OK....now for my say on the thrush hermit show at the 
barn....firstly, I would have to say that it is the best show I have 
seen here since SFz at Myron's....the hermit totally rawked

TH missed the 5 pm ferry so had to catch the 6:30 one and I was 
afraid that they would have to load in sometime during the show, but 
by some miracle (or fast driving on the part of Joel?) they got there 
at like 8:30....this was considerably early I guess since North of 
Oblivion didn't show up until 5 minutes before their 
set....hmmm...*real* professional....N of O played their set but I 
will withhold any opinion so as not to seem unfair....there was no 
way I was going to let myself enjoy their show even if they were good 
considering all the details of who is in the band....that bass player 
was cool though...=) haha
It was kinda funny...but kinda mean too...that nobody in the audience 
clapped at all....they just stared blankly at the band...not 
surprising considering 90% of the audience was under 17 though...

T42 was up next....what a cool bunch o' kids....they were so together 
it actually shocked me....they have really really gotten their act 
together since last I heard them live....maybe it was the fact that 
Brian Arsenault was on bass....i dunno....they were super 
though....and their snide remarks about all ages shows was a real 
bonus =)

Strawberry played a pretty downbeat set but great nonetheless....not 
much to say about them....i always love their shows....they, too, 
slagged the SU which was wonderful 

the hermit put on a fine, fine show....they played hits like french 
inhale and claim to lame, etc...and some new tunes for the island 
kids like Layla II... but I really liked that Great Pacific Prince 
Edward Island song =)
even they got into the act of complaining about the lack of all ages 
shows....Joel said it best that night when he said that we should 
keep having them not to exclude the older folks but to include the 
younger folks....they were great and I hope that we will have more 
all ages shows in the future at another venue....or maybe the 
tyrannical SU will change their minds....until then that's it for the 
CIMN shows....at least we went out with a bang 


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