Re: [Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip file into simh/vms

2019-04-05 Thread Ron Young
Your message dated: Fri, 05 Apr 2019 19:07:34 -0400

Sorry, for the confusion regarding half words and file formats... I don't
where the half-words came from...

Anyway, I am now able to spend time working on this to figure out where
I went wrong.

FYI, There is a document that has some details regarding RMS that I used
to figure out things.

it is at:

thanks again and sorry for the confusion.

Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip file into simh/vms

2019-04-04 Thread Ron Young
On April 4, 2019 4:44:39 PM PDT, Larry Baker  wrote:
>I don't know what you tried, but from my OpenVMS Alpha V7.2-1 system, I
>was able to FTP apl.v30 and read it just fine.  Yes, it has VFC record
>format.  I don't know why.  Maybe that is an APL thing.  But, I can
>EDIT/EDT/READ the file just fine.
>You did not fully explain what you tried.  I see an od command.  That
>leads me to believe you did not do the FTP from an OpenVMS system. 
>Non-OpenVMS systems will have trouble with RMS VFC format files.
>We use MultiNet.  I see that EISNET.DECUS.ORG
><> does as well.  The MultiNet FTP client
>handles RMS file attributes for transfers to/from a MultiNet FTP
>server.  I do not know if the DEC FTP client has similar features.  You
>did not say which FTP client you used.  If you are using an FTP client
>that does not handle RMS file attributes, you should transfer all files
>in BINARY or IMAGE mode, then use the DCL SET FILE /ATTRIBUTES command
>to change each file's attributes to what it was supposed to have on
>OpenVMS.  That will be a chore.
>Below is a transcript of the commands I used on my OpenVMS system to
>fetch apl.v30 with FTP.
>Larry Baker
>US Geological Survey
> MultiNet FTP user process V4.4(119)
>Connection opened (Assuming 8-bit connections)
>4-Apr-2019 7:23PM-EDT
>Username: anonymous
><  File Transfer Protocol guest users may examine and copy only files
><  in the area /anon/public.  Report problems to
><  This repository is under construction.
><  Send questions to
>7:23PM-EDT, job 9225.
>EISNER.DECUS.ORG>cd library
>EISNER.DECUS.ORG>get apl.v30
>  To local file: 
>bytes) started.
>BAKER SAMOA> dir /fu apl.v30
>Directory PUB:[BAKER.DECUS.V00031]
>APL.V30;1 File ID:  (21669,14,0)  
>Size:  497/552Owner:[BAKER]
>Created:4-APR-2019 15:13:22.44
>Revised:4-APR-2019 15:13:23.01 (1)
>File organization:  Sequential
>Shelved state:  Online 
>Caching attribute:  Writethrough
>File attributes:Allocation: 552, Extend: 0, Global buffer count: 0,
>No version limit
>Record format:  VFC, 2 byte header, maximum 0 bytes, longest 72
>Record attributes:  Carriage return carriage control
>RMS attributes: None
>Journaling enabled: None
>File protection:System:RWED, Owner:RWED, Group:RWED, World:RE
>Access Cntrl List:  None
>Client attributes:  None
>Total of 2 files, 994/1104 blocks.
>BAKER SAMOA> type/page apl.v30
>   PROGRAMapl !!Ver 3.0, Fall 1982 DECUS
>c+ Main APL driver program
>c; Initalize via ZAPL, APLZER, and LINMNE.
>c; 200 Request the input line via APLNXT
>c;   IF( special line type ) THEN Process
>c;... Control_C, Control_Z, Null, System_command, Clear_stack
>c;... G...function_edit, help
>c;   ELSE
>c; Clear stack, or note that it is not clear as needed
>c; Initalize tokens via TOKPUT, PUSHST, and LINCON
>c; 500 Process input line via APLCON
>c;   ENDIF
>c; LOOP, goto 200
>c!v1.1! process input command line
>c!v1.1! if( flg_deg(32) ) accept ), " or A as system command
>c!v0.8!on a ctrl z, )save aplf.vx, and then exit
>c!v0.5!" input in ascii mode diagnostic
>c.See ZAPL for the update history and general APL programmer
>c.  documentation
>   include 'sci_apl:aplall.i/nolist'
>   include 'sci_apl:aplnam.i/nolist' !v0.1! include name common
>   include 'sci_apl:aplstk.i/nolist'
>   include 'sci_apl:apltok.i/nolist'
>   character*255 chcmd
>c-- initalize
>> On 4 Apr 2019, at 3:57:52 PM, wrote:
>> --
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Tue, 26 Mar 2019 14:54:50 -0700
>> From: Ron Young>>
>> To: " <>"
>> Subject: [Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip fil

Re: [Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip file into simh/vms

2019-04-04 Thread Ron Young
On April 4, 2019 5:06:41 PM PDT, Paul Koning  wrote:
>> On Apr 4, 2019, at 6:57 PM, Johnny Billquist  wrote:
>> On 2019-04-04 22:21, Paul Koning wrote:
>>> That looks like standard RMS:VAR records, implied carriage control. 
>That means: each line is preceded by a 2 byte little endian length, and
>line ends are not actually in the file but implicit between each line.
>> No. It looks a little more complicated than that.
>> It's certainly variable length records as you say. However, after the
>size is the record number, and after that comes the data.
>> Relative file with variable length records maybe?
>>  Johnny
>You're right, I misread words as bytes.  I don't believe relative files
>have record numbers.  VFC file?  I don't have much exposure to those,
>they are a VMS invention not seen on PDP11s that I can recall.  I seem
>to remember a particular VFC type used for listing files, where the
>fixed prefix is a line number.
>   paul
>Simh mailing list

For each line there is a 2 byte length, 2 byte line number followed by the data 
bytes... One more thing is that each line is halfword aligned with padded null 

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip file into simh/vms

2019-04-04 Thread Ron Young
On April 4, 2019 1:21:37 PM PDT, Paul Koning  wrote:
>That looks like standard RMS:VAR records, implied carriage control. 
>That means: each line is preceded by a 2 byte little endian length, and
>line ends are not actually in the file but implicit between each line.
>   paul
>> On Mar 26, 2019, at 5:54 PM, Ron Young  wrote:
>> Hi All:
>>   I want to load some programs from the vax82b decus "tape" into my
>>   simh/vax/vms 7.3 system. VMS is installed and running.
>>   I normally would download the tape image and mount it in simh/vms
>>   copy/restore. Unfortunately, I can't find any tape images for
>>   There are zip files located on
>>   However when I ftp the files over to vms, the record type is messed
>>   (displays 2 bytes of "garbage" and doesn't see the end of line).
>>   at a linux dump of the first couple of lines (shown below).
>>   Any ideas on how I can fix this, or where tapes images are located?
>>   thanks
>>   -ron
>> $ od -ao --endian=little apl.v30 | more
>> 000   , nul soh nul  ht   P   R   O   G   R   A   M  sp  sp  sp 
>> 54  01  050011  047522  051107  046501  020040 
>> 020   a   p   l  sp   !   !   V   e   r  sp   3   .   0   ,  sp  
>>   070141  020154  020441  062526  020162  027063  026060  043040
>> 040   a   l   l  sp   1   9   8   2  sp   D   E   C   U   S  gs
>> 066141  020154  034461  031070  042040  041505  051525 
>> 060 stx nul   c   +  ht  ht   M   a   i   n  sp   A   P   L  sp  
>> 02  025543  004411  060515  067151  040440  046120 
>> 100   r   i   v   e   r  sp   p   r   o   g   r   a   m nul eot
>> 064562  062566  020162  071160  063557  060562  000155 
>> 0000120 etx nul   c   ;   , nul eot nul   c   ;  ht   I   n   i   t  
>> 03  035543  54  04  035543  044411  064556 
>> Ron
>> ___
>> Simh mailing list

Thanks... Is there any way to change the file attributes to match the var 
records? When I unzip the files on vms the length bytes show up as characters.

This is just for my future info, I wrote a Linux c program to doe the 

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
Simh mailing list

[Simh] Help with loading vax82b zip file into simh/vms

2019-04-04 Thread Ron Young
Hi All:

   I want to load some programs from the vax82b decus "tape" into my
   simh/vax/vms 7.3 system. VMS is installed and running.

   I normally would download the tape image and mount it in simh/vms and
   copy/restore. Unfortunately, I can't find any tape images for vax82b.
   There are zip files located on

   However when I ftp the files over to vms, the record type is messed up
   (displays 2 bytes of "garbage" and doesn't see the end of line). Looking
   at a linux dump of the first couple of lines (shown below).

   Any ideas on how I can fix this, or where tapes images are located?


$ od -ao --endian=little apl.v30 | more
000   , nul soh nul  ht   P   R   O   G   R   A   M  sp  sp  sp  sp
 54  01  050011  047522  051107  046501  020040  020040
020   a   p   l  sp   !   !   V   e   r  sp   3   .   0   ,  sp   F
 070141  020154  020441  062526  020162  027063  026060  043040
040   a   l   l  sp   1   9   8   2  sp   D   E   C   U   S  gs nul
 066141  020154  034461  031070  042040  041505  051525  35
060 stx nul   c   +  ht  ht   M   a   i   n  sp   A   P   L  sp   d
 02  025543  004411  060515  067151  040440  046120  062040
100   r   i   v   e   r  sp   p   r   o   g   r   a   m nul eot nul
 064562  062566  020162  071160  063557  060562  000155  04
120 etx nul   c   ;   , nul eot nul   c   ;  ht   I   n   i   t   a
 03  035543  54  04  035543  044411  064556  060564
Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] how to set language number for VAX VMB

2018-12-15 Thread Ron Young

I'm playing with the latest version of the microvax 3900 and
4.3BSD-Quasijarus0c and would like to set default language
in VMB to 5 (us english). If I remember correctly there used
to be a "set language 5" command to do this on real hardware.

Any idea how to do this on simh?


Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] dhcp client for openvms 7.2 (hobbyist cd)?

2018-06-07 Thread Ron Young

Is it possible to config the hobbyist version of openvms (7.2)
vax to be a dhcp client for tcp/ip.

I have been using my vms install for years with a static IP
without problems.

Looking on the net, it looks like I should be able to do this
if tcpip is version 5.3 or newer. This references a binary
called tcpip$dhcp_client.exe. This file is not on my system.

how do I determine what version of tcpip services am I running?

is it possible to configure dhcp client on the hobbyist system?



Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] is there a software kit for the sigma

2017-10-09 Thread Ron Young


I interested in playing with the CP-V system on the sigma simh
emulator. Does anyone know if there is bootable software kit

There are several tape images stored on bitsavers, but they
don't look like there is a bootable system tape.

The stuff that I found on bitsavers is:


Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] how to request openvms hobbyist license paks

2017-01-19 Thread Ron Young


I've been trying to get a new set of license pak for hobbyist
use with simh vax/openvms. I seem to going down the rabbit hole.

For the last several days, all of the links that I tried either
end up with page not found errors, or no response.

The latest one I found from provides the
following two links:

(gives 404 page not found)

the other link accepts the request form but I haven't gotten
any response...

Any suggestions?



Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] how to enable tc11 (was Re: RT-11 source)

2016-10-24 Thread Ron Young
Your message dated: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 17:39:23 -0400

> > On 24 October 2016 at 17:30, Ron Young  wrote:
> > ok, so try a unibus system 11/34 (same simh session)... I would hope that
> > TC would get configured instead of disabled... I have googled for
> > documentation, and found some docs current pdp11_doc.pdf, and simh_vmio.pdf
> > (not sure of version) but I got lost...
> >
> The TC11 is like the DH[|U|V|Q]11 simulation (device VH). It needs to
> be specifically enabled:
> That should enable your TC11 device.

That did it... (I was trying SET TC0 ENABLED)

> By the wya, can RT-11 V2 even run on an 11/34? You might want to try
> it on an 11/20 or 11/40.

I was just trying to read the dta images using RT11v4... then
I'll try the "smaller" hardware.

thanks all...


Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] how to enable tc11 (was Re: RT-11 source)

2016-10-24 Thread Ron Young
Your message dated: Mon, 24 Oct 2016 14:14:11 -0700

> Rather than merely telling you what works for me, the community
> at large will be better served if the problems you're encountering
> were self-solvable.  In order to do this, I need to know what you've
> tried that didn't work so potentially an appropriate message might
> be issued.
> Please provide the explicit details of what you've tried that didn't work.

  An example would be good, I'm trying to figure out what would be a good
  way to play with the dta images...

  starting:   no ini file, default pdp11 binary

  simh starts as a 11/73...

ron@ron-amd64:~/simh/BIN$ ./pdp11

PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Betagit commit id: c9af9a70
sim> show cpu
CPU  11/73, NOCIS, idle disabled, autoconfiguration enabled
 sim> show device
 PDP-11 simulator configuration

CPU  11/73, NOCIS, idle disabled, autoconfiguration enabled
RHA address=17776700-17776753, vector=254
RHB disabled
RHC disabled
CLK 60Hz, address=1546-1547, vector=100
PTR address=1550-1553, vector=70
PTP address=1554-1557, vector=74
TTI address=1560-1563, vector=60
TTO address=1564-1567, vector=64
TDC disabled
CR  no EOF pending, address=1160-1167, vector=230
285 cards per minute, translation=029
LPT address=1514-1517, vector=200
DLI disabled
DLO disabled
DCI disabled
DCO disabled
DZ  address=17760100-17760137*, vector=300-334*, lines=32
VH  disabled
RC  disabled
RF  disabled
RK  address=1400-1417, vector=220, 8 units
RL  RLV12, address=17774400-17774411, vector=160, 4 units
HK  address=1440-1477, vector=210, 8 units
RX  address=1170-1173, vector=264, 2 units
RY  disabled
RP  Massbus adapter 0, 8 units
RS  disabled
RQ  address=17772150-17772153, no vector, RQDX3, 4 units
RQB disabled
RQC disabled
RQD disabled
TC  disabled
TM  address=17772520-17772533, vector=224, 8 units
TS  disabled
TQ  TK50 (94MB), address=17774500-17774503, no vector, 4 units
TU  disabled
TA  disabled
VT  disabled
XQ  address=17774440-17774457, no vector, MAC=08:00:2B:0B:19:F0
type=DELQA-T, mode=DELQA, polling=disabled, sanity=OFF
throttle=disabled, DEQNALock=OFF, leds=(ON,ON,ON)
XQB  disabled
XU   disabled
XUB  disabled
KE   disabled
KG   disabled
DMC  disabled
DUP  disabled
DPV  disabled
KDP  disabled

ok, so try a unibus system 11/34 (same simh session)... I would hope that
TC would get configured instead of disabled... I have googled for
documentation, and found some docs current pdp11_doc.pdf, and simh_vmio.pdf
(not sure of version) but I got lost... 

sim> set cpu 11/34
sim> show cpu
CPU  11/34, NOFPP, idle disabled, autoconfiguration enabled
sim> show dev
PDP-11 simulator configuration

CPU  11/34, NOFPP, idle disabled, autoconfiguration enabled
RHA address=17776700-17776753, vector=254
RHB disabled
RHC disabled
CLK 60Hz, address=1546-1547, vector=100
PTR address=1550-1553, vector=70
PTP address=1554-1557, vector=74
TTI address=1560-1563, vector=60
TTO address=1564-1567, vector=64
TDC disabled
CR  no EOF pending, address=1160-1167, vector=230
285 cards per minute, translation=029
LPT address=1514-1517, vector=200
DLI disabled
DLO disabled
DCI disabled
DCO disabled
DZ  address=17760100-17760137*, vector=300-334*, lines=32
VH  disabled
RC  disabled
RF  disabled
RK  address=1400-1417, vector=220, 8 units
RL  RL11, address=17774400-17774411, vector=160, 4 units
HK  address=1440-1477, vector=210, 8 units
RX  address=1170-1173, vector=264, 2 units
RY  disabled
RP  Massbus adapter 0, 8 units
RS  disabled
RQ  address=17772150-17772153, no vector, RQDX3, 4 units
RQB disabled
RQC disabled
RQD disabled
TC  disabled
TM  address=17772520-17772533, vector=224, 8 units
TS  disabled
TQ  TK50 (94MB), address=17774500-17774503, no vector, 4 units
TU  disabled
TA  disabled
VT  disabled
XQ  disabled
XQB disabled
XU  disabled
XUB disabled
KE  disabled
KG  disabled
DMC disabled
DUP disabled
DPV disabled
KDP disabled

Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] how to enable tc11 (was Re: RT-11 source)

2016-10-24 Thread Ron Young


I'm interested in reading the dta images for the rt-11v2 source.

Question: How do I enable the tc device in simh? I'm running
the latest  PDP-11 simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: c9af9a70.

I've tried changing the cpu type, but still can't get the TC
device to be enabled.

Any help would be appreciated...



Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] OSs with accessible documentation

2016-02-08 Thread Ron Young
Your message dated: Fri, 05 Feb 2016 21:48:08 -0600

> Ron,
> I'm interested and interested in any documentation if there is any as well.
> Regards,
> Will

The SOLO os stuff is also available on bitsavers

most of the Brinch Hansen's stuff is not online, but googling
might turn up documents.

My UCSD pascal image for pdp 11 can be downloaded from here:

This is a snapshot of the disks that I used to build a bootable
pdp11 version of UCSD II.0. There is a README.TXT file that
has more information. The main image that you want is rk0.dsk
(rtv4_rk.dsk is an RT11 disk that I used to assemble the pdp
boot blocks).

> On 2/5/16 9:35 PM, Ron Young wrote:
> > On Feb 5, 2016 3:19 PM, Kevin Handy  wrote:
> >> I think there was also a PDP11 version of a Pascal OS (??name forgotten at
   *** the moment), and several FORTH systems too.
> >>
> > Two pascal operating systems that come to are UCSD and SOLO (Per Brunch Han
   ***sen's research os) ... I have bootable rk05 simh images for both if a
   ***nyone is interested.
> >
> > -RON
> > ___
> > Simh mailing list
> >
> >

Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] OSs with accessible documentation

2016-02-07 Thread Ron Young

On Feb 7, 2016 4:25 AM, khandy21yo  wrote:
> If you want to get serious about OCRing documents, look at how Project 
> Gutenberg does ir, 
> ? After OCR each page goes through 3 passes of cleanup and formatting.

When I was doing my masters, I worked on OCR/IR... It has been a while but some 
things to consider:

Accuracy can be improved by proper training with known ground truth data. If 
the typeface of the RT11 manuals is the 'DEC' standard and matches the other 
scanned files. You can use that for training: produce images from the DOCUMENT 
output along side straight ascii... There's the initial ground truth.

Tesseract  is the OCR engine, there is a project called octopus that provides 
layout and other processing using tesseracts for OCR.

You can improve accuracy by using multiple OCR engines and vote on the results.

Some packages that may help: tesseracts, cuneiform (another OCR engine from 
Russia). Unpaper is a package that can help clean up scan images before ocring.

Having said all of that: for my personal stuff I use gscan2pdf under Ubuntu 
since it includes most of the above packages in a GUI.

-ron ___
> Simh mailing list
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] OSs with accessible documentation

2016-02-05 Thread Ron Young

On Feb 5, 2016 3:19 PM, Kevin Handy  wrote:
> I think there was also a PDP11 version of a Pascal OS (??name forgotten at 
> the moment), and several FORTH systems too.

Two pascal operating systems that come to are UCSD and SOLO (Per Brunch 
Hansen's research os) ... I have bootable rk05 simh images for both if anyone 
is interested.

Simh mailing list

[Simh] Datacraft 6024/3 (was Re: Looking for a working 9-track magtape transcription setup)

2015-12-02 Thread Ron Young


While I can't help with the tape drive issue, I can provide
some background about the machine...

The datacraft 6024 is the same architecture family as the Harris
Hxxx machines (IIRC the 6024/3 was rebadged as H300 series).

In addition to academic sites, the u.s. army corp of engineers had
alot of these machines.

So if software for the Hxxx series of Harris machines is found it
would be useful for this class of machine as well.

I was a systems programmer on Harris H800 at UNLV for several years
in the early 80's so I may be able to help with software/OS questions.

On the Harris, the os was called vulcan (and later VOS) that may
help on search terms.

Ron Young
Simh mailing list

Re: [Simh] Problem with default builds

2015-08-07 Thread Ron Young
 in(kf+i-1) = ia2e(ichar(request(I:I))+1)

  subroutine twrite(in,kf,ilen)
  character*1000 outputline
  character*1000 encodestring
  dimension in(1)
  common /iocom/ iout

  outputline = encodestring(in,kf,ilen)
  write(iout,'(a)') outputline(1:ilen)

  character*(*) function encodestring(LN,kf,LEN)
  dimension ln(1)
  COMMON /TRANS/ IE2A(256), IA2E(256)

  encodestring = ''
  do 1 i = 1, len
 encodestring(i:i) = char(ie2a(ln(i+kf-1)+1))
Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] [SOLVED] what is the recommended way to config network for simh/VAX

2011-09-08 Thread Ron Young

Hi All:

   I have resolved my problem with simh networking...there was an old
   version of libpcap installed from the ubuntu repository on the system...

   Removing the repository version and following the 0readme_ethernet.txt
   and Phillip's instructions everything work like a charm.

   thanks again

> Hi All:
>   I recently upgraded my ubuntu box to version 10.10 and I'm trying to
>   get openvms/vax (hobbyist 7.2 CD) to use networking with simh
>   3.8.2-rc2. Since I haven't played with vms for many years, I'm using
>   Phillip Wherry's web page as an installation guide 
>   (
>   I'm confused on what is the correct method to configure the
>   network. I've tried several different approaches with no success
>   (and some like bridging with taptap as described at 
> ended
>   up "hanging" the interface -- no fun when working remotely).
>   Does anyone have a straight-forward procedure (config files, specific
>   packages, etc) that is known to work?
>   my setup is:
>  ubuntu 10.10 (32bit) Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae
>  simh-3.8.2-rc2 (from the downloaded zip file
>  wired ethernet interface (eth1 ip: 192.168.2.xx/24).
>  Downloading the taptap.c version referenced on the 
> webpage results in an empty file/blank page
>  in browser).
>  I tried two different versions of taptap: taptap-1.0.tar.bz2 
>  ( and taptap-modified.c 
>  (
>   Any help would be greatly appreciated,
>   thanks
>   -ron

Ron Young
Simh mailing list

[Simh] what is the recommended way to config network for simh/VAX

2011-09-07 Thread Ron Young

Hi All:

   I recently upgraded my ubuntu box to version 10.10 and I'm trying to
   get openvms/vax (hobbyist 7.2 CD) to use networking with simh
   3.8.2-rc2. Since I haven't played with vms for many years, I'm using
   Phillip Wherry's web page as an installation guide 

   I'm confused on what is the correct method to configure the
   network. I've tried several different approaches with no success
   (and some like bridging with taptap as described at ended
   up "hanging" the interface -- no fun when working remotely).

   Does anyone have a straight-forward procedure (config files, specific
   packages, etc) that is known to work?

   my setup is:

  ubuntu 10.10 (32bit) Linux 2.6.32-33-generic-pae
  simh-3.8.2-rc2 (from the downloaded zip file
  wired ethernet interface (eth1 ip: 192.168.2.xx/24).

  Downloading the taptap.c version referenced on the webpage results in an empty file/blank page
  in browser).
  I tried two different versions of taptap: taptap-1.0.tar.bz2 
  ( and taptap-modified.c 

   Any help would be greatly appreciated,



Ron Young
Simh mailing list