Re: Calgary band crap

1995-12-18 Thread Lisa Wilton

   I logged on figuring on finding a big post from Tara Lee herself
 about the show, but alas, there was none. Who played on Friday, Lisa? 

Apparently, I was wrong about them not filming on Friday since they spent
at least 10-15 minutes talking about the bands who played that night. I
thought the FEDS were quite good, they're sort of this ska/mod hybrid and
they brought out the Mod contingent who have been lurking around Calgary 
for the past few months. Wagbeard are surprisingly good considering 
they're not really my style. They more thrash pop than most of the stuff 
I like, but the songs are pretty catchy none the less. And Pat, the 
guitarist is probably one of the funniest guys I've ever met. If you 
watched it, he's the geek with the glasses :)

 Where were the Primrods, Chixdiggit and Huevos Rancheros?? What other good
 bands are there in Calgary? It seems like there are a lot of new bands,

I think Simeon from RAF wanted to showcase some of the newer pop bands, 
and also he wanted different bands who didn't play last year. It's too 
bad the Primrods didn't play because they great, if you can find there cd 
where you are, pick it up. Chixdiggit and Huevos Rancheros really don't a 
lot of showcasing, at least in Calgary. Huevos are now on One Little 
Indian in the UK and Chixdiggit just got signed to SubPop. Graham Huevos, 
the bassist just left the band though. I don't think they are going to 
break up though, I think they're looking for a new bassist now. So if any 
of you hep cats can play a mean surf punk bass guitar..

I've just noticed all the typos and shit that I've made. Sorry. Anyway,
two bands from Cowtown you should keep an eye out for, TOLEDO SPEEDWAY 
and STRAIGHT. Toledo Speedway is a band Mike Catano might like, kind of 
Swervedriver-ish at times and Straight are like a cross between poppy 
Superchunk and good Pixies. Very nice.

 even since I was there in May. And what the hell is with Difference Engine

Funk rock isn't really my scene either.

   Matt, who thinks MuchWest's Calgary coverage was 8.47 billion 
 times better than its Winnipeg coverage. G. And I was also pleased to 
 discover that Winnipeg's music scene has a buzz about it, or so says Steve 
 from Wagbeard. Curious.

If I'm not mistaken, Crash Test Dummies are from there aren't they? That 
scene's a hoppin'!!

Cheers, Lisa :-)

Re: Something to think about (a Posies Story)

1995-10-18 Thread Lisa Wilton

 I wanted to put in my $0.02 worth. A few of the Sloannetters have been
 complaining that this list is getting boring, well not so much lately thanks
 to the Halifax Happenings (Pop Ex and the No Case). But Lisa's forwarded
 post made me realise how nice it is to hear from the bands themselves. Did
 Sloan *ever* post on SLoan Net? What about the other Maritime Bands? State
 Champs did but not nearly enough bands do it. It's great to hear the *fan*'s
 perspective but it would be nice to hear a *peep* from the inside.
 just an opinion and perhaps a good idea?

I think France is right. I always enjoy reading something from a 
musician's perspective. I know that, of course, not all bands have access 
to e-mail, but the ones that do should be a little more active in in 
stuff that pertains to them. Ken Stringfellow is good for that. He posts 
quite often on the Posies list, it keeps the list pretty focused or more 
interesting at least. The SubPop list on the other hand was almost a 
total fiasco. Most of the posts had absolutely no point to them (not that 
this post is going anywhere either:) ) And I was getting about 100 or so 
pieces of mail each day which there were, what, maybe 2 I was interested 
in. SloanNet and the Posies list rock my world in comparison. So uh, thanks.

  Cheers,Lisa :-)

P.S. Thanks everybody, for the reviews of Pop Xplosion. Like I wanted to 
be reminded that I missed the Posies and Sloan. Oh well, Juliana Hatfield 
is playing the Republik on Friday. yay. 

All of the true stories. (fwd)

1995-10-17 Thread Lisa Wilton

Hi, I thought if any of you were Posies fans you might be interested in 
this. He talks a bit about playing the Halifax Pop Xplosion too!

-- Forwarded message --
Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 03:10:07 +0200
From: Ken Stringfellow [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: All of the true stories.

Hello everyone.

I'm sorry I couldn't warn you in time about the Jon  Ken National Anthem
gig--the biggest Posie-related appearance ever (non-sports fans: sold-out
Kingdome crowd of over 58,000. That's roughly how many people lived in
Bellingham when I moved there in 1978.) However, you either had tickets
already or you didn't, it was well sold out by the time we knew we were

This weekend the Posies headlined one night of the Halifax Pop Explosion
III, in the real Halifax, the Nova Scotia one. We played with Pansy
Division  Pluto. Many of you NWerners know Pluto 'cuz they're a POPular
vancouver band, they've played w/us a couple times before, they're good
etc. P. Division is a POWer trio from the Bay Area, they like to sing about
sexy things of interest to the gay man. The drummer is a big Posie fan and
related a tale of him and his friends listening to 'Solar Sister' on acid
for hours  hours. Or so it seemed it must have seemed to him! Anyhow, PD
is great, and their LPs _Deflowered_ and _Pile_Up_ have been on my hit list
as of late.

Other bands we saw in Halifax:

Thrush Hermit--ugly guitars and a Rapeman take on the Beach Boys.

Rebecca West--arguably the greatest thing ever. The song 'Sick' is so good
it makes me...

Fastbacks--yes I actually got to spend more than 20 minutes with Kim W. for
a change. They were incredible 2 sets in a row (see them soon opening for
Pearl Jam at a Sports arena near you). Mike X-Posey on drums. The 1994
Posies were almost reunited when Jon  I took charge of the guitars during
'Set Me free', Mike  Kurt B. were on the drums together. Joe had no
interest in taking the bass off of Kim's hands--smart boy.

Eric's Trip--Finally. (Rick) White lights only.

As for the rest of the time, we hung out w/our publisher Margaret, her b.
Rob, Ronnie from the Muffs, and  various members and former members of
Sloan, Jale, Hardship Post, etc. We were reunited with the personnel of our
spring Canadian tour: Nick (sound buddy) and Bob (bus driver--source of the
phrase What color is a red light?). Kim  I ate lobster FOR BREAKFAST. I
finished the 1300 page Austrian philisophical novel I've been reading since

I mentioned that we left Tim Neece Management after 4 years with them/him.
We are now represented by Curtis Entertainment, a new offshoot of Kelly
Curtis' org. Kelly is the manager of Pearl Jam  Pete Droge. Working with
us are David Meinert, who helped book Bumbershoot this year, plus organize
the Home Alive compilation, as well as book clubs and bands and manage
bands and stuff for quite awhile now; and Alex MacLeod, who was Nirvana's
tour manager and has been managing the band Spell. Of course, we're
thrilled to have this in place with these very fine people. It also looks
like we'll be booked by Twin Towers, the agents for Sonic Youth, Mudhoney,
and, uh, everybody else.

Today we were photographed by Vicki Berndt (see Lp covers of Redd Kross,
Hole, the Muffs etc. for examples of her work) for our LP as well as the
old 8x10s that will be distributed all over the globe. Tomorrow we'll be
shooting the LP cover (the photographer will be Cam Garrett, who does those
cool light shows at Posie shows sometimes), with supermodel Bill Bartell
and others.

On Wednesday, we'll be flying to Alaska. Here is the schedule for our
upcoming shows.

10.19, 20, 21: Gig's, Ancorage AK. I think the first show is 21+ and the
next 2 are all ages. Call the club for details.

10.31: Lewis  Clark St. College, Lewiston ID. Probably all ages.

11.1: We will probably be playing the Zoo in Pullman WA. 21+

11.3: Ketchum ID either at the Mint or the Dynamite Lounge.

11.4 The Edge, Provo UT.

11.8 Big Star w/Jon  Ken @ Tramps, New York NY.

11.10 (back to Posies) Slim's, San Francisco CA

11.17 Royal Room, Bellingham WA 21+

11.18 Orcas Center, Orcas Is. WA all ages.

That might be it for the year.

I promise we will finish our LP soon. We plan to work on it while we're in
Anchorage and of course afterwards.

See you all,


pop Xplosion

1995-08-30 Thread Lisa Wilton

   This is just a rumour that someone in Vancouver told me, but 
apparently Urge Overkill m i g h t  be playing.  I'm just tellin' ya what 
I heard!
   Cheers, Lisa :-)

Jale/ SF's/Inbreds in Vancouver

1995-08-22 Thread Lisa Wilton

Well, I finally got to see Jale and the Superfriendz!  I was kinda 
cheesed that the Superfriendz went on first because I missed a few songs 
but what I did see and hear was great!  The Inbreds were pretty good I 
guess, and Jale sounded good also.  I'm sorry if I'm not freaking out 
enough about the show but really it was dare I say, slightly boring.  
Everyone was good, but no one was extraordinary, well the Superfriendz 
were the closest thing that night to amazing, but unfortunately the rest 
of the night just kind of sounded like nice'n normal Canadian indie rock.
I talked to Chris Murphy for a little bit though, that was cool.  
Apparently they're playing Calgary again (do you know about this Tara Lee?)
And I saw a virtual cornicopia (I really have know idea how to spell 
that) of local rock stars from Superconductor, Zumpano, the Smugglers to 
Pluto. Yes, unfortunately I had a better time schmoozing than watching 
the bands (except for the Superfriendz, they really do RAWK!) And 
although I didn't see the gig the next night, my friend Hilary said the 
Superfriendz/Pluto gig was way better than the one I saw at the Starfish 
Room.  So there!

Cheers!  Lisa :-)

P.S.  I agree about that whole raging Sonic Unyon debate. So what!
  Treble Charger and Sianspheric rule that's all ya need ta know!

Sloan can go on

1995-08-09 Thread Lisa Wilton

Over the past week, I have been sitting here (not constantly mind you) 
reading everyone's teary eyed farewell to Sloan.  All that Sloan have 
said is that they won't play together anymore, and really how many bands 
say that? From what I've heard they will still be recording singles 
for Murder, like the Stood Up 7.  Maybe I'm being stupidly and naively 
optimisic about this whole Sloan thing, but to me it seems that they're 
just worn out from the past three years and need a break from touring and 
something else to concentrate on like the label, Jay has even said that 
he would like to start his own magazine. But being musicians I know that 
after a while they'll begin to miss some of the being in a touring band 
vibe. I guess I'm writing this because I was pretty taken aback by 
Adamweezer's display.  Sloan are aware of SloanNet and they know that 
there are a lot of people who simply adore them, I've met them once with 
Tara Lee (of course) and I don't think that they'll abandon their fans 
like that.  And remember, it took them what? 15 years, but the Eagles 
finally played together again, and they HATED each other.  Sloan aren't 
the Eagles (thank God for small miracles) but I'd like to think that 
maybe they'd  be willing to jam live together every once in a while, 
maybe for a birthday party, like Tara Lee's or heck, even Rita MacNeil's.

C H E E R S,
 Lisa :-) 

Jay in Melody Maker

1995-08-09 Thread Lisa Wilton

I was just reading this week's Melody Maker and in the Letters Page near 
the back, someone had written quite a cranky note about the paper and 
some of the reviews in it.  It was signed Jay Ferguson, Yorkshire. (or 
somewhere like that.)  There! Riddle solved, that's why Sloan aren't 
playing live, Jay's moved to a farm in England!! :) :)
Lisa :-)