Sat Nite show

1995-12-11 Thread Bob Reeves
Just to augment Jim's review of the show- other highlights include:

1) Jim's performance!  He played a number of new songs which sounded
extremely well composed with some very intricate phrases and guitar riffs.
His original songwriting talents especially were on display during this
show (or maybe the intimate setting allowed the listener a better listen).
Regardless, I hope we can pester him enough to release something soon!

2) I learned I'm not coordinated enough to play drums and make mean faces
at Katrina at the same time.

3) After some drunk guy came in off the street and decided to play drums
while Gordon (Preppy Relatives) was playing his songs, Warren (ex-drummer
of PrepRel) walks in with a big smile on his face and shaking his head.  I
always knew he had perfect timing.

4) Besides 3), Gordon's performance was pretty damn amazing!  I guess I
never realized what sharp lyrical abilities Gordon posesses until this show
(usually because I always constantly watched Warren during the PR shows).
I'm glad he ditched his original 2-chord/15 min. composition idea in favour
of playing his old tunes.  He rates in my book of the top 5 Halifax

5) Jim's Birthday cake that Katrina made!  Yum! Yum!  The smartest move you
could make in 1996 is to ensure Katrina knows when your birthday is!

NOT snowed-in in Halifax,


Sanisoft/Preppy Relatives/Jim Cooper show

1995-12-04 Thread Bob Reeves
Just a quick note to let everyone know that Sanisoft will be playing a show
with Preppy Relatives and Jim (formerly Best FChips) Cooper on Saturday,
December 9.
The show will take place at Bob  Lori's Food Emporium (2202 Gottingen St)
starting at 8- promising to end by 11 pm.  The cover is only $2 and it is
an all ages show, so there's no excuses not to go.

It should be cool show.  Gordon is promising a Preppy Relatives show unlike
any anyone has ever seen.  Sanisoft might (but it looks doubtful) actually
have a tape ready for sale at the show.  In any case, you can hear a sample
of what's to come on James' show on CKDU tomorrow (Tues.) at 1:00.

Bob  Dan

ps. If you are driving to the show, there's lots of free, lit parking in
the lot across the street from the new Worwoods.

Re: rebecca west tour

1995-11-18 Thread Bob Reeves
hi so i've heard the rebecca west tour has been cancelled/postponed. what
happened? i've heard they had some problems with allison getting a bad
cold and then i've also heard they had really small crowds at some shows.
i was really looking forward to seeing them here because well, duh,
_burners on_ is probably my favorite record of this year. anyway, i was
wondering if someone could tell me why they decided to pack it in.

Apparently, there was no promotion for their shows and even worse booking
arrangements.  They forgot that old indie adage of DIY- or at least keep
tabs on what other people are doing for you.  Anyways, you'll be glad to
know that they are working on Plan B (ie. a new ep).


Chinstraps/Sanisoft/Best FChips

1995-11-08 Thread Bob Reeves

Finally, isis has seen it fit for someone to log

Anyways- an update on the show on Friday night @ The Oasis- it will be The
Chinstraps, Sanisoft, and Best FChips (featuring our very own Jim Cooper!)

So please, please come- you have my personal guarantee you will love the
show.  I can say that because I heard The Chinstraps practice last night
and I heard what they have planned for the show- and you DO NOT want to
miss it!!  The show starts at 10:00-10:30 and its only $3!



Rebecca West Tour Dates

1995-11-02 Thread Bob Reeves
I forget who, but someone asked about Rebecca West tour dates.  These are
VERY tentative- and most of the venues are not yet confirmed.  However,
this is as much detail as they currently have:

Nov.6  Peterborough
7  TO (Horseshoe)
8  Kingston
9  Kitchener
10 London
11 St. Catherine's
13 Thunder Bay
14 Winnipeg (they must be using time travel)
15 'Saskatchewan somehere'
16 Edmonton
17 Calgary
18 Vancouver
19-21 possibly Seattle
22 Vancouver (Gastown Music Hall)
23 Kelowna
24 Victoria
25-29 road home or possible Seattle (popular place)
30 Thunder Bay (again?)
   Dec 1-3 TO/Ottawa and /or Quebec
 4 Montréal

Sorry this does not give much detail- but again, this is all the
information that R. West has to go by now.  I'll post a more updated one if
I get one.
