Hello Zeus,

 You intend to use Slide API or, you are interested in accessing Slide
trough the webdav protocol?
 If you're only interested in the webdav protocol, it's possible to listen
to events when the move dav command is invoked.

 Best regards,
 Miguel Figueiredo

-----Original Message-----
From: Zeus Courtois [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: quarta-feira, 1 de Novembro de 2006 19:13
To: Slide Apache
Subject: MOVE command when renaming files.


I noticed that when I rename a file, the MOVE command is issued and it goes
through the process of recreating the metadata and the file content with
just another name, then deleting the previous metadata and content file by
calling the delete( ) and removeRevisionContent(...) respectively on the
XMLResourceDescriptor and TxFileContentStore classes. 

I would like to know if there is a way of knowing, within these
delete/remove methods, if they were called due to a renaming of a file
(MOVE) or due to the user actually hitting the <delete> key. Or if there is
a way I can put a "flag" on some other class that would eventually let me
know that the file is being removed due to an actual deletion and not
because of a MOVE command.

Thanks in advance,

Zeus Courtois

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