After doing a little work, I succeeded in firing up Slide 2.1 with the
following configuration:

Tomcat 5.0.28:
  - Slide servlet

JBoss 4.0.1sp1:
  - Slide JCA connector
  - another Tomcat instance, running the connector-example.war
distributed with the Slide client

Whenever I try to access the connector-example servlet, however, I run
into trouble at the line where the TestServlet code tries to retrieve a
non-existent file using a second WebdavResource handle. (That's the
line of code that declares and initializes the thisIsWhatTx2Sees
variable.) I expect that line to result in a 404. In reality, that line
causes the Tomcat instance hosting Slide to hang. When I try to shut
down the Tomcat, I see the following:

Jun 28, 2005 4:20:33 PM org.apache.coyote.http11.Http11Protocol pause
INFO: Pausing Coyote HTTP/1.1 on http-80
28 Jun 2005 16:20:36 - org.apache.slide.common.Namespace - INFO -
Shutting down service tx(
28 Jun 2005 16:20:36 -
org.apache.commons.transaction.file.FileResourceManager - INFO -
Stopping RM at 'store/metadata' / 'work/metadata'
28 Jun 2005 16:20:36 -
org.apache.commons.transaction.file.FileResourceManager - INFO -
Waiting for tx [EMAIL PROTECTED] to finish for 240000 milli seconds
28 Jun 2005 16:20:46 - file-content-store - INFO - DEADLOCK VICTIM:
Thread Thread[http-80-Processor24,5,main] marked transaction branch
[EMAIL PROTECTED] for rollback
http-80-Processor24, 28-Jun-2005 16:18:46, unauthenticated, GET, 409
"Conflict", 120171 ms, /files/file1

When I comment out the parts of the TestServlet code that use a second
WebdavResource, everything works fine. I don't understand why there
might be deadlock here. Is anyone successfully using a configuration
similar to mine?

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