Re: [Simh] DG Nova announcement from Poul-Henning Kamp

2020-06-26 Thread Richard Milward

Wow, that's fantastic! I hope I'll be able to start exploring them soon.
**Richard (Durham, NC, USA)

On 6/26/2020 1:48 PM, Lars Brinkhoff wrote:


Poul-Henning Kamp asked me to post this to the list:

Just to let the SIMH/Nova users know that we have put a pile of
papertapes online in



PS: We have much more, including what looks like ALGOL & FORTRAN,
 but RDOS is not a primary interest for us, so it will remain
 offline until somebody comes to Copenhagen on Thursday evenings
 to digitize it.  Email me if interested.

Simh mailing list


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Has anyone contacted VSI directly about Hobbyist Licenses ?

2020-04-28 Thread Richard
In article <>,
"John H. Reinhardt"  writes:

> In the meantime, if you haven't, get your HPE Hobbyist license(s)
> as they are counting the number of participants which may go to VSI.
> The new license will not expire until January 1, 2022.

I've been lax with my VAXen.  How do I do this again?
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book 
The Terminals Wiki 
 The Computer Graphics Museum 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] New release of PDP10 simulators.

2020-03-10 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Paul,
> > I am pleased to announce the addition of the KL10 to the DEC PDP10
> > simulators. With this addition all of the DEC PDP10 computers are
> > now supported. Including the KA10, KI10, KL10A and KL10B and Bob's
> > KS10. KL10 has support for ITS and will run TOPS 10 7 series
> > monitors or TOPS 20 monitors. The KL10 will also run TOPS 10 6.03,
> > along with the KA and KI.   
> Wow!
> > ...
> > Software kits for Tops 10 and Tops 20 can be found at:
> > 
> >  
> I looked there for a bit.  For those not fluent in PDP-10, would it
> be possible to add some instructions?  Or pointers to manuals (say,
> on Bitsavers) that would help?

   I can try. Still generating the Tops20 software kits.

> One of the TOPS-20 releases is marked as being DECnet Phase II.  Do
> you know which flavor of DECnet the others are?  I'd like to find a
> Phase III to keep around for interoperability testing.

   Not really, perhaps others might now. Most of information is
   summarized from release logs.


Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

[Simh] New release of PDP10 simulators.

2020-03-10 Thread Richard Cornwell

I am pleased to announce the addition of the KL10 to the DEC PDP10
simulators. With this addition all of the DEC PDP10 computers are now
supported. Including the KA10, KI10, KL10A and KL10B and Bob's KS10.
KL10 has support for ITS and will run TOPS 10 7 series monitors or TOPS
20 monitors. The KL10 will also run TOPS 10 6.03, along with the KA and

The KL10 adds support for RH20 devices, and the NIA20. Also supported
is a printer off the Front End and terminal lines off the Front End on
ITS and Tops 10/20. The KL10 can be configured to operate either as a
KL10A, or extended addressing KL10B, and for ITS modifications.

New additions to simulators:

   * RH10/RH20 RP04/RP06/RP07 (RP07 not supported under 6.03).
   * RH10/RH20 RS04

   * LP20 on KL10 Front end.

   Front end terminal multiplexer on KL10.

   NIA20 networking for KL10.

   III Display for WAITS.

  RP01-RP07 type disks support KLH10 DBD9 and DLD9 disk format. So images 
with KLH10 can be used without issue.

  I would like to thank Bob Supnik, Lars Brinkhoff, Mark Pizzolato, Pascal 
Bruce Baumgart, Angelo Papenhoff, Bryan Jenson, Cory Smelosky, Phile Budne,
R. Voorhorst, Rich Alderson, Stephen Jones, Al Kossow, and The Living Computerr
Museum. All these helped in various ways to get these simulators working. Either
via testing, contributing devices, or providing documentation or software.

  Software kits for Tops 10 and Tops 20 can be found at:

  ITS can be found at:

As more software becomes available I will place them on my web site. Tops 10 
5.07 and
Tops 10 4.5/4.72 are in the works. Possibly a Tenex system can be built.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] SIMH tools

2020-02-16 Thread Richard Milward
Hey Bob! Thanks for keeping SIMH alive and up-to-date! I have a comment 
and a question.
First, the link for the SIMH tools should be and not (unless there's a 
newer version I can't find!).
Also, is there a copy of SPS available for the IBM 1620? I only see it 
listed for the 1401.
(I learned machine language, and then FORTRAN, in high school in 1963 on 
a 1620, then had a job in 1969-70 using a Nova - before RDOS! All 
assembler stuff - we were basically writing our own OS. Those were the 
days...  :-)



Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Various

2020-02-13 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Mark,

> Any good simulation would have to include the semi-real I/O
> instructions RCC (Read and Chew Card) and DPD (Drop and Pie Deck).

  I considered adding these to my card simulation. I could also add
  the feature that it will once in a while overwrite the currently
  reading card with random junk.

  sim_card, basically give you translation from the various formats
  into a punched image of the card. Or it takes a punched image of a
  card and translates it to ASCII or other formats. It can also
  auto detect most common card deck format. Currently supported formats
  are ASCII, CBN, Binary, card, EBCDIC. Also if it can't translate a
  card to ASCII it will generate an ~raw card with octal values.
> I'm with you about never again struggling to remove a card from the
> read gate that had been converted to a mini-accordion or measuring
> the size of a progrram in boxes, not bytes.
> I'm traveling for several weeks, but when back home I will assist Ken
> in getting an SDS driver for the reader/punch if he hasn't completed
> the task by then.  All needed documentation is in the 940 Reference
> Manual.

   Let me know if you have any questions or need things added. sim_card
   is currently used by all of my simulators. You might need to tweak
   the translation tables, if so let me know.

> I wonder if anyone has sound recordings of a reader/punch?  That
> would be a nice addition to a blinkenlights implementation, which is
> on my To Do list.

   I am sure we could get some clips.

> ⁣Get BlueMail for Android ​
> On Feb 13, 2020, 6:51 AM, at 6:51 AM, Bob Supnik 
> wrote:
> >1. I can confirm that RT11 V5.3 INIT does not work properly with an
> >RL02 
> >in 3.10.
> >
> >My next step is to trace back changes, because I think it used to
> >work.
> >
> >2. There's no card reader for the SDS 940 because
> >
> >a) I hate card readers (from having used them way back when)
> >b) I thought there wouldn't be any demand
> >
> >Rich Cornwell's library should make it easier to implement a card
> >reader
> >these days.
> >
> >My first card reader story goes back to an RCA Spectra 70 I used in
> >1965.
> >It had a vacuum pick reader for high speed operation. The reader
> >would gradually curl the front edge of the cards, so that after two
> >or three passes, the deck was unreadable. It's failure mode was to
> >spit cards out,
> >past the receive hopper, at very high velocity and scatter them ten
> >or fifteen feet out on the floor...
> >
> >The second was a very slow mechanical reader on a PDP-7 in 1966. The
> >only other keyboard device was a Teletype, so initial entry of
> >programs was done from punched cards. It read, allegedly, 100 cards
> >per minute using mechanical fingers with little star wheels on the
> >end. DEC field service was in almost every week tuning or fixing the
> >damned thing so that it could actually handle a decent-sized deck.
> >
> >In my experience, only IBM built decent card readers. The
> >reader/punch on the 1620 (I used one in 1964) was very sturdy, and
> >the 407 (used for offline printing of punched card output) could
> >read almost anything.
> >
> >/Bob
> >
> >
> >_______
> >Simh mailing list
> >
> >  

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Tops-20 4.1 on simh PDP-10: trouble during install

2020-01-24 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Tom,

  While I have not tried Tops-20 on the KS10, I do have versions 2
  through 7 running on my unreleased KL10 simulator. I am still
  resolving issues, I should be releasing it in a month or two.

   I think you need to hit ^C after the NO SYSJOB. 


> I'm a new simh user, and have mostly been using it to relive my youth
> on PDP-11s.  But I also had played with TOPS-20 back in those misspent
> days, and wanted to see if I could have my own, fully realizing that
> SIMH can't run later versions of TOPS-20 because it simulates a
> KS10. Still, I am having trouble getting past the first few steps of
> the install.
> I am starting from the install document at 
> I have downloaded the install tape from 
> I use this "install.ini" file (cribbed from
> set cpu tops-20
> d wru 006 
> att tu  bb-d867e-bm_tops20_v41_2020_instl.tap
> set rp rp06
> att rp t20.dsk
> boot tu
> at which point I'm greeted with the expected MTBOOT> prompt.  I then
> do:
> MTBOOT> /G143  
> and basically say Y to all the questions:
> System restarting, wait...
> At this point, the simulator just sits there for hours, never giving
> the date/time question the installation guide says I should get
> next.  It does seem that the install process has at least initialized
> the disk image, and if I reboot and tell it to skip all of those
> filesystem initialization steps, it blasts right to the %%NO SETSPD
> and "System restarting" steps, whereupon it hangs again.
> I'm running simh off of today's current git master branch.  I have
> compiled it both on FreeBSD and on Ubuntu 16.04 with identical
> results (so I am not assuming it's just a FreeBSD incompatibility
> issue).
> I see plenty of old references to running TOPS-20 4.1 on SIMH, and no 
> such references to this apparent hanging of the simulator at a very 
> early stage in installation.  Has anybody got this running?  Am I
> missing something blindingly obvious somewhere?

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] query about ibsys tape format

2020-01-09 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Ken,

> Could some one tell me how to interpret an output tape written on 
> sysut3.bin with Fortran WRITE OUTPUT TAPE statements.

  Without seeing the write statements it is hard to tell. But generally
  the SYSUTx tapes are written in binary and not BCD.

> Is bcd2txta the appropriate tool to translate it to something I can
> dump with od or hexdump?

   Like I recommended in my previous email I would use listtape. The
   -b option will convert binary to ascii. Besides BCD, listtape can
   also convert CDC display code, Burroughs BCI, Univac code. 
> Where can I read about the tape header or record format?

  Under IBSYS each write statement will be one record. If you use
  Fortran IV under IBJOB you can group records into a block.

> I don't know very much about the tape but output from hexdump shows
> me familiar strings.

  If you want to look at the raw tapes I would recommend using P7B
  format rather then simH. If you use I7090 rather then I7094 you will
  get tapes written with correct parity. For P7B, bit 7 is the record
  mark, bit 6 is the parity (even for BCD, odd for Binary), 5-0 the
  character. SimH tape format as a 4 byte record length before and
  after each record. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] IBSYS end of file question

2020-01-06 Thread Richard Cornwell

> I'm new to simh and have a problem I'm hoping someone may help with.
> Could someone tell me the purpose of the assert pc =7465 and det mta4
> in the job stream?

   The standard IBSYS halt address for a $STOP card is 7465. So the
   assert validates that his stop occurred at the valid address, and
   was not some other random halt. As to the "det mta4" this detaches
   the tape. This is to prevent part of the tape being cached in the
> I am using i7094 simulator to compile and run a fortran II and fap 
> program.  I run the ibsys.txt script and see no errors but the
> simulator hangs following a HALT instruction after the programs are
> compiled and executed.
> I assume this HALT is a result of the $STOP command?
> The system hangs after the HALT and does not respond to ctl-C or
> ctl=D or anything else.  However, if I start another terminal and run
> some other test it sometimes awakens the terminal and simh
> continues.  I see this problem with example  tests from
> also.

  I am not sure what response you are expecting. IBSYS does not read
  from the "console", and the output you are seeing is really being
  typed on the line printer. The simulator should respond to ^E.
> What could cause this to hang?
> 1.    Here is the tail end of the input job stream;  When the program 
> executes it simply prints the data following the *   DATA card.  The 
> program does seem to be running as I expect.  I've eliminated some
> blank lines to condense this a little.
>      OCT 
>           OCT 7
>          END
> *      DATA
>     FIN
> ~
> $EOF

   Without seeing the program I can't be sure. Now if this is FAP
   assembly code it should be blocked in 16 card blocks. However the
   *DATA card and rest of records should be blocked 1 card per record.

> 2.   Here is the tail end of the system output on sysou1.bcd showing
> the text output from execution;
>     FIN
>   EOF
>   STOP
>   SYSPP1  IS   A8    REC. 0, FILE 1
>   SYSOU1  IS   A4    REC. 00574, FILE 0
>   SYSIN1  IS   A3    REC. 2, FILE 1
> HALT instruction, PC: 07465 (SXA 7510,4)

   Looks like it ran ok.
> 3.   And here is the tail end of the LO from sysou1.bcd
>     $STOP
>      SYSPP1  IS   A8    REC. 0, FILE 1
>      SYSOU1  IS   A4    REC. 00574, FILE 0
>      SYSIN1  IS   A3    REC. 2, FILE 1
> 4.    and, finally here is the do_ibsys.txt file used to create the 
> input stream;
> ; command file to run ibsys from within simh
> ; argument 1 = job file
> ; argument 2 = print file
> ;
> ! rm punch.* print.* sysou1.* sys*.bin
> ! /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/gendate > date.txt
> ! cat date.txt %1 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/eof.dat 
> /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/ibsys.ctl > sysin.txt
> ! /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/txt2bcda sysin 84
> set cpu 7094
> att -er cdr /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/ibsys.ctl
> att cdp punch.txt
> ;att lpt print.txt
> att -ef mta1 p7b /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/asys1.bin
> att -ef mta2 p7b /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/asys8.bin
> att -f mta3 p7b sysin.bcd
> att -f mta4 p7b sysou1.bcd
> att mta5 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kitsysut1.bin
> att mta6 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/sysut3.bin
> att mta7 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/sysut2.bin
> att mta8 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/syspp1.bin
> att mta9 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/sysut4.bin
> att mta10 /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/sysck2.bin
> dep ss1 0
> boot mta1
> run 3
> assert pc =7465
> det mta4
> ! /Users/admin/development/simh/ibsys_kit/bcd2txta -p sysou1.bcd %2
> det all
> ;! rm reader.* sys*.bin
> ;! rm sysou1*.bcd sysin.*

  The only change I might make here is to use mkbcdtape and listtape.
  Mkbcdtape allows for changing the blocking within a file. These can
  be found here:

Re: [Simh] Problems with the B5500 simulator

2019-12-28 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Paula,

   Check out the latest version, I pushed some fixes out to solve this

   Let me know if you have any other questions.


> I'm currently trying to run the B5500 simulator on Mac OS Mojave and
> when I try to use the Datacom lines, I see the following error
> messages before it crashes when I'm trying to use Telnet to connect to
> it:
> "sim_debug() formatted result: 'Datacomm transmit 0 76 '
> has an imbedded \0 character.
> Abort trap: 6"
> If it helps, I'm currently using the Mark XIII MCP tape images that
> are available for the retro-b5500 emulator project and the
> instructions on
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Semi-OT: Terminal Recommendations for use with SIMH

2019-09-30 Thread Richard
I've been collecting the links mentioned here on my user page on the
terminals wiki in case anyone would like a summary with links:

"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book 
The Terminals Wiki 
 The Computer Graphics Museum 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] tty magic(?) for talking to bootloaders?

2019-09-23 Thread Richard Cornwell

   You might want to check out what I have done for the B5500 and

   Are the files that will rebuild MCP XIII from source, including
   build jobs.

   The install and load TOPS 10 5.03 or 6.03 you can find the simH init
   files here:

These scripts use simH expect send to drive the simulators.


> So far I've got Multics, V7 and BSD4 running on SIMH in Google Cloud
> Platform (GCP). I'm packaging some of these up into more turnkey
> images and scripts so that more people can easily play with these
> Grand Olde Operating Systemes.
> My end goal is a script that can be run on your local computer that
> creates the cloud instance, installs and upgrades the OS, compiles
> SIMH for the target HW, and boots the guest OS, all without any
> needed input. I've got everything EXCEPT how to kick the OS boot in
> the OS bootloader(s).
> My problem is that I probably haven't spent enough time with the docs
> to figure out how to feed scripts "past" SIMH and into the
> bootloaders.
> I'd also love to be able to inject commands into the SIMH process
> through the API, but that's a different story.
> For example, the PDP-11 V6 boot looks like this:
> test-pdp11:~$ !80simh-master/BIN/pdp11 dboot.ini PDP-11 simulator
> V4.0-0 Current git commit id: d40268d1Disabling XQ@
> Now how do I get scripted input into the simulator so that I can give
> the bootloader the "unix" filename at the @ prompt? I have the same
> problem with the Multics bootloader, too.
> Clearly I'm not being smart this week.
> Ideas?
> --tep

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] The Missing PDP-8s

2019-08-13 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Bob,

> As was pointed out, the existing PDP-8 CPU is basically a PDP-8/E or 
> -8/A. It doesn't have the model-specific capabilities of the current 
> PDP-11 CPU simulator.
> Making the PDP-8 "model specific" is a bit more difficult than just 
> putting in model tests at various points in the CPU. The peripherals, 
> and the peripheral instruction sets, evolved too. The PDP-8's DECtape 
> controller is quite different from the TC08; the magtape controller
> is different as well. With the 8/E, the original IOP 1,2,4 scheme was 
> replaced with the OmniBus, allowing peripherals to decode as many as
> 8 instructions per device code, instead of 3 or 4.
> As for the PDP-5... it probably has different major peripherals too.
> So it's not just the PC = location 0 problem.
> I looked at a PDP-12 implementation. It's not hard, but I really
> didn't want to do Yet Another DECtape Simulator for Linctape. With
> Rich Cornwell's recent work, it's clear that the DECtape controllers
> should have been abstracted to a library ten years ago, but doing so
> would be a major PITA, now that there are six (at least) distinct
> implementations (PDP1, PDP18b, PDP11, PDP8 TC, PDP8 TD, KA10).

   I am more then willing to switch to a generic library. What would be
   nice to see is something that just gave you the actual tape frames.
   This would also allow you to format the tape. If you write it I will
   gladly switch to it. Most of KA10 code is from your other simulators.


Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] going back to the VAX console with CTRL P

2019-08-06 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Mark,

  It does but is cumbersome. If all I want to do is attach or detach a
  device or change a setting I have to connect up to the remote port
  and issue the command. Would be nice just to hit ^E execute the
  commands I want and then ^E to get back to simulator.


> On Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 12:20 PM, Richard Cornwell wrote:
> >What I would rather see then an automatic connection of the
> > console to a telnet port, is the command processor running in a
> > thread so that when you ^E your simulator does not stop. Perhaps
> > this could be toggle able for testing purposes. SIMH already
> > support redirecting the console to a telnet port so there is
> > nothing really to add here.  
> You should try using the remote console:
>   sim> SET REMOTE TELNET=port  
> Boot you simulator.
> And from another window, telnet to the remote console port.
> You can directly enter many commands and get their response with the
> simulator still running OR if you want to stop instruction execution
> you can type the WRU character (CTRL E) and enter a series of
> commands with instruction execution suspended which will you can
> CONTINUE or if you wait a while it will CONTINUE automatically...
> Does this solve the problem you were thinking of?
> - Mark
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] going back to the VAX console with CTRL P

2019-08-06 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi All,

   What I would rather see then an automatic connection of the console
   to a telnet port, is the command processor running in a thread so
   that when you ^E your simulator does not stop. Perhaps this could be
   toggle able for testing purposes. SIMH already support redirecting
   the console to a telnet port so there is nothing really to add here.


> IMO, this is the issue with in-band systems.  No matter what you
> pick, it is going to conflict with something.  ^P was an issue on the
> vax console. Hey ^S/^Q being 'in-band' has always been an issue for
> lots of things (which is why us UNIX types used DH11's with RTS/CTS
> handshaking for our HS modems - particularly the Able versions that
> did the handshake with an AND gate for you and avoid DZ's which can
> do it].
> I don't have an issue with Mark's basic default choice, given that 780
> grabbed ^P in the PDP-11 front-end SW.  He can support switching to
> ^P. It's not really the vax console, it's simh's console mind you;
> but that because we are not 100% simulating the vax console since
> most of its features are handled by simh itself [which is in
> practice, ok, but it is actually differ].
> So  [mind you I'm not complaining - just noting how this could be
> even better] 
> What I would like to see at some point is to have simh move to a 'simh
> console' which is 100% separate from the simulated system console
> [*i.e*. moving simulator's console port a TELNET session with the
> command:
> sim> SET *SIMH**CONSOLE *TELNET=listenportnumber  
> ] *as the default*.   Then what is currently the console port becomes
> the host console and the simulation is of whatever the HW did on that
> console port.
> Then when you start you, say make the default port 3030, the simh
> command forks off a new shell/terminal window/etc with the connection
> [since, I'm dreaming, I'd like to see that be sshd(1) style
> connection not telnet, but I digress]. FWIW: this is a little
> different from what Mark does now BTW - I believe he moves the
> simulated host's console to the telnet port.  By switching, you set
> setting up a means to set up an optional programatic way to control
> simh - which I will explain in a minute].
> If start up like this were a tad more automatic, everything on that
> path is 'out of band' to the simulated system and only commands to
> control simh go down it (like Mark's current scheme with SET
> CONSOLE). The simulated hosts 'system console' is a different
> connection (the original tty connection). In this case, if the
> simulation is 780, the connection to the 780's real console has ^P is
> simulated the way the original VAX did it, which would take you a
> simulation of the original  >>vax<< console commands since it is not
> the simh console. It works 'just like the 780' did.
> But if you move the simh console it means eventually you can more
> easily build a 'lights and switches' ('blinkenlights') without have
> to hack simh. You can use that simh 'console' by typing, or as real
> console *ala* PiDP-x, or create an X-windows simulation of the
> lights/switches.  The cool part is that simh - wouldn't care if a
> human is typing or the if the simh 'control commands' are coming from
> a program [I believe that Oscar has some of this in his stuff, but
> its not all there yet].
> I also think if such a scheme were the 'default' and people though in
> those terms, we might be able to get more and more "front console"
> simulators of the old systems created.
> Anyway - its a thought ...  as I said, not a complaint, but it seems
> like switching it around offers easier options for more of the
> different simulators.
> My 2 cents...
> Clem

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Release of PDP10 KA/KI and PDP6 simulators.

2019-07-10 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Mike,

> Very cool. I look forward to playing with this. I notice some
> references to WAITS. Does that mean someone's found a copy to test
> your new simulators with or merely that you emulate a hardware
> configuration that WAITS was known to work on, should anybody ever
> uncover a lost tape or five. Also, will the planned KL emulation
> support the bits needed to run TOPS-20?

  WAITS works. At least the KA10 versions. Both with and without the
  BBN pager. I have trouble booting some of the very earliest monitors.
  I am working with Bruce Baumgart to get a couple disk images up for
  people to play with. At the moment is it kind of complicated to
  prepare a disk image.

  The KA should be able to run Tenex if we can find a system or
  generate one. For the KL10, yes it will support Tops20 paging.


> Mike K
> On Wed, Jul 10, 2019, 7:30 AM Richard Cornwell 
> wrote:
> > I am pleased to announce a new set of simulators for the PDP10
> > series of computers by DEC. The simulators currently run the PDP6,
> > KA10 and KI10. I will be adding the KL10 later. The KA10 and KI10
> > simulators will run Tops 10 up to version 6.03. KA10 will run ITS
> > and includes support for many of the custom devices and networking.
> > The KA10 also will run various versions of WAITS (including those
> > that use the BBN pager).
> >
> > The PDP10 simulators support:
> >Disk
> >* RC10 RD10/RM10
> >* RP10 RP01/RP02/RP03
> >* RH10 RP04/RP06/RP07 (RP07 not supported under 6.03).
> >* RH10 RS04
> >
> >Tape
> >* TM10A or B
> >* RH10 TM03/TU16
> >* TD10 Dectape
> >
> >Paper Tape
> >* Punch
> >* Reader
> >
> >DC10E terminal mux.
> >Morton tty Mux for ITS.
> >Knight Kludge mux for ITS.
> >
> >IMP networking support for ITS and WAITS.
> >CH10 networking support for ITS.
> >
> >340 Display Station support.
> >
> > The PDP6 simulator supports.
> >* 270 Disk
> >* 561 Magnetic tape.
> >* 551 Dectape.
> >* 340 Display station.
> >* 630 terminal mux.
> >
> > I would like to thank Bob Supnik, Lars Brinkhoff, Mark Pizzolato,
> > pascalgp, Bruce Baumgart, Angelo Papenhoff, Bryan Jenson, Cory
> > Smelosky, Phile Budne, R. Voorhorst, Rich Alderson, Stephen Jones,
> > Al Kossow, and The Living Computerr Museum. All these helped in
> > various ways to get these simulators working. Either via testing,
> > contributing devices, or providing documentation or software.
> >
> >   Software kits for Tops 10 5.03 and 6.03 can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> >   ITS can be found at:
> >
> >
> >
> > As more software becomes available I will place them on my web site.
> > Tops 10 5.07 and Tops 10 4.5/4.72 are in the works. Possibly a Tenex
> > system can be built.
> >
> >
> > Rich
> >
> > --
> > ==
> > Richard Cornwell
> >
> >
> > LinkedIn:
> > ==
> >
> > ___
> > Simh mailing list
> >
> >  

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Release of PDP10 KA/KI and PDP6 simulators.

2019-07-10 Thread Richard Cornwell
I am pleased to announce a new set of simulators for the PDP10 series
of computers by DEC. The simulators currently run the PDP6, KA10 and
KI10. I will be adding the KL10 later. The KA10 and KI10 simulators
will run Tops 10 up to version 6.03. KA10 will run ITS and includes
support for many of the custom devices and networking. The KA10 also
will run various versions of WAITS (including those that use the BBN

The PDP10 simulators support:
   * RC10 RD10/RM10
   * RP10 RP01/RP02/RP03
   * RH10 RP04/RP06/RP07 (RP07 not supported under 6.03).
   * RH10 RS04

   * TM10A or B
   * RH10 TM03/TU16
   * TD10 Dectape

   Paper Tape
   * Punch
   * Reader

   DC10E terminal mux.
   Morton tty Mux for ITS.
   Knight Kludge mux for ITS.

   IMP networking support for ITS and WAITS.
   CH10 networking support for ITS.

   340 Display Station support.

The PDP6 simulator supports.
   * 270 Disk
   * 561 Magnetic tape.
   * 551 Dectape.
   * 340 Display station.
   * 630 terminal mux.

I would like to thank Bob Supnik, Lars Brinkhoff, Mark Pizzolato,
pascalgp, Bruce Baumgart, Angelo Papenhoff, Bryan Jenson, Cory
Smelosky, Phile Budne, R. Voorhorst, Rich Alderson, Stephen Jones, Al
Kossow, and The Living Computerr Museum. All these helped in various
ways to get these simulators working. Either via testing, contributing
devices, or providing documentation or software.

  Software kits for Tops 10 5.03 and 6.03 can be found at:

  ITS can be found at:

As more software becomes available I will place them on my web site.
Tops 10 5.07 and Tops 10 4.5/4.72 are in the works. Possibly a Tenex
system can be built.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] PDP-6 and KA10 software kits

2019-05-07 Thread Richard Cornwell
On Tue,  7 May 2019 00:22:09 -0400 (EDT)
Rich Alderson  wrote:

> > Date: Tue, 7 May 2019 00:06:29 -0400
> > From: Richard Cornwell 
> > 
> > On Mon,  6 May 2019 23:52:00 -0400 (EDT)
> > Rich Alderson  wrote:  
> >> WAITS never ran on a bare KA-10.  The PDP-6/KA-10, later the
> >> PDP-6/KA-10/KL-10, then the KA-10/KL-10, and finally the bare
> >> KL-10, were the SAIL WAITS systems. WAITS also ran on the Foonly
> >> F-1 at CCRMA and a KL-10 at LLNL.  
> >   Define what you mean by bare KA-10. From what I can see early
> > WAITS ran on a KA10 with a custom IBM3330 disk interface. There
> > appears to be one version that ran on the KA10 that used the BBN
> > pager. Note Bruce's Javascript PDP10 appears to emulate a pretty
> > standard KA10.  
> The KA-10 was always connected to the PDP-6 via shared memory as long
> as the PDP-6 was in use (until the KA-10 and KL-10 were moved from
> the D. C. Power Lab to Margaret Jacks Hall on the main quad).  In the
> sources, references to processor P2 mean the PDP-6, until it was
> demoted to P3 and the KA became P2, as the KL became the primary
> processor.
> Yes, the KA-10 used the BBN pager.  We have it in Seattle.
> The disk controller is irrelevant to which CPU(s) were in use.

  From my looking at the oldest WAITS sources, the disk controller is
  very important. Without a disk controller all you can do is talk to
  stand alone stuff.

> >> (Having spent 4 years getting WAITS onto a KL-10 at the museum,
> >> reading the source from top to bottom, I am quite confident of this
> >> statement.)  
> >   If you can get me a copy of WAITS for KA10 I will give it a try.  
> Any pre-1974 WAITS.DMP will be KA/PDP-6 only.  Pick up the blob file,
> convert the octal dump to binary, and you're good to go.

   This does not get me a WAITS system, only the monitor. I also don't
   believe all the utilities are available on saildart.
> >> TENEX requires the BBN pager on the KA-10.  
> >BBN pager support is in my simulator however it is not tested. I
> >have been unable to get TENEX to link, and don't think I have
> > enough pieces to actually build the thing.  
> >Right now I have Tops 10 6.03 for both KA and KI (with VM), Tops
> >5.03 for KA. I should have a pretty complete 4.5/4.72 soon. Along
> >with a functional TSExec 1.4. Possibly also 3.19.  
> >Once I get the PDP6 mods done I plan on adding the WAITS PMP disk
> >controller.  
> That will be fun.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] PDP-6 and KA10 software kits

2019-05-06 Thread Richard Cornwell
On Mon,  6 May 2019 23:52:00 -0400 (EDT)
Rich Alderson  wrote:

> > From: Zane Healy 
> > Date: Sun, 5 May 2019 09:10:32 -0700  
> > The PDP-6 list sounds good, is there any other software still
> > available?  For the KA10, TENEX and WAITS would be the most
> > interesting.  
> WAITS never ran on a bare KA-10.  The PDP-6/KA-10, later the
> PDP-6/KA-10/KL-10, then the KA-10/KL-10, and finally the bare KL-10,
> were the SAIL WAITS systems. WAITS also ran on the Foonly F-1 at
> CCRMA and a KL-10 at LLNL.

  Define what you mean by bare KA-10. From what I can see early WAITS
  ran on a KA10 with a custom IBM3330 disk interface. There appears to
  be one version that ran on the KA10 that used the BBN pager. Note
  Bruce's Javascript PDP10 appears to emulate a pretty standard KA10.
> (Having spent 4 years getting WAITS onto a KL-10 at the museum,
> reading the source from top to bottom, I am quite confident of this
> statement.)

  If you can get me a copy of WAITS for KA10 I will give it a try.

> TENEX requires the BBN pager on the KA-10.

   BBN pager support is in my simulator however it is not tested. I
   have been unable to get TENEX to link, and don't think I have enough
   pieces to actually build the thing.

   Right now I have Tops 10 6.03 for both KA and KI (with VM), Tops
   5.03 for KA. I should have a pretty complete 4.5/4.72 soon. Along
   with a functional TSExec 1.4. Possibly also 3.19.

   Once I get the PDP6 mods done I plan on adding the WAITS PMP disk


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] SIMH Raw disk usage

2019-01-29 Thread richard

Hi Wilm,

I'm not sure if I'm replying to this properly  in terms of getting this 
linked to any previous mails.

However,  my config file for the SIMH emulator I am using (for a DGC 
Nova),  to try and boot from a 4048 disk pack image is:

SET DKP0 4048
att DKP0 DKP_URDOS_4048.dsk
set tti dasher
boot DKP0

The version is:

NOVA simulator V3.9-0

Simulation stopped, PC: 00401 (ADD# 1,0,SKP)
sim> show version
NOVA simulator V3.9-0 [32b data, 32b addresses, no Ethernet]


Simh mailing list

[Simh] SIMH Raw disk usage

2019-01-28 Thread richard


I have managed to obtain a raw disc image for one of the SIMH emulators. 
  This is a bootable disc apparently.  I can attach the disc but when I 
boot nothing happens.

Digging around in the 2012 SIMH FAQ I found this sentence:

“Utility programs are available to convert raw data streams to SIMH 

Does this mean that I  cannot use a raw disc image in SIMH ?

If this is the case where do I get a conversion program for a DGC 4048 
disc ?


Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-22 Thread Richard
In article ,
Mattis Lind  writes:

> I have some DEC EDU material which I can scan if there are interest (and if
> it isn't scanned already by someone else):

I'd like to see this one about MINI-RSTS!
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Re: [Simh] 101 Basic Games for RSTS/E (was Re: PDP11 on Simh for public access)

2019-01-22 Thread Richard
In article ,
Will Senn  writes:

> this stuff, it appears that there was a DEC EDU newsletter before the 
> book, where're those?

I've asked the software librarian at the Computer History Museum, Al
Kossow, if he is aware of any in existence.  Al is the main person
behind bitsavers, so he usually has a good idea of what's around and
what's not, including what hasn't been scanned yet.
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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Systems Engineering Labs (SEL) simh simulator available

2018-12-20 Thread Richard Cornwell
Congratulations James! 

When I get some time I will try and get UTX/32 running on it.


> After about 8 months of work, I am making available a simulator for
> the SEL Concept/32 computers.  Support is provided for 32/27, 32/67,
> 32/87, and 32/97 computers.  This initial release uses a test version
> of the MPX 1.5F operating system.  Source is provided for all
> processors except assemble, Fortran, and sysgen.  I was unable to
> find source for these programs.  Maybe someone can find it
> somewhere.  Also, I do not have an installation SDT tape for MPX
> 3.X.  Again I am unable to find one.  Any and all help would be
> appreciated in finding these releases.  There are still some power
> plants and simulator applications that still use MPX today.   Maybe
> someone knows one that I could contact for the software.
> A bootable disk and a an installation SDT tape are provided.  Make
> sure you see the manuals on bit savers for the 1.x release of MPX.
> There are still bugs, and some features that do not work 100%, but
> this is a real start and maybe some of the forum people can provide
> some debugging help.  All features seem to work including the
> capability to generate new systems via sysgen.  The Fortran is
> Fort77.  SEL uses excess 64 floating point arithmetic, so there is a
> full set of instructions to manipulate these floating point numbers.
> The taptools directory included in the project allows creating .tap
> files from ‘real’ tapes or extracting files from .tap formatted
> tapes.  Also construction of MPX filemgr save/restore .tap tapes.
> Other utilities convert from MPX file format to/from Linux file
> formats.  Some of these might also be usable in other simulator
> applications. 
> The next release will include C programming support and associated
> runtime libraries.  Also an additional set of cross tools that work
> on Linux and MPX.  And, if I can find MPX 3.x SDT tapes, it will also
> support MPX 3.x.
> Find it here  Look at the SEL32 entry.
> Jim Bevier

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] TINTE is not TECO either

2018-11-12 Thread Richard
In article ,
Paul Koning  writes:

> Maybe I should post it somewhere for others to play with.  It's not the
> best Python code, but it gets the job done.  I wish I could find the GT40
> editing macros, though.

github :)
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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Second Release of IBM 7000 simulators

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Cornwell
I am pleased to announce the second release of the IBM 7000 simulators
for simH.

Changes here are:

  1) Support for new sim_card interface which supports stacking of
 input decks. 
  2) Changes to allow IBM 704 to properly run Fortran II
 and allow i7090 to be set to IBM 704 correctly.
  3) Changes to allow 9IOTA diagnostics to pass.

This set of simulators supports most of the IBM 7000 series machines.

 IBM 701, IBM 1410/7010, IBM 705/7080, IBM 7070/7074, IBM

The IBM 1410/7010 will run either PR108 and PR155.
There is not much software for the IBM 705/7080 and IBM 7070/7074.
The IBM 704 will run UASAP, and Fortran II.
The IBM 709 will run Lisp 1.5 and diagnostics.
The IBM 7090 will run IBSYS.
The IBM 7094 will run IBSYS and CTSS.

Software to run these simulators is available at:

I am collecting some tools I use for dealing with BCD tapes and Card
decks here at:


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Second Release of Burroughs B5500 simulator

2018-08-06 Thread Richard Cornwell

I am pleased to announce the second release of the Burroughs B5500
simulator for simH.

This includes minor fixes to the simulator to fix some bugs uncovered.

  1) Minor cleanup of some instruction execution to better match
  2) Changes to allow proper reboot if OS crashed.
  3) Changes to terminal muliplexer to allow for simH expect/send to
  4) Some corrections to translation table. 
  5) Support for new sim_card interface. This includes support for
 stacking of multiple decks on the input stream.

The simulator simulates a Burroughs B5500 with either one or two CPU's
up to 20 disk units or 10 if using disk sharing (DFX), Drum or auxmem,
1 or 2 card readers, 1 punch, 1 or 2 line printers, and between 8 and
32 terminal lines. 

Also I have added some better operating documents to my web site here:

This includes a set of script files that will rebuild MCP XIII from
source and also includes some programs from the CUBE libraries.

Additional software can be found at:

The current emulator has been tested with both MCP XIII and MCP XV.

Let me know if you find any bugs.

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DIY microfiche scanner?

2018-02-25 Thread Richard
In article <003c01d3adcd$5005e1a0$f011a4e0$>,
"Tim Stark"  writes:

> I have some fiche films for technical manuals which are not in Bitsavers
> yet like DECserver 200 tm, CI 780 tm, etc.   When I have scanned docs, I
> will send them to bitsavers.  They can be useful for developing emulators. 

Yes, DECserver 200 TM would be nice :)
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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Fortran

2018-02-05 Thread Richard Cornwell

> Speaking of using old FORTRAN implementations... Curious Marc just put
> up a video of running the FORTRAN II compiler on the IBM 1401.
> <>

  A group of us are trying to get all the typos out of Fortran II for
  the IBM 704 so we can run that. This is the first production Fortran
  II compiler I believe.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Fortran

2018-02-05 Thread Richard
Speaking of using old FORTRAN implementations... Curious Marc just put
up a video of running the FORTRAN II compiler on the IBM 1401.

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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] BLISS and C

2018-01-29 Thread Richard Cornwell
> On Mon, 29 Jan 2018 16:35:42 -0500 (EST)
> Rich Alderson <> wrote:
> > From: Clem Cole <>
> > Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2018 14:21:36 -0500  
> > My point was less on PL/1 and more to the point that Ken had access
> > to BCPL and did not have BLISS.   But he still decided to create
> > what would become B.  
> Ken had no tools for the PDP-7, which was part of a Graphics-1 setup
> (with a Type 340 display), not even an assembler.  The first thing he
> wrote on the GECOS system (not yet shortened to GCOS, since it was a
> GE 635) was an assembler, which shared absolutely nothing in terms of
> syntax with the DEC assembler for the system.
> Remember that BCPL originated on a PDP-7, and had an 18-bit word as
> its only data type.  Since Ken had only a cross assembler to start
> with, B was the simplest interim solution (a BCPL subset in an
> interpreter).

  BCPL originated on the IBM 7090 under CTSS. It only supported 36 bit
  word data types. I am not sure BCPL was ever ported to the PDP-7. 


Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Terminal Emulator

2018-01-25 Thread Richard
I used PROCOMM on an 8088; I never used telix.

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 The Computer Graphics Museum 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Release of a set of simulators for IBM 7000 series mainframes.

2017-12-29 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Tim,

> I forget to tell something.  There is TSS/360 dist available on
> Internet.

   I can only find the TSS/370 dist on the Hercules sites. I looked at
   the source and it only supports a 370, not a 360/67. If you know of
   a 360/67 version of this let me know.

> On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 1:36 PM, Timothy Stark <>
> wrote:
> > There are VM/370 and MVS 3.8j dist available on Internet for IBM 370
> > system.

   Yes I know, however the only compilers are for OS/360. There is also
   DOSVS/370, OS/VS1 available. 

   Hercules is a very good simulator for a 390, it sort of does a 370,
   but does not simulate a 360. It also does all I/O instantly, rather
   then over time like a real 360 would. Also it can only set memory to
   I think 2Mb min. My 360 will go from 16k to 4M (16M if you want). I
   am not trying to replace Hercules, rather do something different.

> > I am working on MP facility on my MSE emulator to handle
> > multi-processor systems. I successfully created and execute thread
> > process for additional CPU process, I/O devices, and front-end
> > processors.

  I've been following this. Will be interesting to see what comes out
  of it.


> > On Fri, Dec 29, 2017 at 1:26 PM, Richard Cornwell
> > <> wrote:
> >  
> >> Hi,
> >>  
> >> > Good job!  Also I am looking toward to future IBM 360, 370, 390,
> >> > z900 series and 650 emulators.  
> >>
> >>   I have a 360 in the works, however it does not want to run
> >> DOS/360 or OS/360. Anyone caring to help debug, let me know. Not
> >> sure if I will add in support for the 370. I would like to do a 67
> >> mod, especially if I can find a copy of CP/67 or CP/40 or TSS/360.
> >> Right now only MTS prior to version 3 or 4 supports the 67. Not
> >> going beyond a 370 though. I might do a 650 simulator, since that
> >> is basically a modification to my 7070 simulator. For a 390 and
> >> above there is Hercules which does a real good job.
> >>
> >> Rich
> >>
> >> --
> >> 
> >> ==
> >> Richard Cornwell
> >>
> >>
> >> LinkedIn:
> >> 
> >> ==
> >>
> >>  
> >  

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Release of a set of simulators for IBM 7000 series mainframes.

2017-12-29 Thread Richard Cornwell

> Good job!  Also I am looking toward to future IBM 360, 370, 390, z900
> series and 650 emulators.

  I have a 360 in the works, however it does not want to run DOS/360 or
  OS/360. Anyone caring to help debug, let me know. Not sure if I will
  add in support for the 370. I would like to do a 67 mod, especially
  if I can find a copy of CP/67 or CP/40 or TSS/360. Right now only
  MTS prior to version 3 or 4 supports the 67. Not going beyond a 370
  though. I might do a 650 simulator, since that is basically a
  modification to my 7070 simulator. For a 390 and above there is
  Hercules which does a real good job.

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Release of a set of simulators for IBM 7000 series mainframes.

2017-12-28 Thread Richard Cornwell

I am pleased to announce the release of a set of simulators for IBM
7000 series mainframes. This includes simulators for the IBM 701, IBM
702, IBM 704, IBM 705, IBM 705/3, IBM 709, IBM 1410/IBM 7010, IBM 7070,
IBM 7080, IBM 7090 and IBM7094. These are available from the Computer
History Simulation Project (SIMH) site:

Software for these simulators can be found at:

Currently there is the following available:

  IBM 705: Some stand alone programs.
  IBM 7080: Diagnostics.
  IBM 1410/7010: PR 155 & PR108.
  IBM 704: SAP (assembler) and soon Fortran II.
  IBM 709: Lisp 1.5, 9AP (assembler), Diagnostics
  IBM 7090/7094: IBSYS and CTSS. 

  CTSS sources and binaries are available at:

I am still working on an automatic rebuild of CTSS using IBSYS to build the 
basic binaries. However prebuild disk images are available.

These simulators have been developed over many years and I have way too many 
people to thank for the help that they have given in testing and recovery 
of software. Some of these simulators are more stable then others, the more 
software that I have to test them the more stable they are. The IBM 701 and
IBM 7070 are fairly untested since there is almost no software for either 
of these machines. These machines all shared a common set of I/O devices so
it made sense to implement them as a collection.

I plan to add in a IBM 7030 simulator after I finish transcribing and proofing
the diagnostics and MCP and write a assembler for the machine.

I would also like to do a 7040/4 if anyone can find a copy of either IBSYS
or DCSYS for it.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] B5500 idle detection

2017-12-23 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi David,

> I have just started using the new Burroughs B5500 emulator with MCP
> XIII. Thanks to Paul Kimpel's and Richard Cornwell's sites, the PDFs
> at, and considerable head scratching, I now have it
> running the timesharing MCP, and CANDE listening on port 2000. It's
> wonderful to be able to play with this classic architecture and an OS
> that was written entirely in ALGOL nearly ten years before UNIX.
> Before Multics, even.
> Anyway. The only problem is that my laptop's CPU fan is constantly
> spinning at eleven. I have "set cpu idle" in my initialisation file,
> and "show cpu" reports "idle enabled", but CPU usage is constantly at
> 100%.
> Have I missed some undocumented "set" option?

  I have fixed this bug and it is now part of the main simh repo.

  This was caused by my not calling the correct routines for the
  inquiry console.

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] B5500 idle detection

2017-12-19 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Dave,

> I have just started using the new Burroughs B5500 emulator with MCP
> XIII. Thanks to Paul Kimpel's and Richard Cornwell's sites, the PDFs
> at, and considerable head scratching, I now have it
> running the timesharing MCP, and CANDE listening on port 2000. It's
> wonderful to be able to play with this classic architecture and an OS
> that was written entirely in ALGOL nearly ten years before UNIX.
> Before Multics, even.
> Anyway. The only problem is that my laptop's CPU fan is constantly
> spinning at eleven. I have "set cpu idle" in my initialisation file,
> and "show cpu" reports "idle enabled", but CPU usage is constantly at
> 100%.
> Have I missed some undocumented "set" option?

  Idle detection should be working. Unless something has changed in SCP
  since I released the simulator. Idle detection is based on detecting
  the following tight loop that MCP uses when it has nothing to do.

   OPDC ...
   OPDC ...
   LITC 10  or LITC 1
   BBC  or LBC

   Once it finds this loop it sees if the CPU executes a TUS at that

   I verified that it is detecting the IDLE loop, however it does not
   seem to be entering idle state. Perhaps something changed in SCP. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] [OFFTOPIC] LAT license for Lantronix ETS8P terminal server

2017-12-06 Thread Richard
I added stub pages for these terminal servers to the terminals wiki:

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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] 5 Questions (3 Questions Sire) About RSTS/E and Command Line.

2017-10-06 Thread Richard
In article ,
Brett Bump  writes:

> [...]  Can someone
> in the group provide me with a few accounts to connect to so his students
> can see something other than linux???  I think I used to have an account
> on CHIMPY, but that has been a while back.

I sent this to Brett individually, but others may be interested to
know that you can request logins on the Living Computer Museum's

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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Strange question

2017-09-05 Thread Richard Cornwell

  The Windows XP version should work on Win 98. Windows since 95 has
  been 32 bit. This depends on the calls that SimH uses. At most, a
  recompile would be needed. However not sure if you can find a Windows
  95/98 C compiler anymore. 


> That would be an exercise for someone with sufficient interest.  That
> would not be me.
> Meanwhile, given the particularly low demand for this, I might not be
> interested in merging changes necessary to get that working…
> From: Paul Koning []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 5:18 PM
> To: Mark Pizzolato <>
> Cc: Ray Jewhurst <>; simh
> <> Subject: Re: [Simh] Strange question
> Might it run in a DOS environment if built with DJGPP?  That's,
> pretty much, a 32 bit environment where code written for plain 32 bit
> Unixes is generally happy.  It still exists.  That runs on Win 98, of
> course.  And raw DOS.
>   paul
> On Sep 5, 2017, at 7:13 PM, Mark Pizzolato
> <<>> wrote:
> As far as I know, no version of simh will run on any base 16bit OS.
> The furthest back I’ve tried to support is XP.  Current binaries will
> run there.
> Meanwhile, you might want to ask a different question:
> Will simh run on Android?
> That answer is yes.  Several folks have achieved this.  A few years
> back the normal makefile would work for some version of the Android
> cross development environment.  I haven’t tried lately.
> There is a very old version of simh (3.02) available on the Google
> Play store.
> More recent discussion and work:
> From: Simh [] On Behalf Of Ray
> Jewhurst Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2017 1:27 PM
> To: simh <<>>
> Subject: [Simh] Strange question
> Iwindows  was wondering what is the newest version of SIMH that will
> run on Windows 98SE? I am trying an emulator on my phone and Win98 is
> the newest version of Windows that will run well.
> Thanks
> Ray
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Rainbow100

2017-07-21 Thread Richard
In article <>,
Timothe Litt  writes:

> The VT100 was designed as a flexible platform, with lots of opportunity
> (slots and power) for plugin options.  Internally, it looked more like a
> computer with "bus" slots than a dedicated terminal.

Another terminal that is like this is the HP264x series.  This was
literally a motherboard with slots and cards that provided the
facilities of the terminal: CPU, memory, tape interface, frame buffer,
character display buffer, etc.
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Re: [Simh] Rainbow100

2017-07-21 Thread Richard
In article ,
Mattis Lind  writes:

> The VT125 coprocessor used an 8085 processor. Somehow it intercepted the
> serial line passsing through that strange white connector on the VT100
> board and processed the ReGIS commands.

The VT100 architecture allows expansion boards to intercept the host
communication stream by plugging into the "standard terminal port"
(STP) connector.  This routes signals from the RS-232 (EIA) connector
on the back of the terminal through the STP and then into the UART on
the terminal controller board.  This lets an add-on device intercept
ESC sequences from the host for processing by the add-on device before
they are sent to the VT100.  The add-on device can also generate
responses to the host in the same way.

You can read more about this in Chaper 7 of the VT100 Technical Manual

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Re: [Simh] Simh and historical Fortran in the news

2017-07-14 Thread Richard Cornwell

> On Thu, 13 Jul 2017 17:46:04 -0600
> "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <> wrote:
> > There is an interesting new journal article published today about
> > the attempt to recover and reconstruct the first Fortran compiler.
> > Simh, and some of the members of the SIMH list, get mention in the
> > article.  
> As a young FE right out of college, I went to IBM Poughkeepsie in 1992
> for IBM 7090 training and subsequently joined the Data Systems
> Division Lab at Poughkeepsie in 1963. At the time, I was developing
> advanced diagnostics for the "new" IBM 7040 and the "older" IBM 7090.
> Early on, I took an internal FORTRAN compiler design course - and was
> given a copy of the original internal FORTRAN design document - which
> contained detailed (mostly hand drawn) flowcharts and (IIRC) listings.
> It was 8.5" x 11" and very thick. One of its authors was John Backus.
> I recognized that it was "special" and never discarded it. About five
> years ago when looking through my collection for some IBM 7090
> Training Manuals (and found them), I also searched for the FORTRAN
> design document - but it was not where I expected it to be. I
> subsequently searched what was, to the best of my knowledge, all my
> archives from that period - but unfortunately did not find it.
> It's quite possible that it got misplaced and is in one of the many
> boxes of vintage archives I've collected over the years. If I ever
> "stumble" across it, I'll let you all know - and lend it to Al Kossow
> at the CHM so he can scan it and make it available to the world on
> bitsavers.  

  What I would love to find is a copy (either listing or tape) of FMS
  for the 709.


Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Simh and historical Fortran in the news

2017-07-13 Thread Richard Cornwell

   Right now I am in the process of generating a master tape to try and
   run it. I should have it ready in a couple of weeks. 

   Been trying to get Chain jobs to run under Fortran II under IBSYS,
   however having hard to. If anyone can help, please contact me. 


> There is an interesting new journal article published today about the
> attempt to recover and reconstruct the first Fortran compiler.  Simh,
> and some of the members of the SIMH list, get mention in the article.
> @String{j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT  = "IEEE Annals of the History of
>   Computing"}
> @Article{McJones:2017:SOF,
>   author =   "Paul McJones",
>   title ="In Search of the Original {Fortran} Compiler",
>   journal =  j-IEEE-ANN-HIST-COMPUT,
>   volume =   "39",
>   number =   "2",
>   pages ="81--88",
>   month ="",
>   year = "2017",
>   DOI =  ";,
>   ISSN = "0272-1716 (print), 1558-1756 (electronic)",
>   ISSN-L =   "0272-1716",
>   bibdate =  "Thu Jul 13 14:47:50 MDT 2017",
>   bibsource =";
>   URL =
> ";,
> acknowledgement = ack-nhfb, fjournal = "IEEE Annals of the
> History of Computing", journal-URL =
> ";, }
> The team's effort was not successful, but they did recover, and make
> work, the Fortran II compiler from about 1959.
> There were a number of IBM 704 customers who got a printed book
> containing a listing of the original compiler, but no copies of that
> book, known as ``The Tome'', have yet been found.
> The article reports that it was IBM's practice to destroy code for
> machines that were no longer manufactured.
> ---
> - Nelson H. F. BeebeTel: +1 801 581
> 5254  -
> - University of UtahFAX: +1 801 581
> 4148  -
> - Department of Mathematics, 110 LCBInternet e-mail:
>  -
> - 155 S 1400 E RM 233
> -
> - Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USAURL:
> -
> -------
> _______ Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-05-03 Thread Richard
BTW, Al just uploaded a bunch of pics of the VT340 circuit boards to
bitsavers, which I've added to the terminals wiki:

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Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-17 Thread Richard
In article <002f01d2b652$c630dbf0$529293d0$>,

> E49 is a 27256 EPROM.  I have dumped the content of that ROM and it is now
> available here -> 

Al, are you saving that to bitsavers?

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Re: [Simh] VT240, VT340 and DS200/300 HW specs info

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
In article 

Re: [Simh] VT240, VT340 and DS200/300 HW specs info

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
In article <>,
Matt Burke  writes:

> On 09/04/2017 06:11, Tim Stark wrote:
> >  
> >
> > VT340 uses 8031/8051 processor with 2681 and custom graphics
> > processor. It uses 4 DC 322 Viper Gullwin (each bitmap plane).
> >
> > (I can't find DC 7051 (timing generator) and DC 322/323 (Adder/Viper)
> > tech docs so far).  It uses 4 bitmap planes.
> >
> > It supports up to 4096 colors but can only select 16 colors from them.
> >
> >  
> >
> The Adder and Viper chips are documented in EK-104AA-TM-001 - VCB02
> Video Subsystem Technical Manual.


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Re: [Simh] EXT :Re: VT240, VT340 and DS200/300 HW specs info

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
Thanks Dave, my little brain did manage to piece it together later,
LOL.  That's what I get for sorting threads by subject instead of by
date :).

I'm starting to add pages for terminal servers to the terminals wiki:

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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
In article ,
Johnny Billquist  writes:

> Actually, if you go to page 46, you have a full picture of the rear. 
> Looking from left to right, you have a rectangle where the DB25 is, a 
> narrow, high rectangle which is the cartridge slot, then a place for a 
> label or whatever, and at the right end is the power receptacle.

OK, I see it now.  They had it covered up on pg. 3.

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Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
In article ,
Johnny Billquist  writes:

> Correct. There is a port on the external case.

Look at the case diagram in this document on pdf pg 3 and show me
where there is an external port to the ROM cartridge.


> Yes. I don't know how you read schematics, but if you start with that 
> document, you have the ROM cartridge mentioned already on the first page.

I read schematics just fine and I agree that it is all over the
schematics but I am referring to the diagram for the case where the
external ports are shown.  I don't see any port shown for a ROM
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Re: [Simh] DECserver (terminal server) emulation?

2017-04-11 Thread Richard
In article <>,
Matt Burke  writes:

> I can't find where I downloaded this from but here is the DECserver 300
> Technical Description:


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Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article <>,
Johnny Billquist <> writes:

> On 2017-04-11 00:27, Richard wrote:
> > In article <>,
> > Johnny Billquist <> writes:
> >
> >> You will also want a dump of the ROM cartridge, that actually holds most
> >> of the code...
> >
> > What do you mean by "ROM cartridge"?  I've never seen any cartridges
> > for DEC terminals, not even the GIGI.
> >
> > Are you referring to E80?
> No. The VT330 and VT340 have an external cartridhe that plugs into a 
> slot in the back, and which holds most of the code.

You're describing this like there's a port on the external case of the
terminal for this, but I am not seeing that in the diagrams.  It shows
on the engineering drawings as a connector on the rear side of the
CPU module.


Am I missing something?

While we're talking about additional ROMs that need to be dumped,
there appears to be a ROM on the graphics board as well.
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Re: [Simh] DECserver (terminal server) emulation?

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article <000b01d2b0c1$77a78650$66f692f0$>,
"Tim Stark"  writes:

> Yes, I know that.  I have DS software for all DS servers (OpenVMS 
> consolidation library).

Is this in a place I can mirror it?  I'm trying to archive all the
relevant terminal related stuff via terminals-wiki, etc.
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Re: [Simh] DECserver (terminal server) emulation?

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article <01d2b0a7$e742afe0$b5c80fa0$>,
"Tim Stark"  writes:

> I have a great idea about DECserver emulator.  Does anyone plan to emulate
> one of DECserver series?
> I discovered DS 200, 300 and 500 ROM images that I already downloaded some
> time ago.  DS 200 uses 68000 processor and DS 500 uses KDJ11-SD processor.

Oh, now I see, so ignore my previous email asking what you meant by
DS200/300/500.  I didn't realize you were writing DS to mean DECserver.

I know with X terminals you need more than what's in the ROMs to get a
functioning unit because they boot over the network.  Hopefully the
terminal servers aren't that complicated.  Maybe they just load a
config off the network, if anything at all.
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Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article <000c01d2b0a9$835edec0$8a1c9c40$>,
"Tim Stark"  writes:

> He is implementing some VT series like VT100 through VT520 but they are
> marked as not working. 

I thought the VT100 was marked as working.
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Re: [Simh] DEC VT emulators on MAME

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article ,
Johnny Billquist  writes:

> You will also want a dump of the ROM cartridge, that actually holds most 
> of the code...

What do you mean by "ROM cartridge"?  I've never seen any cartridges
for DEC terminals, not even the GIGI.

Are you referring to E80?

> On 2017-04-09 02:38, Tim Stark wrote:
> > Ok, I checked VT340 schematics.  Ok, I  need two ROM dumps:
> >
> > 512Kx8 2804 EPROM on E80 (firmware code)
> >
> > 32Kx8 27256 UVEPROM on E49 (character generator)

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Re: [Simh] VT240, VT340 and DS200/300 HW specs info

2017-04-10 Thread Richard
In article <01d2b0ef$c2cd4330$4867c990$>,
"Tim Stark"  writes:

> DS200 uses 68000 processor with AM7990 (LANCE) and 4 2681 DUARTs. 
> DS300 uses 68020 processor with TC23SC241AP and 8 2681 DUARTs.
> DS500 uses KDJ11-SD processor (11/53) with CXA16/CXB16 devices. 

What are these?
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Re: [Simh] IBM 650

2017-02-27 Thread Richard Cornwell

> Does anyone know if the IBM 650 Emulator referrerd to here...
>  ...exists?  The link at the bottom of the page is dead.
>  I have a lot of IBM 650 code listings I'd like to mess around with,
> see what it does

  I transcribed the IBM 650 simulator for the IBM 705

  Tried to run SOAP on it, however it did not work. 

  I also have SOAP transcribed if anyone is interested.


Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Old TOPS-10 versions?

2017-02-19 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Tim,

> While I checked lars' repos list and searched for PDP-10 on GitHub
> website, I discovered another simh repo called "ka10_simh".  I cloned
> it and learned that someone successfully loaded and run TOPS-10 v5.03
> and v6.03 on KA10 and KI10 emulation.  It said that they are
> available on sky-visions website.

   I will try and put up software kits later this week. 
> I checked sky-visions website bit some pages are broken or missing.
> I tried to access DEC systems but page is missing. 
> I checked my mailbox for old emails and found one email mentions
> about old TOPS-10 source repos on sky-visions.  I was able access
> them but am figuring how to clone them from repos.

   Thanks I will look into why this is broken.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Semi-OT: 7-bit binaries

2017-02-01 Thread Richard Cornwell

   My KA10 implements the TM10 this way. Also it appears that the
   dumps on etc are written this way.


> Rich Alderson wrote:
> > On 9-track tape, in the default mode for all PDP-10 operating
> > systems, referred to as core-dump mode, 36 bit words are stored
> > into 5 8-bit frames (with logical parity) as follows:
> >
> > bits 0-7x x x x x x x x P
> > bits 8-15   x x x x x x x x P
> > bits 16-23  x x x x x x x x P
> > bits 24-31  x x x x x x x x P
> > bits 32-35  0 0 0 0 x x x x P  
> I thought so too.  But I had a reason to look into chapter 3 of the
> TM10 maintenance manual, and I saw something interesting.
> Apparently, the TM10 does a slight variation (or is this the canonical
> version?) of the core dump format.  It writes the last *six* bits to
> the last frame, so bits 30 and 31 are actually written to two places:
> > bits 24-31  x x x x x x y y P
> > bits 32-35  0 0 y y z z z z P  
> When reading, it inclusive-ors the overlapping bits.
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Single stepping.

2017-01-30 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Bob,

> If you do want to use different timing, then global variable sim_step
> is available with the current step count (0 means not stepping) at
> entry to sim_instr. sim_step isn't deliberately global; it just works
> out that way. Further, it is NOT maintained as the step count is
> counted down. Therefore, you need to pick it up on the way into
> sim_instr and count it down yourself. You also need to cancel out the
> sim_step unit, which will stop the simulator prematurely. Again, the
> cancellation routine is global, although that wasn't deliberate
> either.

  Thanks I think this will solve my problem. This will also allow me
  to step over XCT's properly and skip interrupt calls.


> Converting sim_step to uint32 should quiesce compilers that are fussy 
> about integer overflow or wraparound on variable i. Or you can use
> 64b integers.
> Passing the step count as an argument would require modifying every 
> simulator. There are lots of SCP variables that may be of interest to
> a running simulator; they are declared as globals.
> The PDP-10 requires timing by memory reference (or something close to 
> it), because infinite indirects and XCT * must be interruptible to 
> prevent system lockup. The 7094 seems to run fine with timing by 
> instruction.

  For the 7094 I also emulate a 704 with same code. This machine did
  Programed I/O operations, instruction timing could result in missed
  data. Also some of the 709 boot sequences I have seen actually track
  channel progress and redirect the load after some code has been
  loaded. Without accurate instruction times this can get messed up.
  Similar problem occurs on the 7010, in that instructions can take a
  while and execution is related to the number of memory cycles


> /Bob
> On 1/30/2017 5:33 AM, Rich Cornwell wrote:
>I track memory cycles so that I/O is closer to the time that the
> CPU expects. This is more important for the I7000 series since
>instructions where executed during I/O and some of the code relies
> on how many instructions can be executed during a read/write. Also for
>some cases during the I7090 I decrement sim_interval during long
>instructions to closer simulate the real speed of the machine.
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Single stepping.

2017-01-29 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Mark,

> On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 4:43 PM, Richard Cornwell wrote:
> > > On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Richard Cornwell wrote:  
> > > >   How is single stepping implemented from the point of view of
> > > > the simulator?  
> > >
> > > Well, as long as you're managing decrements to sim_interval to
> > > reflect instructions executed, and you call sim_process_event
> > > when the sim_interval value is <= 0 and return from sim_instr()
> > > when sim_process_event () returns anything else but SCPE_OK, then
> > > it just works.
> > >
> > > Under the covers SCP has a fake unit which it schedules for the
> > > specified STEP count (default of 1) when you enter a STEP command
> > > at the sim> prompt.  That unit's service routine then gets
> > > dispatched to when the step count expires and it does nothing but
> > > return SCPE_STEP which should cause your above mentioned
> > > sim_process_event loop to return from sim_instr().
> > >
> > > Make sense?  
> > 
> >   That is what I thought. Now sim_interval for me counts memory
> > cycles, since instructions are variable length. However I have
> > noticed that "step" by itself does not always execute one
> > instruction. I wonder if maybe we should look at how single
> > stepping is implemented and perhaps pass an argument to sim_instr()
> > to indicate that a number of steps is desired. One of the issues is
> > that on machines like the KA10 and I7090 interrupts execute an
> > instruction out of sequence. Not sure if that should be counted as
> > a step or not.  
> Well, if you want that behavior you can decrement sim_interval and
> \call sim_process_event and exit sim_inst() wherever you do that
> (being careful that everything is restartable from the point you
> exit).  Or reconsider the concept of having sim_interval track memory
> cycles instead of instructions What is the real value of keeping
> track of memory cycles?

  I track memory cycles so that I/O is closer to the time that the CPU
  expects. This is more important for the I7000 series since
  instructions where executed during I/O and some of the code relies on
  how many instructions can be executed during a read/write. Also for
  some cases during the I7090 I decrement sim_interval during long
  instructions to closer simulate the real speed of the machine. 

  When sim_inst() exits it is totally restartable. 

  This discussion might also apply to the Front Panel stuff and to
  throttling, to simulate closer to real machine speed. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Single stepping.

2017-01-29 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Mark,

> On Sunday, January 29, 2017 at 12:50 PM, Richard Cornwell wrote:
> >   How is single stepping implemented from the point of view of the
> >   simulator?  
> Well, as long as you're managing decrements to sim_interval to
> reflect instructions executed, and you call sim_process_event when
> the sim_interval value is <= 0 and return from sim_instr() when
> sim_process_event () returns anything else but SCPE_OK, then it just
> works.
> Under the covers SCP has a fake unit which it schedules for the
> specified STEP count (default of 1) when you enter a STEP command at
> the sim> prompt.  That unit's service routine then gets dispatched to
> when the step count expires and it does nothing but return SCPE_STEP
> which should cause your above mentioned sim_process_event loop to
> return from sim_instr().
> Make sense?

  That is what I thought. Now sim_interval for me counts memory cycles,
  since instructions are variable length. However I have noticed that
  "step" by itself does not always execute one instruction. I wonder if
  maybe we should look at how single stepping is implemented and
  perhaps pass an argument to sim_instr() to indicate that a number of
  steps is desired. One of the issues is that on machines like the KA10
  and I7090 interrupts execute an instruction out of sequence. Not sure
  if that should be counted as a step or not.
> >   Also I got some stuff to put up on the sims. Should I just do a
> > pull request, or open an issue?  
> What stuff?

  I have done some changes to sim_card.[ch] and I have added an
  architecture description to B5500_cpu. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] PDP-10 simulation: TENEX

2017-01-04 Thread Richard Cornwell
If all the pieces to run on a KI10 are not here, it should not be that
hard to add the BBN pager to my KA10 sim. I plan on adding an ITS pager
anyway as soon as I can get Tops10 to boot on the KI10. Tops 10 seems
to be relocating itself off by one page when it loads into the KI10,
have not been able to track down why yet.

I was looking at the BBN pager spec and it did not look as complex as
it did the first time I looked at it. 

From my reading of the TENEX sources it looks like it just used the
paging hardware to simulate the BBN pager. 


> > > Do KI TENEX sources exist??  
> >
> > Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.  
> In May 2015, I wrote:
> Many "IFN KIFLG" lines, but in pagem.mac:
>   >  
> Later in the file:
>   MOVE 1,PIPGA(1)
>   PION
>   RET
> But
> Has KISRV.MAC been found?
> The latter comment could, of course have been obsolete...
> We know how much programmers enjoy updating documentation!
> The kisrv.mac does show up in this list of 133-tenex files:
> My first job was working for Dan Murphy's wife, Sara on FORTRAN-10/20.
> Dan worked at the other end of a LARGE room of cubicles of 36-bit
> Software Engineering people.  I don't have a record of asking Dan if
> he had any KI10 TENEX bits (ISTR he did the work on contract to DEC),
> but if he had, they might have been on the same disk pack with his
> historical versions of TECO, that disappeared after he left DEC
> Marlborough
> phil
> _______
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] PDP-10 simulation: TENEX

2017-01-03 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Cory,

> I've built TENDMP as well - just need it written to disk ;)

  The TENDMP I have runs stand alone. It copies Core to dectape or
  dectape to core. It can be placed in the first block of a dectape to
  boot it.


> Sent from my iPhone
> > On Jan 3, 2017, at 11:29, Richard Cornwell <>
> > wrote:
> > 
> > Hello,
> > 
> >   I have a copy of tendmp.mac that I acquired off It
> > is in my v1.19 git repo at 
> > 
> >   I am currently trying to figure out why my KI10 sim will not boot
> >   TOPS10. It appears that is placing the high segment at the wrong
> >   address in SYSINI. It is off by 1 page. 
> > 
> >   v1.19 pretty much assembles and loads correctly. V4.5 will still
> > not assemble without errors. v1.19 still has some paging issues to
> > match the scanned sources exactly. Both are in my git repo. I will
> > add in 3.x when I get some more time.
> > 
> > Rich
> >   
> >> Phil Budne wrote:  
> >>> Rich Alderson wrote
> >>>> I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media.  It would be a
> >>>> labor of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a
> >>>> Toad-2, then build a boot program for the KI that could read it
> >>>> in from disk.
> >> 
> >> It seems Cory Smelosky has recently built a TENEX.SAV.  But now he
> >> needs TENDMP to boot it.
> >>   
> >>> Do KI TENEX sources exist??
> >> 
> >> Yes, see KIFLG in version 1.34.
> >> 
> >> ___
> >> Simh mailing list
> >>
> >>  
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ==
> > Richard Cornwell
> >
> >
> > LinkedIn:
> > ==
> > _______
> > Simh mailing list
> >
> >  
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Operating Systems with Sources

2016-10-24 Thread Richard Cornwell
On Mon, 24 Oct 2016 15:33:04 -0700
Al Kossow <> wrote:

> On 10/24/16 2:22 PM, Nigel Williams wrote:
> > On Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 5:16 AM, Al Kossow <>
> > wrote:  
> >> That shouldn't be necessary. Paul Pierce recovered a 7 track tape
> >> for me which should have the code on it I'll have to see if it's
> >> on line.  
> > 
> > 
> > any chance the CUBE tape was done as well?  
> no, it was read years ago

I'm also interested in the CUBE tape. 

Any luck with the OS3 tape?


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Operating Systems with Sources

2016-10-24 Thread Richard Cornwell
> On 23 October 2016 at 23:12, Richard Cornwell
> <> wrote:
> >Pretty well actually. I wrote a simulator last year for it.
> >  
> I was actually asking more along the lines of "is there a tutorial on
> how to run MCP on SIMH?" I've seen a lot of stuff on Paul Kimpel's
> simulator (which looks very nice), but personally I prefer to use

  I have some documents on my web site:

  It is not that difficult. 
  If you need more info or have questions let me know. 

  Grab the .ini file, and cold start deck off my web site. Grab the
  tapes off Paul's site. Then just:

  b5500 xiii.ini

  sim> boot cr

  Follow Paul's instructions on loading the system.  is the
  inquiry key. 

  Once the system is installed on disk, you can do.

  b5500 xiii.ini
  sim> det cr
  sim> boot dk

  To boot the disk.

  If you want I can put together a step by step how to. 

> >Also adding to the list of OS's TOPS 10 also was distributed by
> >Source.
> >  
> Oh yeah, I forgot about TOPS-10. Didb't TOPS-20 also come with
> sources as well?

   Yeah, forgot about that one. 

   CDC also distributed much of their systems with sources also.
   However I believe this stopped by the time of NOS, then source was
   only available on request. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Operating Systems with Sources

2016-10-23 Thread Richard Cornwell

> On 23 October 2016 at 21:55, Bob Supnik <> wrote:
> > Not in assembly language, but quite compact, is an early version of
> > Burroughs MCP for the B5500, which runs on the various B5500
> > simulators. 
> This distribution?
> <> As an
> aside, how would one run it under SIMH?

   Pretty well actually. I wrote a simulator last year for it. 

   MCP XIII and XV run very well. Hopefully we will have XVI in a
   couple of weeks. 

   Also adding to the list of OS's TOPS 10 also was distributed by

> Also, I'm not one hundred percent sure, but isn't OS/360 also
> distributed with assembly sources?
> Tape images can be found on Jay Maynard's site:
> <> The "" archive
> has the tapes needed to bring up OS/360 from scratch. (You, of course,
> need Hercules. And the initial restore wants 2311s as your DASD.)

   Yes it was. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] CMake based build (was: Makefile)

2016-10-16 Thread Richard

Anyway, the point is not SCons.  The point of this thread is CMake.

There is a reasonable point of view that says "if it ain't broke,
don't fix it", which is an argument in favor of the existing

However, the existing Makefiles duplicate everything that's also in
the Visual Studio projects.  Which, by the way, wouldn't go away if
you switched to SCons, because SCons doesn't solve this problem.

CMake, however, does solve this problem.  CMake can generate
Makefiles, Xcode projects, VS projects and other build system projects
(like ninja).  You keep the functionality you have, but eliminate the
need to maintain two build systems.
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 The Computer Graphics Museum 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

[Simh] CMake based build (was: Makefile)

2016-10-13 Thread Richard
Since the build has been a subject of discussion lately, is there any
interest in migrating to a CMake build?

I'm willing to give it a go if there is interest.

This would completely eliminate the need to duplicate build logic in
the VS projects as they would simply be generated by CMake.
"The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline" free book 
The Terminals Wiki 
 The Computer Graphics Museum 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Question about card readers.

2016-05-25 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Rich

> > Date: Wed, 25 May 2016 18:07:15 -0400
> > From: Richard Cornwell <>
> >I am asking for feedback on how to handle Punched card input. I
> > am wondering about how to handle the case of reading a greater then
> > 80 character record on a 80 character punch card. Should characters
> >beyond the end of the card be truncated, or should they continue
> > on the next card. 
> >Any ideas? 
> Hi, Rich,
> Would you mind expanding on the query a bit?  Since an 80-column card
> can't store more than 80 characters' worth of data, how can there be
> anything to be truncated or continued in a read?

  Sometimes there is extra stuff in a line, or sometimes records come
  from other sources. For example the IBM 7090 used 84 character
  records on tape. But the native reader could only read in 72 columns.
  Sometimes when editing a file, you end up putting blanks at the end
  of the line, that you might miss. 

  One use for producing longer then 80 character records at a punch
  would be to include the stacker information at the end of the record.
  The deck could then be read directly back in without manual editing. 

  I am going to be adding card reader/card punch support to my KA10
  simulator soon now and wanted to get some feedback on how to handle


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Question about card readers.

2016-05-25 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hello all,

   I am asking for feedback on how to handle Punched card input. I am
   wondering about how to handle the case of reading a greater then 80
   character record on a 80 character punch card. Should characters
   beyond the end of the card be truncated, or should they continue on
   the next card. 

   Any ideas? 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Contributing to SimH

2016-05-12 Thread Richard Cornwell

On Thu, 12 May 2016 20:04:21 +1000
Nigel Williams <> wrote:

> On Thu, May 12, 2016 at 5:29 PM, Bob Supnik <> wrote:
> > I'm quite encouraged by recent developments, such as the HP 3000
> > simulator, the KA10/KI10 simulator, and the restoration of Unix
> > "v0" (PDP-7 Unix). But there's always more to do.
> I'd like to toot Richard Cornwall's trumpet if I may as he produced a
> SimH implementation of the Burroughs B5500 - just for the record.

  Thanks Nigel. 

  My new stuff will be available at my github soon.

  I am in the process of adding in help messages to my KA10 and Ibm7000
  simulators. Once I get that in place I will put them up on github for
  people to bug hunt before they get added into the main line. I have
  added a RH10/RP04/5/6/7 controller but have not tested it. I all also
  be adding a RH10/TM03 tape controller. I might eventually add support
  for a KL10A (not the extended addressing). I am also willing to add
  in support for the ITS pager to the KA10 if someone can gen me a
  bootable image to test. Last time I tried to gen a ITS system it
  failed with tons of Midas errors. 

  I have also started to add the stuff in to the KA10 sim to support a
  KI10, however there is not much software available. I need VMSER for
  Tops 6.03 or a version of Tops 7.01. I will also eventually be
  putting up older versions of Tops 10 that I have transcribed, I have
  4.5, 3.19, 3.5 and 1.4 (monitor only), along with Fortran 40. 

> I do wish we could get better coverage of all the myriad of machines
> from the 1950s onwards to the late 1980s - truly the dawn of the
> computer age and the forerunner to the Internet age.

  I have some other sims in the works, however it will be a while
  before they are ready. 

  Bob also mentions CTSS, I put my CTSS sources up on Github and am in
  the process of working on writing a new installer to possible solve
  one of the issues with large directories on CTSS. The copy of CTSS I
  have matches the original sources and will recompile itself producing
  identical listings. I am however unsure of the original directory
  structure, if anyone has any info as to how the source was kept,
  please drop me a note. I will also slowly be putting up other
  software that I have transcribed over the years. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Way out idea for simh

2016-05-04 Thread Richard Cornwell
Just to add some info to the discussion. This sounds like a nice idea,
however it will be very difficult to implement on some of the older
machines that SimH supports. 

For example the B5500 does not have the concept of a mountable pack.
Drives could be attached, but they were a permanent attachment. For the
Ibm 7000 line, most did not support disk. The disk drive that was
supported by many of the machines was a large box that you could not
put drives into (IBM 1301/2301). Also these machines all worked in BCD
(6 bit), not Ascii. I am also not sure when TOPS10 got support for
mounting foreign file systems. I don't believe that 6.03 or 5.03
support this idea. 

Tapes, paper tapes, and punch cards are probably the most universal
format. Also a Paper tape reader is pretty easy to implement, it might
be possible to put some kind of header onto the tape to indicate the
name of the file. But take a look at how much trouble Kermit does to
handle all the various systems. 


On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 12:14:41 -0400
Paul Koning <> wrote:

> > On Apr 20, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Sampsa Laine <> wrote:
> > 
> >   
> >> On 20 Apr 2016, at 19:02, Paul Koning <>
> >> wrote: 
> >>>   
> >> 
> >> I don't know LIF, but the RT-11 file system is certainly simple.
> >> 
> >> There are a couple of complications.  First, you'd have to write a
> >> file access utility for each guest OS.  Given a simple enough file
> >> system that isn't necessarily a huge burden.  Then again, what
> >> might be simple, requiringly only modest code, on one machine
> >> might be a major burden on another simply because it has much less
> >> memory. 
> > 
> > For DEC stuff, Files-11 (level 2?) would probably work across most
> > of the OSes.  
> No, it would work for VMS, and level 1 at least would work for RSX,
> but neither RSTS nor RT11 understand it.  And it's a complex file
> system, more so than the RSTS one and vastly more than RT11.  It does
> more, of course, but if you're looking for something that can easily
> be ported to another system, this won't do.
> I took the proposal to mean: find a simple OS for which you can
> easily implement an application to handle it on most operating
> systems.  So think something handled by an application like PDP-10
> FLX (or RT-11 FLX), not a file system with native support.
> > ...  
> >> 
> >> Paper tape is yet a third option, which is presumably unlabeled
> >> but often transparent. (Not always, the 1620 comes to mind as a
> >> notorious example of a machine that could read only coded tape
> >> with punches conforming to the code it expects.)  
> > 
> > That’s a good point but doesn’t make organising files trivial.  
> One key question is how important it is to transfer a bunch of files
> all at once.  Is it sufficient to send one file at a time?  With
> scripting, that may not be all that problematic.
>   paul
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Way out idea for simh

2016-05-04 Thread Richard Cornwell
Just to add some info to the discussion. This sounds like a nice idea,
however it will be very difficult to implement on some of the older
machines that SimH supports. 

For example the B5500 does not have the concept of a mountable pack.
Drives could be attached, but they were a permanent attachment. For the
Ibm 7000 line, most did not support disk. The disk drive that was
supported by many of the machines was a large box that you could not
put drives into (IBM 1301/2301). Also these machines all worked in BCD
(6 bit), not Ascii. I am also not sure when TOPS10 got support for
mounting foreign file systems. I don't believe that 6.03 or 5.03
support this idea. 

Tapes, paper tapes, and punch cards are probably the most universal
format. Also a Paper tape reader is pretty easy to implement, it might
be possible to put some kind of header onto the tape to indicate the
name of the file. But take a look at how much trouble Kermit does to
handle all the various systems. 


On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 12:14:41 -0400
Paul Koning <> wrote:

> > On Apr 20, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Sampsa Laine <> wrote:
> > 
> >   
> >> On 20 Apr 2016, at 19:02, Paul Koning <>
> >> wrote: 
> >>>   
> >> 
> >> I don't know LIF, but the RT-11 file system is certainly simple.
> >> 
> >> There are a couple of complications.  First, you'd have to write a
> >> file access utility for each guest OS.  Given a simple enough file
> >> system that isn't necessarily a huge burden.  Then again, what
> >> might be simple, requiringly only modest code, on one machine
> >> might be a major burden on another simply because it has much less
> >> memory. 
> > 
> > For DEC stuff, Files-11 (level 2?) would probably work across most
> > of the OSes.  
> No, it would work for VMS, and level 1 at least would work for RSX,
> but neither RSTS nor RT11 understand it.  And it's a complex file
> system, more so than the RSTS one and vastly more than RT11.  It does
> more, of course, but if you're looking for something that can easily
> be ported to another system, this won't do.
> I took the proposal to mean: find a simple OS for which you can
> easily implement an application to handle it on most operating
> systems.  So think something handled by an application like PDP-10
> FLX (or RT-11 FLX), not a file system with native support.
> > ...  
> >> 
> >> Paper tape is yet a third option, which is presumably unlabeled
> >> but often transparent. (Not always, the 1620 comes to mind as a
> >> notorious example of a machine that could read only coded tape
> >> with punches conforming to the code it expects.)  
> > 
> > That’s a good point but doesn’t make organising files trivial.  
> One key question is how important it is to transfer a bunch of files
> all at once.  Is it sufficient to send one file at a time?  With
> scripting, that may not be all that problematic.
>   paul
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Way out idea for simh

2016-05-04 Thread Richard Cornwell
Just to add some info to the discussion. This sounds like a nice idea,
however it will be very difficult to implement on some of the older
machines that SimH supports. 

For example the B5500 does not have the concept of a mountable pack.
Drives could be attached, but they were a permanent attachment. For the
Ibm 7000 line, most did not support disk. The disk drive that was
supported by many of the machines was a large box that you could not
put drives into (IBM 1301/2301). Also these machines all worked in BCD
(6 bit), not Ascii. I am also not sure when TOPS10 got support for
mounting foreign file systems. I don't believe that 6.03 or 5.03
support this idea. 

Tapes, paper tapes, and punch cards are probably the most universal
format. Also a Paper tape reader is pretty easy to implement, it might
be possible to put some kind of header onto the tape to indicate the
name of the file. But take a look at how much trouble Kermit does to
handle all the various systems. 


On Wed, 20 Apr 2016 12:14:41 -0400
Paul Koning <> wrote:

> > On Apr 20, 2016, at 12:06 PM, Sampsa Laine <> wrote:
> > 
> >   
> >> On 20 Apr 2016, at 19:02, Paul Koning <>
> >> wrote: 
> >>>   
> >> 
> >> I don't know LIF, but the RT-11 file system is certainly simple.
> >> 
> >> There are a couple of complications.  First, you'd have to write a
> >> file access utility for each guest OS.  Given a simple enough file
> >> system that isn't necessarily a huge burden.  Then again, what
> >> might be simple, requiringly only modest code, on one machine
> >> might be a major burden on another simply because it has much less
> >> memory. 
> > 
> > For DEC stuff, Files-11 (level 2?) would probably work across most
> > of the OSes.  
> No, it would work for VMS, and level 1 at least would work for RSX,
> but neither RSTS nor RT11 understand it.  And it's a complex file
> system, more so than the RSTS one and vastly more than RT11.  It does
> more, of course, but if you're looking for something that can easily
> be ported to another system, this won't do.
> I took the proposal to mean: find a simple OS for which you can
> easily implement an application to handle it on most operating
> systems.  So think something handled by an application like PDP-10
> FLX (or RT-11 FLX), not a file system with native support.
> > ...  
> >> 
> >> Paper tape is yet a third option, which is presumably unlabeled
> >> but often transparent. (Not always, the 1620 comes to mind as a
> >> notorious example of a machine that could read only coded tape
> >> with punches conforming to the code it expects.)  
> > 
> > That’s a good point but doesn’t make organising files trivial.  
> One key question is how important it is to transfer a bunch of files
> all at once.  Is it sufficient to send one file at a time?  With
> scripting, that may not be all that problematic.
>   paul
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] The lost disk of the PDP-15

2016-03-15 Thread Richard Cornwell
  I suspect this might also be to the limited number of XVM15 systems
that were actually sold. I used one at Syracuse University in the early
80's. We had the PDP11 and it talked to the RK05 disk drive. I was told
that there was only about 20 XVM systems sold. We did not have any RP
drives on the system. 

  My KA10 simulator supports RP01/RP02/RP03 disks, do you think there
might be a need to exchange disks between a PDP10 and a PDP15? If so we
should probably use a common format. When I add RP06 support for the
KI10 version I will make sure it is compatible with the KS10 sim so
that packs can be interchanged. 

 We probably could add support for the RP03 to RSX, DOS and Adss, since
 we have source.


> While I was digging deeper and deeper into the extent PDP-15 sources,
> I found a tantalizing reference: "the RP03 is supported as an RP02."
> This was the first time I'd seen any indication that the PDP-15's RP 
> controller supported the later, double-sized disk. The XVM/MUMPS
> sources (which are, alas, incomplete) also mentioned an RP03. It
> certainly made sense: the RP03 was just an RP02 with twice as many
> cylinders. The RP10-C (with which the RP15 shared a lot of logic)
> supported the RP02 and RP03. But how did the RP15 do it? The XVM
> Systems Manual is useless, for example: it mentions the RP03 but
> shows formats that apply only to the RP02 (8b cylinder address).
> I've spent (wasted) this whole day going through the 1975 revision of 
> the RP15 prints, and I can now specify the very small set of changes 
> that were made in the RP15 to support the RP03:
> 1. The cylinder address register was expanded to 9b.
> 2. An additional interface line was defined from the disk drive ("I
> am an RP03").
> 3. The logic for detecting end of pack/illegal cylinder address was
> made conditional on the RP03 status line:
>   end_of_pack = (RP03? 405: 202);
>   illegal cylinder = cylinder > end_of_pack;
> 4. The load disk address instruction (DPLA) was modified to load a
> ninth cylinder bit from AC:
>  <0:7> = cylinder low order 8b
>  <8:12> = head
>  <13> = cylinder high order bit
>  <14:17> = sector
> 5. The read disk address instruction (DPOA) was modified to read back 
> the ninth cylinder bit, in the same format.
> 6. The read selected unit cylinder instruction (DPOU) was modified to 
> read back nine bits of cylinder and an RP03 indicator:
>  <0> = set if RP03, clear otherwise
>  <9:17> = current cylinder (in normal bit order)
> The RP10-C also had to put the 9th cylinder bit in a spare location.
> So in theory, software could test each disk drive to see if it is an 
> RP03 and react accordingly.
> It would be easy enough to add RP03 support to the RP15, but there's
> no indication (other than MUMPS) that software ever did anything with
> it. The problem was not file structures - DOS-15 used 18b block
> numbers, and an RP03 only had 80,000 blocks. Perhaps the RP03 came
> along too late, or customers were more interested in lower cost
> options like DECtape, the RF15, or the RK15 Unichannel solution.
> /Bob
> P.S. Some other fun things from the MUMPS listing... MUMPS supported
> two LP15 line printers, the second at device address 35. It also
> supported up to 10 instances of a true terminal mux/scanner called
> the DC01EB, about which there is no information beyond the references
> in the MUMPS listing and the Diagnostic Exerciser writeup. MUMPS did
> not support the Unichannel.
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] [SimH] Networking support

2016-03-12 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Bruce,

   Your email does not appear to be working. I have some questions, can
   you send me a private email?
> I assume you are referring to the DG MV (32-bit) systems - there were 
> several DG E'net controllers for the MVs.  What is the board's  005- 
> model number or the name etched by the board's left extractor handle?
> Bruce
> On 3/12/2016 10:25 AM, Anders Magnusson wrote:
> > Den 2016-03-12 kl. 17:45, skrev Clem Cole:
> >> FYI:  CDC and Cray's often used HyperChannel adapters; but I
> >> suspect have long lost the info on it (very funky SW interface).
> >> Plus I doubt I still have the code we developed for it (the
> >> HyperChannel was the other side of the Tektronix TCP/IP for VMS
> >> implementation we did in the late 1970's).  My memory is that we
> >> dedicated a PP to talking to NOS, so there was very little OS
> >> code.We spliced it into the RJE system and never did much
> >> beyond FTP services for it; when I worked on it.   I still talk
> >> with the guy that did the the PP work for NOS (Stan Smith whom I
> >> will ask).   The Cray port was done by the NCAR guys working with
> >> our CDC and VMS code; but that was after I was involved in the
> >> work.
> >>
> >> BTW: @ LCC we did some work with DG on their UNIX port; I somehow
> >> seem to remember that the Eclipse family used the original AMD
> >> ethernet chip set on their network adapter.
> > DG-UX or MV/UX?
> > The DG ethernet card has a 82586 on board.  I have two of those
> > cards, but unfortunately no programming specs. Anyone that has?
> >
> > -- Ragge
> >
> >
> > ___
> > Simh mailing list
> >
> >
> >
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Klh10 vs Simh

2016-02-25 Thread Richard Cornwell

  I have a working KA10 and most of the pieces to make a KI10. If
  anyone is interested in helping let me know. I need help with the
  dectape controller. If someone has the protocols for the console
  between the KL10 and the FE, I could add in a KL10A to my mix. From
  KI10 to KL10A is not too difficult. However I don't think I have it
  in me to write the extended addressing support for the KL10PV, so
  while a KL10A sim will probably run Tops10 7.03/7.04 it will not run

  My simulator right now will run Tops10 5.03 and 6.03. If anyone has
  the 6.03 vm service tape, please forward me a copy. 

> I’ve begun trying out Tops-20 on the KLH10 emulator, and also have an
> interest in ITS for the sheer novelty of the operating environment. I
> don’t know a lot about PDP10 CPU families, but was wondering how the
> two emulators compare. I gather DEC didn’t release newer versions of
> Tops-20 for KS10, and for some reason KLH10 seems to be preferred for
> ITS as well. I notice that the latter doesn’t seem to be maintained
> anymore.
> What are the chances of a KL10 emulator for SIMH?
> Apologies for the vagueness of the question. :)
> Thanks,
> Zack.
> ___
> Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Burroughs B5500 simulator

2016-01-30 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Bob,

> There are at least two other B5500 simulators that you can use for 
> cross-checking. One is here: 
> I'll try
> to find a link for the other.

   I used Paul Kimpel and Nigel Williams's sim to answer many of the
   questions about how the machine worked. It was a difficult sim to
   develop since there are no diagnostics available to verify exactly
   how the instructions are suppose to work. 

   Two applications have a problem on my sim (not sure about Paul's),
   XBASIC appears to hang system on XIII, and does not parse things
   right on XV. APL works on XIII, but gets Invalid Address on XV. I
   need to proof-read these listings too see if there are any typos

> Unisys still holds the licenses to early versions of MCP, and in
> theory each individual simulator user is supposed to file a license
> with Unisys. There is no cost.

   Yes, I signed the license for XIII, and Paul is working out the
   license for XV. Once he has it he will make it available on his
   site. Right now the XV system tape that is available is corrupt,
   but enough of it was valid that a system can be rebuilt from the

   I wrote this sim so that a system with more then 1 dial up line
   could be used, it is very difficult with Paul's web based sim to do
   this. And to use the debugging and trace facilities of SimH. 

   If you wish to run MCP on my sim you have to get it from Paul's
   site, since I am not set up to distribute it. If anyone knows of any
   other B5500 or B6500 tapes or listing, please get in touch with Paul
   or Nigel. I would like to do a 6500 sim, but there is no software to
   speak of to make it worth it. 



Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] A tutorial introduction to programming PDP-11 Macro-11 Assembly in RT-11 v5.3

2016-01-20 Thread Richard

In article <>,
Will Senn  writes:

> Please take a look and as always, I look forward to hearing your 
> comments, suggestions, and critiques.

"Below is the exact text of the SUM.MAC file. [...]"

The formatting looks all whacked on that file.  I'm used to seeing the
; comment introducer lines up in something like column 32 or 40 but
this appears all over the place.

I don't know if that's how your original source file is formatted or
if it's the way blogspot formatted your text.
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 The Computer Graphics Museum 
 The Terminals Wiki 
  Legalize Adulthood! (my blog) 
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] VAX vectors

2015-07-09 Thread Richard

In article,
Bob Supnik writes:

 Vectors were all the rage at the time (late 80s) because of the success 
 of the so-called minisupers like Convex and Alliant. It was just a 
 flash in the pan, of course; with the end of the Cold War in the early 
 90s, funding for HPTC dried up for a decade, and all the minisuper and 
 VLIW companies died out.

It may have been considered a flash in the pan as far as DEC was
concerned, but it certainly had a lasting presence on computing.  The
simd extensions added to x86 (MMX, SSE, etc.) and other CPU
architectures are testimony to the importance of vector oriented
The Direct3D Graphics Pipeline free book
 The Computer Graphics Museum
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Re: [Simh] VAX vectors

2015-07-09 Thread Richard

In article,
Johnny Billquist writes:

 On 2015-07-09 20:26, Eric Smith wrote:
  Would anyone mind posting a short assembly snippet of a VAX vector
  instruction used in context?
  The only complex instruction I've ever used is the Z-80's LDIR.
 Even plain old VAX instructions can be way more complex than LDIR. :-)
 There are instructions for polynomial expansion, case instructions, move 
 translated strings, and I can't even remember what else...

VAX was pretty much the last CISC-y architecture that sold in any
sizable units, AFAIK.  x86 has been a CISC-y architecture off-chip that
gets translated into a RISC-y architecture in-chip for quite some time
now.  Lots of instructions are in the slow path and are provided only
for backwards compatibility.
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Re: [Simh] EXT :Re: PDP-10 simulation: TENEX

2015-04-30 Thread Richard Cornwell
On Thu, 30 Apr 2015 17:05:41 -0400
Phil Budne wrote:

  I don't think anyone has bootable TENEX media.  It would be a labor
  of love to try to cross-compile TENEX under TOPS-20 on a Toad-2,
  then build a boot program for the KI that could read it in from
  disk.  At least the file system layout is similar to TOPS-20.
 Do KI TENEX sources exist??  They had to simulate the BBN paging box
 (using the KI page tables as a Translation Lookaside Buffer).
 Someone was working on KA (and KI) simulation in SIMH (to bring the
 conversation back around) and ISTR had TOPS-10 6.03 running.

  That would be me. :-) It runs 6.03 and 5.03. The KI needs 2 more
  instructions to finish, before I can test it. Does anyone have VMSER
  for 6.03? 

  I've been busy working on getting Scope 3.0 and 3.1 up and running
  under DtCyber so I have not been playing with the KA/KI simulator. I
  also have Monitor TS 1.19 and 4.05 transcribed. Right now my machine
  does not do DecTape so I can't run these older monitors. 

  For those who are interested I managed to find a copy of the source
  for CDC Scope 3.1, and also a hacked copy of the Fortran RUN compiler
  for COS. Since neither has copyrights I believe I can make them
  available. RUN is sort of broken on COS. 

 With a simulated KA (and peripherals), the SIMH TOPS-20 KS10 paging
 code probably gives you a big running start at the BBN paging box
 (which ISTR I have a document on).

   ISTR seeing some KI code for Tenex that used the KI pager to
   simulate the BBN paging box. 

  We've probably bored the broader audience enough.  Talk to you soon
  in private e-mail.
 I'm not bored!!

   Me either, been following alone. :-)

   BTW, the KA/KI simulator was written so that it would model the
   hardware so the code is not the neatest. I am working on cleaning it
   up and emulating the results rather then the algorithm. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unichannel

2015-04-23 Thread Richard Cornwell
When I used a XVM 15 back in Syracuse, I was told that there were only
about 15 (or some other small number) made. We did not use the 11 for
much other then as a fancy print spooler. This was in the around '82. 


 As preparation for an eventual implementation, I'm writing a paper on 
 the workings of the UC15, as determined from the schematics. I've 
 answered the technical questions, but I'm left with a business
 question: was it a commercial success? The online census of 18b
 systems dates from '72, before the UC15 was shipped, so it's no help.
 Of the surviving PDP15 systems, Mike Ross's pair are XVM Unichannel
 systems; it's impossible to tell what the Computer History Museum
 has; I don't know what other 15s are in private hands, so there's
 inadequate data to draw a conclusion.
 Anyone have information on this aspect of the Unichannel?
 Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Unit/functional testing simulators

2014-12-04 Thread Richard

In article,
Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm writes:

 EXPECT and SEND were added as built-in commands in simh to avoid the need
 and complexity of setting up external components (Python, Ruby and Perl). 

That is great news!  I didn't realize that SIMH now had this ability
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Re: [Simh] Unit/functional testing simulators

2014-12-03 Thread Richard

In article,
Mark Pizzolato - Info Comm writes:

 Well, if you're trying to 'test' a particular instruction implementation. 
 You can drive that test with SCP commands which:
  1) load some memory with the instruction to be executed.
 sim DEP address instruction-value
 2) load processor registers with the values you need:
 sim DEP Rx value1
 sim DEP Ry value2
 sim DEP PC address
 3) single step into the instruction:
 sim STEP
 4) check for expected results:
sim IF Rz=value3 echo Good!

This would be a good way to do integration tests, but it's a pretty
long feedback loop for unit testing.  It also couples the unit you're
trying to test to the whole of the system, which can be problematic

With unit testing we want as quick of an edit/compile/test cycle as we
can get.  What I do is instrument the build so that it runs the unit
tests as part of the build cycle, so every compile that succeeds is a
compile that passes any existing unit tests.
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Re: [Simh] Unit/functional testing simulators

2014-12-03 Thread Richard

In article,
Phil Budne writes:

 Mark Pizzolato wrote:
  ... Running these needs some sort of scripting paradigm to load, start
 and examine the results of such tests.
 Over a decade ago I wrote a Tcl expect script to install ITS on a
 SIMH simulated KS-10 from install tapes.  It isn't pretty (I had to
 look for input echo in order not to lose input characters in some
 places), but it works, or worked, I haven't run it in a while!

I thought SIMH's command language was rich enough now to support
something like this without the need for expect scripts.  Or did you
need expect because you wanted to direct text from the script into the
keyboard input of the simulated executable?
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Re: [Simh] Simh for testsuite usage

2014-07-28 Thread Richard

In article,
Maciej W. Rozycki writes:

  Libelf is widely available, any system that had to do anything with SVR4 
 (where this file format has originated from) will have it.

What about Windows?
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Re: [Simh] KS10 and the DMR

2014-05-02 Thread Richard Cornwell

   I am curious where you found a 7.02 Monitor. I would be interested
   in a copy since this is the last one that supports the KI10. Also
   7.01 would be nice too. I have 6.03 and 5.03 and am working on
   getting 4.5, 3.19 and 1.4 running. However all from 5.03 back only
   support the KA10. But I have a simh version of the KA10 however
   Dectapes are not written and RC10 has some strange problem. 

  It currently supports: 
   RP10 (Up to 4 channels of 8). 
   MTA/MTB10 (up to 8 drives).
   16 lines on a DC10. 

   RC10 but I can't seem to install a system on the drive.
   I need to write DK10 and TD10 controllers. And I want to add RH10
   and KI10 support.



 The Ks10 Dmr case hos now been solved; the Dmr can be used in Tops10
 V7.02 to 7.05 with Decnet and Anf, but some minor issues have still
 to be resolved.
 The trace can be followed at the Simh issue list #100:
 This trace will be closed but there is a follow-up trace #136:
 where the last software problems will be ironed out.
 Best regards,
 R. Voorhorst
 P.S. @Mark P: I have tried over the last days to respond/update your
 emails but your mailbox at info.. doesn't work (yet) and it's
 redirection doesn't either. Please respond.
 Simh mailing list

Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] smallest pdp-11 that can run TECO and sockets(*)?

2012-07-07 Thread Richard

In article,
Johnny Billquist writes:

 Anyway, unless the OP actually aim to find a real 11/03, I fail to see 
 the point here.

Well, it so happens that I do have an 11/03, although I wasn't
thinking of running this little dog-and-pony show on the actual
hardware.  I was content with emulating a small SIMH configuration in
order to see just how small I could make it.

I also have a VT180, and an 11/83, but I haven't ever powered up
either of those.

 What is left is actually writing the code, something that seems to get 
 much less attention...

That part I can handle on my own and I've already started looking at
it.  It's really not that difficult, but requires a few advanced TECO
tricks (ER with substituting the contents of a q-register in the
text of the filename argument).

GET requests are fairly trivial.  PUT is possible.  DELETE I'm not so
sure about, unless EG is supported in the target environment.  HEAD is
also a problem because there's no way of getting file attributes
(modified or created time) directly from TECO.  Again, you might be
able to hack something together if EG is supported.

POST to a TECO macro URL is possible.
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Re: [Simh] Don Daglow's Dungeon

2012-01-03 Thread Richard

In article,
Rich Alderson writes:

 [...]  The Fortran translation of that game, known as
 Dungeon, was done by an anonymous engineer at DEC (reputedly someone we all
 know on this mailing list).

Wikipedia says it was Bob Supnik :-)
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Re: [Simh] SIMH internals documentation?

2011-05-08 Thread Richard

Speaking of the internal documentation, there is mention in that PDF
of certain routines being useful for a GUI based simulator.

Has anyone used SIMH's guts to create a GUI based simulator?
If so, is it open source so I can look at the implementation?
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Re: [Simh] SIMH internals documentation?

2011-05-06 Thread Richard
Grrr... I hate it when this happens.  I seem to have found it just
after asking for it :-). is this it?

This is buried in the Papers section which doesn't really seeem like
an obvious place for it.
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Re: [Simh] Software for 7090 - DSL/90

2011-03-02 Thread Richard Cornwell
Hi Dave,

  I notice that there is an IBSYS on the software kits page. I was
 wondering if any one had any of the other software, especially
 software that allows differential equations to be solved. I have the
 CSMP/1130 code running and was wondering of any one had any of its
 predecessors available, such as PACTOLUS for the IBM1620 or DSL/90
 for the 7090. (or even CSMP/360)... 
 Thanks in advance for any replies

   I have a whole bunch of 7090 and other IBM software, 7010, 704,
   soon some 705 on my web site. Along with alot of IBSYS system
   tapes and full sources.

   I don't plan on changing this link, so feel free to add it to your
   links pages. Stuff under it may be reorganized. for my IBSYS. I have managed
   to get SSP to compile and link under IBSYS, I will have to put the
   tape up there. I also have some new Lisp 1.5 stuff comming when I
   get it into a runnable state. CTSS will be available of my main page
   in a short while. 

   If anyone has any IBM 7000 series code, please send it to me and I
   will put it up for all to access. 


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DAA Emulation

2010-12-11 Thread Richard Cini
Al --

Thanks a lot for the email. I¹m sure you looked at this, but I pulled
the Intel 8080 Users Manual and under DAA, it says the following (snipping a

The 8-bit number in the accumulator is adjusted to form two 4-bit [BCD]
digits by the following process:

(1) If the value of the least significant 4 bits is greater than 9
or if the AC flag is set, 6 is added to the accumulator.
(2) if the value of the most significant 4 bits is now greater than
9 or if the CY flag is set, 6 is added to the most significant 4 bits of the

Based on this, I would say that the second part of the test in the
Altair32 code is wrong. Further, it looks like the SIMH code may be wrong as
well because it doesn¹t test the CY flag in the second test.

As far as the register display, I¹ll make that change ‹ oddly no one has
ever reported it.

Thanks again for locating this bug.


Rich Cini
Collector of Classic Computers
Build Master and lead engineer, Altair32 Emulator

On 12/11/10 1:32 AM, Al Williams wrote:

 Hi Rich and Bob,
 I've been doing some work on Vince Briel's excellent AVR emulation of the 8080
 and while rewriting DAA I came across what I think to be a harmless bug but
 thought you might want to comment on it.
 From what I can glean DAA effects all flags including half carry. And I
 _think_ that half carry occurs from the +6 (if it happens at all). So if you
 don't adjust the LSD you get AC=0. If you add 6 then if adding the 6 gives you
 a carry out of Bit 3 you get AC set. Note that the carry might ripple so
 that's NOT to say Bit 4 is necessarily 1.
 Here's part of Altair32's code:
 static void daa ( OP_ARG_U ) 
 // Decimal Adjust Accumulator
 // DAA:: A=BCD format
 // Flags: SZAPC
 // *
 register /* FJS */ word tmp = ACCUM;
 if ( (( tmp  0x0f )  0x09 ) || ( FLAGS  AC_FLAG ))
 tmp += 0x06;
 if (tmp  0x0f)
 FLAGS |= AC_FLAG; // if adjusted LSB  0xf, set AC
 FLAGS = ~AC_FLAG; // else clear SC
 So since tmp is not masked off, any value 0xF gets AC set even if no carry or
 add occurred! In other words, pretend the value of ACCUM is 90 (and thus temp
 is 90) with AC=0. The first if does not fire. The second if does and AC gets
 set. That's got to be wrong. Granted, who checks AC after DAA? But still 
 So why copy Bob? Well... I think SIMH has a similar but different problem.
 Here's a snip from the DAA code:
 static void i86op_daa(PC_ENV *m)
    uint16 dbyte;
    dbyte = m-R_AL;
    if (ACCESS_FLAG(m,F_AF)|| (dbyte0xf)  9)
     dbyte += 6;
     if (dbyte0x100)
       SET_FLAG(m, F_CF);
     SET_FLAG(m, F_AF);
 Here we add 6 to dbyte and then AC is always set. If no +6 then AC is cleared.
 This COULD be correct behavior, but I can't find any reference material that
 says it is. In any event, SIMH and Altair32 are doing something different
 here, so they both can't be right. Meanwhile I have my own version of DAA in
 AVR assembler that I will spare you unless you ask. The only real silicon I
 have even close to operational at the moment is a Z80 and not only is it not
 operational, the DAA is one place where it is a lot different so I don't trust
 the result there.
 Oh. One other note about Altair32. In the debugger, the A and FLAGS display is
 swapped in the debug console window. The Register display up top left is ok
 though. I bet you've heard that one before.
 If either of you can show documentation on the AC flag after DAA or point to a
 real piece of silicon's behavior I'd like to know so I can fix the DAA code in
 the Briel emulator to match. Otherwise, I thought you'd like to know about
 this bug even though it is pretty innocuous as far as I can tell.
 Al Williams (among others)

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] DAA Emulation

2010-12-11 Thread Richard

In article,
Timothe Litt writes:

 Obviously this needs a regression test!

As I've said on this list before, if the code had unit tests you would
know that you broke something as soon as you broke it.

Without unit tests, bugs like this one get introduced and lay dormant
for 7 years
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Re: [Simh] help with 7090 simulation

2010-12-07 Thread Richard Cornwell

 This is a little weird, but I'm interested in trying out the 7090
 simulation in SIMH even though I've never used a 7090.
 Unfortunately the FAQ link on doesn't work.
 I downloaded the Windows binaries and unzipped them.  Then I unzipped
 the 7090 IBSYS package into the same folder.  I started i7094.exe and
 did do do_ibsys.txt.  At that point I'm left with a few messages I
 don't understand and the simulator doesn't appear to be responding to

  I can't help much with Bob's 7090 sim, however mine is available at near the bottom of page. This works with
  current SimH, just drop I7000 into simH directory and type make. This
  will also give you sims for almost all the IBM 7000 series machines.

   Also check out my IBSYS page:

   Tapes for pretty much everything that is currently available for
   IBSYS are available here, along with sample jobs.

 sim do do_ibsys.txt
 Could Not Find C:\tmp\simh\punch.*
 The syntax of the command is incorrect.
 sysin.txt: No such file or directory
 CDR: unit is read only
 CDP: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file
 MTA: creating new file

   IBSYS is a batch system. There is no input from console. Only input
   comes from card reader or input magnetic tape. I have many sample
   jobs on my site, however most are in Fortran II or IV. I also have
   links to revelant manuals on bitsavers, so you don't have to figure
   out which version is correct one.

 Ultimately my goal is to get MACRO-FAP assembled on the 7090 simulator
 so that I can experiment with its behavior.  I found an assembly
 listing for it at:

   No need to bother. This is already gened on system tape images.

   After I get CTSS stable I will go update these web pages to add some
   more info and some detailed instruction on how to set up a job
   stream. Along with CTSS and some new Lisp 1.5 stuff.


Richard Cornwell

Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] help with 7090 simulation

2010-12-07 Thread Richard

In article 20101207155728.64f5d...@elf.local,
Richard Cornwell writes:

   I can't help much with Bob's 7090 sim, however mine is available at near the bottom of page. This works with
   current SimH, just drop I7000 into simH directory and type make.

Well, I'm on Windows so typing make isn't going to do anything
useful out of the box.  Do you have a windows binary already built?

  Ultimately my goal is to get MACRO-FAP assembled on the 7090 simulator
  so that I can experiment with its behavior.  I found an assembly
  listing for it at:
No need to bother. This is already gened on system tape images.

Do you have any documentation for MACRO FAP?  I'm only getting into
this because I want to build an implementation of BEFLIX, which is
apparently implemented through MACRO FAP.  The BEFLIX sample code that
I have uses the IFF pseudodirective for MACRO FAP and the MACRO
directive.  That's why I want to play with MACRO FAP, to understand
these directives.
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