[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20221103 bugs: +22 -4 (4289)

2022-11-02 Thread QA Team Robot
2 NEW bugs quickly RESOLVED

#44201  libcec  enhancement WONTFIX
Не вкл/выкл телевизор

#44210  alt-rootfs-installernormal  NOTABUG
Ошибка при записи rootfs на SD-карту с загрузчиком для Raspberry Pi Model 2 B 

22 NEW bugs

#39197  abiword normal   ---
Не работает предварительный просмотр

#39201  abiword normal   ---
Отсутствуют файлы справки

#39769  aqbanking   normal   ---
Не создаётся пользователь с использованием протокола "Offline backend"

#39770  aqbanking   normal   ---
Не создаётся аккаунт с использованием протокола "Offline backend"

#39771  aqbanking   normal   ---
Не работает кнопка "Help" в настройках AqBanking

#39772  aqbanking   normal   ---
Кнопка "Next" перестает быть активной в окне "EBICS Keyfile Setup Wizard"

#42756  wxMaximanormal   ---
Не выводится список ранее открытых документов

#42779  LibreOffice-still-commonnormal   ---
Окно LibreOffice сужается до 1 пикселя при переносе на другой экран

#43156  libkf5notifications minor---
Ошибка при закрытии программы с несколькими открытыми сеансами

#43427  deepin-control-center   normal   ---
не отображаются добавленные интернет соединения в deepin-control-center

#43747  appinstall  normal   ---
Долго запускается на системах с KDE

#44117  netutils-linux  critical ---
Конфликт при установке netutils-linux

#44195  zlibnormal   ---
Обновление пакета zlib

#44196  system-config-printer   normal   ---
Рекомендует драйвера с которыми принтеры не работают

#44197  abiword normal   ---
abiword: Не предлагает восстановить файлы после аварийного завершения

#44198  abiword normal   ---
abiword: не работает автосохранение

#44200  mate-sessionnormal   ---
Множит экземпляры krb5-ticket-watcher при повторном входе в систему

#44202  simple-scan normal   ---
Некорректное отображение верхней панели параметров в simple-scan на mate

#44203  pascalabcnetnormal   ---
Ошибка при вставке пустого буфера обмена в IDE PascalABCNETLinux

#44205  abiword normal   ---
abiword: Некорректные ссылки на внешние ресурсы

#44207  zabbix  normal   ---
собрать zabbix-phpfrontend-php8.0 zabbix-phpfrontend-apache2-mod_php8.0

#44211  rdma-core-devel normal   ---
В пакете для armh отсутствует /usr/include/infiniband/mlx5dv.h


#41733  spamassassin-spamc  normal  FIXED
build with openssl instead of libressl

#43673  yandex-browser-stable   normal  FIXED
Неправильный yandex-browser.appdata.xml

#44176  LibreOffice-common  normal  FIXED
Не совпадения названий бинарников и вызовов в файлах .desktop

#44184  ardour  normal  FIXED
Программа виснет на сообщении "Ardour: [INFO]: Загружается файл 
/usr/share/ardour6/themes/dark-ardour.colors с описанием цветовой схемы"


#40122  zabbix-agentenhancement  ---
Пакет Zabbix Agent 2

10 RANDOM bugs

#18048  vzdump  enhancement LATER
new version is available

#19310  alterator-ulogd normal   ---
Компонент alterator ulogd неверно считает трафик за нескольколько дней

#28300  gnome-dvb-daemonenhancement  ---
Недостает данных для настройки DVB-T в России

#30072  gnome-mplayer   normal   ---
Перестаёт реагировать в полноэкранном режиме

#33261  kernel-image-un-def normal   ---
Kernel bug in VM

#37949  chromium-gost   normal   ---
Необходимо написать в About информацию о ГОСТ

#39903  sysvinit-utils  normal   ---
Поддержка локали в утилитах

#40776  mate-tweak  normal   ---
При выборе конфигурации из выпадающего списка "Панели" и последующем изменении 
свойств меню панели иконки на панели пропадают

#41054  gimp-help-ruminor---
При открытии сайта документации Gimp появляется сообщение про insecure content

#43649  flacnormal   ---
flac новая версия 1.3.4

Total 4289 pending bugs (322 blocker/critical/major bugs).
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20221103 x86_64 beehive_status: +5 -11 (78)

2022-11-02 Thread ALT beekeeper
5 NEW error logs

(echo *.erg | grep '*' >/dev/null) || (echo "Test failed:" ; ls -l 
*erg; echo "To see
which tests failed, type" ; echo "cat "`pwd`"/*.erg" ; exit 1)
Test failed:
-rw-r--r-- 1 builder builder 848 Nov  3 02:47 socket.erg
To see which tests failed, type
cat /usr/src/RPM/BUILD/clisp-2.49.92/src/tests/*.erg

ranlib: .libs/libsound_sdl.a(sound_sdl.o): plugin needed to handle lto 
ranlib: unable to copy file '.libs/libsound_sdl.a'; reason: No such 
file or directory
make[3]: *** [Makefile:428: libsound_sdl.la] Error 1

Full log written to

FAILED: meson-internal__test
/usr/bin/meson test --no-rebuild --print-errorlogs

result = pytester.runpytest("-n1")
>   result.stdout.fnmatch_lines(["*RuntimeError: Some runtime 
E   Failed: nomatch: '*RuntimeError: Some runtime error*'
E   and: '= test session starts
E   and: 'INTERNALERROR> raise IOError("cannot send to 
E   and: 'INTERNALERROR> OSError: cannot send to '
E   and: ''
E   and: ' no tests ran in 0.31s
E   remains unmatched: '*RuntimeError: Some runtime error*'

INTERNALERROR> raise IOError("cannot send to {!r}".format(self))
INTERNALERROR> OSError: cannot send to 
 no tests ran in 0.31s 
reason: [NOTRUN]
=== 1 failed, 154 passed, 2 skipped, 10 xfailed in 69.39s (0:01:09) 

ERROR: InvocationError for command

(exited with
code 1)
py3 finish: run-test  after 69.73 seconds
___ summary 

ERROR:   py3: commands failed


[  PASSED  ] 231 tests.
[  FAILED  ] 1 test, listed below:
[  FAILED  ] Transmission.FileUpload

11 error logs REMOVED from the list

Total 78 error logs.
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20221103 REBUILD x86_64 status

2022-11-02 Thread ALT beekeeper
This is a summary of the x86_64 package rebuild test finished at 03.11.2022.

Numbers in [square brackets] describe how many weeks corresponding
packages cannot be rebuilt.

Orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for 14+ weeks are
usually removed from the repository without further warnings.

List of 21 orphaned packages that cannot be rebuilt for a very long time:

awesome-4.3-alt4 [16] (@nobody)
cadaver-0.23.3-alt6.git.4cbea82 [19] (@nobody)
electron4-4.1.1-alt2.qa1 [38] (@nobody)
libopencolorio2.0-2.0.3-alt1.1 [22] (@nobody)
libotr5-4.1.1-alt1.2 [14] (@nobody)
llvm11.0-11.0.1-alt5 [38] (@nobody)
lua-module-luajson-1.3.4-alt1 [16] (@nobody)
lua5.3-luarocks-2.4.2-alt7 [16] (@nobody)
mkvtoolnix-65.0.0-alt2 [17] (@nobody)
ocaml-ppxlib-0.24.0-alt1 [26] (@nobody)
python3-module-blinker-1.4-alt1 [18] (@nobody)
python3-module-ipykernel-6.2.0-alt2 [37] (@nobody)
python3-module-jupyter_client-7.3.4-alt1 [14] (@nobody)
python3-module-nbclient-0.5.4-alt1 [24] (@nobody)
python3-module-nbconvert-6.1.0-alt1 [24] (@nobody)
python3-module-oct2py-1.5.0-alt4 [14] (@nobody)
python3-module-traits-6.2.0-alt4 [18] (@nobody)
rocksdb-6.25.3-alt1 [22] (@nobody)
springrts-105.0-alt3 [22] (@nobody)
swi-prolog-8.2.1-alt1.1 [38] (@nobody)
vim-plugin-coc-sh-0.6.0-alt2 [16] (@nobody)

List of 1 orphaned packages that have no assignee to send information
about rebuild failures:

scilab-1:6.0.2-alt4 [12]

List of 45 packages that cannot be rebuilt for more than one week:

android-tools-10.0.0-alt4.r36 [4] (zorg,@everybody)
armadillo-10.2.0-alt1_2 [12] (viy,@everybody)
bedup-0.10.1-alt1.1 [4] (lav,@everybody)
bees-0.7-alt1 [4] (lav,@everybody)
bpftrace-0.16.0-alt1 [1] (vt,@everybody)
caddy-2.5.1-alt1 [3] (shaba,@everybody)
cockpit-253-alt1 [5] (slev,@qa,@everybody)
davmail-6.0.1-alt1 [7] (cas,@everybody)
dbeaver-21.2.0-alt2 [11] (nenderus,@everybody)
dosbox-staging-0.78.1-alt1 [5] (george,@everybody)
innernet-1.5.1-alt1 [5] (naf,@qa)
libcaca-0.99-alt22 [6] (glebfm,@qa)
libmaa-1.4.7-alt5 [4] (cheusov,@everybody)
libpsl-0.21.1-alt2 [3] (sem,@everybody)
libuser-0.63-alt2 [7] (bne,@everybody)
mysql-workbench-community-8.0.25-alt5 [5] (asy,@everybody)
nautilus-dropbox-2020.03.04-alt1 [5] (cas,@everybody)
nautilus-image-converter-0.3.1-alt1 [5] (shaba,@everybody)
nautilus-sound-converter-3.0.3-alt0.1 [5] (shaba,@everybody)
ocserv-1.1.6-alt1 [5] (shaba,@everybody)
openshadinglanguage- [7] (rider,@everybody)
paexec-1.1.4-alt1 [4] (mike,@everybody)
papi-6.0.0-alt6 [12] (lav,@everybody)
perl-Git-Repository-1.325-alt1 [2] (crux,@everybody)
perl-Net-Yadis-1.0-alt2.1 [1] (lav,@cpan,@qa)
perl-UML-Class-Simple-0.22-alt3 [10] (viy,@everybody)
pipestatus-0.7.0-alt2 [4] (cheusov,@everybody)
pngcrush-1.8.13-alt1 [5] (@core,@qa)
puppetdb-6.13.0-alt2 [6] (dshein,@everybody)
putty-0.76-alt1 [5] (mike,@everybody)
python3-module-astor-0.8.1-alt1 [7] (rider,@everybody)
python3-module-check-manifest-0.37-alt2 [2] (grenka,@everybody)
python3-module-pytz-deprecation-shim-0.1.0.post0-alt1 [1] (egori,@everybody)
python3-module-stestr-4.0.1-alt1 [2] (grenka,@python)
python3-module-veusz-3.4-alt1 [12] (@python,@everybody)
qemu-7.0.0-alt1 [5] (shaba,glebfm)
rr-5.6.0-alt1 [4] (vt,@everybody)
runawk-1.6.1-alt3 [4] (mike,@everybody)
squid-5.7-alt1 [2] (shaba,@everybody)
trove4j-3.0.3-alt2 [11] (rider,@everybody)
tupitube-desk-0.2.18-alt3 [6] (cas,@everybody)
uftrace-0.12-alt1 [12] (lav,@everybody)
vector-0.18.1-alt1 [5] (shaba,@everybody)
voms-api-java-3.3.2-alt1_6jpp11 [5] (viy,@everybody)
xfsdump-3.1.9-alt1 [4] (mike,@everybody)

Sincerely yours,
ALT beekeeper

Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] repocop-patch +2 (204)

2022-11-02 Thread repocop
2 NOT FIXED repocop-patches
mongo-4.4.10-alt1.src   mongo-4.4.17-alt2.src

Total 204 repocop-patches.
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] repocop-experimental +1 (559)

2022-11-02 Thread repocop
1 NOT FIXED repocop-experimental
neomutt-20220429-alt2.1.x86_64  iconsdir

Total 559 repocop-experimentals.
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] repocop-info -1 +23 (2873)

2022-11-02 Thread repocop
1 repocop-info REMOVED from the list
plasma5-mobile-5.26.2-alt2.x86_64   rpm-obsolete-live-package

23 NOT FIXED repocop-infos
LibreOffice-integrated-  freedesktop-desktop
LibreOffice-sdk- arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share
ardour-7.0-alt2.x86_64  arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share
deepin-compressor-5.12.10-alt1.x86_64   freedesktop-desktop
kde5-games-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64  missing-url
kde5-maxi-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64   missing-url
kde5-mini-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64   missing-url
kde5-printing-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64   missing-url
kde5-scanning-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64   missing-url
kde5-small-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64  missing-url
kde5-somedevel-22.08.0-alt1.x86_64  missing-url
mongo-server-mongod-4.4.17-alt2.x86_64  subdir-in-var-run
mongo-server-mongos-4.4.17-alt2.x86_64  subdir-in-var-run
neomutt-20220429-alt2.1.x86_64  arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share
thunar-4.17.11-alt1.x86_64  arch-dep-package-has-big-usr-share
thunar-4.17.11-alt1.x86_64  freedesktop-desktop
xfce4-sensors-plugin-1.4.3-alt2.gda5c5f1.x86_64 freedesktop-desktop

Total 2873 repocop-infos.
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] I: p8/branch packages: +15 (18245)

2022-11-02 Thread QA Team Robot
15 UPDATED packages

kernel-image-un-def - The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
* Wed Nov 02 2022 Kernel Bot  1:4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1
- v4.19.263 (2022-11-01).
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Kernel Bot  1:4.19.262-alt0.M80P.1

kernel-modules-accel-ppp-un-def - Linux Kernel drivers support IPoE for 
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Alexei Takaseev  1.11.2-alt2.267271.0.M80P.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Fri Aug 11 2017 Alexei Takaseev  1.11.2-alt2
Note: changelog entry for 1.11.2-alt2.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-acpi_call-un-def - acpi_call module
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Gleb F-Malinovskiy  0.1-alt3
Note: changelog entry for 0.1-alt5.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-bbswitch-un-def - bbswitch module
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Mon Dec 23 2013 Anton V. Boyarshinov  0.7-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 0.8-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-bcmwl-un-def - Modules for Broadcom-based WiFi .11a/b/g adapters
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Mon Oct 05 2015 Anton V. Boyarshinov
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-ipt-ratelimit-un-def - Linux kernel module for ipt-ratelimit
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Dmitry V. Levin  0.3-alt2.267271.0.M80P.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Thu Aug 17 2017 Dmitry V. Levin  0.3-alt2
Note: changelog entry for 0.3-alt2.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-nvidia-un-def - nVidia video card drivers
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Sergey V Turchin  410.104-alt1.267271.0.M80P.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Thu Mar 14 2019 Sergey V Turchin  410.104-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 410.104-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-nxp-pn71xx-getmobit-un-def - NXP's NFC Open Source kernel module 
optimized for GM-box
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Nikolai Kostrigin  1.4-alt1.267271.0.M80P.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Wed Aug 14 2019 Nikolai Kostrigin  1.4-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 1.4-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-r8168-un-def - Linux driver for RealTek Ethernet controllers
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Sun Nov 12 2017 Nazarov Denis  8.045.08-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.045.08-alt2.k.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-rtl8723de-un-def - Module for Realtek RTL8723DE
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Sergey V Turchin
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Wed Sep 12 2018 Sergey V Turchin
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-rtl8821ce-un-def - Module for Realtek RTL8821CE
* Tue Nov 01 2022 sh...@altlinux.ru (Valery Inozemtsev)
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-virtualbox-addition-un-def - VirtualBox modules
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Evgeniy Korneechev  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Thu May 21 2020 Evgeniy Korneechev  5.2.42-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 5.2.42-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-virtualbox-un-def - VirtualBox modules
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Evgeniy Korneechev  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Thu May 21 2020 Evgeniy Korneechev  5.2.42-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 5.2.42-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-wireguard-un-def - Wireguard is a fast, modern, secure VPN 
tunnel module for Linux kernel
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Nikolai Kostrigin  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
* Wed Jul 06 2022 Nikolai Kostrigin  1.0.20220627-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 1.0.20220627-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

kernel-modules-zfs-un-def - ZFS Linux modules
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Anton Farygin  0.7.13-alt1.267271.0.M80P.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-4.19.263-alt0.M80P.1.
Note: changelog entry for 0.7.13-alt1.267270.0.M80P.1 not found.

Total 18245 source packages.
Sisyphus-cybertalk mailing list

[cyber] I: p9/branch packages: +73 (18280)

2022-11-02 Thread QA Team Robot
73 UPDATED packages

kernel-image-std-def - The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Kernel Bot  2:5.4.221-alt1
- v5.4.221 (2022-10-29).
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Kernel Bot  2:5.4.220-alt1

kernel-image-un-def - The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system)
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Kernel Bot  1:5.10.152-alt1
- v5.10.152 (2022-10-30).
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Kernel Bot  1:5.10.151-alt1
- v5.10.151 (2022-10-28).
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Kernel Bot  1:5.10.150-alt1

kernel-modules-LiME-std-def - LiME module for Linux kernel
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  1.9.1-alt1.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 1.9.1-alt1.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-LiME-un-def - LiME module for Linux kernel
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  1.9.1-alt1.330392.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 1.9.1-alt1.330390.1 not found.

kernel-modules-accel-ppp-std-def - Linux Kernel drivers support IPoE for 
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Alexei Takaseev  1.12.0-alt1.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
* Tue Aug 06 2019 Alexei Takaseev  1.12.0-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 1.12.0-alt1.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-acpi_call-std-def - acpi_call module
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  0.1-alt5.k.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
* Mon Dec 17 2012 Gleb F-Malinovskiy  0.1-alt3
Note: changelog entry for 0.1-alt5.k.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-bbswitch-std-def - bbswitch module
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  0.8-alt1.k.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
* Mon Dec 23 2013 Anton V. Boyarshinov  0.7-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 0.8-alt1.k.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-bcmwl-std-def - Modules for Broadcom-based WiFi .11a/b/g adapters
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Nikolai Kostrigin
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
* Fri Sep 06 2019 Nikolai Kostrigin
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-bcmwl-un-def - Modules for Broadcom-based WiFi .11a/b/g adapters
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
* Fri Sep 06 2019 Nikolai Kostrigin
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-ch34x-std-def - Linux ch34x modules for CH340 serial to usb chip.
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  20180821-alt1.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 20180821-alt1.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-ch34x-un-def - Linux ch34x modules for CH340 serial to usb chip.
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  20180821-alt1.330392.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 20180821-alt1.330390.1 not found.

kernel-modules-dm-secdel-std-def - dm-linear with secure deletion on discard
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Anton V. Boyarshinov  1:1.0.7-alt5.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 1:1.0.7-alt5.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-drbd9-std-def - Kernel driver for DRBD
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev (Andrew A. Vasilyev)  
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 1:9.0.26-alt0.rc4.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-drbd9-un-def - Kernel driver for DRBD
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev (Andrew A. Vasilyev)  
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 1:9.0.26-alt0.rc4.330390.1 not found.

kernel-modules-e1000e-std-def - E1000E Driver for e1000 Intel(R) Ethernet 
* Wed Nov 02 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  3.8.7-alt1.328925.1
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 3.8.7-alt1.328924.1 not found.

kernel-modules-e1000e-un-def - E1000E Driver for e1000 Intel(R) Ethernet adapter
* Wed Nov 02 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  3.8.7-alt1.330392.1
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for 3.8.7-alt1.330390.1 not found.

kernel-modules-hifc-std-def - Huawei Hifc PCI Express Linux driver
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev (Andrew A. Vasilyev)
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-hifc-un-def - Huawei Hifc PCI Express Linux driver
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev (Andrew A. Vasilyev)
- Build for kernel-image-un-def-5.10.152-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-hinic-std-def - Huawei(R) Intelligent Network Interface Card 
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Andrew A. Vasilyev (Andrew A. Vasilyev)
- Build for kernel-image-std-def-5.4.221-alt1.
Note: changelog entry for not found.

kernel-modules-hinic-un-def - Huawei(R) Intelligent Network 

[cyber] I: p10/branch packages: +60 (17901)

2022-11-02 Thread QA Team Robot
60 UPDATED packages

apache2-mod_php8.0 - The php HTML-embedded scripting language for use with 
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with new PHP
* Fri May 21 2021 Anton Farygin  7.4.19-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

builder-useradd - Add user and configure hasher and gear for him/her
* Fri Oct 14 2022 Anton Midyukov  1.5-alt1
- add settings for for comfortable work
* Thu Mar 03 2022 Anton Midyukov  1.4-alt1

cpu-x - CPU-X is a Free software that gathers information on CPU, motherboard 
and more
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Anton Midyukov  4.5.1-alt1
- new version 4.5.1
- fix russian translate
* Mon Oct 17 2022 Anton Midyukov  4.5.0-alt1
- new version 4.5.0
* Fri Sep 09 2022 Anton Midyukov  4.4.0-alt1
- new version 4.4.0
* Mon Jun 20 2022 Anton Midyukov  4.3.1-alt1
- new version 4.3.1
* Wed Feb 23 2022 Anton Midyukov  4.3.0-alt1

installer - Installer common parts
* Mon Oct 24 2022 Sergey V Turchin  1.12.4-alt2
- allow to force XOrg 96 DPI by cmdline option xorg96dpi
* Thu Sep 15 2022 Anton Midyukov  1.12.4-alt1

java-17-openjdk - OpenJDK 17 Runtime Environment[62M]
* Sun Oct 30 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  0:
- New version.
- Security fixes:
  + JDK-8286077, CVE-2022-21618: Wider MultiByte conversions
  + JDK-8286526, CVE-2022-21619: Improve NTLM support
  + JDK-8286910, CVE-2022-21624: Improve JNDI lookups
  + JDK-8286918, CVE-2022-21628: Better HttpServer service
  + JDK-8289366, CVE-2022-39399: Improve HTTP/2 client usage
* Thu Oct 13 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  0:
- Fixed build on i586.
* Tue Oct 04 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  0:
- New version.
* Fri Aug 12 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  0:
- Built without bootstrapping.
* Fri Aug 12 2022 Andrey Cherepanov  0:
- Initial built in Sisyphus (based on Fedora spec file).
Note: changelog entry for 0: not found.

libcpuid - libcpuid provides CPU identification for the x86 (and x86_64)
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Anton Midyukov  0.6.1-alt1
- new version 0.6.1
* Mon Oct 17 2022 Anton Midyukov  0.6.0-alt1
- new version 0.6.0
* Mon Aug 29 2022 Anton Midyukov  0.5.1-alt3.20220828
- new snapshot
- exclusive arch ix86, x86_64
- fix description
* Wed Feb 23 2022 Anton Midyukov  0.5.1-alt2.20220206

pascalabcnet - PascalABC.NET programming language   [241M]
* Fri Oct 28 2022 Andrey Cherepanov
- New version (closes: 43942, 43943, 43944, 43945, 43946).
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Andrey Cherepanov
- New version.
- Package IDE.
* Mon Aug 29 2022 Andrey Cherepanov

php8.0 - The PHP scripting language [10M]
* Wed Oct 26 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- 8.0.24 -> 8.0.25 (Fixes: CVE-2022-31630, CVE-2022-37454)
* Fri Sep 30 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.24-alt1

php8.0-apcu - PHP extension APCu - APC User Cache
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  1:5.1.21-alt1.25
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
* Wed Jan 26 2022 Anton Farygin  1:5.1.21-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 1:5.1.21-alt1.24 not found.

php8.0-bz2 - A Bzip2 management extension
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-calendar - Date conversion between different calendar formats
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-curl - CURL extension for PHP
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
* Wed Nov 14 2012 Anton Farygin
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-dba - DBA (gdbm, db4) module for PHP
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-exif - Read header information from JPEG and DIFF headers
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-fileinfo - Fileinfo PHP extension try to guess the content type and 
encoding of a file
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  1:8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 1:8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-fpm-fcgi - The PHP HTML-embedded scripting language as a php-fpm 
(FastCGI) binary.
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-8.0.25-alt1
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-gd - GD library support for PHP
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  8.0.25-alt1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
* Fri Oct 23 2020 Anton Farygin 
Note: changelog entry for 8.0.24-alt1 not found.

php8.0-gmagick - php extension to work with images using the GraphicsMagick API
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Anton Farygin  1:2.0.6-alt3.25.rc1
- Rebuild with php-devel = 8.0.25-alt1
* Sat Nov 07 2020 Vitaly Lipatov  7.4.12-alt1
Note: changelog 

[cyber] I: Sisyphus-20221103 packages: +35! -1 +87 (17864)

2022-11-02 Thread QA Team Robot
35 ADDED packages

gem-celluloid - Actor-based concurrent object framework for Ruby
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.18.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-cookstyle - Cookstyle is a code linting tool that helps you to write better 
Chef Infra cookbooks by detecting and automatica
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  7.32.1-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-debug - Debugging functionality for Ruby
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.6.3-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-ecma-re-validator - Validate a regular expression string against what 
ECMA-262 can actually do
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.4.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-faraday-follow-redirects - Faraday 2.x compatible extraction of 
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.3.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-hana - Implementation of [JSON Patch][1] and [JSON Pointer][2] RFC
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.3.7-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-html-proofer - A set of tests to validate your HTML output. These tests 
check if your image references are legitimate, if th
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  5.0.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-io-console - Console interface
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.5.11-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-json-schemer - JSON Schema validator. Supports drafts 4, 6, and 7
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.2.22-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-kwalify - Kwalify is a parser, schema validator, and data binding tool for 
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.7.2-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-language-server-protocol - A Language Server Protocol SDK
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-minitest-power-assert - Power Assert for Minitest
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.3.1-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-minitest-sprint - Runs (Get it? It's fast!) your tests and makes it easier 
to rerun individual failures
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.2.2-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-mongo - Ruby driver for MongoDB
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  2.18.1-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-options - options
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  2.3.2-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-prettier-print - A drop-in replacement for the prettyprint gem with more 
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.0.2-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-progress-bar - Simple Progress Bar for output to a terminal
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.3.3-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-reek - Code smell detector for Ruby
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  6.1.1-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-reline - Alternative GNU Readline or Editline implementation by pure Ruby
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.3.1-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-roo - Roo can access the contents of various spreadsheet files
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  2.9.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-roo-xls - Roo::Excel can access the contents of classic xls files
* Sat Oct 29 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.2.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-rubocop-sorbet - Automatic Sorbet code style checking tool
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.6.11-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-rubocop-standard - Enhanced RuboCop configurations
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  7.1.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-spreadsheet - The Spreadsheet Library is designed to read and write 
Spreadsheet Documents
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.3.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-subprocess - A port of Python's subprocess module to Ruby
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  1.5.6-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-syntax-tree - A parser based on ripper
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  4.3.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-uri-template - A templating system for URIs
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.7.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-vterm - A wrapper library of libvterm
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.0.5-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-yamatanooroti - Multi-platform real(?) terminal test framework
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Pavel Skrylev  0.0.9-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

gem-yell - Yell - Your Extensible Logging Library
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Pavel Skrylev  2.2.0-alt1
- + packaged gem with Ruby Policy 2.0

plasma5-kpipewire - Set of convenient classes to use PipeWire
* Mon Oct 31 2022 Sergey V Turchin  5.26.2-alt1
- initial build

plasma5-mobile - UI components for Plasma Phone
* Tue Nov 01 2022 Sergey V Turchin  5.26.2-alt2
- fix requires
* Thu Oct 27 2022 Sergey V Turchin  5.26.2-alt1
- new version
* Wed Sep 07 2022 Sergey V Turchin  5.25.5-alt1
- new version
* Wed Aug 17 2022 Sergey V Turchin  5.25.4-alt1