[Simh] A simulated modem for SimH + details of -a and -m?

2017-03-13 Thread Warren Toomey
Hi all, I've written the beginnings of a simulated modem so that one SimH
instance can "dial"out to one of many remote SimH instances, rather than
dedicating a serial line for each one. See


I'm trying to work out what is the best combination of -a and -m flags
to set on the "Connect" serial line and on the listening serial line to
make this work. I've read through sim_tmxr.c and PDP11/pdp11_dz.c but
I need someone to hit me with a clue bat. Could someone help me off-list?

I'm happy to extend this to have a few more Hayes modem commands, if
if would be of use for other simulated systems.

Cheers, Warren

P.S. I did look at tcpser, it requires one end to be a real serial port
P.P.S Algorithm:

  bind and listen to local port
  forever {
accept connection on local port
receive data until a dial command
look up dialed number to get associated remote server:port
if (no such number) close connection, loop back
make TCP connection to matching remote server:port
if (not able to make connection) close local connection, loop back
while (both connections are open) {
  pass on data in both directions
close both connections

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[Simh] A couple of newbie SimH questions

2017-03-06 Thread Warren Toomey
Hi all, as part of the preparation for the Unix 50th anniversary in 2019,
I'm starting to get some Unix images up and running on SimH. What I want to
get done is to recreate some of the early networking, in particular uucp
and Usenet on top of it (with C-News).

I've built 4.2BSD and 4.3BSD images as per the instructions here:

and these run fine on SimH VAX 11/780 simulator V4.0-0 Beta git commit id: 

I've tried all of the SET CPU IDLE values and I can't find a value that lowers
the CPU usage below 100%. Is there a compile flag that I need to set? The
host system is Ubuntu 15.10 and Linux 4.2.0-42-generic.

I've set up a DZ device with:
set dz lines=8
att dz 
set dz 7b

and I can happily telnet in. Now I want to set up two SimH instances so
that one DZ line connects the two together. I've read the vax780_doc.doc
but I can't see how to configure an outbound connection.

Many thanks for any tips and suggestions,

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Simh mailing list

[Simh] Questions about PDP-7

2016-02-24 Thread Warren Toomey
Hi all, recently we unearthed a set of pages that contain assembly listings
of the PDP-7 Unix kernel and some associated user-mode programs. See the files
0*.pdf at http://www.tuhs.org/Archive/PDP-11/Distributions/research/McIlroy_v0/

There's a move afoot to see if we can bring this up on a real PDP-7 and also
on SimH. I've set up a mailing list if anybody wants to help out, and my
initial Github repository is at https://github.com/DoctorWkt/pdp7-unix

I've got some PDP-7 questions and also some SimH PDP-7 questions. What is
the format of disk blocks that SimH stores for the 18-bit systems? In other
words, how are the 18-bit words in each block stored in the bytes of the
host systems? At some point we will need to write a tool to generate a
filesystem, so this information will be crucial.
A general PDP-7 question: how are ASCII strings stored in memory? Are
they 7-bit or 8-bit? I'm assuming that two ASCII characters are stored
in one 18-bit word, but which bits go where? If I had the string "abcd",
which bits go where in the two 18-bit words?

Thanks in advance for all your help, and also thanks to RMS and others
who wrote Simh as it's been an invaluable tool to keep the PDP-11 and
Vax Unix systems going.

Cheers, Warren
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