[Sisuite-users] Install error

2005-09-12 Thread john . debella


I get the following error while using the install script listed on the web site. Is there a version of this script available that works?


./install --verbose flamethrower
wget --timestamping --directory-prefix=/tmp/sis-packages --quiet http://install.sisuite.org/sourceforge/systemimager/flamethrower-0.1.6-1.noarch.rpm failed! at ./install line 195
main::download_file('http://install.sisuite.org/sourceforge/systemimager/flamethro...') called at ./install line 250
main::install_packages called at ./install line 149

[Sisuite-users] Help! Noob question

2005-09-12 Thread Stuart Wells
Here is our goal and what I've done so far:

Goal - to be able to reimage a server with a selected OS remotely (no cd or 
floppy available) 

So far:  
-installed systemimager server on machine eac225 (this OS won't change)
-installed systemimager client on two machines (RHES 3 and SLES 9)
- pulled images from both client machines 

Made sure Flamethrower was running on server and that  and si_lsimage shows 
both images that I've gathered thus far.

When I run the following command from eac225:

si_pushupdate --client  --server eac225 --image eac.gi

I get the following errors and the output from the --help option. 
Unknown option: server
Unknown option: image
si_pushupdate (part of SystemImager) version 3.4.1

I've RTFM several times but have thus far been able to make any progress.  
Suggestions, what am I doing wrong?



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Sisuite-users mailing list

Re: [Sisuite-users] Smart Array 6i cciss not loading

2005-09-12 Thread David . Livingstone

Seth/Peter/Anyone !

Unfortunately as you will note from muy first post I'm attempting to load RH EL 3 not 4 on
the DL380 G4 so this will not solve my problem. 

I ran into problems when building 3.5.2 on RHEL3 and also when attempting to run si_prepareclient.
I also have a installed base running off of 3.0.0 so I would like as little to change as possible.

So back to trying to get 3.4.1 working on the DL380G4 ...

I have attempted to force recognition of the driver by 
modifying the ./patches/linux.i386.config file such that


I then remade all the packages(ie rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/systemimager.spec).
I then loaded the resultant boot pkg and made a bootable cd :
- booting from the cd I eventually get the # prompt after the broadcast's fail(remmeber I normally
 use a local.cfg from floppy).
- at this point /dev/cciss/disc0/disc ... exists however a parted still results in a No such device ...
- I then attempted to boot again using the same cd but this time also included a floppy with a 
 local.cfg on it(I had noted fromt he previous boot that the floppy is still referenced for local.cfg)
- This time the local.cfg is read and the ping test is attempted to the image server.
 - the ping tests fails but on the subsequent rsync the script is received.
 - the script starts to runs and partially works : 
  - old partition table via parted is displayed 
  - new partitions are created(1-3 in my case)
  - mke2fs -f /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 || shellout works 
  - tune2fs -L /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 works
  - mkdir -p /a/ || shellout works
  - mount /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 /a/ -t ext3 -o defaults || shellout FAILS
  -- I get failed: No such device
  - When I am in the shell after the failure I can manually run parted/mkde2fs/tune2fs successfully
   but the mount will always fail with No such device


David K Livingstone
CN Signals and Communications
10229 127 Avenue floor 2
Edmonton, AB, T5E 0B9
Ph : 780 472-3959 Fax : 780 472-3050
- Forwarded by David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA on 2005/09/12 15:18 -

2005/09/08 12:15
Please respond to sisuite-users

Subject:Re: [Sisuite-users] Smart Array 6i cciss not loading

Some more info on this now:

System Imager 3.5.1 uses the 2.6.10_boel_v3.5.2 Kernel. When it talks
to the cciss device boel refers to the /dev as
/dev/cciss/host0/target0/disc, where as the autoinstall script refers
to the cciss device as /dev/cciss/disc0/disc, so no wonder I'm getting
the error on boot saying that No such file or directory exists because
the boel initrd cciss driver creates the wrong /dev structure!

Also potentially of interest is the fact that the RedHat Enterprise
Linux 4.0 cciss driver is around 250 kb give or take 10 kb, where as
the boel is barely pushing 30 kb, something tells me that some
features are going to be missing. The sad part is I've seen system
imager work with a RHEL4 installation, but it was version 3.2.X, you
just had to manually perform a grub-install off the recovery CD once
the image had been put in place. Not exactly perfect.

Here's the current thoughts:

1) I'm wondering whether or not it would be possible to get the make
files for the boel kernel and build a new cciss driver based on the
larger .c file that can be had from the RedHat installation (I'm
thinking no, but it's a hope) I mean there has to be some way to get
the /dev directory to populate with /dev/cciss/c0d0pX the way it
should in order to match the volume labels and grub maps.

2) Editing the autoinstall script to switch all references from
/dev/cciss/disc0/disc to /dev/cciss/host0/target0/disc. A find and
replace may work, but then I'll probably be confronted with grub
issues in the end. This however is an imperfect solution as changing
an autoinstall script after every getimage would be a real pain!

3) Find another product... Ha. Doesn't HP have some Rapid Deployment
package of some kind? Or is that just extremely similar to RedHat's



On 9/8/05, Seth Haines [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Where does the imaging process bomb? Is it when parted starts trying
 to create the partitions and format them?

 I'm running into the same problem with some DL380 G4's (RHEL4 Install).

 Partitioning /dev/cciss/disc0/disc...
 Old partition tabe for /dev/cciss/disc0/disc
 Error: Could not stat device /dev/cciss/disc0/disc. No such file or directory.
 parted -s -- /dev/cciss/disc0/disc
 Error: Could not stat device /dev/cciss/disc0/disc. No such file or directory.

 I remember seeing some traffic back in mid July from Mark Seger (HP
 SystemImager Guru) but I never really saw the outcome of the
 discussion. I'm starting to go through the archives now to see if
 there is anything I can find.

 Incidentally you should consider installing the HP 

Re: [Sisuite-users] Smart Array 6i cciss not loading

2005-09-12 Thread Seth Haines

With your pings timing out... Are you running a Cisco switch by
chance? If so, port fast is probably keeping the port from coming
up in time for the ping to succeed. Something to check.

As to your mount issue. When you said that you checked the
/dev/cciss directory what did you see listed under the disc0
section? Was there only a /dev/cciss/disc0/disc? Or were
there also part1 part2 and part3 block devices? Just curious,
because there should be. I assume with only 3 parts you're just running
a /boot, swap, and / configuration correct?

This morning I was able to successfully clone a RHEL4 system with 3.5.1
using a fairly modified version of the image.master file (manually
creating the block devices and commenting out some of the finish
sections) Surprisingly enough grub-install never really completed
properly but upon boot everything came up magically. I'm taking
this as a saving grace and running with it. Tomorrow I'll be
testing out a RHEL4 Update 1 system to see if it has any changes. 


Seth/Peter/Anyone !

Unfortunately as you will note from muy first post I'm attempting to load RH EL 3 not 4 on
the DL380 G4 so this will not solve my problem. 

I ran into problems when building 3.5.2 on RHEL3 and also when attempting to run si_prepareclient.
I also have a installed base running off of 3.0.0 so I would like as little to change as possible.

So back to trying to get 3.4.1 working on the DL380G4 ...

I have attempted to force recognition of the driver by 
modifying the ./patches/linux.i386.config file such that


I then remade all the packages(ie rpmbuild -ba /usr/src/redhat/SPECS/systemimager.spec).
I then loaded the resultant boot pkg and made a bootable cd :
- booting from the cd I eventually get the # prompt after the broadcast's fail(remmeber I normally
 use a local.cfg from floppy).
- at this point /dev/cciss/disc0/disc ... exists however a parted still results in a No such device ...
- I then attempted to boot again using the same cd but this time also included a floppy with a 
 local.cfg on it(I had noted fromt he previous boot that the floppy is still referenced for local.cfg)
- This time the local.cfg is read and the ping test is attempted to the image server.
 - the ping tests fails but on the subsequent rsync the script is received.
 - the script starts to runs and partially works : 
  - old partition table via parted is displayed 
  - new partitions are created(1-3 in my case)
  - mke2fs -f /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 || shellout works 
  - tune2fs -L /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 works
  - mkdir -p /a/ || shellout works
  - mount /dev/cciss/disc0/part3 /a/ -t ext3 -o defaults || shellout FAILS
  -- I get failed: No such device
  - When I am in the shell after the failure I can manually run parted/mkde2fs/tune2fs successfully
   but the mount will always fail with No such device


David K Livingstone
CN Signals and Communications
10229 127 Avenue floor 2
Edmonton, AB, T5E 0B9
Ph : 780 472-3959 Fax : 780 472-3050
- Forwarded by David Livingstone/LIVING03/CNR/CA on 2005/09/12 15:18 -



2005/09/08 12:15
Please respond to sisuite-users


Subject:Re: [Sisuite-users] Smart Array 6i cciss not loading

Some more info on this now:

System Imager 3.5.1 uses the 2.6.10_boel_v3.5.2 Kernel. When it talks
to the cciss device boel refers to the /dev as
/dev/cciss/host0/target0/disc, where as the autoinstall script refers
to the cciss device as /dev/cciss/disc0/disc, so no wonder I'm getting
the error on boot saying that No such file or directory exists because
the boel initrd cciss driver creates the wrong /dev structure!

Also potentially of interest is the fact that the RedHat Enterprise
Linux 4.0 cciss driver is around 250 kb give or take 10 kb, where as
the boel is barely pushing 30 kb, something tells me that some
features are going to be missing. The sad part is I've seen system
imager work with a RHEL4 installation, but it was version 3.2.X, you
just had to manually perform a grub-install off the recovery CD once
the image had been put in place. Not exactly perfect.

Here's the current thoughts:

1) I'm wondering whether or not it would be possible to get the make
files for the boel kernel and build a new cciss driver based on the
larger .c file that can be had from the RedHat installation (I'm
thinking no, but it's a hope) I mean there has to be some way to get
the /dev directory to populate with /dev/cciss/c0d0pX the way it
should in order to match the volume labels and grub maps.

2) Editing the autoinstall script to switch all references from
/dev/cciss/disc0/disc to /dev/cciss/host0/target0/disc. A find and
replace may work, but then I'll probably be confronted with grub
issues in the end. This