I don't know, call me sensitive but I found this whole Sloan album 
rumour to be pretty stupid (I did fall for it *blush*).  I mean I 
went out to New Minas (not just cause it rhymes) and asked the sales 
clerks if they had it and stuff and they looked at me like I was 
crazy.  I also am the only Acadia student on the Sloan net so I felt 
somewhat responsible for informing all the Sloan fans around here 
about the (then existent to me) album.
    Yeah, the rumour spread and for a while everyone was happy.  Then 
I found out it was all a hoax and felt pretty stupid.  Not because I 
fell for this little joke, because to call something a joke I must 
find it funny.  I don't know about you guys but you know I would kind 
of like to have another Sloan album in my collection and was giddy to 
the point of hugging people I hardly knew in the light of the news.  
    Call me bitter about the whole thing and if you're gonna partake 
in something like this again how about not emailing me about it, just 
email Deryl or something.

        Gonna go drown my sorrows in draftily yours,
        Paul Landry
ps.  If you're gonna cut me up over this try to do it well, ie. Mr. 
Catano style.        

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