Re: [sisuite-users] Systemimager NG: Working alpha

2017-04-12 Thread David Livingstone
Olivier - Thanks. Up to this point we are still using RHEL6 which as you know 
we have working from previous releases. When I attempt the new packages I will 
let all know.

Thanks again

-Original Message-
From: LAHAYE Olivier [] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2017 10:50 AM
Subject: Re: [sisuite-users] Systemimager NG: Working alpha

David L,

I reply in the list as this mail contains usefull information for every testers.

Cool to here that systemimager is of any interest after such a long time 
without a working solution on modern distros.

Be very carefull as I had difficulties to make RHEL-6 working until the imaging 
script works (dracut is v004 (we are at v044)) I'm using qemu and centos-6 
fails to have a working network on my descktop, so I can't tell if it really 
works on this release of CentOS.
- I end up to getting an IP (works)
- Then I fail pingtests (normal on qemu with -net user (only the gateway is 
pingable and it works)
- Then I try to rsync /scripts and it fails with no route to host (while there 
is a default route that itis correct and a correct IP and I can ping the 
Possible problem could be: lack of qemu support in rhel6 kernel Or it can also 
be a problem in systemimager that forgot to install a low level binary in the 
initrd and that ends up with a out of subject missleading error message. I 
hadn't yet the possibility to test on real hardware. but I'll do that soon.

Also you must regenerate your imaging scripts as the structure has changed. The 
good news is that now, the header of the script reports the command line used 
to generate it.
Also you must add the provided post installs  scripts (grub setup and network 

A bad trick could be to use the 86boot package from either rhel-7 or fedora. 
Those packages only contain matching kernel+initrd and it's a noarch package so 
even if it's ugly, I think it can work. (of course si_mkbootpackage will remain 
rhel-6 and generate rhel-6 based initrd, but if you're stuck it could be a 
viable alternative to use kernel+initrd from fc-25 boot package

si_monitortk is able to report the imaging progress, but as I'm using NAT on my 
VMs I was unable to test if the remote console is working.

I forgot to tell that IMAGING_SERVER can be specified on the kernel-cmdline For 
all possible parameters, have look here:
(on rhel6, it's You can also use most dracut.cmdline 
parameters (man dracut.cmdline)



PS: Tis message should only be on the devel list, but as there is no working 
solution nowadays, it's good t know for non developpers that in case they 
really need a systemimager solution, this alpha release could help.

>From now, I'll only post on devel for all messages relative to systemimager 
   Olivier LAHAYE

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Re: [sisuite-users] Systemimager NG: Working alpha

2017-04-12 Thread LAHAYE Olivier
David L,

I reply in the list as this mail contains usefull information for every testers.

Cool to here that systemimager is of any interest after such a long time 
without a working solution on modern distros.

Be very carefull as I had difficulties to make RHEL-6 working until the imaging 
script works (dracut is v004 (we are at v044))
I'm using qemu and centos-6 fails to have a working network on my descktop, so 
I can't tell if it really works on this release of CentOS.
- I end up to getting an IP (works)
- Then I fail pingtests (normal on qemu with -net user (only the gateway is 
pingable and it works)
- Then I try to rsync /scripts and it fails with no route to host (while there 
is a default route that itis correct and a correct IP and I can ping the 
Possible problem could be: lack of qemu support in rhel6 kernel
Or it can also be a problem in systemimager that forgot to install a low level 
binary in the initrd and that ends up with a out of subject missleading error 
message. I hadn't yet the possibility to test on real hardware. but I'll do 
that soon.

Also you must regenerate your imaging scripts as the structure has changed. The 
good news is that now, the header of the script reports the command line used 
to generate it.
Also you must add the provided post installs  scripts (grub setup and network 

A bad trick could be to use the 86boot package from either rhel-7 or fedora. 
Those packages only contain matching kernel+initrd and it's a noarch package so 
even if it's ugly, I think it can work. (of course si_mkbootpackage will remain 
rhel-6 and generate rhel-6 based initrd, but if you're stuck it could be a 
viable alternative to use kernel+initrd from fc-25 boot package

si_monitortk is able to report the imaging progress, but as I'm using NAT on my 
VMs I was unable to test if the remote console is working.

I forgot to tell that IMAGING_SERVER can be specified on the kernel-cmdline
For all possible parameters, have look here:
(on rhel6, it's
You can also use most dracut.cmdline parameters (man dracut.cmdline)



PS: Tis message should only be on the devel list, but as there is no working 
solution nowadays, it's good t know for non developpers that in case they 
really need a systemimager solution, this alpha release could help.

>From now, I'll only post on devel for all messages relative to systemimager 
   Olivier LAHAYE

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[sisuite-users] Systemimager NG: Working alpha

2017-04-12 Thread LAHAYE Olivier

Hi systemimager users and contributors,

The long awaited systemimager that works on modern distros is almost there (as 
unstable alpha version for now).
It works so far on CentOS-7 and Fedora-25. CentOS-6 should also work (not yet 
tested but its old dracut component is taken into account)

rpms for RHEL-6, RHEL-7, FC-25 and source tarball are available on OSCAR 
Cluster repositories (see below)

I don't forget deb world, but no time for that now. 1st I need to polish the 
new dracut based architecture.
Then I'll focus on deb world trying to deal with dracut conflict with 
initramfs-tools on most deb distros.

post install scripts:

Please not that this is really EXPERIMENTAL. As such, do not use in real world 
except if you know what you're doing.

Note that you must regenerate your install scripts using 
si_mkautoinstallscript. This command now accpets "shell" as --post-install so 
you can get a shell even if install is successfull. usefull for debugging post 
install scripts.

si_mkbootpackage accepts an new parameter: --dracut-opts=""
For example, it is usefull when using it with qemu:
sudo si_mkbootpackage --dracut-opts="--add qemu --add qemu-net" 
Or if you want a specific keyboard.
sudo si_mkbootpackage --dracut-opts="--kernel-cmdline 'rd.vconsole.keymap=fr'" 
(man dracut.cmdline to see all paramaters that can be added that way)
Some options may conflict with si_mkbootpackage.
Note: si_mkbootpackage fails to compute initrd.img memory requirements. this is 
harmless; the generated bootpackage is working.

Also note that network and bootloader are no longer setup by systemconfigurator 
which is obsolete and doesn't know how to handle network manager or 
systemd-networkd. The above post-install-scripts with small tweeking should do 
the trick.

Happy testing.



   Olivier LAHAYE


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