zane,

>Thanks Jeremy, if I'm understanding what you're saying
>correctly, I'm going to feel really stupid.  Am I correct in reading
>this that I don't have to boot into Standalone Backup, in order to
>backup the system disk?  I've thought that was a requirement for
>cloning a drive for well over 20 years.

Standalone Backup is not required.  It's recommended for use when you need
to be 100% certain that no file at all will change during the backup (e.g.
to make an archival copy for the auditor) but for day-to-day use a
$ BACKUP/IMAGE/IGNORE=INTERLOCK will work fine.  (Thanks to Mark for
reminding us about /IGNORE=INTERLOCK>)

Of course, it's good to have as little running as possible at the time.


    Jeremy Begg

>> On Apr 21, 2019, at 9:09 PM, Jeremy Begg  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Juust noticed I may have got your DKA100 and DKA200 around the wrong way,
>> but the mechanism is still a useful one to know.
>>  Jeremy
>>>> One of the main systems that I want to Virtualize is a VAXstation 4000/60
>>>> with a BA350 shelf.  The only HD connected to the system is a RZ28-VA SBB
>>>> (2GB) as DKA200:, so yesterday I added a RZ29-VA SBB (4GB) as DKA100:.  I
>>>> setup Standalone Backup on the RZ29 and booted into Standalone backup.
>>> Does your VAXstation/60 boot from the RZ28?  Does it run VMS 7.3?
>>> If so, you might like to try this instead:
>>> 1. If you don't have it installed on your VAXstation already, download and
>>>  install LDdriver from
>>>  LDdriver implements a VMS disk driver mapped to a VMS flat file, a sort
>>>  of "virtual disk" utility.
>>> 2. Start LDdriver ... $ @SYS$STARTUP:LD$STARTUP
>>> 3. If you haven't already done so, connect your 4GB drive to the VAXstation
>>>  and initialise and mount it, e.g.
>>> 4. Create a virtual disk the same size as your DKA100 drive, or bigger:
>>> $ LD CREATE DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK /SIZE=4213968
>>>  will create a 2GB container file.
>>> 5. Then prepare it:
>>> 6. Dismount and disconnect the LD disk
>>> $ LD DISCO LDA1:
>>> 7. Transfer the disk image file DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK
>>>  to your SIMH host, e.g. via FTP in BINARY mode.
>>> The disk image created by LD and transferred to your SIMH host is ready for
>>> use by SIMH.
>>> Regards,
>>> Jeremy Begg
>>>> I tried to run the following:
>>>> backup/image/verify dka200: dka100:[00]20190420-system.sav/sav
>>>> I ended up with a very strange "No valid storage bitmap found" error, and 
>>>> it
>>>> failed to copy anything.
>>>> Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
>>>> Explanation: Software bad block data is not present on the volume. The
>>>> volume has been initialized with no bad blocks.
>>>> User Action: Execute the Bad Block Locator utility before using the volume.
>>>> NOBITMAP, no valid storage bitmap found on 'device-name'
>>>> I tried ANALYZE/MEDIA, but may not have been doing things right.  This is a
>>>> Genuine RZ29-VA, but it was originally used as part of a disk array for a 
>>>> Sun
>>>> Sparc system.
>>> ___
>>> Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Imaging SCSI HD's

2019-04-21 Thread Jeremy Begg

Juust noticed I may have got your DKA100 and DKA200 around the wrong way,
but the mechanism is still a useful one to know.


>> One of the main systems that I want to Virtualize is a VAXstation 4000/60
>> with a BA350 shelf.  The only HD connected to the system is a RZ28-VA SBB
>> (2GB) as DKA200:, so yesterday I added a RZ29-VA SBB (4GB) as DKA100:.  I
>> setup Standalone Backup on the RZ29 and booted into Standalone backup.

>Does your VAXstation/60 boot from the RZ28?  Does it run VMS 7.3?
>If so, you might like to try this instead:

>1. If you don't have it installed on your VAXstation already, download and
>   install LDdriver from

>   LDdriver implements a VMS disk driver mapped to a VMS flat file, a sort
>   of "virtual disk" utility.

>2. Start LDdriver ... $ @SYS$STARTUP:LD$STARTUP

>3. If you haven't already done so, connect your 4GB drive to the VAXstation
>   and initialise and mount it, e.g.

>4. Create a virtual disk the same size as your DKA100 drive, or bigger:
>  $ LD CREATE DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK /SIZE=4213968
>   will create a 2GB container file.

>5. Then prepare it:

>6. Dismount and disconnect the LD disk

>7. Transfer the disk image file DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK
>   to your SIMH host, e.g. via FTP in BINARY mode.

>The disk image created by LD and transferred to your SIMH host is ready for
>use by SIMH.


>   Jeremy Begg

>> I tried to run the following:
>> backup/image/verify dka200: dka100:[00]20190420-system.sav/sav
>> I ended up with a very strange "No valid storage bitmap found" error, and it
>> failed to copy anything.
>> Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
>> Explanation: Software bad block data is not present on the volume. The
>> volume has been initialized with no bad blocks.
>> User Action: Execute the Bad Block Locator utility before using the volume.
>> NOBITMAP, no valid storage bitmap found on 'device-name'
>> I tried ANALYZE/MEDIA, but may not have been doing things right.  This is a
>> Genuine RZ29-VA, but it was originally used as part of a disk array for a Sun
>> Sparc system.
>Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Imaging SCSI HD's

2019-04-21 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Zane,

> One of the main systems that I want to Virtualize is a VAXstation 4000/60
> with a BA350 shelf.  The only HD connected to the system is a RZ28-VA SBB
> (2GB) as DKA200:, so yesterday I added a RZ29-VA SBB (4GB) as DKA100:.  I
> setup Standalone Backup on the RZ29 and booted into Standalone backup.

Does your VAXstation/60 boot from the RZ28?  Does it run VMS 7.3?
If so, you might like to try this instead:

1. If you don't have it installed on your VAXstation already, download and
   install LDdriver from

   LDdriver implements a VMS disk driver mapped to a VMS flat file, a sort
   of "virtual disk" utility.

2. Start LDdriver ... $ @SYS$STARTUP:LD$STARTUP

3. If you haven't already done so, connect your 4GB drive to the VAXstation
   and initialise and mount it, e.g.

4. Create a virtual disk the same size as your DKA100 drive, or bigger:
  $ LD CREATE DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK /SIZE=4213968
   will create a 2GB container file.

5. Then prepare it:

6. Dismount and disconnect the LD disk

7. Transfer the disk image file DKA200:[00]DKA100_IMAGE.DSK
   to your SIMH host, e.g. via FTP in BINARY mode.

The disk image created by LD and transferred to your SIMH host is ready for
use by SIMH.


Jeremy Begg

> I tried to run the following:
> backup/image/verify dka200: dka100:[00]20190420-system.sav/sav
> I ended up with a very strange "No valid storage bitmap found" error, and it
> failed to copy anything.
> Facility: BACKUP, Backup Utility
> Explanation: Software bad block data is not present on the volume. The
> volume has been initialized with no bad blocks.
> User Action: Execute the Bad Block Locator utility before using the volume.
> NOBITMAP, no valid storage bitmap found on 'device-name'
> I tried ANALYZE/MEDIA, but may not have been doing things right.  This is a
> Genuine RZ29-VA, but it was originally used as part of a disk array for a Sun
> Sparc system.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Trying to install openvms 7.3 over a Beta install of openvms k7.2

2018-08-07 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Jim,

With only 64218 free blocks on the system disk you might run into problems 
upgrading VMS regardless of where the savesets live.

You could put them in the TLD of another disk.
You can delete the savesets after the upgrade is complete.


Sent from my iPad

> On 8 Aug 2018, at 8:17 am, James W. Laferriere  
> wrote:
>Hello Jeremy ,
> On Tue, 7 Aug 2018, Jeremy Begg wrote:
> ...snip...
>>>I Very vaugely remember a document that came with the Field Test kit
>>> that gave me a hint that it was possible to "Upgrade" from the K7.2 to the
>>> production version of 7.2 after the field testing was completed .
>>>And of course that document is either extrememly buried or gone .
>> If I recall correctly, to do a VMS upgrade on VAX you put the VMS kit
>> savesets somewhere easily found (e.g. top level directory of the VMS system
>> disk) then run
>> (assuming your kit savesets are VMS073.A, VMS073.B, etc and DUA0:[00] is
>> where you put them).
>> It's possible to tell VMSINSTAL to pause the installation so that you can
>> make changes to the kit:
>> This will tell VMSINSTAL to unpack the .A saveset and then it wait at a
>> prompt.  Login from another terminal and edit the KITINSTAL.COM procedure
>> which you will find in a newly-created subdirectory of SYS$UPDATE.
>> Somewhere in KITINSTAL.COM it will define the VMS version it is willing to
>> ugprade from.
>> Regards,
>>Jeremy Begg
>Working on getting the savesets copied over ,  But dua0:[00] (*) 
> contains critical files I'd really rather not pollute with the savesets .
>Would creating a subdirectory there work too ?  I do have another disk 
> (well disk file in simh) available I could use if that could work ?
>Tia ,  JimL
> (*)
> $ dir VAXX1$DUA0:[00] /size/date
> Directory VAXX1$DUA0:[00]
> 00.DIR;1   1  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> BACKUP.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> BADBLK.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> BADLOG.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> BITMAP.SYS;1 229  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> CONTIN.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> CORIMG.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> INDEXF.SYS;1   63981  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> SECURITY.SYS;1 1  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> SYS0.DIR;1 1  29-SEP-1998 10:28:01.01
> SYSEXE.DIR;1   1  29-SEP-1998 10:28:27.45
> TCPIP$FTP.DIR;11  22-JUL-2018 16:02:26.81
> VMS$COMMON.DIR;1   3  29-SEP-1998 10:28:00.49
> VOLSET.SYS;1   0  29-SEP-1998 10:27:56.56
> Total of 14 files, 64218 blocks.
> -- 
> +--+
> | James   W.   Laferriere | SystemTechniques | Give me VMS |
> | Network&System Engineer | 3237 Holden Road |  Give me Linux  |
> | | Fairbanks, AK. 99709 |   only  on  AXP |
> +--+

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Trying to install openvms 7.3 over a Beta install of openvms k7.2

2018-08-06 Thread Jeremy Begg

Hi James,

Hello All ,  Some many years ago I was involved with the Beta testing of
OpenVMS 7.2 called K7.2 .  VMSInstal does not recognize the K in the version
number and stops the upgrade with version NOT acceptable message .

What I geuess I'd like to do is LIE to the VMSInstal procedure by
removing the K from the reported version report .

Anyone ever had a chance to do this ?

No, but it shouldn't be too difficult with a modest amount of editing ...

I Very vaugely remember a document that came with the Field Test kit
that gave me a hint that it was possible to "Upgrade" from the K7.2 to the
production version of 7.2 after the field testing was completed .
And of course that document is either extrememly buried or gone .

If I recall correctly, to do a VMS upgrade on VAX you put the VMS kit
savesets somewhere easily found (e.g. top level directory of the VMS system
disk) then run


(assuming your kit savesets are VMS073.A, VMS073.B, etc and DUA0:[00] is
where you put them).

It's possible to tell VMSINSTAL to pause the installation so that you can
make changes to the kit:


This will tell VMSINSTAL to unpack the .A saveset and then it wait at a
prompt.  Login from another terminal and edit the KITINSTAL.COM procedure
which you will find in a newly-created subdirectory of SYS$UPDATE.

Somewhere in KITINSTAL.COM it will define the VMS version it is willing to
ugprade from.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX emulation issues on Raspberry Pi

2018-07-31 Thread Jeremy Begg

Thanks all for your further comments, and I stand corrected on the nature of
the calculations performed to set up an SSH session.  I think at this point
I'll give up on the SSH and rework my remote access to the machine.

>> The license wouldn't be an issue if the SET CPU MODEL command worked.
>It looks as though it works - but not as you (or I) expect.  It defines
>the SimH model - which is mostly I/O devices.
>Your issue is with the SYS_TYPE register, which lives at location
>0x40004 in I/O space of MicroVAX systems.
>This is the ROM - SimH just uses what is loaded.  It's included in the
>ROM checksum.

Thanks for the detailed explanation, and it makes complete sense.  I'll do
some experiments.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX emulation issues on Raspberry Pi

2018-07-30 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Zane,

Firstly, thank you all for the quick responses.  And yes I made a mistake in
calculating the relative (raw) CPU performance of my VAXstation vs Raspberry
Pi; the Pi is indeed only 12 times the clock speed of the VAXstation.

>Don't forget SIMH is emulating a lot more than just the CPU, it also has to
>emulate all the rest of the hardware that makes up a VAX.

Indeed, although where it's slowest appears to be floating point.  Which has
got me thinking about my choice of emulated VAX, or about the rigour of the
emulation.   More on this in a moment.

>My Raspberry Pi 2 clocks in at about 1.6 VUPS, my ESXI host is a i7-3770
>CPU @ 3.40GHz (which is starved for RAM), SIMH/VAX on a VM running on it
>clocks in at about 34.6 VUPS.  I have a i5-3470 @ 3.2Ghz and SIMH runs at
>about 31.6 VUPS.  If you have a top of the line, current i7, you might be
>able to get close to the speed of your VAXstation 4000/96.

Interesting.  One of the reasons I went for the RPi solution was to keep
power consumption to a minimum but given the VAXstation consumed about 100W
I could obviously go to a reasonably powered server to get the performance.

>Instead of starting SIMH like this:
>$ ./vax < vax.ini
>$ ./vax vax.ini

I will. I might also experiment with the SIMH "expect" functionality.

>All my VMS systems are using Telnet right now, as I don't have any VMS
>system running a modern version of SSH.  I've also not managed to get
>DECwindows to work right with any X-Windows on my current systems (it works
>fine with my SGI O2).  This is one of the reasons I'm considering running a
>physical VMS system as a desktop.

In my experience with recent X11 servers (anything released in the last
several years) the only permitted clients are those running on the local
host or via an SSH session with X-Auth forwarding enabled.  I suspect it's
possible to enable less secure access controls but it looks like you have to
jump through hoops to get there.

>You bring up a very good point on the licensing though.  I'm not sure what
>to suggest there. :-(

The license wouldn't be an issue if the SET CPU MODEL command worked.

And in response to Timothe Litte,

>Two issues have been discussed before.
>The boot failures are being worked by Mark - they're some timing issue
>having to do with the fact that SimH is faster than the hardware.  They
>seem to be a heisenbug.  He's recently added instrumentation.

It just seems curious that taking the SIMH commands from a file rather than
the keyboard should make any difference.  The emulated VAX isn't even
started at that point.

>The SSH startup isn't compute bound so much as entropy limited.  This
>was discussed a while ago, but I don't recall the final outcome.  Check
>the archives.

I recall some of that discussion.  I think the SSH server is having to do a
whole lot of math to come up with sufficient entropy and no doubt that's a
lot of floating point.

It occurred to me that the emulation I'm running is a -3900 series machine
which if memory serves, did not have an FPU.  Meaning all those VAX floating
point operations are being emulated twice -- once by the VAX and once by
SIMH.  Is that correct?  If so I wonder if the emaulation could be tweaked
to behave as if the emulated machine has an FPU.

>The 4000/96 would be a NVAX or NVAX+.�  It would require more license
>units than the 3900, so I'm somewhat surprised that you're having
>issues.  But LMF has lots of ways to evaluate licenses.  The SID
>register reflects the CPU type; SYS_TYPE has the licensing bits.  The
>SID determines which VMS CPULOA is loaded - this is what I/O buses are
>supported, machine check format - you can't change it without a lot more
>grief.  The SYS_TYPE bits are the workstation vs. server.  There's SimH
>support for that.

There's a SIMH "SET CPU MODEL" command which supposedly lets it switch
between MicroVAX3900 and VAXserver3900, but the command has no effect and
the machine always boots as a VAXserver -- which required the somewhat
obscure availability table code "B" licence.  (I've never seen one in the
wild, and I have a folder full of original VAX licence PAKs.)

FWIW, on this machine the SID = 0x0A06 and SHOW CPU says:

  ERIC, a VAXserver 3900 Series
  Multiprocessing is DISABLED. Uniprocessing synchronization image loaded.

  Active CPUs:  00
  Configured CPUs:  00


Jeremy Begg

>> On Jul 30, 2018, at 3:57 PM, Jeremy Begg  wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A while ago the power supply in my VAXstation 4000/96 died and rather than
>> fix it I decided to move it to a Raspberry Pi 3.
>> The VAXstation has a 100MHz CPU and the RPi has a 1.2GHz CPU - about 120
>> times faster. 

[Simh] VAX emulation issues on Raspberry Pi

2018-07-30 Thread Jeremy Begg

A while ago the power supply in my VAXstation 4000/96 died and rather than
fix it I decided to move it to a Raspberry Pi 3.

The VAXstation has a 100MHz CPU and the RPi has a 1.2GHz CPU - about 120
times faster.  Yet the performance of SIMH basically sucks, especially when
logging in to the emulated VAX via SSH.

On the real VAXstation, establishing an SSH sesison was slow -- it would
take the better part of a minute -- but once established it was very usable
and quite capable of running a DECterm to an X11 display on a remote PC over
an SSH tunnel.

On the Raspberry Pi the SSH session establishment takes several minutes and
trying to run a DECterm is painful to say the least.  I was hoping that the
RPi's much faster CPU would compensate for the emulation overhead,
particularly on a very CPU-intensive task like SSH session establishment, so
this result is rather disappointing.

I could perhaps put up with those issues but there two other, more
fundamental problems when starting the simulation.

The first one is, the emulation can't be started automatically; I have
to run it interactively in a terminal window.  If I try to automate the
startup using, for example

   $ ./vax < vax.ini

the VAX console boot ROM fails a self test and refuses to boot into VMS.
If I type the commands from vax.ini by hand, it works fine.

A similar issue occurs if I try to load the boot console NVR from a file:
the VAX console boot ROM fails its self-test and won't boot VMS.

The second problem is that the simulated VAX is *always* a VAXserver 3900. 
Trying to SET CPU MODEL=MicroVAX just doesn't work, so my VAX-VMS licence
PAK's availability table code don't suit the machine any more.

The SIMH version is currently 

   MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta   git commit id: 733ac0d9

I tried downloading the latest from Github (git commit id: 8077d4de) but it
didn't fix the startup issues so I haven't persisted with it.

Before starting this exercise I had read several reports of people
successfullly using Raspberry Pi to run an emulated VAX so I have to think
something is very broken in my RPi environment, but I'm not sure what I
should be looking for.

FWIW the Raspberry Pi is running

Linux pieric 4.14.52-v7+ #1123 SMP Wed Jun 27 17:35:49 BST 2018 armv7l GNU/Linux

and the file /etc/os-release is:

PRETTY_NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch)"
NAME="Raspbian GNU/Linux"
VERSION="9 (stretch)"

SIMH was built with "gcc (Raspbian 6.3.0-18+rpi1+deb9u1) 6.3.0 20170516".
Here is the full SHOW VERSION output:

sim> show version
MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Beta
Simulator Framework Capabilities:
64b data
64b addresses
Threaded Ethernet Packet transports:PCAP:TAP:NAT:UDP
Idle/Throttling support is available
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) support
RAW disk and CD/DVD ROM support
Asynchronous I/O support (Lock free asynchronous event queue)
Asynchronous Clock support
FrontPanel API Version 5
Host Platform:
Compiler: GCC 6.3.0 20170516
Simulator Compiled as C arch: ARM (Release Build) on Nov  9 2017 at 
Memory Access: Little Endian
Memory Pointer Size: 32 bits
Large File (>2GB) support
SDL Video support: No Video Support
RegEx support for EXPECT commands
OS clock resolution: 1ms
Time taken by msleep(1): 1ms
OS: Linux pieric 4.14.52-v7+ #1123 SMP Wed Jun 27 17:35:49 BST 2018 
armv7l GNU/Linux
git commit id: 733ac0d9

The later version (which I'm not running because it didn't fix the startup 
issues) is:

sim> show version
MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Current
Simulator Framework Capabilities:
64b data
64b addresses
Threaded Ethernet Packet transports:PCAP:TAP:NAT:UDP
Idle/Throttling support is available
Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) support
RAW disk and CD/DVD ROM support
Asynchronous I/O support (Lock free asynchronous event queue)
Asynchronous Clock support
FrontPanel API Version 12
Host Platform:
Compiler: GCC 6.3.0 20170516
Simulator Compiled as C arch: ARM (Release Build) on Jun 17 2018 at 
Memory Access: Little Endian
Memory Pointer Size: 32 bits
Large File (>2GB) support
SDL Video support: No Video Support
RegEx support for EXPECT commands
OS clock resolution: 1ms
Time taken by msleep(1): 1ms
OS: Linux pieric 4.14.52-v7+ #1123 SMP Wed Jun 27 17:35:49 BST 2018 
armv7l GNU/Linux
git commit id: 8077d4de
git commit time: 2018-06-17T08:3

Re: [Simh] cant get windows motiff to work logging in remotely

2018-05-14 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Phil,

Most likely cause is the X11 server (Xephyr ?)  is not allowing connections 
from the emulated VAX (X11 client).
With any luck the X11 server will have a log file somewhere showing the 
connection attempt.

Also check that you can connect from the VAX to the X11 server, e.g.
$ telnet /port=6003
If you get “no route to host”, “connection refused” or similar you have a basic 
TCP/IP issue between your VMS environment and the host PC.


Jeremy Begg
> On 15 May 2018, at 9:11 AM, Phil King  wrote:
> watching a video on youtube to login into openvms with motiff. 
> create a 
> Xephyr -screen 1024x768 -ac :3
> set display 
> set display/create/node=
> show display 
>  Device:WSA2:  [super]
> Node:
> Transport: TCPIP
> Server:3
> Screen:0
> next command is set/term/detach gives this error
>  create/term/detach
> %DECW-E-CANT_OPEN_DISPL, Can't open display
> Philip King 4681 Carr Rd Hillsboro Ohio 45121 9374421909
> On Monday, May 14, 2018, 6:26:35 PM EDT, 
>  wrote:
> Send Simh mailing list submissions to
> <>
> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
> <>
> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
> <>
> You can reach the person managing the list at
> <>
> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Simh digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>   1. Re:  here is the information you requested (Mark Pizzolato)
> --
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 14 May 2018 15:24:06 -0700
> From: Mark Pizzolato>>
> To: Phil King>>, 
> " <>"
> Subject: Re: [Simh] here is the information you requested
> Message-ID:
> < 
> <>>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> Hi Phil,
> This looks close, but needs a little adjustment.
> Specifically, the configuration file should ALSO have a line which says:
> This will enable the video device and if the operating system you run (VMS or 
> Ultrix) has graphic device support (DECWindows, or something else) and that 
> device support has devices for the QVSS (aka VCB01) device, then things 
> should work reasonably well.  DECWindows under VMS has device support for 
> this.
> -  Mark
> From: Simh [ 
> <>] On Behalf Of Phil King
> Sent: Monday, May 14, 2018 3:15 PM
> To: <>
> Subject: [Simh] here is the information you requested
> Here is my show version command verbage
> MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Currentgit commit id: f2f4bfa8
> sim> show ver
> MicroVAX 3900 simulator V4.0-0 Current
> Simulator Framework Capabilities:
> 64b data
> 64b addresses
> Threaded Ethernet Packet transports:PCAP:TAP:VDE:NAT:UDP
> Idle/Throttling support is available
> Virtual Hard Disk (VHD) support
> RAW disk and CD/DVD ROM support
> Asynchronous I/O support (Lock free asynchronous event queue)
> Asynchronous Clock support
> FrontPanel API Version 12
> Host Platform:
> Compiler: GCC 7.3.0
> Simulator Compiled as C arch: x64 (Release Build) on May 14 2018 at 
> 18:07:57
> Memory Access: Little Endian
> Memory Pointer Size: 64 bits
> Large File (>2GB) support
> SDL Video support: SDL Version 2.0.8
> PCRE RegEx (Version 8.39 2016-06-14) support for EXPECT commands
> OS clock resolution: 1ms
> Time taken by msleep(1): 1ms
> OS: Linux bigblue 4.15.0-20-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Tue Apr 24 
> 06:16:15 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_

Re: [Simh] anyone know how to convert/translate turbo pascal to vax pascal?

2018-02-07 Thread Jeremy Begg
Despite porting the program from VAX Pascal to various flavours of other 
Pascal, it seems you don’t recall much about the language.
Moving from Pascal to BASIC would be quite an exercise.

In VAX Pascal the reserved identifiers INPUT and OUTPUT refer to SYS$INPUT and 
SYS$OUTPUT, respectively.
Here’s a simple program which prompts for user input.

program hello(input,output);
var s : varying [80] of char;
write('What is your name? ');
while not eof(input) do
if length(s) > 0 then break;
write('What is your name? ');
writeln('Hello ', s);


> On 8 Feb 2018, at 4:49 PM, Dan Gahlinger  wrote:
> I found a hello world pascal example online for vms,
> so at least that much I can get working.
> however, all the docs online are not so useful for programming itself.
> my code has input and output from the terminal and from files.
> the hello program uses: program hello(output);
> so not sure how to do in and out from the terminal.
> tried googling examples but no such luck beyond hello world.
> it might be easier for me to port to vax basic, I used to be an expert at 
> that, many moons ago.
> Dan.
> From: Simh  > on behalf of Jon Elson 
> Sent: February 7, 2018 9:25 PM
> To: 
> Subject: [Simh] anyone know how to convert/translate turbo pascal to vax 
> pascal?
> On 02/07/2018 05:57 PM, 
>  wrote:
> > [Simh] anyone know how to convert/translate turbo pascal to
> >vax pascal?
> > Message-ID:
> >
> >  >  
> > >
> >
> > Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> >
> > since I did all that work recreating "castle" from the vax to the pc
> > using turbo pascal (then free pascal)
> > I'd like to "port" it back to the vax,
> > but the vms 7.3 pascal compiler doesn't recognize "writeln"
> > and I suspect things like types and records and case statements wont work 
> > either.
> >
> > anyone have any ideas?
> Umm, I just looked back at some Pascal code I had on VAX 
> Pascal, and it DEFINITELY has writeln statements in it.
> This is such basic Pascal syntax, I can't imagine that did 
> not work.  But, maybe you have to enable some library or 
> Pascal "unit" to use those functions.
> Jon
> ___
> Simh mailing list
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS multinet DHCLIENT/SSH2 configuration problem

2018-01-28 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Timothe,

>> Once you get SSH working you may find it's unusable.  On my RPi 3 it
>> takes the VMS MultiNet SSH server several *minutes* to negotiate the
>> SSL handshake.  I suspect (without having attempted any diagnosis!)
>> that this is due to SIMH having to emulate a huge number of VAX floating
>> point instructions.
>I suggest running PCA to determine if this is in fact the cause.� Or
>stop the emulation a few times while "hung" and look at the history buffer.

Can you just clarify, what is "PCA"?  DEC Performance & Coverage Analyzer
springs to mind but I'm not sure that's what you're referring to.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS multinet DHCLIENT/SSH2 configuration problem

2018-01-28 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi TIm,

>Also I am figuring out how to set SSH2 terminal server. I successfully
>generated SSH2 keys on emulated SIMH VAX system.
>I installed SIMH and OpenVMS 7.3 on my new Tinker SoC (Pi clone) with
>Armbian OS for 7/24 operation.

Once you get SSH working you may find it's unusable.  On my RPi 3 it
takes the VMS MultiNet SSH server several *minutes* to negotiate the
SSL handshake.  I suspect (without having attempted any diagnosis!)
that this is due to SIMH having to emulate a huge number of VAX floating
point instructions.

(Even on my real VAXstation 4000/96 the MultiNet SSH server took up to a
minute to negotiate the SSL handshake, and of course the system would
"pause" every now and again while the session keys were renogotiated.
I had hoped that in moving from a 100MHz VAX to a 1.2GHz SIMH VAX things
might improve, but they went dramatically backwards.)


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Raspberry Pi 3 with tun/tap causes XQ to fail

2017-11-14 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi all,

>On Monday, November 13, 2017 at 2:04 AM, Jeremy Begg wrote:
>> I am trying to get SIMH up and running on the ethernet interface of a
>> Raspberry Pi 3.  I have followed the intructions in 0readme_ethernet.txt,
>> installing the libpcap-dev, bridge-utils and uml-utilities packages before
>> building SIMH itself.  I just ran 'make vax' and let it go, and the build to
>> completion.
>> My problem is that I just can't get networking going.  To cut to the chase, 
>> if I
>> run the simulator without first setting up the br0 and tap0 interfaces, and
>> don't attempt to attach the XQ device, it works fine -- albeit without any
>> networking (as expected).
>> If I configure SIMH to attach XQ directly to the Pi's eth0 interface (without
>> configuring br0/tap0) it works on the first run but fails selftest
>> 53 on the next run.  If I reboot the Pi and start the br0/tap0 interfaces and
>> then run the simulator the VAX console fails selftest 53 again.
>Hmm...  I've been trying to track down the 53 test failure, which I can't
>reproduce here.
>In general this should not have anything to do with the networking details
>you've got setup, but there might be some influence.

I think I have found the cause.  Yesterday Wilm pointed out that his
configuration did NOT require the tap0 interface to be assigned an IP
address by the host system, and Steve Mansfield-Device's blog is the
only place I've found that suggested this requirement.

It occurred to me after I reported it was working that I had in fact made
TWO changes: the successful boot did NOT connect the NVR.  Trying again just
now, with no IP address assigned to "tap0" and no NVR configured, the VAX
boots quite happily with a working network interface.

Mark, thank you for the detailed explanation about the failed selftest, but
I fear it's in vain.  I suspect it's just a corrupt NVR file instead.  So I
won't try the alternative ka655x.bin (unless you still think it might be
helpful to do so).


Jeremy Begg

>A little background explanation is warranted here.  Long ago, when the
>extended memory was added to the MicroVAX 3900 simulator (extending from
>64MB to 512MB), I had observed that boot ROM self test interval timer test
>intermittently failed (1 out of 10 times).  At the time, I attributed the
>failures to competing load on the host system while the timer test was
>running.  To avoid potential problem reports from users the interval timer
>tests were disabled with a patch to the ROM image.  The resulting KA655x.bin
>image was unmodified until this past January.  At that time, the timer
>related plumbing in simh was significantly reworked and it seemed like the
>ROM self tests should now pass without the need to side step them.  I
>re-enabled the tests and, in my testing I've run many hundreds of tests
>without failure, meanwhile there have been some reports like yours... :-(

>Since you've got a somewhat reproducible test 53 failure, will you please:

>1) send me the configuration file you're loading
>2) send me the ka655x.bin or ka655.bin file you may be loading in your 
>configuration file
>3) explicitly load the attached ka655x.bin file prior to booting the simulator 
>in your configuration file with:
> sim> load -r ka655x_test.bin
> sim> BOOT  (or BOOT CPU)
>4) let me know if you still can observe the self test problems you had 
>previously seen.

>If the problem is completely solved, then I'll revise the packaged (and
>internal) ka655x.bin ROM image and these problems should be behind us.  If
>the problem persists, then I'll have to look for other ways to address it.


>- Mark
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Raspberry Pi 3 with tun/tap causes XQ to fail

2017-11-13 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Wilm,

Thanks for the clarification :-)
I had already worked out the changes to the commands to get the IP setup, but 
it appears under “stretch” the set of commands in your note are not quite right.
(I realise your example closely matches the SIMH documentation.)

HOWEVER, I am pleased to report success!

I was reading the blog at
 and he produces much the same configuration, with one very important 
difference: in his system, the tap0 interface is assigned an IP address (in 
addition to br0).  As soon as I did that, it started working!

Perhaps this is specific to raspbian “stretch”?  I notice from several 
discussion forums that many people are not happy with the networking changes 
made in this release.

Anyway, thanks for your time.


Jeremy Begg

> On 13 Nov 2017, at 11:13 PM, Wilm Boerhout  wrote:
> Jeremy Begg schreef op 13-11-2017 om 13:38:
>> Hi Wilm,
>> Thank you for the prompt reply.
>>> On 13 Nov 2017, at 9:43 PM, Wilm Boerhout  
>>> <> wrote:
>>> Jeremy Begg schreef op 13-11-2017 om 11:03:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am trying to get SIMH up and running on the ethernet interface of a
>>>> Raspberry Pi 3.  I have followed the intructions in 0readme_ethernet.txt,
>>>> installing the libpcap-dev, bridge-utils and uml-utilities packages before
>>>> building SIMH itself.  I just ran 'make vax' and let it go, and the build 
>>>> to
>>>> completion.
>>> [snip]
>>> My TUN/TAP and bridge are set up in /etc/rc.local in Raspbian (jessie & 
>>> stretch), as follows:
>> Are you sure this applies to the machine running the “stretch” release?
>> The ‘ifconfig’ command on that system (well, on mine, anyway!) doesn’t 
>> display “inet addr” anywhere in its output, it just has “inet”.
>> So the various grep commands in your example don’t work.
>> Thanks
>>  Jeremy Begg
> Oops, my bad. I did not realize that this Pi is the one remaining that still 
> runs jessie. I hate to convert because it doubles as my OpenVPN server.
> Anyway, for stretch, the setup is the same, aprt from:
> # get current IP params
> HOSTIP=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet " | gawk -- '{ print $2 }'`
> HOSTNM=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet " | gawk -- '{ print $4 }'`
> HOSTBC=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet " | gawk -- '{ print $6 }'`
> HOSTGW=`route -n | grep ^ | gawk -- '{ print $2 }'`
> /Wilm

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Raspberry Pi 3 with tun/tap causes XQ to fail

2017-11-13 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Wilm,

Thank you for the prompt reply.

> On 13 Nov 2017, at 9:43 PM, Wilm Boerhout  wrote:
> Jeremy Begg schreef op 13-11-2017 om 11:03:
>> Hi,
>> I am trying to get SIMH up and running on the ethernet interface of a
>> Raspberry Pi 3.  I have followed the intructions in 0readme_ethernet.txt,
>> installing the libpcap-dev, bridge-utils and uml-utilities packages before
>> building SIMH itself.  I just ran 'make vax' and let it go, and the build to
>> completion.
> [snip]
> My TUN/TAP and bridge are set up in /etc/rc.local in Raspbian (jessie & 
> stretch), as follows:

Are you sure this applies to the machine running the “stretch” release?
The ‘ifconfig’ command on that system (well, on mine, anyway!) doesn’t display 
“inet addr” anywhere in its output, it just has “inet”.
So the various grep commands in your example don’t work.


Jeremy Begg

> #!/bin/sh -e
> # This script is executed at the end of each multiuser runlevel.
> exec 2> /var/log/rc.local.log   # stderr to logfile
> exec 1>&2   # stdout as well
> set -x  # set verify :-)
> # no wireless for the moment
> ifconfig wlan0 down
> IFACE="eth0"
> MACADDR="08:00:2B:03:03:03"
> # get current IP params
> HOSTIP=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet addr" | gawk -- '{ print $2 }' | gawk -F 
> : -- '{ print $2 }'`
> HOSTNM=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet addr" | gawk -- '{ print $4 }' | gawk -F 
> : -- '{ print $2 }'`
> HOSTBC=`ifconfig $IFACE | grep "inet addr" | gawk -- '{ print $3 }' | gawk -F 
> : -- '{ print $2 }'`
> HOSTGW=`route -n | grep ^ | gawk -- '{ print $2 }'`
> # Make tun/tap
> tunctl -t tap0 -u root
> ifconfig tap0 up
> # Make bridge
> brctl addbr br0
> brctl addif br0 $IFACE
> brctl setfd br0 0
> ifconfig $IFACE
> # fix bridge MACaddress
> ifconfig br0 hw ether $MACADDR
> # start bridge
> ifconfig br0 $HOSTIP netmask $HOSTNM broadcast $HOSTBC up
> # set the default route to the br0 interface
> route add -net gw $HOSTGW
> # bridge in the tap device
> brctl addif br0 tap0
> ifconfig tap0
> # load kernel variables from /etc/sysctl.d 
> (
> /etc/init.d/procps restart
> then the
> set xu mac=08:00:2B:19:02:54 type=DELUA
> att xu tap:tap0
> works fine for my VAX-11/780 LAVC-cluster
> /Wilm
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Raspberry Pi 3 with tun/tap causes XQ to fail

2017-11-13 Thread Jeremy Begg
UQSSP Disk Controller 0 (772150)
-DUA0 (RA82)
-DUA1 (RA82)

Ethernet Adapter 0 (774440)
-XQA0 (08-00-2B-AA-BB-CC)

I have been trying out various ideas in assorted forums and blogs and just
can't make it work.  What am I missing?

Alternatively, and preferablly, I would like to set things up so that the
SIMH instance has direct access to the "raw" eth0 device with no
interference from the Linux network stack.  But I can't work out how to
prevent Linux from configuring TCP/IP on the ethernet interface.


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Problem with MT_ASTLVL on the VAX-11/780

2017-05-17 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Johny,

> Hum. Do I remember wrong? I seem to remember that when you MOVB to a 
> register, the value should be sign extended. So not just the low byte should 
> have been modified.

I thought so too, but decided to check and found this is not true.

From the “VAX Architecture Handbook”, 1981, page 179:

“Unlike the PDP-11, but like the other VAX-11 instructions, MOVB and MOVW do 
not modify the high order bytes of a register destination.  Refer to the MOVZxL 
and CVTxL instructions to update the full register contents.”


    Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  |   "OpenVMS Systems Management & Programming"|
  |  Web & Email Hosting|
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] EXT : VAX SDL support?

2017-03-09 Thread Jeremy Begg

>I've seen references to VAXwindows.  I know it predates VMS 5 but I am not
>sure if it was a layered product or not.

VAXwindows was a layered product (like just about everything DEC sold for
VMS).  Without it a VAXstation of that era wouldn't be very user friendly,
but it would boot happily enough.  However all my VAX software CD-ROMs are
from V5.3(?) onwards so I very much doubt the VAXwindows product is there.

    Jeremy Begg

>On Mar 9, 2017 8:31 PM, "Paul Koning"  wrote:

>> > On Mar 9, 2017, at 7:20 PM, Hittner, David T [US] (MS) <
>>> wrote:
>> >
>> > The Qbus-based VAXen support the QVSS (black-n-white) video module
>> cards, which were the basis of the original VaxStation I and were also
>> compatible with VaxStation II's, III's, and 4000's. The SIMH QVSS uses SDL
>> for visualization.
>> >
>> > This is a native DecWindows interface.
>> The eary VAXstations could also run VAXwindows, which predates DECwindows
>> and isn't based on X.  I used it at one time.  It was ok, but rather slow.
>> It's not a client-server system as X is.  I wonder if any copies of the
>> software still exist.
>> paul
>> ___
>> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] HP/UX

2016-10-10 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Clem,

Somewhat off-thread but I felt the need to reply ...

> On 11 Oct 2016, at 1:12 am, Clem Cole  wrote:
> ...
> Also be careful about HP being "generous" with the old DEC technology, such 
> as OpenVMS.That was started before HP became the owners.  Fortunately, HP 
> (and I assume now HPE) has continued it.   We can only hope the desire is not 
> lost, but the farther we go away from the source of those decisions, the less 
> ability to get them continued - although hard for them to "take away" as so 
> many hobbyist licenses are in the wild.  

I agree 100% with your comments re the "generosity" of HP.  Despite the 
intentions of some within HP, OpenVMS development continued (in a limited way), 
and a new business - not part of HP - has taken up the reigns.

VMS Software Inc., based in Bolton MA, has produced 3 releases of OpenVMS for 
Itanium and one for Alpha in the last 18 (?) months and is now working on 
porting OpenVMS to the x86 architecture.

The OpenVMS roadmap can be found on their website


Jeremy Begg___
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] alpha emulator

2016-10-02 Thread Jeremy Begg

>Es40 was another

Discontinued in 2009.

>On 02 October 2016 3:13:15 PM GMT+08:00, Cory Smelosky  wrote:
>>There is also alphavm-free unless that's just a different name

AlphaVM-Free is discontinued, according to their web site,

FYI the creator of the ES40 project went on to write the Avanti/FreeAXP
emulator mentioned earlier.  He now works for VMS Software Inc, working
on the next release of OpenVMS.  Last week I saw him give a very interesting
presentation comparing the VAX, Alpha, Itanium and x86 architectures.


Jeremy Begg

>>On Oct 1, 2016, at 20:54, Jeremy Begg <
>><> > wrote:
>>Hi Bill
>> Ok since I have been told the alpha simh emulator isn't booting yet. I
>>guess I have two questions:
>>o does anyone know when it should be complete or what's going on? Maybe
>>should check the main page or something.
>>I suspect there is no activity.
>>o And two, is there any emulators that can be used until then?
>>run openVMS on.
>>There are at least three commercial Alpha emulators, and two of those
>>free versions which run under Windows:
>>* Charon-AXP
>>* FreeAXP
>>They both restrict the emulated system RAM and disk configuration but
>>enough to run OpenVMS.  (The paid-for versions are somewhat more
>>in the configuration of the emulated hardware.)
>>The third one is "vtAlpha" made by AVTware.  I don't think they have a
>>version.  Unlike the other two, vtAlpha does not require a full Windows
>>Linix host operating system; instead, it has basic Linux kernel which
>>the x86-84 CPU and starts the emulator.
>>  Jeremy Begg
>>|VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
>>| <>
>>| P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail:
>><>  |
>>| South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
>>|---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
>>|  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
>>Simh mailing list
>> <>
>>Simh mailing list

>Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] alpha emulator

2016-10-01 Thread Jeremy Begg

Hi Bill

   Ok since I have been told the alpha simh emulator isn't booting yet. I
guess I have two questions:

o does anyone know when it should be complete or what's going on? Maybe I
should check the main page or something.

I suspect there is no activity.

o And two, is there any emulators that can be used until then? Something to
run openVMS on.

There are at least three commercial Alpha emulators, and two of those have
free versions which run under Windows:

* Charon-AXP
* FreeAXP

They both restrict the emulated system RAM and disk configuration but are
enough to run OpenVMS.  (The paid-for versions are somewhat more realistic
in the configuration of the emulated hardware.)

The third one is "vtAlpha" made by AVTware.  I don't think they have a free
version.  Unlike the other two, vtAlpha does not require a full Windows or
Linix host operating system; instead, it has basic Linux kernel which boots
the x86-84 CPU and starts the emulator.


   Jeremy Begg

 |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
 |  |
 | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
 | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
 |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
 |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX 11/782 simulation [was: :Re: Pdp8 terminals]

2016-09-07 Thread Jeremy Begg

VMS 5.0 introduced Symmetric MultiProcessing (SMP) and discontinued support for 
the 782. This would have been in the late 1980s by which time DEC had released 
"proper" multiprocessor VAX models.

VMS still has the concept of a "primary CPU" and I think there are still some 
interrupt handlers which run *only* on the primary CPU.

Jeremy Begg

Sent from my iPad

> On 8 Sep 2016, at 4:45 am, Hittner, David T (IS)  
> wrote:
> Wasn't the VAX 11/782 and the Asymmetric model de-supported at some point 
> during the life of VMS?
> I seem to remember hearing (at a DECUS Symposium?) that existing 11/782 
> customers would have to separate them into two 11/780's and then cluster them 
> to upgrade to the latest version of VMS.
> Dave
> -Original Message-
> From: Simh [] On Behalf Of Johnny 
> Billquist
> Sent: Wednesday, September 07, 2016 2:55 PM
> To: Ray Jewhurst
> Cc:
> Subject: EXT :Re: [Simh] Pdp8 terminals
> Hi.
>> On 2016-09-07 19:00, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
>> My apologies. To be honest I am very ignorant about of the science of 
>> computers. I am disabled, cannot work but I am a total computer 
>> history buff. I want to learn and know and experience as much as I can 
>> and Simh is a major part of that. I  want to help where I can so 
>> please excuse my occasionally confusion.
> No worries. You never learn if you are afraid of making mistakes. 
> However, if you are not rather experienced writing code, I think that 
> implementing something like the VAX-11/782 might be quite a task... Not to 
> mention that I don't know where you'd find a version of VMS that would 
> support the machine.
> Maybe find something a little simpler to start with? Like the talk about 
> expanding the PDP-8 to more generic support for devices than the current 
> implementation.
>> On Sep 7, 2016 12:46 PM, "Johnny Billquist" > <>> wrote:
>>The 11/782 are no more asynchronous than any multiprocessor system.
>>The A in ASMP stands for assymetric. As in, the second processor did
>>not run any kernel code, but is a slave processor to the primary
>>processor. It gets scheduled with user-land code to run, but any
>>trapping to the OS means it interrupts the main processor, who do
>>all the work.
>>On 2016-09-07 18:23, Ray Jewhurst wrote:
>>I think you are like I am. I would like to see every DEC simulator
>>possible. Right now I am doing some preliminary research into the
>>feasibility of a VAX 11/782 which is an asynchronous dual processor
>>11/780.  I will need help because I am not a real experienced coder.
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Publicly available PDP-11/70

2016-08-30 Thread Jeremy Begg

Hi Johny,

Since I occasionally get questions about real machines for reference or
testing, I figured I should announce that after some work, Update have
brought their PDP-11/70 back to life, and on line.
An HTTP server is also running on the machine, where you can even see a
picture of the machine serving. (

Do you turn it off overnight?  Just tried to connect to it now (00:42 UTC)
and it's not responding.

It's an impressive effort nonetheless :-)


    Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Mounting tape files on OpenVMS problems

2016-05-22 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Tim,

>Does anyone know any guides to enable MUA devices for regular user account
>to access without privilege requirements?

This should allow anyone to do anything with MUA0:


If that fixes it for you, put the above command into your SYSTARTUP_VMS.COM


    Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DECWRITE backup set pt 2

2016-02-20 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Timothe and Gary,

I'm the other person who replied to Gary's questions and I think I can
clarify some issues.

You are correct, X11 Display Postscript was removed from VMS in version 7.3
for various reasons, I think foremost among them was that Adobe no longer
wanted to support it because they were busy with PDF.  (They took the
lessons from PostScript and created PDF to be better for both screen and

The first step to get DECwrite running on VMS 7.3 or later is to get the
XDPS shareable images from an earlier version.  I can't recall if the
upgrade from 7.2 to 7.3 deleted them or left them in place, but in either
case you will need the file SYS$SHARE:XDPS$DPSLIBSHR.EXE from the VMS 7.2
also.  Those files are used by any application which incorporates DPS
functionality, such as DECwrite.

However, DECwrite is quite happy to work with an X11 server that does *not*
have the Display PostScript Extension.  This is because DPS is only used for
displaying "Encapsulated PostScript" (EPS) docuemnts.  EPS was the mechanism
created to allow PostScript to be embedded in multi-media document.  If you
don't need to display an EPS element you won't need DPS.  (I have DECwrite
running on a headless VAXstation 4000-96 using my Linux workstation as the
X11 server, which doesn't have the DPS extension).

DECwrite does not use DPS to do screen formatting, unless it's got an EPS
element in the document.  If you're creating your own documents you can
embedded other graphics formats in the document -- anything supported by
DEC's Compound Document Architecture model (other than PostScript).

Hope this helps.


Jeremy Begg

>Thinking about DPS some more (was never a mainline thing for me), a few
>memories surfaced:

>You can go back to VMS 7.2 & either run  there or more the library to 7.3.

>But that's just the client side.  The DPS interpreter goes in the X
>server (where the display is);
>its an 'X extension'.

>I don't know that there's a current X server that still includes it.  It
>is complicated, ugly and
>Adobe licensing was involved.

>There may be a ghostscript based extension that will do it, but you'll
>have to hunt down a
>version of the server that supports/can be built with it.  It looks like
>most of the servers
>dropped DPS support quite a while ago.

>Alternatively, VMS 7.2 with a local graphics card should work, as
>DECwindows of that time
>included the DPS extension in its server.

>SimH has some graphics card support - but I've never played with it, so
>I don't know what
>luck you'll have that way.

>You're going to have the same issue with Alpha; that's not an escape clause.

>DPS was a clever idea - basically postscript was the way to get dots
>formed on a laser printer
>in a typographically sane fashion.  But it was based on the idea that
>one composed one
>page at a time.  DPS extended the engine so you could have multiple
>active composing contexts
>(e.g. one per window!).  I think it also allowed for composing partial
>pages (clipping to the
>visible portion).

>The clever part was that this meant that you  could have a real WYSIWUG
>(what you saw is
>exactly what you got:-) editor.  Unlike now, when what I see in a brower
>never prints the
>same - because of the layers of different print renderers that are
>attached to devices.

>DEC licensed the interpreter from Adobe (as it did for the one in the
>LPS series
>printers).  I don't think we had a big role in its development; Steve
>Jobs apparently
>did when he was in exile at NeXT.

>I think the complexity and performance killed DPS.  Also, applications
>(e.g. DECwrite)
>use it via X11, which windoze displaced.  It came fairly late in the
>evolution of X.
>So there wasn't a huge application base.  PDF is the logical successor.

>This from my recollection of conversations with the hardcopy and
>workstation groups,
>and a little archaeology.  As I say, this wasn't a mainline issue for
>me; I touched on it
>in terms of how to extract text for assistive technologies.  So this may
>not be 100%

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DECWrite for OpenVMS Alpha?

2016-02-17 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Gary,

>I see that the hobbyist license PAKs include DECWrite. I'm pretty sure
>the installation files are not included in the downloads, though.

DECwrite was removed from the media kit quite a few years ago, although long
after it ceased to get any updates.  I ran it on a VAXstation and and
AlphaStation quite happily for many years; in fact I still use it on a
VAXstation every now and again.  (However it has a bug which requires it
to run with CMKRNL privilege in order to validate the license, on later
versions of VMS.  Without a licence it will run but you can't save the

>Does anyone have an installation file or media they could share? Alpha
>preferred. I have two Alpha systems (DS-10 and PWS.) Both have CD-ROM
>drives but no tape drives, with OpenVMS 8.3 installed and running..

I have a collection of installation media, there should be VAX and Alpha
versions there somewhere.  I'll see what I can find on the weekend.


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] vax simh and loading file

2016-02-14 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Bill,

> Your suggestion on the simh list looks just like what I need. I use simh
>3.9 and the vax has a cr device. I attached a file and everything is good.
>When I login to vms nothing understands job.

>I've tried job
>@sys$system:job and so on and can't get job or find it anywhere. The help
>list doesn't list a noprint qualifier but there is /keep and /name. Where is
>"job" that's what I can't seem to find out. This is from the list. >"

So this is your "card" file?

  $! some ASCII text
  $ show time

That should work fine, and here's what would happen on a real VAX:

1. User loads card deck into card reader and hits the start button.
2. VMS reads each card in turn and creates a temporary file somewhere
   (my guess is that it would be in the login directory for the user
   specified in the JOB statement on the first card).
3. VMS submits the file to the batch queue specified by the /QUEUE
   qualifier on the JOB statement, or to SYS$BATCH if the /QUEUE has
   not been specified.
4. The job runs and creates log file, which will be printed and/or
   deleted unless other qualifiers on the JOB statement specify otherwise.

To summarise: card readers create batch jobs which run without the user
having to log in via an interactive terminal.  The JOB command itself is not
actually a valid VMS command in the usual way: it's not part of
DCLTABLES.EXE and is instead implemented (I think) by the VMS JOB_CONTROL


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] vax simh and loading file

2016-02-13 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Bill,

It's very simple.

Boot your emulated VAX and log in via the SIMH console.
Then run @SYS$UPDATE:VMSLICENSE.COM which will prompt you for the license 

Jeremy Begg

> On 14 Feb 2016, at 5:56 am, Bill Cunningham  wrote:
> OK I have changed my linux by installing these programs. ckermit, gkermit 
> and I installed the dnprogs which seems to work for me. It compiled with 
> warnings but the compile didn't break. So I can use decnet on my linux now 
> after some tinkering I'm sure.
> So what would be the easist way to get the PAK I have called dvnetend, or 
> something like that into simh and vms. I appreciate the help. I'm getting 
> closer.
> Bill
> ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS/VDE: Almost there

2015-10-06 Thread Jeremy Begg

>DECNET provides host connectivity (like telnet), file transfer (like ftp),
>electronic mail (like smtp+{pop,imap}), data sharing (like nfs), and loosely
>coupled clustering.  Digital actually believed that it should replace all of
>the IP-based protocols, since it was actively engineered instead of being a
>series of experiments (in Digital's view) that grew like Topsy; Digital tried
>very hard to make it a real implementation of the ISO X.400 pipe 

I'd like to add a couple of comments, speaking a current VMS practitioner
(yes there are a few of us out there, although these days my Linux income
is more reliable!)

Up to and including DECnet-IV, DECnet used only its own proprietary network
transport protocols operating over Ethernet and a some forms of serial
interface.  (And note that VMScluster's own protocol is not DECnet, nor is

DECnet-V, aka DECnet-OSI, was DEC's attempt to do a complete implementation
of the various OSI X.nnn protocols.  At the time it was introduced, in the
early 1990s I think, it was too big a leap for most customers.  It was just
too unwieldy, and most people stuck with DECnet-IV.

By the end of the century DEC had learned that lesson and DECnet-OSI morphed
into DECnet-Plus which tames some of the OSI management hassles and, more
importantly, allows DECnet applications to run over a TCP/IP network.  In
fact out-of-the box DECnet will use TCP/IP as the transport layer rather
than the proprietary DECnet-NSP (the transport underlying DECnet-IV).

Some of you may be wondering why the ability to run DECnet applications over
IP is important.  Quite apart from some VMS applications being written to
use the DECnet API for node-to-node communication, the great thing about
DECnet is that the syntax for specifying a remote node is part of the
standard VMS filename syntax.  So if I want to (say) edit a file which
happens to be on a remote node, I don't have to log onto that node first:
all I do is specify the nodename or address as part of the filename when I
invoke the editor. This becomes even more powerful when used in conjunction
with VMS logical names, so that the application doesn't have to know or care
that a file it's accessing is not on the local system.

So once you've got SIMH running OpenVMS VAX V7.3 with DECnet-Plus *and*
TCP/IP, you can use your favourite DECnet commands and filesystem utilities
to access other VMS systems (provided they too are using DECnet-Plus with
TCP/IP -- and these days, most should be).


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Needed: RH750 specification

2015-08-12 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Timothe,

> On 13 Aug 2015, at 3:53 am, Timothe Litt  wrote:
> And that's probably more than most people on this list ever wanted to know...

Quite the contrary, like Alan I have thoroughly enjoyed this discussion.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX emulation on OpenVMS IA64 - Memory Exhausted

2014-11-18 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Mark,

>I'm currently setting up a VAX emulator on OpenVMS IA64 8.4. When I have
>the memory configured for 512m I get a memory exhausted message on booting
>the emulator - I presume this is an account setting? The box is an RX2660
>with 16GB of memory.

As always, the exact error message would be helpful.

Running the emulator with 512M of RAM will require that the OpenVMS process
running the emulator will need a PAGEFILEQUOTA of at lease 100 and for
decent performance the WSQUOTA should be large too (but doesn't have to be
that large).


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DECUS C

2010-08-02 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Michael,

>I'm trying to find a tape or disk or, in a pinch, even a files collection of
>the DECUS C compiler for PDP-11.  I don't care if the OS is RT-11, RSX-11 or
>RSTS/E -- I've got all three available.

I can't comment on PDP-11 C, it was before my time (or to be more precise, I
started on VAXes in 1980 and hadn't ever used PDPs).

>Also, what C compilers were available on the VAX/780 running VMS?  Were any
>of them free/open software?

Initially there was "VAX C" which was not ANSI-compliant but might be your
only option depending on the VMS version you want to run.  Later came DEC C
which is ANSI-compliant (in fact it supports quite a few C standards) and is
much better suited to porting code to VMS from other platforms.  Neither of
these is free, but you might be able to licence them under the VMS Hobbyist

On the freeware side of things, there is/was GNU C (GCC) for VAX.  You can
pick up a copy here: (anonymous FTP)

There is also a GCC-for-Alpha kit at the same location but I'm not sure how
good it is.  The main problem with the GCC stuff was having to hand-build
the STARLET libraries.  If you're not doing much VMS system programming with
it, this might be OK.  I used GCC for VAX for the second implementation of
my OperCon product ( but later
switched to DEC C to get better support for VMS features.


Jeremy Begg

  |VSM Software Services Pty. Ltd.  |
  |  |
  |   "OpenVMS Systems Management & Programming"|
  | P.O.Box 402, Walkerville, |  E-Mail: |
  | South Australia 5081  |   Phone:  +61 8 8221 5188   |
  |---|  Mobile:  0414 422 947  |
  |  A.C.N. 068 409 156   | FAX:  +61 8 8221 7199   |
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VMS 7.1 crashes under a simple COPY

2010-02-24 Thread Jeremy Begg
Hi Francois,

>I did setup a simh 3.8-1 vax simulator that runs under VMS 7.1
>The simulator has 2 disks attached, the system disk, which is a
>4300MB RAUSER  disk, and a data disk that has 44000MB, with a RAUSER type.
>The problem I have is with the rq1 disk, every time I want to do a
>Write access IO, VMS 7.1 crashes.
>If I try the same setup, but with VMS 7.3 as the OS, the write works.
>And, on both simulations, I use the same executable of simh, on the same
>Host (Linux redhat enterprise 5.1 Intel 64bits).

It looks like the UNXSIGNAL crash is a known problem with VMS 7.1 and 7.2. 
The HP web site doesn't let you search it for VAX/VMS V7.1 patches any more,
but the FTP server previously maintained by DEC/Compaq in Sydney still does.

If you FTP to then drill down to /pub/patches/vms/vax/v7.1
you'll find all the VAX 7.1 patches.  I suggest you download the .README
files and look for UNXSIGNAL.


Jeremy Begg
Simh mailing list