Re: Max2Play und ODROID als Ersatz f�r Squeezebox, inkl. Squeezeserver, Airplay, XBMC

2014-10-30 Diskussionsfäden maxmax

flysurfer wrote: 
> @maxmax: did you test this on a fresh installation without editing
> squeezelite settings? I never experienced such issues. You may change
> the Output of squeezelite to equalizer and remove all other players from
> autostart. Then reboot and test again.

Hello Flysurfer,

Thanks a lor for your recommedations. I tried it all but had not any
improvement. I send the board back (the eMMC was also defect) and
recieved a new one. This one worked fine, even on the eMMC-card, out of
the box.

My next problem was to get the Spotify (triode) plugin on the board,
again I had quit some problems during the attempts to succeed again
my sound was gone while the player was playing. There was also no sound
at the HDMI output (as you advised to investigate in a personal mail..).
After tree times of refressing (flashing) my eMMC card it worked again!
I think I am doing something wrong but I don't know what. Spend a whole
day to find out. But now it works and never failed again till now.

For my Spotify problem you adviced me to install the LMS 7.9 version and
restart the board manually using the Max2Play web-interface. Good tip:
it works! Endly a good working set-up exactly how I want.

Flyserver, thanks for your advice and service!

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Re: [SlimServer-de] Raspberry Pi und picoreplayer

2014-10-30 Diskussionsfäden Musiclover

Siehst Du ihn denn im LMS?
Kannst Du ihn dort steuern?

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Re: [SlimServer-de] Raspberry Pi und picoreplayer

2014-10-30 Diskussionsfäden sonosboy

Hallo Forengemeinde,
hat keiner einen Rat. Was mache ich falsch.Warum sehe ich meinen
Picoreplayer nicht im App. Habe ich vergessen etwas zu installieren. Wer
hilft mir weiter.

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