fuck radioblaster!

1995-12-04 Thread Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93

First of all, I fuckin hope Catano was joking in all of his bitterness, 
if not he can bite my ass.  Secondly, I'm going to tell you all what 
Radioblaster is all about.

1)  I had no idea that Mudhoney had similar Big Muff shirts until 
somebody told Maritess ( our guitarist) that last week.

2)We took the name radioblaster because Maritess's Supa Fuzz (yes the 
original) pedal picked up serious radio signals, so since we had our 
first gig like one week later and we needed a name, we figured something 
to do with 'radio' would be cool, sort of as a gimmick.
Thus radioblaster seemed reasonable at the time and we were too lazy to 
change it.  Plus, at the time we were pretty good friends with TH 
considering Maritess was going out with Ian and the band along with 
Stinkin' Rich etc. would stay at Dave and Mari's house in Toronto for 
two weeks at a time while they were touring.

3)  We do not worship Thrush Hermit in any way, we do not wish to be from 
the east coast and we are only approximately 3 years older than TH.  
(other than Cliff who is older than us.)

4)  WE SOUND NOTHING like TH and in no way do we aspire to sound like 
them or sloan or superfriendz.  If there was one east coast band we ever 
wanted to resemble it was eric's trip.
But truly we TRY NOT to sound like ANYONE and I'm quite sure we sound 

You be the judge.

derek.  (what a biter, man!)

Poiple Blue

1995-11-24 Thread Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93
On Thu, 23 Nov 1995, Drew Lidkea wrote:

 I just got a copy ( from a friend of a friend of a friend i don't even know)
 of the new Eric's Trip and it sounds wicked. I haven't listened to it much
 yet so after i do, i'll get back.

Hey, i have an (ahem) friend who also has a copy of the Purple Blue 
record, he tells me that not only is the production great (very eric's 
trip but fuller and a tad heavier due to the 24 track,  there is much 
more separation between the guitar and bass tracks and the sounds are 
really good) but also that the songs rock.  He thinks that it is a much more
accessible album than Forever Again, and that it is more rockin' than Love 
Tara (it doesn't have as many of the tender moments that made LT what it 
was, because the band is consciously moving towards their earlier more rockin'

Keep in mind that this is only from a couple of early listenings...
Basically the album is awesome.

Love derek
(does that almost rhyme with love tara?)

The Eric's Trip Show

1995-11-17 Thread Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93

Hey, well we did it, we (radioblaster) played our first show with ET, at the 
'Shoe in Toronto last night.  We did well although we were low on energy, 
the crowd was about 50 feet from the stage and lights were in my eyes, we 
might as well have been playing to no one.  But it was cool, we were on 
first of four bands, next orange glass, made then ET.

Orange glass was awesome, much tighter, better sounding than at the 
popx (blame the Gravitee).  They are really cool too, I talked to Ron and 
Tara for ages, and it was cool.  It's really funny how things distort as
news travels.  They actually think that we are an important band.  They 
are very genuine.

Made was cool.

ET, well I can't tell you all the details, I sat at the front of the 
stage and soaked it all in.  No major technical difficulties.  Simply great.
One of their more rocking toronto shows, breaking strings and shit.

Rumour has it the new CD will be out mid January, so save your Christmas 


radio crew get ET moment

1995-11-07 Thread Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93

Yes!  word on the street has it that we (being the kids in radioblaster) 
are finally getting to play with eric's trip.  We will be playing with 
ET, orange glass and made in toronto at the horseshoe on Nov. 16.  This 
IS NOT the all ages show, unfortunately, but we are ecstatic.  We were 
one millimeter away from getting the all ages show at Lee's, but the club 
would only allow 2 bands to play (et and og) because of time 
restrictions.  Oh well...

one happy, happy, young fellow...

ps- i love you all (but it'll wear off)

pps- if i ever learn how to get a signature thingy, it'll say: 

hey, you gotta pay your dues, before you pay the rent...

Re: Mall Rats

1995-10-18 Thread Derek Tokar - PHAS/F93

I have heard from a reliable source that the TH song in mall rats is 
hated it.

see ya