Hi all,

When I do a search request, all response who has a blank character on
server,  appear with %20 character

PUT Method server log:
13:45:25,800 INFO [STDOUT] Thread-48, 05-jul-2004 13:45:25, nico, PUT, 201
"Created", 344 ms, /archivos/Destinos/home/nico/To the base provided by HTTP
and WebDAV.doc

my Search method log:

SearchMethod sm = new SearchMethod(httpURL.getEscapedPath(), consultaXML);
Enumeration responsesUrls = sm.getAllResponseURLs();


XML query:
<D:searchRequest xmlns:D="DAV:">
            <D:allprop />

Is it posible to fix that ? or may be it is OK....

I have problems with encodings, I need to use ISO-8859-1 for characters
like:  á é í ó ú ñ
# URL Encoding
# Default: platform default encoding=ISO-8859-1

This is server log when I put "Integración de Slide a  Jboss.doc" file.

14:01:16,466 INFO [STDOUT] 05 Jul 2004 14:01:16 -
org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.StandardRDBMSAdapter - INFO -
/archivos/Destinos/home/nico/Integraci�n de Slide a Jboss.doc1.0
14:01:16,512 INFO [STDOUT] 05 Jul 2004 14:01:16 -
org.apache.slide.store.impl.rdbms.StandardRDBMSAdapter - INFO -
/archivos/Destinos/home/nico/Integraci�n de Slide a Jboss.doc1.0
14:01:16,528 INFO [STDOUT] Thread-7, 05-jul-2004 14:01:16, nico, PUT, 201
"Created", 281 ms, /archivos/Destinos/home/nico/Integraci�n de Slide a

In table URI ( Postgres DB ):
/archivos/Destinos/home/nico/Integraci�n de Slide a  Jboss.doc

Any Help would be appreciated !!!


Juan Andrés.

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