Forever Again ISPC

1995-12-13 Thread Lousy
A, well, sort of friend of mine (we only know eachother through email) bought
a CD with Eric's Trip in a what we in Sweden would call a Buy, Trade  Sell
recordstore (but we use the Swedish words :). He'd never heard them before and
thought it was a single but it turned out to be a copy of Forever Again with the
words In-Store Play Copy written all over it. The cover is not the same as the
real one, it's got a blackwhite photo of the band sitting on the top of a
stair, taken from the bottom of the stairs. It was unopened, still in plastic,
and he paid 20 SEK for it... that's like 4 CAD I think... 

Um, well, that's all... maybe it's interesting to someone...

BTW, Johnny Panic wrote reg. Sonic Youth :
4. they suck cos washing machine has got one stinking lousy cover.

Cool, have they really covered one of OUR songs???!!! :)


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related in some way, i hope

1995-08-15 Thread lousy

My computer is back and working, lost a lot of mail
(look, no S :) but my signature was still there, THANK
GOD! Look for the fantastic thingy at the end of this
stuff that probably won't interest any of you. Sorry.

BUT someone mentioned Posies and slamdancing and when
we (Lousy, the band I'm in (I don't like the sound of
my band)) played this weekend at the same festival 
as the wonderful Posies I talked to their bassplayer and
he said he knew the guys from Sloan and, well, no, for 
the thirteenth time, it's not *MAYBE*! They ARE breaking
up!. He liked my Sloan t-shirt and the next day when I
had my ET-shirt on he said oh, so you like canadian bands,
don't you?. Really bright fella, eh? :) Well, I really
LOVE the Posies, but I'm not really fond of that guy. He's
a fucking LIAR! (to quote one of the new fantastic Posies-
songs.) He promised he'd were a Lousy t-shirt when they
played, but he didn't. They should get rid of him... He
doesn't fit in. Looks like he's playing in the chili peppers
and acts like he's playing with the rolling stones. What? No,
I'm not dissapointed... What makes you think that? :) But,
HEY, they where great (except for mr LIAR, hrmphh. He liked
our demo though. At least he said so...) and YES there was
an awful lot of swedes slamdancing and surfing.

I'm thinking of ordering some stuff (i.e. Eric's Trip and 
Moon Socket) from Derivative, and I wonder if someone would
like to tell me if they've got anything else worth purchasing.

BTW, today I'm one of the happiest boys on the planet! I
got some lovely stuff from Sappy Records including a letter
signed both Jon and Julie, they REALLY seem to like our demo 
(even Ben the baby! According to Julie he'd moved his leg!)
and... well, I'm not telling you any more right now. 

Cake tare,

Magnus - REALLY happy! :D

ps - does anyone know anything about Sunday Records,
Illinois? Please let me know!

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   - letting people down since 1994 -


Aarghh!!!/HPlyric?/Les Amis comp?

1995-07-25 Thread lousy

First my dishwasher... then the TV... then the
fridge... and when I got back from my two week
vacation in Greece a week ago I turned on my 
computer, received about 200 emails and had just
begun to read them when the screen suddenly just
went blank and nothing worked and still doesn't.
Then after some hard work I got the 2400 modem
in the computer at my job to work. For a while...
then it crashed... and took a bunch of mails with
it... I feel like using some really bad language,
you know... Now I'm using my friend Tomas computer
and I really hope it won't break down in some way... 
He'd probably strangle me then...
SO if someone posted me something like the first
three weeks of July, PLEASE post it again since 
I lost a lot of mails before I was able to read
them. And if someone with a soft heart is feeling
sorry for me, PLEASE let me know! I NEED YOUR
PITY!!! :) If I missed some valuable sloannet
stuff, I'd be forever thankful if someone would
be a friend and update me, sort of.

Would someone like to help me (am I in need of help 
OR WHAT???) with the words to the Hardship Post song
on the Cinnamon Toast Comp.? Can't remember the name,
not rock is my life, the other one. You know the one
that goes come home won't you come home like a
million times. It's the things they don't repeat that
I've got some problems with. Lousy (the band I'm in)
is about to play at the biggest swedish festival (am
I freakin nervous OR WHAT???) soon and we might include
both that song and about you (ET) in our set. Not
that we don't have own songs to fill it with, but we
really love the opportunity we have to sort of market
the Halifaxian music scene. But I guess, since we suck,
the effect will be the opposite...

Oh, one last question (get off our backs WILL YA???)
What's this talk about the Les Amis de Sloan comp.?
Am I supposed to send something somewhere? Have I 
missed something? We'd love to be on that sort of 
compilation! Someone let me know! PLEASE? 

Thanks a lot and sorry for wasting space,

Magnus the annoying swede, hated by all machines


ps - shant, they're on their way

swedish reviews

1995-06-30 Thread lousy
Someone asked me for this, but I can't remember who
it was... so I hope it'll interest all of you. If
it won't I'm terribly sorry for wasting space...

The reviews are from the three largest musical
magazines in Sweden: Sound Affects, Pop and Slitz.
If you'd ask me I'd say that Sound Affects is the
best (most possible to write about bands I like, that
is). It's also the smallest of them. Pop is kind of OK
too. Looks really good, long articles but rarely about
bands I like. Slitz sucks. I don't buy it anymore.
It's a music/fashion magazine, always a naked tit on
the cover, sort of. And never any articles about 
interesting bands.

I haven't found any articles, sorry. I know that one
of the most wellknown fanzines had one about Sloan,
but I haven't got that issue.

Please, excuse my spelling and my grammar. And if
I've invented any new words or phrases - sorry...
English's not my main language, you know... You'll
hopefully get the point of the reviews anyway.

Well, I'm off to Greece for two weeks. 

Take care,


ps - has anyone got a sloandiscography they would like 
to share with me? Please?

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   - letting people down since 1994 -



SLOAN Smeared

It's Halifax, Canada, that's going to be the next
musical-capital of the universe after Seattle, and 
in the front of the bands we'll find Sloan. All
according to the english mags NME and Melody Maker.
 But you really could object against their choice
and it's total lack of originality. Sloan's yet
another guitarbased band like Superchunk/Pavement.
It's happy grunge with sympathic harmonies, and
it's all recycled. Sonic Youth, Lou Reed and
Pavement amongst others. But where are the promised
Beach Boys- and Birdsinfluences?
  One thing's clear: you can keep your flannelshirt
Eva Kvanta, Slitz #2 apr-93

er... this one's a bit tough... the reviewer starts
with telling us how happy candy and candybags (is
that what it's called?) makes her, sort of...
...To listen to Smeared makes me as happy as I
get with just thinking of Jellyfish's Andy Sturmer
and hearing him sing New Mistake  YESYESYES!!!
I love Jellyfish!!! This girl is cool!!! Sorry,
WAS... I don't think she's cool nowadays. What do
you think, Per? :)  
 Sloan from Nova Scotia, Canada, has mixed the best
of all the indiecandy and then turned it into a
record. It started in June 1992 with the Peppermint
EP and now it continues with Smeared on Geffen.
 In the candybag that's called Raspberry lies My
Bloody Valentine and Radiohead. In I am the Cancer
lies Delaware by Drop Nineteens. And Two Seater
probably thinks that Bubblegum Ride is very tasty. I
think is the sort of candy that crackles on your
tongue. Jay Ferguson acts Lou Reed in Left of
Centre which could've been named Temptations
Inside Your Heart. The best of all the Sloan-candy
is Take it in. Because it's a sweet that's sold by
Willy Wonka. It's a sweet that tastes like Jesus And
Mary Chain and changes color when you suck at it.
Linda Norrman, Pop #2 apr-93

ERIC'S TRIP Songs About Chris

This one is just too much for me... I don't even
understand it in Swedish, sort of... Well, the
reviewer mentions: Steve Albini (something about Rick
being the first ever to understand SA's genius),
eastern Canada, Michelle Shocked's Campfire Tapes,
the Sonic Youth-song, Feelies (for the green sixty-
feeling), Ultra Vivid Scene (for the warpness ?)
and a drugfree Butthole Surfers (for the fantasy).
The six songs are miniature masterpieces painted
with a woodenstick on a piece of driftwood.  Eric's
Trip really is something unique! And he ends the
review with: Sub Pop says they've found a *scene up
there*. One trembles.
Lars Aldman, Sound Affects #20 aug/sep-93


oh no... not him AGAIN!!! :) I'm skipping this one
too, ok? He goes on about the painting-stuff painted
with colors without names, made out of ashes, blood
and candle-grease. One of the members seems to be 
transparent. He mentions Fastbacks, Pixies, Neil
Young and Big Star in some kind of way. music that
combines beauty, lust, restlessness, desire and
energy, without sounding like anything else. Well,
maybe. Like the pop version of Sonic Youth.
Lars Aldman, Sound Affects #22 jan/feb-94

JALE Dreamcake

Jale is four women from Canada that knocks me down
with their simple americanised pop.
 And it should do well with those who likes the
Breeders, even though Jale don't have a Cannonball.
The best thing about them is the beautifully
synchronized vocal harmonies. Not totally unlike Lush,
at the time when they still sounded fresh and
concentrated on the music instead of releaseparties.
 How fresh Jale is going to sound two years from now I
don't care about, because