Re: Multi-pass rendering

2008-07-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz
Hi Bryce,

On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 4:44 AM, Bryce Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ...I am wondering if there is any way to do a two (or more) pass rendering for
> content,...

I don't think this is currently possible without using workarounds.

> ...Multi rendering:
>   GET /alpha/beta.html
>   ... (not sure about this part) ...
>   uses two scripts to render the content, one which takes it from source to
> intermediary then a second one to render to html...

What could work (as a temporary solution) might be for your script to
make another http request that generates the first format, captures
that output and provides it to the module (FOP in your example) that
generates the second format.

But maybe someone has a better idea about how to do pipelines with the
current codebase?

Note that you could also create a specific servlet for this FOP/PDF
case, wire it to .pdf requests and have it use the repository document
view XML as input to an xslt transform script, that feeds into FOP

>... Maybe something like this would work?
>   GET /alpha/beta.xml.html
>   resource /alpha/beta.xml (which has sling:resourceType = "test2")
>   uses /apps/test2/html.ftl to render the node beta.xml -> beta.xml.html
>   resource /alpha/beta (which has sling:resourceType = "test1")
>   uses /apps/test1/html.ftl to render the node beta -> beta.xml...

Do you mean encoding in the URL the steps used to generate the
response? I don't like that too much.

I'd prefer implementing real pipelines, using a specific *script*
extension to control a simple pipeline engine:

GET /foo/bar.pdf (resource type foo)
-> handled by /apps/foo/pdf.pipeline script

Where pdf.pipeline might be a simple pipeline control language:

transform /apps/foo/xslt/xslfo.xsl
  options outputFormat=pdf

Carsten mentioned Commons Sandbox Pipeline as something that might
help implementing this,
(, and there's also the
experimental Cocoon Corona project, a minimal version of Cocoon that
includes pipelines.

So currently (and I'd love to be proved wrong on this one) I think
you'd have to resort to workarounds to do this (or implement a custom
.pdf servlet), and I think we need to introduce simple pipelines for
such cases at some points. Contributions are most welcome as usual ;-)


> A specific example of where this would come in handy would be:
>   /alpha/beta -> /alpha/beta.xml -> /alpha/beta.xml.pdf (where the xml step
> is fop)
> Maybe I am going down a completely wrong track with the multi-pass rendering
> so more specifically how would I render a pdf (via first creating fop)?
> Cheers
> Bryce

  Bertrand Delacretaz

Re: Image rendering (image creation / manipulation)

2008-07-06 Thread Torgeir Veimo

On 7 Jul 2008, at 14:48, Bryce Ewing wrote:

One of the issues I see with this is that it would require the  
imageio and jai libraries to be added somewhere that would then be  
visible to this even though in most cases nobody would use jsp for  
this etc.  Also I don't think this would be that easy for someone  
who doesn't know a reasonable amount about jai and imageio.

Our experience with adding image manipulation capabilities to our  
product has been that JAI is possible to use, but in practise requires  
too much memory and / or is too slow for real usage. You be better off  
writing a wrapper around the "convert" utility of ImageMagick.

It would be handy to have an open source utility library that would be  
easy to "plug into" sling, with different backends for image  
manipulation implemented either with JAI or wrappers as described.

Torgeir Veimo

Image rendering (image creation / manipulation)

2008-07-06 Thread Bryce Ewing


I am thinking of creating a way of doing image rendering through sling 
and thought I would first check with the community as to whether this 
has been thought of, and whether there are any thoughts on how this may 

Thoughts that I have had as to what this can be used for are (among others):
   * scaling
   * rotation
   * watermarking
   * layering (i.e. use one image as background another as foreground)
   * format changing e.g. png -> jpg
   * quality change (to reduce size of say jpg)

So say /img/test is a png image (with sling:resourceType = "abc/def") 
and I requested /img/test.jpg that something would reformat the image 
from png to jpg.  If I requested /img/test.small.jpg the image would be 
reduced and the format changed.

So I guess the most "basic" way of doing this would be to write a 
servlet that specifically did a certain type of image creation / 
manipulation.  But this seems a little tedious to me, and not very 
customizable by someone in the future.  Another thought would be that 
something like JSP or Groovy would be used to do the image manipulation 
and there was a script that did this say: /apps/abc/def/jpg.jsp

One of the issues I see with this is that it would require the imageio 
and jai libraries to be added somewhere that would then be visible to 
this even though in most cases nobody would use jsp for this etc.  Also 
I don't think this would be that easy for someone who doesn't know a 
reasonable amount about jai and imageio.

What I have been thinking about and what I am proposing is another 
scripting bundle that is specifically used for image creation and 
manipulation.  This would then have some sort of source (still thinking 
about how this would work) that would define the processing to perform.  
Initial thoughts are something along the lines of a set of parameterized 
JAI operators, e.g. SubsampleAverageDescriptor, UnsharpMaskDescriptor, 

Maybe not strictly a script either but a set of nodes in the repository 
which makes up the "script"?

Would be interested in any feedback, other options etc. before I start 
design / development of this.


Multi-pass rendering

2008-07-06 Thread Bryce Ewing


I am wondering if there is any way to do a two (or more) pass rendering 
for content, i.e.

Single rendering:
   GET /alpha/beta.html
   resource /alpha/beta (which has sling:resourceType = "test")
   uses /apps/test/html.ftl to render the node beta -> beta.html

Multi rendering:
   GET /alpha/beta.html
   ... (not sure about this part) ...
   uses two scripts to render the content, one which takes it from 
source to intermediary then a second one to render to html

Maybe something like this would work?
   GET /alpha/beta.xml.html
   resource /alpha/beta.xml (which has sling:resourceType = "test2")
   uses /apps/test2/html.ftl to render the node beta.xml -> beta.xml.html
   resource /alpha/beta (which has sling:resourceType = "test1")
   uses /apps/test1/html.ftl to render the node beta -> beta.xml

A specific example of where this would come in handy would be:
   /alpha/beta -> /alpha/beta.xml -> /alpha/beta.xml.pdf (where the xml 
step is fop)

Maybe I am going down a completely wrong track with the multi-pass 
rendering so more specifically how would I render a pdf (via first 
creating fop)?


Re: Resources provided by Restlet

2008-07-06 Thread Bryce Ewing

Thanks Felix,

What you have suggested sounds ideal and I think that will do exactly 
what I want.  I wont be able to do this right at the moment due to 
pressing deadlines, but will let you know once I get a chance to come 
back to this.


Felix Meschberger wrote:

Hi Bryce,

Sorry for chiming in late, I was distracted by other work ...

Yes, your problem might well be solved by a combination a 
ResourceProvider and a registered Servlet.

The ResourceProvider would make the RESTlet provides resources visible 
in Sling's virtual resource tree. So if you map /users to in RESTlet, 
your ResourceProvider would provide a Resource backed by Hibernate 
representing the collection of users. This collection would have a 
specific resource type, say "restlet".

The Servlet you provide is registered for the resource types provided 
by the ResourceProvider (use the sling.servlet.resourceTypes service 
property) and for "all" methods (set sling.servlet.methods to the 
special value "*"). The Servlet's service() method would simply 
forward to the RESTlet servlet.

Now all requests to the resources provided by the RESTlet 
ResourceProvider having no request extension (e.g. /users or 
/users/123) would be handled by your Servlet forwarding to RESTlet.

In addtion - for presentation - you might create servlets or scripts 
for the RESTlet resource types for specific extensions. E.g. you 
create a script /apps/restlet/html.jsp to handle requests to /users.html

Does this help ?


Bryce Ewing schrieb:
Ok, I think I have managed to totally confuse you, so will try to 
come up with a concrete example.

Restlet User example:
   POST {
   firstName: "First",
   lastName: "Last",
   address: {
 line1: "Line 1",
 line2: "Line 2",
 city: "City", ... etc.
to /users creates /users/123

This will now return the same json representation when a GET is 
performed on the /users/123 uri (PUT against this uri will update the 
user, and DELETE will remove them).  All of this is being performed 
through the restlet part of the system.

Then say across the fence on the portal part of the system (which is 
being delivered by sling) we have a uri /addressbook/users/123.html 
that will display an html representation of the user along with their 
address, and this will be rendered into the portal template etc. by a 
script say /apps/addressbook/html.ftl

I think that this part might be able to be accomplished with 
ResourceProvider, though slightly confused how this works, but I am 
not sure if I would also be able to do a PUT against 
/addressbook/users/123 in order to update the user entry or whether I 
would have to go straight to the /users/123 uri to do this?

Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:

On Wed, Jul 2, 2008 at 11:41 AM, Bryce Ewing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
...What I have done at present is to move all the restlet based api 
under /api
(managed by a restlet servlet).  But I would also like to be able 
to access

the data from within Sling and use the same rendering methods etc

That's where I'm not sure what you mean, can you give an example of an
URL that would be processed by Sling, and what you expect it to do?
And what would differentiate that URL from one that's processed by


[jira] Created: (SLING-566) Make JcrPropertyMap public

2008-07-06 Thread Tobias Bocanegra (JIRA)
Make JcrPropertyMap public

 Key: SLING-566
 Project: Sling
  Issue Type: Wish
  Components: JCR Resource
Affects Versions: JCR Resource 2.0.2
Reporter: Tobias Bocanegra

the current JcrPropertyMap in 
is package protected. although node resources
can be adapted to ValueMaps, sometimes when having a node structure it would be 
very convenient using the JcrPropertyMap
directly and not having to re-adapt it via a resource.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

[jira] Commented: (SLING-549) Scala interpreter should use the current ClassLoader instead of rebuilding its own classpath

2008-07-06 Thread Bertrand Delacretaz (JIRA)


Bertrand Delacretaz commented on SLING-549:

In the scala eclipse plugin [1], the intializePaths() method sets the classpath 
for the scala compiler. That plugin looks like a good example of using the 
compiler, but it also uses a list of strings for the classpath (which makes 
sense in an IDE context).


> Scala interpreter should use the current ClassLoader instead of rebuilding 
> its own classpath
> Key: SLING-549
> URL:
> Project: Sling
>  Issue Type: Bug
>  Components: Scripting
>Reporter: Bertrand Delacretaz
>Priority: Minor
> As the code at [1] demonstrates, the scala interpreter rebuilds its own 
> classpath from the current JVM classpath and user-supplied additions.
> We should find a way for it to use the current classloader instead.
> Note that the almost same test [2] works when run with "mvn test" without 
> setting the classpath explicitly, probably because in this case the JVM 
> classpath includes the scala jars.
> [1] 
> [2] 

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: o.a.s.jcr.base.internal.loader.Loader vs. o.a.s.jcr.resource.internal.loader.Loader

2008-07-06 Thread Oliver Lietz
Am Donnerstag, 17. April 2008 schrieb Felix Meschberger:
> Hi Oliver,

Hello Felix,

thanks for your detailed explanation and sorry for my late reply. I had to 
move development from a dying Mac OS X 10.4 (ppc/32bit) system to a new 10.5 
(intel/64bit) system and cannot reproduce the problem anymore. The CND files 
(with namespace included) I used for my development are from a working 
Magnolia-based project. It works fine now, though I have some more 

> Am Donnerstag, den 17.04.2008, 13:17 +0200 schrieb Oliver Lietz:
> > hello all,
> >
> > why are there two Loaders? I'm asking because initial content (with
> > custom node types and namespace) loading from bundle by Loader from
> > resource fails due to missing namespace handling. The necessary methods
> > are present in Loader from base, wonder why they are not used.
> This is historic. Initially there was just one loader (in the
> jcr/resource module) which contained node type registration and initial
> content loading. This loader has been split some time ago, such that
> node type registration, which is a repository-wide operation, is part of
> repository "initialization" in the jcr/base module, and the initial
> content loading, which is specific to the Sling workspace, remained in
> the jcr/resource module.
> Namespace handling is split: One is the namespaces used for the node
> type registration. These namespaces should be listed in the node type
> definition file (aka CND-file). The other part is the namespaces
> available in the JCR sessions. These namespaces should be declared in a
> bundle - mostly the bundle making the initial node type registration -
> in the Sling-Namespaces header. See for example the jcr/resource module
> [1] itself which defines the sling namespace.
> Now, the namespaces are defined in a JCR session emitted from the
> session pool manager by calling the Loader.defineNamespacePrefixes
> method on the session to be returned for login. This should actually
> work pretty fine.
> Nevertheless, if you encounter issues, you are very welcome to raise a
> JIRA so that we can fix this.

The ContentLoader from o.a.s.jcr.contentloader doesn't support same name 
siblings which is a requirement. It's easy to extend the loader but I'm 
unsure about the impact on the rest of Sling. Looks like most parts of Sling 
have to be touched to support SNS. Is it worth the effort? Should I stick to 
Sling or start a new project?
